Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel

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Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel Page 16

by Swanson, Shaun; Viscardi, Jefferson

  Jefferson: Okay. And any types that didn't have our best interest in mind, do they have to remain hidden from us when they visit Earth?

  Ishuwa: Not necessarily, but again, we are talking about a very few number of individuals. There are enough of you that can focus in ways on positive light and on things you actually prefer, such as following your heart, so that those few will then have no ability to influence you, nor will the media, nor will the educational systems that are of great influence at the present time in your society’s method of determining what is or is not real, what is or is not possible.

  There are many people who look to the media and TV to determine what is real or not, what can actually occur or what cannot occur. They, in that sense, have not learned to look within their own self to determine what is and what is not possible for them and for others. They have yet to realize they can look within and develop communities that support their dreams. They are still looking outside themselves to the media and the institutions of education and then allowing those resources to tell them what and who they are and what is or is not possible in life.

  Jefferson: Some people have said that there is a society of beings called the Reptilians who represent a negative race and that they are biased towards negativity and —

  Ishuwa: Can you define the Reptilians please?

  Jefferson: Reptilians are a particular race of extraterrestrial beings that look somewhat like a reptile.

  Ishuwa: Could you give me an example?

  Jefferson: A humanoid that's mixed with a snake-like structure or something like that. Is there such a thing?

  Ishuwa: So a human that has a snake's head? Is that the idea?

  Jefferson: Not necessarily a snake's head, but it's a form of life that has mixed DNA and therefore it has some attributes that make me think of reptiles.

  Ishuwa: Humans have within the physical structure of their brain some base functioning elements that can tune in to the idea of fear for the sake of causing you to escape when there is danger.

  There was a time when your physical bodies were very out of step with the nature of your physical environment. So there was built into your biology a system you might call a fight-or-flight response that would function in a way that an individual could either fight to protect itself or run to find cover when real physical danger was present, such as a large hungry animal. This component still exists in your biology today.

  In most humans, this fight-or-flight system can be activated when the danger is real and when a person just imagines the danger to be real, such as fear of abandonment, fear of not being good enough.

  It is possible to manipulate this mechanism in a way that causes people to perceive the need to either fight or run for protection when they are simply going about day to day tasks in the work place, or in a family interaction, or in an encounter with the unknown, or in a relationship, or in a new situation that they don’t know yet how to handle. No large animals need to be present to activate the fight-or-flight action. The person only needs to believe he or she is threatened.

  A person can unknowingly activate this mechanism and generate so much fear within their self, flood their thought process to such an extent that they lose sight of what's really going on in their situation and then act out in any number of disruptive ways. They can lose touch with their feelings and their heart.

  Jefferson: Okay.

  Ishuwa: When they feel threatened, they might hide and protect their self in some way, perhaps by not being honest with their self or with the others in the situation. They might get angry and fight, which is another form of trying to protect themself when they aren’t aware of what is actually going on in a situation.

  When the fight-or-flight response becomes activated, a person can't easily tune in and recognize that they are defining their self in that situation in a way that is not in alignment with who they actually are. They are only able to recognize the fear and discomfort coming from their biology's fight-or-flight processes. They will try to protect their self by using some type of psychological behavior, or they might actually leave the room or the house for a while, or they might get angry and get manipulative or fight.

  This fight-or-flight mechanism can be considered a reptilian quality from the reptilian part of the human brain, but it doesn't mean that you all have to be influenced through this mechanism by another society that may be more aware of it and therefore know how to utilize it and manipulate you if you're not aware of how to use it properly. There are those that you may be referring to as Reptilians who are perhaps more inclined to use this humanoid component to influence you. They have it too in their biology. You can learn more about it and also learn how to not be influenced through it.

  There may be some beings that are manipulating your society or influencing people through the mechanisms of fear that then cause many unaware people to be frightened by illusory ideas such as abandonment, loss, lack, depression, anger, or conflict. But this can only occur because so many of you aren’t tuned in to it, aren't aware of this mechanism of functioning that can take place within you. It can therefore be like an alien creature, an alien concept within your psyche.

  Understand that there are so many people who aren’t aware of this component within their biology. They aren't aware of this fight-or-flight mechanism that can be activated in the simplest of social situations. There doesn't need to be bombs going off on your world. There doesn’t need to be people confronting each other with their nostrils flared and fists clenched in order to activate this fight-or-flight mechanism. It's very subtle, and it can become activated due to the slightest of nuances of social, mental, and emotional interaction.

  This component is like an alien component within a human's psyche if they aren’t aware of its existence. Choosing to remain unaware of this part of the human brain can be like having an alien that they are hiding from, an alien component within themself that they have been repressing.

  Until people come to terms with this alien within themself and recognize it, it remains possible for those few extraterrestrial aliens who do understand it to continue activating it in people to influence and manipulate them. They will continue creating more fear based ideas like separation and limitation, and the need to build a nest egg, and the need to work to maintain a sense of physical health, and the need to respect some Creator that supposedly exists somewhere up in the heavens so they don’t garner its dislike and get lashed at by it in a fire and brimstonian way.

  Jefferson: Okay.

  Ishuwa: That is something that is important for people to recognize the existence of. One of the ways to do that is to start recognizing more of who they actually are and more of the nature of their actual existence. This recognition will also provide them with the ability to determine what is real and what is not real for themself. They will stop looking outward and allowing their definitions about the nature of reality to be determined for them solely by what the media tells them, what the news tells them, what their professors tell them, what their doctors tell them, what their teachers tell them, and so on and so forth.

  People getting in touch with their internal ability to determine what is or what isn’t real for them is important. So is recognizing that there may still be living within them an alien component of their own making that is within their psyche. When they get in touch with it, they will begin to free themselves from external influences that any supposedly negative extraterrestrials may be interjecting upon them or your society.

  Jefferson: Yes. Some of our biologists have said that when we are in the fight-or-flight mode we shut down the immune system to such an extent that it can cause a person to age faster than they would otherwise.

  Ishuwa: And one idea we would like to add to that is if you believe you have an immune system that can be shut off or turned on, we suggest that you explore the idea in which you connect to this immune system and you develop the ability to determine within your own self whether or not it is turned on or turned off in any given circums
tance or situation that you are creating for yourself. Approach it this way rather than the idea of only looking to what biologists, or scientists, or doctors, or news anchormen are telling you. Do you understand that idea?

  Jefferson: I do! Thank you Ishuwa. Can you name the societies that are here on Earth at this time which are not invited and are acting on self-interest?

  Ishuwa: That is not something we are able to do at this time.

  Jefferson: Because?

  Ishuwa: There are too many overlapping layering realities involved between your society, and their society, and our society, and a few others as well. Thus then you might say there is a little bit of extra sensitivity around these matters, and so by not getting into and talking about them from our perspective it allows us to simply remain removed in a way that we know will bring about the desired uplifting results that we prefer in that way by not engaging in the riffraff.

  Jefferson: Oh.

  Ishuwa: We don’t get pulled down into it.

  Jefferson: I see. It makes sense. Okay, maybe we should do that more too. What about this idea that 2012 represents a threshold of energy and also the end of the ET Quarantine in which ETs will then be allowed to land in public if they want to?

  Ishuwa: There are many energetic opportunities, many windows for uplifting change opening up. The time has already begun. There are many years yet to go before this window, in a sense, becomes less supportive for making great changes in your perception of who you are and making great leaps into realizing more of who you actually are and what you are actually capable of doing.

  There have been many years leading up to 2012 and there will be some years after that demarcation point on your calendars in which this window of inviting and supportive consciousness changing opportunities exist for your world.

  One idea regarding 12-21-2012 that the collective Association of Worlds has made a decision about, an agreement on, is that on that date from our perspective it would be okay to make public contact with those on your world. It is a day that we chose for our own reasons, and it also ties in with similar and many reasons that have been written about and spoken about in your Earth human histories. So from our perspective, we felt this date coincided with some of those ideas positively enough for it to be a good date to choose and we also are taking into account your world’s perception of your own world.

  There are some other ideas that will relate to the 12-21-2012 date. But again, there are many things that are changing and expanding in your world and have been for several years and will continue to do so after that date as well. The idea then on that date for us is that we will be in agreement within our Association of Worlds that it is alright to make contact publicly with your world, peaceful contact, mutually beneficial interaction, mutually beneficial relationship, bonding and sharing taking place between your Earth humans and those in our Association of Worlds.

  However, that doesn’t mean it will begin taking place that day or the next day simply because we also take into consideration what is going on in your world’s collective agreements and the laws that your world has in place. So as long as your world continues to have laws that say any contact with extraterrestrial life forms or substances is illegal, well then, we won’t come down and put you into the place in which you could be arrested for having such contact.

  Jefferson: Arrested?

  Ishuwa: For there are laws in many of your society's countries that state just such a thing can happen to them. So then, only as those laws are changed to allow for the idea of possible contact in a way that will be open, and peaceful, and mutually beneficial between our worlds and yours, only when those laws become enacted will we then begin to make contact after the 2012, December 21st date.

  You see...your world has to come up into this growth process and meet us half way. Your society has to begin stating within your legal systems that you are as a collective alright with this idea of open and peaceful contact because the legal systems play a major part in your idea of governing still. In time, even that will change as you all become more capable of self-governing in ways that allow you all to interact positively together without the need for a global governing body that has elements such as your congressmen and legislators seemingly telling you what you can or can't do. Does that give you a little more insight on the idea of the 2012, December 21st date?

  Jefferson: It does, thanks. Was this quarantine put in place by someone that is sitting above the clouds to protect humans or is it just a collective agreement that exists within our vibrational state of being at a subconscious level?

  Ishuwa: There are several agreements within the humans' collective consciousness on a level from which they aren’t necessarily aware of making them. You could call it subconscious or super-consciousness levels.

  The Association of Worlds made the decision from a very consciously aware and present state of mind to simply not encounter your world in a public way for a particular period of time, for several thousands of years, so that your world could find its way back into alignment with who you actually are without any interference, in a sense, from extraterrestrial worlds that otherwise might interact in a way that could perhaps influence the human’s progress in coming to terms with itself, coming back home to welcome within its own understanding who it really is on its own terms, on its own two feet, so to speak, without having to have its hand held, so to speak.

  Jefferson: If we had a more evolved society come down here and teach us, wouldn't we become dependent on them?

  Ishuwa: The primary focus of Earth human consciousness was such that it was looking outside of itself for direction, looking outside of itself for its Creator, willing to die to please what it perceived to be a Creator outside of itself. When a person is thinking that their Creator is outside of their self, that person will do anything to please this supposed external Creator. They will even have human sacrifice to please this perceived external God.

  If at any time, one of those from our world were to enter into your human conscious awareness in a physical way, that human being would immediately run up to the extraterrestrial thinking it was like a god, a god-like entity. This behavior was done with such great focus and energy by Earth humans so that there was in our perception no way we could be physically present if you were to ever return to the realization that you are your Creator. The Creatorship is within you, and the ability to recognize that must come from within you. So we had to step out of that physical reality experience so that we weren’t present, so that you would forget about the idea that there might be an external god that would come down and save you, soothe you, comfort you, protect you, provide for you.

  These are all things that you must do from within yourself. You are the one capable of creating the experiences that you choose. Any experience you have is only because you choose to have it, even if you aren’t aware of choosing it. If you aren’t aware that you are choosing the experiences that you are having, then you made the choice not to be aware that you are the one choosing to have these experiences. You are that powerful.

  So, the quarantine was put into place primarily, but not only, but primarily so that Earth humans would forget the idea of looking to the heavens for ships, for extraterrestrials to come down and save them, to provide for them, to protect them. Do you follow that idea?

  Jefferson: Okay, so this particular quarantine was put in place by the Association of Worlds.

  Ishuwa: Yes.

  Jefferson: Who runs the Association of Worlds?

  Ishuwa: It is not run by anyone. It is a collective community of extra-terrestrial races in which they come together and share a common bond and a common understanding. They will share stories and experiences they have had in their worlds, and in their travels, and encounters with other forms of life. It is like a communion, a coming together, a very rich time, a very rich community.

  We are all self-governing, thus then we know how to interact with other extraterrestrial races without the need to have codes, policies, and proced
ures of how to interact with one another. There are no laws really being made. The quarantine was simply an agreement that we all recognized would be of greatest benefit for the human race's development and ability to let go of the idea of the external god, the worship of idles, the worship of external beings, and have a chance then to begin connecting to ideas that would re-awaken them, remind them of their actual God Creatorship nature and ability. Do you follow that idea?


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