Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel

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Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel Page 26

by Swanson, Shaun; Viscardi, Jefferson

  Jefferson: Ishuwa.

  Ishuwa: Yes.

  Jefferson: What are the main differences between your society and ours in terms of the ability to perceive time and the oneness of time?

  Ishuwa: We define ourselves as being that which is the Creator of our reality, that which is thus then connected to All That Is, creating All That Is. We will share with you again that your world has chosen to explore the idea of separation and limitation. In order to do that, you realized you had to create the concept that you were separate from the Creator and that you were not the Creator of your reality. So you created the concept that there was a Creator outside of you. Because you actually are the Creator of your reality, this concept is then the opposite of your actual nature, and because "what you put out is what you get back" you began in your experience to develop this other world, this illusory world in which you were losing contact with the awareness that you actually are the Creator. You began losing contact with this fruit of knowledge and its tree of infinite life.

  Over many generations of putting out these ideas that are actually opposite your actual nature, you cast your aware selves out of the garden of your eternal knowing, your eternal Eden, the eternal heaven of your ecstatic actual nature. In a sense, you forgot your eternal nature and seemingly became disconnected from it.

  Your actual state of being is where the real Garden of Eden is. When you are aware of your real state of being, you are connected with the garden and the fruit of knowledge on your tree of eternal life. You are aware of it. You understand your actual nature in that sense. You have this knowledge of your actual nature.

  But, again, in the past you chose to cast out that information from your state of awareness. You chose to believe you were separate and that your Creator was outside of you. Over time, that created the movie, the play, the experience that has been projected back at you for so long of being separate, of being without something that would nourish you, complete you, and provide you with the sense that you are whole, complete, fulfilled.

  Your society as a whole began to feel as though it was missing something and it began thus then creating ideas that, "this will complete you," or "that will complete you." Many of these discordant teachings can be found in the good book and they are all simply variations of the carrot being dangled in front of you. The more you listen to those, the more you put out those ideas, the more you will get back experiences of not ever actually getting into contact with the carrot. For those ideas and beliefs are out of alignment with your actual nature. And when you put out things that are out of alignment with your actual nature, you continuously get back experiences or reflections on the "movie screen of life" that are out of alignment with your actual nature. You continue to be a participant in a play that is disconnected from its actual nature. This feels uncomfortable, especially when done over thousands of years like your society has been doing. It feels like something is missing, yes.

  That which is missing is the true knowledge, the true fruit, the true Garden of Eden, which is in most simple of terms that you are the Creator. You always have been. It is not outside of you. It is you. It is within you always. It cannot ever be taken away from you, but you have found a way to create the perception that it isn't who you are and, in that sense, you did create the idea of separation. In that way, you created the perspective that the Creator had been taken away from you, but it was an illusion. So many people are still living in this maya, this illusion that their Creator is outside of them.

  We in our society do not create that idea of being separate from our Creator. So regarding your question, we would say that is the primary difference. We know who we are. We know we are the Creator, and we know that everything that we are experiencing is us and is also the Creator, even if it is coming from a different point of view, a different perspective such as a different creature, a different life-form, a different thought, a different feeling.

  We know who we are! This doesn’t mean we can’t experience aspects of ourselves in new and fascinating, and exciting, and loving, and nurturing, and heart embracing relationship ways. To know who we are doesn’t exclude our ability to have those types of joyful surprises. They happen more often is the actual truth of the nature of that understanding.

  The more you know who you are the more you have enriching, joyful, and fascinating experiences, for fascinating, joyful, uplifting experiences are infinite. There is not a limited supply of them. There is no lack of them in the actual nature of Existence. So we know who we are. Your world chose to create a world in which you have not known who you are. That was the choice that you made in order to have a particular type of experience, a particular physical world of experiencing, that of not knowing who you are. That choice is the primary difference, and it allows for you to create the experiences of lack, of needing to do things in order to be secure for the rest of your life, and so on and so forth.

  We in no way are trying to demean the choice that you have made. It is a fascinating choice. It is of equal value to the choice that we have made to know who we are. It is a choice that is of equal value to us and also as far as the Y, O, U, Youniverse is concerned, as far as Existence is concerned. It is an equal choice, and we find it a fascinating choice that you have made.

  We are grateful to have the opportunity to explore and experience how you encounter that idea. We also are grateful that you have chosen us and many other teachers to come back and reconnect you to the understanding once again of your actual nature so you can let go of the limited old idea that you are not the Creator, that you are separate. For that old limited idea will no longer serve you in any way that you are preferring. It will only serve you to experience more pain, more fog, and less clarity, more guilt, more devaluation, and less joy, less worth, less feeling of worthiness.

  Your actual nature is of infinite worth. To create the concept of separation and of a Creator being outside of you will only support and bring back experiences of worthlessness and lack of honor, lack of respect, lack of worth, lack of love, and then thus the need for security follows suit in a world that continues to create such plays, such acts of illusion, such magic tricks, such magical illusions. You are all great magicians creating a show in which many of you have, in a sense, pulled your heart out of a hat and made it disappear. Some day soon as a collective society you are all going to make your hearts reappear, at which time the audience of humanity will applaud to no end. There will be a standing ovation the likes of which has never been recorded in your history, your herstory, whichever you prefer.

  Do you get what the main difference is between our society and your society?

  Jefferson: Yes! Thank you very much! I enjoyed this exchange immensely Ishuwa!

  Ishuwa: Are you sure?!

  Jefferson: I am positive! I am sure, and I can repeat it! I enjoyed this exchange immensely!

  Ishuwa: Can you count the ways?

  Jefferson: Yes, but then we would remain here until next month!

  Ishuwa: Oh very good, thank you!

  Jefferson: Thank you. It is always comforting to have the opportunity to exchange knowledge with another facet of yourself right? With another aspect of Creation!

  Ishuwa: Yes! We agree with you!

  Jefferson: So, are there any parting thoughts you would like to share with us today?

  Ishuwa: We thank you for this interaction. It is a great joy to be with you and to have this opportunity to share these ideas. We appreciate your willingness to take the time to ask these questions and to explore these ideas and concepts that we may then bring forth our perspective as it relates to these ideas and questions that you share with us. We feel the information can be of value. It has been a value for our society and many others that we feel are enjoying their understanding and their experiences within this ecstatic Youniverse that we are all the one of which we are the all.

  As to your presence and participation with us today, again, we acknowledge and understand the time that you set aside. We appreciate it and so
that for us is a great joy, to blend, to share, to interact with you in these ways. Is there something else before we say good day that you would like to add?

  Jefferson: One thing Ishuwa, just one thing. How many nations do you have in the Association of Worlds?

  Ishuwa: There are approximately four-hundred. They do change, the numbers. For various reasons.

  Jefferson: Okay, that was it. We will continue with many other questions for you on another day. Sure enough this is for me a joy. I recognize and I thank you immensely and your society and every-body that is here interacting with us who also have the willingness to share these points of view of creation!

  Ishuwa: Thank you dear one! Much love and joy for you and in your experiencing of your day!

  Jefferson: Thank you!

  Ishuwa: We will see you very soon. Don’t forget the dragon of great joy is flying about in the realms of your neighborhood these days.

  Jefferson: Tomorrow morning I will be there!

  Ishuwa: Wonderful! Good day!

  Jefferson: Good day Ishuwa! Thank you!

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  (The remainder of this chapter contains a portion of Jefferson's conversation with Ishuwa that took place after Jefferson visited Chinatown in San Francisco, California).

  Ishuwa: We bring through the following idea. Before Arch Angel Michael, before the Suns of your heavenly experience on Earth, before you came to see this world, before you came to explore this idea of life here, there was a beautiful idea about the nature of life and how it all works and you understood this idea. You have brought this idea with you.

  Jefferson: Okay.

  Ishuwa: For you, the symbol for this idea had a very large wing. It had a very large neck. It had a very large tail. It had a very large eye. It seemed to be able to move through objects at will. It seemed to be able to fly at will into every idea, into every moment in this place that you were in, in the space. Now, in your world today, you would think of it as a dragon, but that shape is just a symbol for the idea that you carry within you. Accessing the idea is the key!

  We perceive you have lost some of this connection around that idea and what the symbol was originally all about for you. What can you tell us about your experience with that street-side culture in Chinatown that you visited so recently in the land that is symbolized in some ways with dragons?

  Jefferson: It made me think about elements like the wind, the fire, the water, and the earth. It brought me more into the idea that we are benders in the sense that if we realize the truth about life then we can bend physical matter with mind and heart.

  Ishuwa: And how does that feel for you?

  Jefferson: It feels great! It feels like I am an alchemist, and I can perform those things if I want to!

  Ishuwa: And are you doing that now?

  Jefferson: In subjective ways, like in dreams or in my imagination, but not necessarily in the physical world.

  Ishuwa: Why so?

  Jefferson: Because I still believe that this is true!

  Ishuwa: That what is true?

  Jefferson: The matter.

  Ishuwa: The matter?

  Jefferson: The physical matter, the walls, the buildings, the computer.

  Ishuwa: But you are the one being the alchemist that is placing form into those shapes!

  Jefferson: So, you're saying that before I came to Earth, I had a tail? That's interesting.

  Ishuwa: No, that is part of the symbol.

  Jefferson: Oh.

  Ishuwa: You did not have any of that form at all. That was simply a symbol that you could use to retain your connection to the idea of what that energy was all about.

  Jefferson: I see.

  Ishuwa: You came into this physical body here on Earth to explore certain elements: the earth, the air, the fire, the water, and ether or prana. You came to explore such elements and to be, in that sense, an alchemist to see how you could shape them and shift them as an alchemist, as a wizard, as a magician.

  Jefferson: Okay.

  Ishuwa: You came here with others to work with those elements. You knew before you came here that you would likely lose some awareness of your true Self but you wanted to come here in order to be an alchemist in a whole new way. The symbol was a way to remind you or reconnect you to your inner awareness that you are an alchemist. The symbol of the dragon was like a heartstone that you could think of and thus be reminded of your truer Self.

  Jefferson: I see.

  Ishuwa: You felt the symbol could prevent you from getting lost and losing hope in the strange and limited world that you all were going to explore together on Earth. You wanted to come to this new world to create new things, to see life in a whole different way. Those you came here with felt the symbol could remain within your awareness and act as beacon to always call you home when you meditated upon it. You felt the energy within that symbol could connect you back to the understanding that you have the whole picture within you at all times.

  Jefferson: Okay.

  Ishuwa: This is one idea around that symbol, not the only idea.

  Jefferson: Oh.

  Ishuwa: Meditating on the symbol and connecting to the idea within you that it symbolizes will help you in this timing. It will help you in matters that relate to topics you have spoken about earlier with us. It will help you with matters that relate to your work and interacting with others in the way you spoke about in the conversation you have had recently with your mother. You spoke to her about people at work and why you have the perceptions you do in regards to them. You also spoke to her about friends. Where they all are, how many there are, and how many there aren't. As an alchemist, you must understand how to blend your sense of awareness about these matters more fully. As you do, old beliefs will begin to unravel for you.

  You have a long chain, a very long chain that you have wrapped around yourself. It has been around you for some time. It is ready to unwind. It is ready to unlink. It is ready to be removed so you may be more aware of what your shape really looked like before the symbol of the dragon came forth.

  The flame that comes from the dragon's mouth is that which allows you to evaporate the chain-links. You can melt those links. They will then be altered alchemically through your wizardry. Do this and you will thus then find blooming in the "garden of realization" of yourself two entirely "new flowers."

  Jefferson: Okay.

  Ishuwa: When that occurs, you will know more easily that it's time to make a move in your life; moving either in regards to your apartment that you live in or in regards to the work that you currently find yourself at. It will be very clear to you when the two "new flowers" are blooming. Until that time, we ask that you be patient so that you can begin to feel that the flower is already present and that its aroma is surrounding you. It too will be another guide that will be around you. The "scent of understanding" you gain from this process will expand your realization of life and you will then perceive the types of friends you spoke about with your mother and the workplace interactions in a more understanding and playful way. You are very close to this way.

  Jefferson: Nice! Truly good!

  Ishuwa: Sweet to have had this interaction with you!


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