Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel

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Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel Page 20

by Swanson, Shaun; Viscardi, Jefferson

  Jefferson: And does it have a window?

  Ishuwa: We don’t have any glass windows on this particular craft, but we can create something that would allow us to look out that is like a window. It is not a form of glass like you use and call a window in your vehicles there on Earth, but it can serve as a similar structure to look out of.

  Jefferson: And this is going to be sort of a metallic craft?

  Ishuwa: It is not of a metal format that you are familiar with on your planet. You wouldn't find it in your chart of elements, if you under-stand the idea of chart of elements?

  Jefferson: Yes. What element is it?

  Ishuwa: It is one that we will not refer to at this time.

  Jefferson: Okay, surprise then, good! I like surprises! So I wonder if this is a living craft or does someone actually have to pilot it.

  Ishuwa: It is alive, in a sense, yes. It requires the conscious thoughts, and awareness, and feelings of a person in order to function. It is a co-crafting, a co-maneuvering, a co-piloting form of relationship that takes place.

  Jefferson: And have you ever done some piloting of this particular craft? Do you know how to pilot it?

  Ishuwa: I have done so at times, yes, but it isn't something I do very frequently.

  Jefferson: So you would come and someone else would come with you?

  Ishuwa: Quite possibly, yes!

  Jefferson: Very good!

  Ishuwa: There may be some others that would be more comforting for you to meet first. But that we won’t talk about at this time.

  Jefferson: Okay, another surprise, huh?

  Ishuwa: Just to let you know.

  Jefferson: Very good! Okay, I will keep that in mind. Now you said that the craft serves the purpose of hosting other races aboard and enjoying, in a sense, a relationship. How does this process take place? I mean, do you write their addresses down and then you go pick them up by parking the ship at their front door or can they simply teleport to the interior of the spaceship?

  Ishuwa: There are those who have a teleportation-like system and arrangements are generally made through a telepathic mode of communication. Sometimes it can be scheduled through some forms of instruments, kind of like a computer that you have there?

  Jefferson: Yes.

  Ishuwa: There are those others who will simply begin to come into a particular region of the ship without the use of teleportation in the form of electronic technological shifting taking place. They come from an understanding of how to, in a sense, move through space and time. They understand the coordinates of this particular location within the craft. They focus on them and thus then materialize in the craft and usually we know in advance that they are coming. If we didn’t, it's understood when they arrive that they are present. They will arrive generally at a time that is of greatest appropriate timing for them in their adventures that will also allow us to most beneficially enjoy their presence as well.

  There is a mutual enjoyment factor involved that simply occurs with, and through, and from, our higher realms of beingness. It's a part of the mysterious realms of who we are that we simply honor and know is capable of bringing to us experiences of great joy without having to plan them all out in advance. We simply know that they will begin coming into our experience in the appropriate timing and so without any need for advanced planning.

  Jefferson: So —

  Ishuwa: When we have an idea to hover over a particular city such as we did in Phoenix, Arizona, on a couple of occasions in 2007 and 1997, it was something that was understood would be of value. The timing was appropriate. The consciousness on Earth as a collective had agreed to it, perhaps on a super-conscious level so not then thus aware of making these choices in their day to day awareness level.

  As excitement for such an event begins to grow, other extra-terrestrial races that would also be excited to be onboard will simply become aware of the event within their own state of beingness and will thus then be there at the appropriate timing and appropriate day. They will be present on the craft to have the experience with your world and with all of the others who are in our craft as well, and they will contribute in some way to the whole experience.

  Jefferson: Why did you only show a few lights of your spacecraft? Was this done to allow some people to believe and allow others to continue not believing in the idea that there are intelligent life forms from other planets? Was that your way of respecting people's free will and their individual process of re-awakening to the reality that you really do exist?

  Ishuwa: We have always chosen to come forth in ways that your collective has agreed would be perhaps most appropriate in the process of re-awakening your society to their ancestors, their family, so to speak, their interstellar family.

  Jefferson: Very good! So, Ishuwa, thank you very much! We are approaching the end of today's channeling. I remember the last time we were finishing our channeling and I asked you about your Mom. Could you at this point come up with a sound vibration that would come close to a way that you use to refer to your Mom?

  Ishuwa: Yahh!

  Jefferson: Yohch?

  Ishuwa: Yahh!

  Jefferson: How lovely, thanks. Very well Ishuwa. I appreciate that! Tell her she has a beautiful name. Perhaps you could conclude our communication today by sharing with us the place where you are?

  Ishuwa: My present location?

  Jefferson: Yes! There is always so much wonder and magic on the places you visit and this awakens my curiosity whenever we speak to find out more about where you are speaking from and what it may look like, feel like, and smell like.

  Ishuwa: Oh, very well then! We have a table today that is made of a form of living tree. It has chosen this shape for reasons having to do with the water table on this ground where it has taken root. It mimics the flow of the stream that is just bellow it, and it is a rather flat surface and very smooth. We are able to sit at it as though it was a desk or location where we could set some objects on the top of it and our legs underneath it, as though we could pull a chair up to it, right beside the stream, very shallow, very thin flowing stream, more like a brook. A trickle of water.

  This table-like tree extends about 12 to 14 feet from left to right. To the right is where its trunk comes up from the ground to a height of about two feet. Then it makes a sharp left turn and grows parallel to the ground surface for about 12 to 14 feet, as I said before. It goes over the narrow brook. Then it turns upwards towards the sky for approximately three more feet. It has very soft, very easily floating in the breeze leaves, very round green leaves with a bit of orange exterior border on the leaves. There is a very bright orange exterior border that goes around each of these round leaves. They aren’t perfectly round. They are shaped a bit like a half of a heart, half of the typical symbol you have for a Valentine’s heart, shaped a bit like half of one of those. At times in the breeze, two of these leaves will come together, in a sense, and visually appear like one whole Valentine's Day heart.

  We also have here very rounded rock-like objects around us. They have a crystalline quality to them in that they can hold some energy, some consciousness, and they emanate a little bit of a message for us. They don’t really talk to us, but they are about three-and-a-half feet in diameter. They aren’t perfectly round in shape. They are soft on the exterior. There are several hundreds of them clumped together. They are very close together with a few even stacked on top of one another. They have a bit of crystalline quality to them, as we said. Their coloration is a bit of a pink, and blue, and a light purple.

  Overhead we have bit of a, not quite a black sky, it has a bit of a tangerine in it, and it seems to be very close to us. It feels as though we could reach up and touch it, but it is a little bit too far to do that. It gives us a comforting sense, but it is actually high above us.

  I am relaxing here, taking in the day, watching the leaves move about very easily in the breeze. There are a few others of us here off in the distance, in a sense, gallivanting around the countryside of some rolling hi
lls that have a soft golden brown and green coloration. They rise up to about 50 feet in height and are very soft rolling hills. There are a couple of very sharp protrusions that come up about 1,000 feet in height that are made of a particular form of red granite-like material. These protrusions are somewhat like a monument, although natural to this location, and they serve as a marker for us as a place we come and frequent from time to time and visit.

  Jefferson: Nice, and what planet is this?

  Ishuwa: It is quite different from a planet, more like a moon.

  Jefferson: Oh, so you are definitely not in the same place you were last time?

  Ishuwa: Well, this is quite different from our last location. We like to explore different spaces —

  Jefferson: Wonderful!

  Ishuwa: And see how it changes, the interaction with you there.

  Jefferson: Yes! Well, very good Ishuwa. I thank you very much for all that you are doing, for taking the time, traveling around, and sharing with us all these beautiful things! I sincerely thank you!

  Ishuwa: Thank you! We also thank you for your presence, and inter-action, and willingness to explore with us, to move out and to venture into the skies at night, to see these celestial beings as they streak across the night sky. We look forward to our next encounter of this form. This third new reality can continue to expand and grow and take on greater momentum and frequency that then the day can arrive when we have physical interaction effortlessly and comfortably. Much joy! Much love and appreciation! Until next time, "Ah yuha umka." {Ishuwa spoke a phrase in another language}.

  Jefferson: That was a good one! Yah oohm for you! Thank you!

  Ishuwa: Yah oohm!

  Chapter 9

  The Ego, the Heart, & Masters of Creationships

  "The Youniverse works effortlessly within its ecstasy of being and you can experience that when you let it show you how, when you let your heart-mind show you how." – Ishuwa

  September 2nd, 2009

  Ishuwa: Very well! Once again with you in these blending moments together in this day of your time as you create this experience to exist and together we are able to co-create a third new reality in which we can experience those fascinating realms of the infinite Existence in ways that we choose, in the moments of our own timing. How are you?

  Jefferson: It's lovely to speak to you again!

  Ishuwa: Yes and you as well!

  Jefferson: I am living in a world of perfection, experiencing life from within a human physical body. Oh, how delighted I am!

  Ishuwa: Exciting for you! Thank you! We have an opportunity to share one idea with you before you begin asking questions in the fashion you have before.

  Jefferson: Please!

  Ishuwa: How are things going with the idea of visiting the China- town region?

  Jefferson: How? Oh that's true...how is it going...I haven’t had the opportunity to go there yet, but I will Ishuwa. I promise you!

  Ishuwa: Very well. The dragon is coming very close!

  Jefferson: Yes!

  Ishuwa: At this timing, there are some interstellar planetary energies that are orbiting in a particular pattern, some of the solar system brothers and sisters, some of the planets, as they're often spoken of in your world’s frame of reference, and this will be an opening and a very strong opportunity of illumination and ability for you to connect to this idea more strongly when you and if you choose again to venture off into that location in both of the ways that we suggested before.

  Go once at a time of day when it is very busy and once at a time when perhaps there are only a few people there. It will be very soon, very shortly, that the planets, in this sense, will be more lined up or more in alignment to, in a sense, nurture, foster, and strengthen the ability for you to have more of an experience within your aware state of being and begin to pick up information more clearly and more readily.

  If you do go there, we suggest you bring a piece of paper and a pen or perhaps something so you can record your voice, so you can record your experiences. Record those that may be a bit different from what you have had in your day to day life experiences. In this way, you will be able to bring back on paper or in a vocal recording information to review regarding what that took place for you there. Do you follow this idea?

  Jefferson: So you are saying that there's going to be some sort of alignment. What consciousness is involved?

  Ishuwa: You will discover more of that in the days ahead. It is related to the idea of the dragon that we spoke of with you previously that was, in a sense, something that you were attracted to for reasons that will become more apparent to you as you, if you, choose to make this adventure.

  Jefferson: So the specific information that I will access or remember through this enlightening experience will become revealed to me as I go to and explore this area you speak of?

  Ishuwa: You will be more successful with this since the alignment of certain planets is coming into place very shortly. So you might just ask yourself each morning or evening when you wake up or before you go to sleep, is today or tomorrow a good time to go into town, the China region of town, to explore the idea if only for a half-an-hour of your time. You do not need to be there more than a half-an-hour. Give yourself time each day to check-in this way to see if it's today or if it's the next day that would be best and most optimal for you to be in this place for this revelation, this reconnecting.

  Jefferson: I see. It seems like it is something really big that is about to happen because it's worthy of your mentioning it.

  Ishuwa: A dragon is very big would you not agree? A dragon flying through the sky is quite large. Those dragons can get very large. A big idea.

  Jefferson: No, not the fiery winged dragon you mentioned. I meant this whole idea of Chinatown and these things that you brought up. Apparently it's something important because it is worthy of your mentioning it again. You came back to it without me bringing it up! Well, thank you!

  Ishuwa: It is up to you to check-in and to be the one that makes the steps if it feels, when it feels, most optimal for your state of being. You also have to take into consideration the other daily activities that you have scheduled already.

  Jefferson: Yes! I will find time! Let's start. Are you ready?

  Ishuwa: Yes!

  Jefferson: There is apparently a difference between what we feel and what we can create as far as mental concepts in our mind.

  Ishuwa: The difference is only that which you create there to be in your perception.

  Jefferson: Very good!

  Ishuwa: So, back to the dragon. The idea of the dragon is a very large idea! Consider scheduling it into your day. Check-in everyday and see if it is appropriate to go out there that day, or the next day, or maybe even two days out into the future. Do this each day. It will only take less than a minute to check-in. You will feel it. You do not need to weigh the perceptions that come back to you when you ask these questions. It will be simple and apparent for you if it is appropriate. It will take less than a minute to do each day. You can do it in the morning or the evening.

  Jefferson: Very good! Thank you so much Ishuwa!

  Ishuwa: Regarding the idea about the difference between feelings and mental concepts in your mind?

  Jefferson: Yes!

  Ishuwa: Do you have a question around this idea?

  Jefferson: Yes. Apparently there is a difference between things that we feel and thoughts that we can conceptualize in our mind. In other words, it seems that there is "us," the consciousness that feels within our body, and it seems there is another part of us that some people call the ego aspect of us that is the mental mind that can only conceptualize or relate to things that it has learned. Can you talk a little bit about these two different facets we have for expressing ourselves in this physical world? Talk about the ego and also about the feeling presence within us?


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