Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel

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Avatars of the Phoenix Lights UFO: Ishuwa and the Yahyel Page 28

by Swanson, Shaun; Viscardi, Jefferson

  Jefferson: Wonderful!

  Ishuwa: It's a bit like a council of Native Americans or native cultures that sometimes still do this on your planet. They come together with the family, with the child, and with some of the elders or wise chiefs as they are sometimes labeled in cultures on your world.

  While I was with my family and some elders, they began to assist me in learning how this process works a little more fully. During this experience, I began to see a specific path of life-interaction unfolding that would be great joy.

  Jefferson: How lovely!

  Ishuwa: And I felt great joy! I felt waves of great joy, and they weren’t stopping! They just kept flowing through me! This continued for what you would consider a long time in this meeting, in this council. The Sun would rise over several days, and I kept feeling this flow, this joy! It was very strong, and it had to do with my ability to interact with some on Earth. That then was my beginning, my initial contact with the idea of Earth from the frame of reference of the four-year-old Ishuwa in that incarnation as a Yahyel at that time.

  Then I began to make contact with the individual that you are listening to now, (Shaun), who is the channel in this lifetime on your world. I made contact with him in a particular fashion, in a particular way. That contact occurred for him quite some time ago in his present embodiment, and he is only beginning to come into realization of that.

  It was great joy flowing through my awareness and through my biology, and through my ethereal, and through my feeling state. It was with great joy that I was coming into awareness that this was something I would have an opportunity to do, to interact and to share in the way that I knew would be a great joy for me!

  I already had the understanding that I had a way with languages. I had at that time already communicated with over three-hundred different societies of extraterrestrial races and had a very strong form of translation capacity such that there were many in my family and those within the community and culture of my race that were able to identify that I had strong skills and abilities of this nature. Before I became aware of this ability, my family could sense it very clearly. They felt my great joy from this reckoning in this realization with my connection to Earth. They then also began for the first time to realize that it would be something of an opportunity to interact with Earth humans as a form of translation that would be of great service for their society as well.

  So back to the council meeting. Those who were present knew that I was capable of doing translating with extraterrestrial races. They were of the idea that my choosing to be of service in some way as a translator would probably be what would come through from this particular council meeting of mine with them, but they weren’t aware that it would be with a place called Earth. At the point in time of that council, Earth was something we knew was a planet, yes, we were aware of. It was a planet we had ideas of and have had interactions with previously, yes. In the library of our interactions, we know of this place Earth.

  As a result of connecting with the idea of interacting with Earth, it was then they began to learn a bit more about it, began to focus on it more clearly. This then became exciting for several of them, exciting in many different ways. As a society, as a whole, it became exciting for us as well.

  There were two individuals present in the council meeting who understood what was taking place. They were well aware that this was something that would likely occur, the idea of our interaction with your world at sometime in your future, but for the rest of those present at the meeting it was new. During this council, those two elders weren't thinking about ideas related to me interacting with Earth and so they didn't impact what I perceived and what I "linked into" during the council. They were able to remain free from tapping into the possibilities of what I might connect with. They did not alter the discovery for me.

  So that would have been the first time Earth came to my aware. It was a wonderful, joyful, playful party! It was a very expansive and uplifting experience for me. In a sense, you could say that it was a wonderful accomplishment.

  Jefferson: Okay. So that was…okay...wow...very good! How did you learn more about Earth? Did you start asking around, asking people on other planets? Did you start coming here and observing us or observe us from TV sets?

  Ishuwa: I began to put out the idea of, "Let's connect to Earth in ways that will be the most uplifting and the most fulfilling for me, most educational, most important, and certainly most in alignment with my heart." Those ideas and opportunities then came forward and presented themselves to me in a myriad of different ways. Realizing the value of connecting with and tapping into my heart and its gentle nudges of guidance, I paid attention and recognized these opportunities, these nudges. I thus then would follow my heart in that way, take those steps, and thus then those opportunities became clear to me.

  There were times when I was talking to others who had actually visited Earth. At other times, I was reading about it in some of our records, in a sense, a history and account that we have gathered over time from our own interactions and from those sharings with other extraterrestrial races as well. I had physical visitations of the planet, and there is also the opportunity to have telepathic communications as well.

  There are many other ways as well in which I have come to know this place you call Earth. There are many different types of inter-actions I have had with many different species and life forms on this planet. I have interacted with it on various timelines in terms of how you perceive time there, different generations, different decades, different centuries, in that sense, different timings in the geological record of planet Earth.

  Sometimes there were no people as you would see it today on this planet and I have visited some of those periods as well. I have had some encounters with life forms that aren’t anything at all like those that live here today. This has been a great joy to have these opportunities, and again, they always present themselves to me as the result of synchronicities that come forth simply from my following my heart and knowing that doing so always gives me the greatest guidance mechanism for what will be of greatest joy and service for me as a Yahyel in this present journey of great joy and discovery!

  Jefferson: Okay. Today you are able to communicate with humans through a channel like Shaun.

  Ishuwa: In this form of communication, yes, but it is not the only way I communicate with those here on Earth. There are some telepathic interactions that occur too.

  Jefferson: Nice.

  Ishuwa: I do not always communicate through a channel like Shaun in this form of spoken word that you are listening to now. This form of communicating provides the opportunity for you to put together the book as you have been working together with Shaun to do. There are still many who enjoy reading books with this kind of information as a form of education, as a form of entertainment, as a form of growth.

  Jefferson: And is anyone else on Earth able to channel Ishuwa or just Shaun?

  Ishuwa: There are others, yes, but at this time it isn’t occurring in this fashion.

  Jefferson: Very good. How has your civilization changed or what have you learned about yourself since your first visitation to our solar system and Earth?

  Ishuwa: I had the first hand experience of what it's like to live in such limitation.

  Jefferson: Oh.

  Ishuwa: I was able to see how people can interact in ways that seem to them to be very meaningful, very important, and very serious, and yet be so far removed from their actual nature. They aren’t just joking around. There are people there who are very serious in their desire to remain limited. They really don’t want anybody to "stir up the pot" and bring about a more expansive awareness. It's a very unusual thing to see someone hold onto a very heavy "ball and chain" and not want to be given a key to be released from that kind of pain and agony. For us to experience people in your world doing that expands our understanding, not only mine, but our society's. We can then more fully appreciate what another person, another life form, is choosing to create even
if what they are experiencing is so removed from who they really are.

  We learn more fully to accept life forms that have a willingness to create such darkness. We can accept people that go so deeply into despairs that are illusions where they want so strongly to remain and are willing to fight so that no one will take them back into a place of Eden in a garden of heavenly experiencing where they can have a full awareness of their whole true nature. Their choices give us the ability to really accept that and to appreciate and love those life forms that choose to remain so disconnected and live in such an illusion, in such a theater of darkness.

  Jefferson: What does being a team player mean to a planet such as yours that is participating in the Association of Worlds?

  Ishuwa: We work together to understand more of who we are. We interact with other societies who, in a sense, are us from different points of view. Through cooperation, we are able to learn more about who we are by interacting with and learning about those other societies.

  As we come more into a depth of relationship with them, a deeper bond, a deeper sharing of what it is that enlivens them, enriches them, awakens them, has their heart beating so playfully, that then through the team player idea of cooperating and supporting one another helps us to find new ways to share more about one another. We are able to really convey the idea more deeply, more fully, more expansively.

  We then begin to step into the shoes of the other and really feel what it is they are feeling, experience what it is they are experiencing, to the degree that we are excited about doing so.

  This is one idea then. Cooperating to realize more of our whole nature by experiencing more of what it is like to be these other races, these other beings, these other life forms, to in a sense, live a day in their life, in their shoes, in their home, from their point of view.

  Jefferson: A few days ago I asked you what societies of extra-terrestrials are closest to humans on Earth. You said that there are two that at times can be closest to us, and you said there might come a time when we could do a co-blended channeling with them through Shaun. You said if I felt nudged at some point in the future to ask you about them you would check-in to see whether or not it is time to participate in a co-blended channeling through Shaun with one or both of them. So I feel nudged now to ask you, would it be appropriate today to have either of these two races give us a message?

  Ishuwa: Well, not at this time. However, we will revisit some of that idea now. We suggested there are seven races that your society and our society are most genetically linked to. One of them being the Annunaki and the other being Zeta. There are five others. You may know of them. We will not refer to them now. Two of those five that we will not speak of today will be then those that would come through in a co-blending. That would occur for another book, in a sense, as though this book is the first of a series of related books!

  Jefferson: Yes!

  Ishuwa: There is the coming of information through conversations not only with Ishuwa but also with your children that are from your future that are here now, in that sense.

  Jefferson: Wow!

  Ishuwa: Your ET children have information to share with their parents, in a sense, and with their grandparents, to let them know "how it's going."

  Jefferson: Okay!

  Ishuwa: Your child and children have learned so much, and most of that is a result of what your society laid the groundwork for us to be able to do. The foundation you built in your society for us to then build upon as we reached out further into the heavens, into the inter-spatial realms of our infinite universal existence. There is much you can learn from your children and so it is time again for us to share the idea of coming back into your society ever so peacefully to share and to enlighten you how it’s been going.

  Jefferson: I see. That is exciting!

  Ishuwa: Yes! And so that co-blending and the names of those two of the five we have not spoken of yet will be able to begin more sharing from their perspective. It might be in a second book!

  Jefferson: Very good!

  Ishuwa: But it might not be until a third book. That can happen, but again, when you feel guided or nudged, feel free to speak or to ask about this idea for it lets us know where you are in your frequency around this potential doorway to be open and for that information to then come through more easily, and more readily, and more clearly.

  Jefferson: Very good! Are there any beings from your society that are aware of this communication and this book that we're producing or is this book just something that exists for you as a personal experience, a personal interaction between you and I?

  Ishuwa: There are some strong possibilities in your time line to see it manifest, that idea of the book, yes. We can see that. We are aware of that, but it isn’t then our place to make it happen.

  Jefferson: My question was more an attempt to learn if there are people in your society that are aware that we are having this conversation for the purpose of putting it into a book?

  Ishuwa: Yes. This dialogue is available to all in our society to tune into in any capacity that they want to, whether it be for one word or for the entire channeling session. There are those who do that because it is something they enjoy, and in doing that, they serve a function for our society in various capacities such as making the information then available, in a sense, keeping a record of it for others who aren’t present now so they can come back and tap into it in a timing that is suiting in their day to day interactivities, connect with this in a way and in a timing that would be most exciting for them to do so. There are many present. Some of which have been present in each one of these sessions. Some come and go. Some for the first time. Some come and go regularly in all sessions that you have had thus far. Some have been present for the entirety of one or two of them. Some of those are present for this one. Some are not.

  Jefferson: How many have been present in all of the sessions we have had?

  Ishuwa: There have been approximately 312,000.

  Jefferson: Seriously!?

  Ishuwa: That have checked in at some point to this idea.

  Jefferson: Okay! It's hard to speak to you in a linear term because when you say 312,000 then I'd have to refer to the idea that at some point they did, therefore since there is no timeline really and the flexibility is big, then it looks almost as if they have really been there all the same time in every session.

  Ishuwa: Can you detail what it is you are sharing with us a little bit differently?

  Jefferson: Yes. I was just thinking out-loud, but thank you for your curiosity. Let me put it in a question format. For example, I was asking you before how many beings have participated in these interactions that you are having with us since the beginning?

  Ishuwa: Yes.

  Jefferson: And then you said a big number.

  Ishuwa: Over 312,000.

  Jefferson: Yes. So basically when you get connected through Shaun to speak to me, do you have all those people there with you while you're talking to us and are they listening to our conversation or learning from that?

  Ishuwa: There would be a blending of a group mind, in a sense, that allows for that to take place. So then it really feels more like one mind, in a sense, that I am the one speaking for those numbers.

  Jefferson: Ohhhh, I see! I see! Wow! And are they all from your civilization?

  Ishuwa: Yes. We were referring only to those from our civilization, but there are others from other civilizations that are present in a similar way as well.

  Jefferson: And why are those of these other civilizations present? What is there in it for them?

  Ishuwa: The "why" is because it is of joy for them and most joyful for them to be present.

  Jefferson: And as they join in, do they do so from their planet by using telepathy or do they come to your planet because it's easier or something?

  Ishuwa: We do have a group network, as it were, that they can all tap into, a particular frequency which is like being in the room, but it is a frequency of consciousness they can f
ocus on and then tap into the dialogues taking place through that focused networked channel that is like a central headquarters for this type of communication to take place with you in this way. There are some who are physically present. There are some who will accompany me physically through various sessions. Sometimes I am in various places and they will join me in some of those places.


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