Animal Rescue Bear

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Animal Rescue Bear Page 11

by Raines, Harmony

  Lucas rubbed his hand over his eyes. Now he remembered. They were so tired from feeding the animals they’d crashed on the sofa and talked, before giving the kittens their last feed of the evening.

  Pulling his arm out from under Ronni, he sat up and checked on the kittens. Jessie wagged her tail, careful not to hit any of the small bundles of fur. “You really are a good mom to them, aren’t you?” He stroked her head and then pushed himself to a standing position and stretched.

  Coffee. They needed coffee. He stepped over Jessie and reached for the coffee pot. Only then did he see two faces peering in at him through the window. He lifted his hand and waved, glad he’d slept fully dressed.

  Turning around, he reached down and reluctantly shook Ronni’s shoulder. He’d have preferred to let her sleep, but if they could encourage Thorn and Emilia to rehome a couple of the kittens, that would be two less little lives to worry about.

  “What time is it?” Ronni asked, looking dazed as she cracked first one eye, then the other open.

  “Just after nine.”

  “What?!” She shot bolt upright and then got to her feet, wide awake. “The kittens need their next feed.”

  “You have visitors first.” Lucas pointed to the reception door where Thorn and Emilia were waiting, looking amused.

  “Oh.” Ronni raked her hand through her hair, pulled out her ponytail elastic and then hastily pulled her hair back once more, securing it in place as she walked to the door. “Sorry. We overslept.”

  “I’m surprised you slept at all on that,” Thorn said as he and Emilia followed Ronni inside.

  Ronni looked down at the sofa. “It’s more comfortable than it looks.”

  Lucas rubbed his back. “I’m not sure I agree.”

  “Well, it’s not built for two. And you get used to it,” Ronni said as she prepared the milk for the kittens.

  “I would have thought Lucas would take you back to Chance Heights. Or is this your love nest?” Thorn gasped as he looked down at the kittens who were clambering over Jessie. “Oh, wow, these are so cute.”

  “Not at four o’clock in the morning,” Lucas yawned. “I have a new appreciation for the work Ronni does here.”

  “So that’s why you slept on the sofa.” Thorn knelt down next to Jessie.

  “They are adorable,” Emilia agreed.

  “Thorn said you were interested in rehoming a cat,” Ronni said as she stirred the kitten milk.

  “Possibly,” Emilia didn’t sound too sure.

  “Oh, come on, how can you resist these?” Thorn asked. “Can I feed one?”

  “Sure.” Ronni quickly showed him what to do. “How about you, Emilia?”

  Emilia pressed her lips together. “You know I’m not a soft touch.”

  “Are you so sure, my love?” Thorn asked. “Emilia thinks we should wait until the children are older before we have pets. I disagree.”

  “You are the one who likes to go off on these expeditions to search for lost treasure.” Emilia accepted a syringe and then selected a kitten to feed. She picked it up gingerly, as if she were afraid she might hurt it. Or maybe she was afraid she would lose her heart to one of the kittens as soon as she made contact.

  Lucas found himself smiling at the scene before him. Emilia was one of the fiercest dragon shifters he’d ever met. Not that Lucas had met many. But she was from a different time and had dealt with a lot since Thorn’s presence had awoken her from ancient slumber.

  “Hey, no daydreaming.” Ronni tapped his foot. “I need coffee as much as these kittens need milk.”

  “Coming right up.” Lucas grabbed a couple more mugs and poured coffee for Thorn and Emilia.

  “How cute are these kittens?” Thorn asked his wife.

  “Don’t do that,” she told him bluntly as she watched the kitten she was feeding with complete rapture.

  “Why?” Thorn looked slyly at his wife. “Is it because you know you can’t resist them?”

  “I am strong-willed, Thorn. As you well know.” Emilia tried to hide her emotion behind a hard expression, but her eyes gave her away.

  “Well, as long as you’re sure,” Lucas said as he sipped his coffee. “Only we wanted to let you have the first choice. Once word gets out that there are kittens here, there’ll be a stampede for them.”

  Emilia syringed the last of the cat milk into her kitten’s mouth and then lifted her up to study her closely. “I suppose if we are having a cat it would be good to get one that can be taught to behave.”

  Thorn winked at Lucas. “Well, if we’re having one, we might as well have two.”

  “Where is the logic in that?” Emilia asked as she picked up another kitten and began the feeding process again.

  “Who needs logic?” Thorn leaned over and kissed her cheek. “If we have two, they can play with each other and keep each other company. You know, in the same way we decided one child was not enough.”

  “I suppose kittens need family around them just the same as most other creatures.” Emilia sighed resignedly while Thorn placed his kitten down next to Jessie.

  “Perhaps we need a dog to keep them company, too.”

  Emilia shook her head. “I am not so naive. You might have talked me into two kittens, but I am not having a dog. They are far too dependent. At least with the cats, we can get someone to come and feed them twice a day when we are away on your treasure hunts.”

  “It was worth a try,” Thorn said. “So now we have to choose.”

  “You can pick whichever kittens you want. You get the first choice,” Ronni told them as she placed her second kitten down next to Jessie.

  “These two.” Emilia picked the two she had fed.

  “Okay. I’ll get the paperwork filled out. I’ll need to come and do a home check before you take them home.” Ronni left the room and went to the office for the adoption forms.

  “No problem.” Thorn stood up and looked at his watch. “I have to be at the museum in half an hour. Will the forms take long to complete?”

  “No, just name and address,” Ronni called from the office.

  Lucas stroked Jessie’s head as the kittens climbed over her, now that they were recovered from their ordeal they were full of energy. “We should get you outside, Jessie. You must need a bathroom break.”

  Jessie obediently got up and followed Lucas to the door while Thorn and Emilia kept a close eye on the kittens. “Everything okay?” he asked Ronni, who was reading a text on her phone.

  “I don’t know.” She looked up, her expression filled with worry. “My sister sent me a text asking me to call her as soon as I can.”

  “Do it now.” Lucas held out his hand. “I’ll go through the adoption form with Thorn and Emilia.”

  She gave him a tight smile as she handed over the form. “It’s self-explanatory.”

  “Okay, I can handle it. Call your sister.” He kissed her cheek, let Jessie back inside and then went back to the back room.

  “Thanks,” Thorn said as he took the form and began filling it out. “Is there a minimum donation?”

  “I don’t know. I’ll ask Ronni.” He backed out of the office, but Ronni was talking on the phone.

  “You’re sure,” she said, her expression clouded. Whatever her sister was saying, it was not good news. “Okay, thanks for telling me.” She ended the call and put her phone in her pocket before sitting down at her desk.

  “What’s wrong? Is your sister okay?” Lucas asked.

  “Fleur?” Ronni looked up in confusion and then shook her head. “Oh, yes, she’s fine. She works at the real estate agent office in Bear Creek. They are handling the auction.”

  “And that call was about the auction?” Lucas knelt before her and stroked her cheek as a tear trickled down it.

  “Fleur said there’s a rich businessman from out of town interested in the land.” Ronni looked up as Sian entered the office.

  “Everything okay?” Sian asked as she hung up her coat. She immediately saw everything was not okay. “Is
it the kittens?”

  “No, it’s some news about the land. There’s a developer interested in the land. He’s coming to town next week to look at it. Fleur seems to think he’s intent on buying it no matter what.” Ronni wiped her face and then stood up. “I really wanted to stay here. Everyone knows where we are, the animals are settled.”

  “How do you know a developer is interested?” Sian asked.

  “My sister told me. A guy from the city. Matthew something… Although she’s not sure if he has some connection to the area since the real estate agent hasn’t even advertised the land yet. Apparently, Kevin called them yesterday and asked them to delay it. Fleur’s boss thinks Kevin might be having second thoughts. But now that there’s someone interested in it...” Ronni stood up and walked to the door. “I suppose we’d better start making a contingency plan. There’s no way we can compete with a big developer.”

  Sian went to Ronni and hugged her close. “I’m so sorry. This might be my fault.”

  “How can it be your fault?” Ronni hugged Sian as she burst into tears. “It’s okay.”

  “No, it’s not. I called a few people I used to know and asked them for donations for the auction. I also asked if they would come and support us.” Sian sniffed loudly. “I told them all about the land and the sanctuary.”

  “It might be a coincidence,” Ronni reassured her. “And even if it isn’t, you couldn’t know this would happen.”

  “I don’t think I’ll ever forgive myself if we lose the shelter because of me.” Sian wiped her eyes and sniffed loudly.

  “We have a backup plan,” Ronni assured her. “Carter Eden offered us some land. We can rebuild the animal shelter.” Lucas watched as something passed over Ronni and her expression lightened. “I’ve been so bogged down with buying the land. And I really do want to stay here. But the shelter is not about buildings, it’s about the animals and the people who give up their time and energy for them.” She let out a long sigh. “That’s what matters. I’d lost sight of that.”

  “You’re attached to this place. It’s only natural you want to keep things the way they are.” Sian gave her a hug.

  “I do. The worst part is not knowing.” Ronni nodded firmly. “Which is why I’d be grateful if you and Lucas can feed the animals and clean out the kennels.” She went to collect her purse. “I have to go out.”

  “Where are you going?” Lucas asked, prepared to go with her and stand by her side if she needed him to.

  “To see Kevin. Fleur said her boss thought he was having a change of mind. I want to talk to him and make him an offer. If he accepts it, we’ll have a definite goal. And if he doesn’t...well, we really need to make plans. If we don’t buy the land and someone else does, we could be evicted before we have a chance to rebuild.”

  Lucas came toward her and kissed her on the lips. “If anyone can persuade Kevin to give us a chance, it’s you.” He looked down at his mate. She was filled with passion and an unwavering strength that she could make this right.

  “We’ll hold things together here,” Sian said as Ronni left the reception office.

  “Oh, can you deal with the kittens, too? Thorn and Emilia are adopting two of them.” She waved and climbed into the truck.

  Lucas leaned against the door as he watched her leave. “She’s something, isn’t she?”

  “She is,” Sian agreed. “I hope you and Ronni will be very happy together.”

  “I’m sure we will.” He glanced down at Sian. “Don’t worry, I intend to look after her.”

  “Oh, I think she can look after herself. I just want to make sure you love her and respect her.” Sian gave him a warning look.

  “I don’t have a choice. She’s my mate, I’d rather die than hurt her.” He clapped his hands together. “We should get to work.”

  “After coffee,” Sian said. “And after I’ve checked in on the kittens. My girls are so excited about coming to see them later.”

  “They might have to fight Emilia for a chance to cuddle them,” Thorn warned.

  “You are giving me a bad reputation,” Emilia complained. “But if anyone takes our kittens, I might have to incinerate them.”

  Thorn threw his head back and laughed. “No one would dare.”

  Sian shot Lucas a concerned look, but he smiled reassuringly. “Give a big enough donation to the animal shelter and I’ll guard the kittens with my life.”

  “We already have,” Emilia said, handing the adoption application and a check to Lucas. “Maybe it would make a nice surprise when Ronni sees it in the shelter’s bank account.”

  Sian’s eyes widened when she saw the amount on the check. “This is more than generous.”

  “It’s for a good cause,” Thorn said as he put down the kittens next to Jessie. “There we go, Jessie. You look after them for us.”

  “She will.” Emilia stroked Jessie’s head. “Come on, Thorn, or you’ll be late for work.”

  They got up and left the animal shelter. Sian stood and watched them go with a strange expression on her face. “I’m missing something here, aren’t I?”

  “Let’s just say Emilia has a nice nest egg she’s been sitting on for a long while.” He slid his arm around Sian’s shoulder. “Now, let’s go feed all these animals before Ronni gets back.”

  Sian nudged him in the ribs. “I like a man who is out to impress his lady.”

  “That’s me, I want Ronni to see me as invaluable.”

  “I thought she already did since you have the mating bond thing going on.” Sian lifted Lucas’s arm off her shoulders and went to change her shoes. As she pulled on an old pair of boots, she asked, “What’s it like? I know Ronni described it as knowing you were the one for her. But is it like instant love?”

  “Love, I think, comes after. You know your mate is the one for you so it’s easier to open up your heart and let them in.” Just as he’d opened his heart and let Ronni in. Did he love her?

  When he looked deep inside himself, the answer was yes. After two short days, he was already madly in love with her.

  All he had to do now was tell her.

  Chapter Fifteen – Ronni

  Ronni drove over to Kevin Jones’s house, rehearsing what she was going to say to him in her head as she went. What did she have to lose? If he said no to her proposal, then they’d make contingency plans for if they were outbid.

  And if he said yes? Then she’d have a tangible goal to work toward.

  You’re not alone in this, her bear reminded her.

  I know, but it still feels like my responsibility.

  Parking her car outside Kevin’s house, she got out and dragged her hand through her hair. Maybe she should have brushed her hair and washed up a little before she came over. Right now she probably looked like a wild mountain woman.

  Not pretty. She closed her eyes and cringed. Not only would Kevin see her like this, but so had Lucas.

  And Thorn and Emilia, her bear chimed in helpfully.

  Great. Lucas probably wonders what kind of woman he’s been mated with.

  I think he’s fine with the kind of woman he’s been mated with, her bear reassured her. Now get in there and persuade Kevin to give you first dibs on the land.

  Ronni straightened her jacket, which was clean if not a little hairy. She plucked the mixture of cat and dog hairs off as she mounted the porch and lifted her hand to knock. Nerves swept over her at the last minute, but she forced herself to rap softly on the old wooden door.

  She stood back and surveyed the house. Kevin’s dad had lived here for his whole life. Unfortunately as the years crept up on Jeremiah Jones, time had clawed at the roof tiles and left the wooden porch in a state of disrepair. The whole house needed some serious TLC.

  “Ronni?” Kevin opened the door, accompanied by creaking hinges.

  “Hi, Kevin.” She smiled brightly. “Can I talk to you?”

  He looked suspicious for a moment and then his face brightened, and he stood back. “Come in. I’ve got a fresh pot of c
offee on.”

  Ronni stepped inside the house. It was like stepping through a time machine. “Wow. You’re sorting through your dad’s things.”

  Kevin indicated the piles of clothes covering the sofas and chairs. “I never realized how much stuff he kept. I swear he never threw away a pair of pants in his life.”

  Ronni gave a short laugh, not sure if Kevin was making a joke or not. “The house will be nice when it’s fixed up, though. Do you intend to move back here permanently?”

  Kevin had been working in the city until his dad became so ill, he couldn’t look after himself. At that point, he’d moved back to Bear Creek, but soon his father’s illness took a hold on him and forced him into a nursing home. Which was where the debt had come from that had to be repaid.

  Kevin went to the kitchen and poured two mugs of strong coffee. “I’m not staying.”

  Ronni raised an eyebrow. “What about the house?”

  He looked up at the old rafters and sighed. “It’s been a difficult decision, but I’m selling the house.” He glanced up at Ronni. “If I sell the house, I could give you more time on the land.”

  Ronni nearly choked on the mouthful of coffee she’d just drawn into her mouth. “You’d do that?”

  Kevin shook his head and ran a hand through his hair before giving a low growl. “My dad loved that place.” He walked over to the windowsill and picked up a photograph of a black and white border collie. “You know he helped Martha Tincture build the shelter.”

  “Yes, I did.” Ronni walked across to Kevin and looked at the photograph of the black and white dog who looked as if he were smiling at the camera. “I remember Bertie.”

  “I swear Dad loved that dog more than his own kids.” He placed the frame down on the windowsill. “He’d turn in his grave if he knew I was selling. The shelter meant everything to Martha, and Martha meant everything to my dad.”

  “But you have the medical bills to pay.” Ronni couldn’t stop herself from trying to talk Kevin into selling the land instead of the house. “And this is your home.”

  Kevin turned to face her. “This stopped being my home years ago. I only came back because Dad needed me. I have a life elsewhere. It doesn’t seem fair to let the house fall apart any more than it already has.”


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