Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel

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Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel Page 10

by Swanson, Shaun; Viscardi, Jefferson

Ishuwa: We don’t have that. No.

  Jefferson: Okay, well, maybe you don’t need it.

  Ishuwa: We don't have anything we need to sweat about.

  Jefferson: (Laughter). Okay!

  Ishuwa: We are just kidding! We simply don’t have that in the function of our biology at this time.

  Jefferson: Okay. How about the eye? How does it sit in your face? Is the part that's closest to your nose lower than the side that's closest to your ear or are they aligned straight across from one point to the other?

  Ishuwa: It is lower near the nose.

  Jefferson: So they are not at the exact same height horizontally?

  Ishuwa: Generally speaking, but this isn’t the case with all of us. We do have genetic variations like you do in your world.

  Jefferson: For us, the vertical distance of our eyes from top to bottom is generally less than the horizontal distance from side to side. How is it for you?

  Ishuwa: The vertical distance?

  Jefferson: Yes. The vertical measurement of our eyes is less than the horizontal.

  Ishuwa: Yes. This is similar with us, and our vertical is a bit more than yours and our horizontal is a bit more than yours as well. Our eyes' shape tends to be larger in the region close to the nose, and they are more vertical in that region than yours are. Ours are a little bit rounder or not so much of a point in that region where you have your tear ducts.

  Jefferson: Okay.

  Ishuwa: As you move from the nose towards the side of the face and over towards the ears, that horizontal distance of our eyes is longer than what your eyes tend to have.

  Jefferson: Pointy?

  Ishuwa: There is a softer curvature than what you have generally on your world.

  Jefferson: I see. I discovered that the human eye can exist in over ten million colorations. That's exciting!

  Ishuwa: Can you name them for us?

  Jefferson: Yes, absolutely! Tomorrow, okay? (Laughter).

  Ishuwa: Alright. We’ll be there!

  Jefferson: You said in a previous channeling transmission that the eyes of people in your society are quite "eye catching." What is the color of your eyes and do they have the iris and the intricacies that make our eyes so beautiful?

  Ishuwa: We have a shield that we wear over our eye that is kind of like a contact lens that you have in your world. It serves us somewhat like the sunglasses you wear in front of your eyes. This then, when removed, allows for our eyes' true color to be visible. It is somewhat in structure and coloration similar to humans on your world. There is generally a larger size to the eyeball. It is somewhat less round, less perfectly spherical, not that your eyes are perfectly spherical but that ours are a little bit more not of a perfect spherical nature. The color has similarities. You could say, if you had one of us standing side-by-side by one of those of your world, that our eyes perhaps have a little bit more of an iridescent nature to them.

  Jefferson: Yes.

  Ishuwa: Generally, that has to do with the frequency of the world that we are tuned in to. Eyes will resonate at the frequency of the world you tune in to and then express or illuminate a particular type of coloration that has a particular iridescent quality, iridescent level, iridescent amplitude to them. Because we are at a higher frequency within the physical world, not necessarily of higher intelligence but of a higher frequency physiologically, our eyes tend to resonate at a faster frequency and have what you would consider a more iridescent coloration to them.

  Jefferson: Yes.

  Ishuwa: They tend to be larger. The pupil tends to be larger too, but it has the ability to focus down into a very small point when a bright light encounters our space and then the pupil becomes smaller.

  Jefferson: I see.

  Ishuwa: We don’t have the lashes protruding from the eyelid that you will generally find in your world. There are some of the minute follicles that we have around the rest of our body that tend to be a little more densely populated right around the eye lid, but their length is generally the same as the rest of the follicles on the rest of our body.

  Jefferson: Can you tell us a little bit more about this thing that you wear which is similar to sunglasses? Is that a contact lens? Can you remove it?

  Ishuwa: Yes!

  Jefferson: Why do you wear that? Is it optional like in our world where people can wear sunglasses or not wear them?

  Ishuwa: Yes!

  Jefferson: I see. Do you wear it on a daily basis like we wear clothes or is it just fancy stuff?

  Ishuwa: We generally don’t go to sleep with them on, and generally we’ll remove them during times when we are in a region where the light is low. There are other worlds we have visited where there is not nearly as much light as you experience on your world. In those instances, we usually have no need for that type of protective coating and we will then remove them. There are other occasions where we may choose to remove them such as times when interacting with people socially. When we are wearing them, they are comfortable. They feel very normal, very natural, very organic, very good. We understand there are those on your world who wear contact lenses and can find them to be irritating at times.

  Jefferson: Yes.

  Ishuwa: At times, some of you that wear contacts can have little bits of dust or other debris get between the contact lens and the eye's surface and cause some irritation.

  Jefferson: Yes. How does it work for you?

  Ishuwa: We don’t have that. We have a particular form of energetic coating that will repel substances such as that in most every instance in our experience. So we do not have that type of irritation as a result of wearing these coatings.

  Jefferson: I understand. So you don’t, basically you don’t ever get stuff in your eyes where you then have to rub them to clear out the debris.

  Ishuwa: It is very rare.

  Jefferson: Let me make sure I get this information down now, what's the color of your eyes?

  Ishuwa: They generally have a bluish quality to them. A very light blue that can fluctuate into a medium blue, into a deep medium blue. They are a very clear blue, and they have a luminary and iridescent quality to them.

  Jefferson: Do you see in the dark?

  Ishuwa: We do, and there are times when we see more specifically than what most humans can see when they aren't using any of their technological visual aids.

  Jefferson: Is that because you have the help of your technology with things such as the sunglass-like lenses you put over your eyes?

  Ishuwa: Well, it is just a natural visual embodiment that we would be able to see a little bit more clearly at night if we were on your world. We have experienced planets that appear to have no Sun present in the sky during their "daytime" and their nights are very different than nights on Earth. They have a form of nighttime light that you haven’t experienced on your planet, and we are able to see very well in some of those worlds without any technological visual aids.

  Jefferson: Do you close your eyes when you sleep?

  Ishuwa: Usually I do.

  Jefferson: You do?

  Ishuwa: Usually I do.

  Jefferson: How many hours do you need to sleep?

  Ishuwa: I have approximately four hours of sleep over the course of about one week of your time.

  Jefferson: (Laughter). Thank you!

  Ishuwa: I have micro-sleeps. I usually sleep four to five minutes at a time. If you add them all up over the course of a week, those micro-sleeps, those four to five minute sleep sessions, then it would come out to about four hours that I sleep in a week.

  Jefferson: So why do you sleep?

  Ishuwa: We sleep to have the opportunity to be more in alignment with our actual nature, that place from which we originate before we incarnated into our physical body. Sleep allows us to, in a sense, regenerate and to reconnect to our higher idea, to our higher heart-mind and that allows us when we are back in the physical expression to be more like that state, that higher-self state of being, as though we bring that energy back with us when we awaken. It is
as though we went on a vacation and found wonderful items that we felt were great treasures and we were excited to bring them home with us!

  Jefferson: (Laughter).

  Ishuwa: And then when we awaken, we can open those treasures. They regenerate and strengthen us and allow us to be more resonant, more in sync with, more in frequency with, more in harmony with our truer state of beingness!

  Jefferson: I see.

  Ishuwa: Does that answer the question for you sufficiently?

  Jefferson: Yes.

  Ishuwa: Thank you!

  Jefferson: Yes it does. Thank you! Let me ask you something else. The jaw in humans is composed of two opposable structures, the upper and the lower jaw. The lower part we call the mandible. It is the mobile component that holds our teeth and allows enough movement and flexibility for the initial processing of our food intake. How does it work in your human structure? Is it the same?

  Ishuwa: We don’t have the force that your jaw has to bite down, to chew, to mash. We have much smaller skeletal components that comprise our jaw area. The muscular areas are not the same size as you generally find in your world. We don’t do chewing as you do. We don’t eat the same things that you eat on your world on such a regular basis.

  Jefferson: I see.

  Ishuwa: So, we have a jaw, but it isn’t nearly as forceful as the jaw that you have in your world.

  Jefferson: The jawbone provides definition to our face. How is your face? Is it pointy at the bottom because of the jaw?

  Ishuwa: It's much softer overall than you generally find in humans on your world? The jaws are generally not going to protrude as some Earth human jaws protrude.

  Jefferson: Okay.

  Ishuwa: And overall we have more of an oval shape to our skull.

  Jefferson: Oval, okay.

  Ishuwa: Not perfectly. You have some people on your planet who have the head structure that is quite similar to what ours generally is.

  Jefferson: Would your face be something like the night bird, the night owl?

  Ishuwa: Well, no, because that can be on the face quite a vertical up and down quality to it from top to bottom. Our face tends to be more curved.

  Jefferson: Okay.

  Ishuwa: If you were looking at our head from a side view, it tends to have more of an outward curve or arch.

  Jefferson: Okay.

  Ishuwa: It doesn't have a straight vertical drop. The back of our head has an outward arch also. It is more of a half circle. It is curved and smooth. If you were to look at us front-on, then you would see the sides of our head are also curved, like a semi-circle, more of an arch that is smooth and more round, but not perfectly so. And we do generally have what you might consider to be a few little lumps and bumps here and there on our heads.

  Jefferson: (Laughs). Very good! Ishuwa, because your diet is different I feel interested in asking you the following question. Do you have teeth?

  Ishuwa: We don’t have teeth like yours.

  Jefferson: How do you eat?

  Ishuwa: We generally have what you would consider a liquid form of intake and also we don’t ingest food in that sense nearly as frequent as humans on your world tend to do.

  Jefferson: Oh.

  Ishuwa: We don’t require the amount of calories, energy intake, in that manner.

  Jefferson: I see.

  Ishuwa: There is energy in the nature of that which we are, and we can more easily recognize how to tap into that source of energetic nourishment that can then propel our physiology from one moment to the next.

  Jefferson: Yes.

  Ishuwa: And so often we just, in a sense, live off the energy that is. It fills us. It provides us with most of the energy we need.

  Jefferson: Okay. So in that case you guys don’t need to go to the toilet then?

  Ishuwa: We generally don’t have any excrement move through a digestive system like you generally have on your world. So then, the answer is we don’t do that.

  Jefferson: That's good, but you do pee right?

  Ishuwa: There is the intake of the food we have that is more in a liquid state. We eat this way often. It provides us with an ability to interact with a living plant substance. We change a plant-based life form into a more liquid substance. Then we consume it in a way that allows us to have an interaction with that plant and also the region that it grows in. This form of food intake is a type of communication, a type of blending, a type of sharing. It is a type of relationship. We don’t do this form of food intake just to keep our bodies going. We tend to ingest food in this way to have a form of interaction with that plant form, that life form, and also with the ground, the planet substance from which it grows in. Do you follow this idea?

  Jefferson: I do! So, the liquids that are transformed, do they go out through the same canal as in humans?

  Ishuwa: No. They are completely utilized in our physiology. Then the follicles on the skin throughout our body will raise up any matter that the body no longer needs. The matter is brought up onto the hairs, the tiny follicles that we have spoken about previously, and transformed from there.

  Jefferson: Okay.

  Ishuwa: So we don’t need to actually go to a specific room to have a bathroom break. It simply occurs organically, naturally, and there is no scent when these particulates or this matter comes off of the hair follicles as perhaps you might find in a bathroom that someone has recently used on your world.

  Jefferson: So, it's basically a transformation of an energetic nature?

  Ishuwa: Yes!

  Jefferson: Okay, so there's no liquid or matter as we know it? It's more of an energy transformation of some kind?

  Ishuwa: There are no bowel movements, in that sense, like you have in your world.

  Jefferson: I can only assume then that you —

  Ishuwa: There are no urinary breaks either.

  Jefferson: Yeah, yeah, that is what I was thinking.

  Ishuwa: No trips to the toilet!

  Jefferson: Thank you! Ishuwa, do you have nails on your fingers?

  Ishuwa: I do not. I do have a material that is a little bit more fibrous than skin. It is similar to fingernails that humans in your world have.

  Jefferson: Yes?

  Ishuwa: It is a little bit more rugged, rugged in the sense that it can withstand an impact if it encountered one just like the nails on your fingers can, but we don’t have something that grows and then we have to clip it.

  Jefferson: (Chuckles).

  Ishuwa: We don't file it, or manicure it, or paint it. Although we do find this fascinating that in your world this is an activity that is taken on with great interest and frequency.

  Jefferson: You said that the nails can withstand impact and so I wonder if you guys ever bump into each other?

  Ishuwa: At times we play games like bumper cars with one another for playful interactions.

  Jefferson: You do?

  Ishuwa: But it's rare that we accidentally bump into each other. It can occur, but it doesn’t very often. When it does occur, it's usually not anything that dislocates any of the biology of our body, or our skeletal structure, or our organs. There is no displacement of bodily locations from such a bumping into.


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