Animal Rescue Bear

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Animal Rescue Bear Page 14

by Raines, Harmony

  “Nope, it looks like a stray.” He paused and in the background, Ronni could hear the cat mewling. “It’s thin. And I’m certain she has milk in her teats.”

  “We’ll be right over.” Ronni turned to face Lucas. “We’ll see you in ten minutes, at the old farmhouse?”

  “Yes, I came over to check if she was here. Imagine my surprise when I saw her.” Harrison crooned to the cat, coaxing her toward him. “Here, kitty, kitty. I think I can catch her and bring her to you.”

  “Are you sure? We could come straight over.” Ronni listened as Harrison spoke to the cat in a soothing voice.

  “No, I have it. I can get her in my truck and drive straight over. I’ll speak to you soon.” The line went dead and Ronni shrugged at Lucas.

  “Harrison thinks he’s found their mother. He’s on his way over. At least I think he is.” Ronni picked up her lukewarm cup of coffee and sipped it before making a face. “I need a refill.”

  “It looks as if you might be out of a job, Jessie.” Lucas looked down at the yellow Lab who gazed back at him with soft brown eyes full of wisdom and knowledge. “I’m sure she can understand me.” He cocked his head to one side.

  “She is a clever girl.” Ronni glanced at the time. “I’m going to start my rounds while we wait for Harrison.”

  “Okay. Want a hand?” Lucas asked.

  “Yes, please.” She peered down at the kittens. “I hope it is the right cat.”

  “Because they deserve to have their mom.” Lucas pressed his lips together and swallowed down his emotion. “But they’d survive just fine with an adopted mom like you.”

  “I think Jessie is the one who is doing all the work.” Ronni stroked Jessie’s head. “Come on. Let’s go feed the others.”

  They left Jessie to mind the kittens until Harrison arrived. Ronni pulled on a jacket and tied a scarf around her neck. It was cold outside and although her bear blood kept her warm, she liked to snuggle up in warm clothes. Just as she liked to snuggle up in Lucas’s warm arms.

  Once outside, Ronni gave Lucas instructions and they set to work feeding the dogs and cats. She liked working with her mate. There was an easy air between them that didn’t break down if a long silence stretched out between them. They were both used to working independently.

  The sound of a truck alerted them to Harrison’s arrival. “I’ll finish up here,” Lucas offered. “You go and reunite the family.”

  She shook her head. “All the animals have been fed. We can pick up on cleaning the enclosures out afterward.” She removed her gloves and took his hand. “Come on. Moments like these are what make the horrible parts worthwhile.”

  “If you insist. How can I deny you anything?” He gave her a cheesy grin and she kissed the corner of his mouth. Her heart swelled with love for this man who was her partner in life.

  “Hi, Harrison.” Ronni greeted the man who had found the kittens. The man who seemed to have a vested interest in the small family by the look of triumph on his face as he held up a cat box containing a tabby and white cat. Her face was jammed up against the door of the cat carrier and Ronni had to admit there was a resemblance to the kittens. “What do you think?”

  “Why don’t we go and see?” She led the way to the reception office as Sian arrived for her morning shift.

  “Not more waifs and strays.” Sian ran across to join them.

  “Yes and no. We’re hoping this is the momma cat.” Ronni opened the door into the back room where Jessie snoozed with her head on her paws. She opened one eye to survey her visitors and then looked up at the cat carrier. Slowly, she extricated herself from the sleepy kittens and went over to Harrison. He lowered the cat down and let Jessie sniff her.

  Jessie immediately wagged her tail while she snuffled at the cat, who didn’t seem too impressed at the inspection. With a hiss and a meow, she stuck her paw out through the bars and batted Jessie away. Jessie stuck her tongue out and looked as if she were grinning as she stepped back and twisted her way through a sea of legs to sit by Lucas’s side.

  “What do you think?” Harrison asked. “Does Jessie know it’s the momma cat?”

  “I think she does.” Sian’s face cracked a grin as she slid onto the floor next to the kittens. “Is this your momma?”

  Ronni opened the cat carrier and stroked the cat Harrison had brought in. Then she scooped her up in her arms and gave her a quick examination. “She’s very thin but seems to be healthy enough.”

  One of the kittens got up and began mewling. The cat in Ronni’s arms wriggled and squirmed, trying to get free. Trying to get to her babies.

  Keeping a firm hold of her, Ronni placed her down gently on the bed Jessie had vacated. Sure enough, she began licking the head of the nearest kitten and flopped down on her side, ready to nurse her offspring.

  “Look what you did, Harrison.” Lucas patted Harrison on the shoulder.

  “That is a beautiful thing,” Harrison said with a choked voice.

  “It sure is.” Sian looked up at the others, misty-eyed from the experience. “I think we all deserve coffee. And apple pie.” She stood up and put a fresh pot of coffee on before heading back out to her car. “We made these last night.” She opened a tin to reveal golden pastry cooked to perfection.

  “It’s a little early in the day,” Harrison began, “but I think we deserve a treat.”

  Ronni and Lucas exchanged a glance and she blushed at the thought in her head. They had already had their treat and it was sweeter than any pastry.

  Chapter Eighteen – Lucas

  “Are you okay?” Ronni asked later when they were alone in the wooded area with Jessie. They’d finished their chores and were grabbing a few moments alone.

  “Yeah. I think so.” He slid his arm around her and pulled her close. “I’m just dwelling in the past when I should be looking to the future. Today I get to take Jessie home since she’s no longer needed by the kittens. And we have so much to do for the auction.”

  “I spoke to Simon earlier today. He’s taken on the responsibility of cataloging all the donated gifts and pledges for the auction. He’s also talking to everyone in town about making promises. An hour of your time could save an animal’s life.” She smiled and leaned in closer to him. “He’s very persuasive from what I hear.”

  “It’s going to happen, isn’t it? The animal shelter will be safe. You’ll never have to worry about the land being sold from under you again.” He dropped a kiss on the top of her head.

  “We got lucky with Kevin agreeing to a firm offer. I don’t think I could stand the stress of not knowing if the amount we raise is enough.” She breathed in the fresh air and let it go. If only he could let everything go in one breath.

  “We should walk back.” He stood up and called Jessie. A yellow blur came running toward him and he couldn’t help but smile at her face. “Where have you been digging?”

  “She’s certainly back to behaving like a happy dog.” Ronni stood up. “We can all learn to move on.”

  “Is that a hint?” Lucas asked.

  “No. I’m just saying that we have to learn to deal with what is in front of us. We can’t change the past, but we can always change our future.” Ronni hunkered down and kissed Jessie on the head.

  “I thought I had,” Lucas suddenly began. “I thought I’d come to terms with what happened with my parents. But now that we’re talking about having children, it makes me wonder what my parents were feeling. When their plane was falling from the sky, those last few moments when they knew they were going to die and leave three children behind.”

  “Sadness, regret, guilt.” Ronni stood up and placed her hands on his shoulders. “But I think they also knew that you would find a way to carry on. You had Nana, you had each other.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed his lips. “And if it ever happened to us, and to our children, they will have a strong support system in place. We have an amazing family and amazing friends.”

  “And I have an amazing mate.” He took hold of her lef
t hand and looked down at it. “You know, this hand has something missing.”

  She gave a short, nervous laugh. “It does?”

  “It does.” He fished in his pocket and took out a small box. When he opened it, her eyes lit up. “I was going to attach it to Jessie’s collar and let you find it, but I was worried it might end up down a rabbit hole.”

  “This is just perfect,” she whispered.

  “Does that mean you’ll marry me? Wait, I should ask properly.” He slid down on one knee and took the ring from the box. “Ronni, will you marry me?”

  “Yes. Yes, I will.” She knelt down in front of him and kissed him. Jessie barked in excitement and licked their faces.

  “I think she approves.” Lucas laughed.

  “I think she does.” She hugged him close and he closed his eyes, letting go of the past. “We’re all one big family.” She tickled Jessie’s ears. “And soon you will have a baby to help look after.” Her eyes shot up to his. “Not that I am pregnant yet.”

  “You might be, we might have our own Christmas miracle. That would be the best Christmas gift ever.” Ronni stroked his face and kissed his lips.

  “It would be.” She stood up and pulled him to his feet. “But we have the second-best Christmas gift to prepare for. Buying the land from Kevin.”

  “Which is where we need to focus. What do you need me to do?” Lucas asked.

  “We need some flyers printed. Sian has designed them. If you could go and get them printed for us, that would be great. I also have an advertisement the local paper said they would run.” She put her hands on her hips, looking business-like. “What else?”

  “Call me if you think of anything.” He took her hand and they walked back toward the center.

  “There’s someone here. I don’t recognize the car,” Ronni said as they exited the woods.

  Lucas’s hackles stood up on his neck. At least if he was in bear form his hackles would be standing on end. “Maybe he is here to look for a pet?”

  Ronni cocked her head on one side. “From the stern expression on his face, I’d say he looks as if he needs a pet in his life.”

  Lucas cracked a smile, but he didn’t think the well-dressed man loitering in the parking lot was the pet kind of a guy. “Maybe I’ll hang on a little longer.”

  Ronni looked up at him with concern. “I get a sense I might need backup.” She patted Jessie on the head and then walked up to the stranger. “Can I help you?”

  “I’d like to adopt a pet.” He smiled broadly while his eyes assessed Lucas.

  Two predators sizing each other up, his bear said as he flexed his claws.

  Keep it together, Lucas warned.

  “Sure, what kind of pet were you looking for?” Ronni asked brightly. Too brightly.

  “A dog, I think.” He didn’t seem too sure and Lucas was certain this was a ruse and he had no intention of adopting a pet.

  “Sure, why don’t we go inside?” Ronni led the way and the guy followed, with Lucas bringing up the rear. He was sorely tempted to shift into his bear and tear strips from his expensive designer suit. He would look more at home in a boardroom than here in the animal shelter. But he supposed all kinds of people adopted pets.

  “Coffee?” Lucas asked, needing something to do. Keeping busy would stop him from doing something they might all regret.

  “Thank you. Black, no sugar.” He smiled, his perfect teeth glinting under the artificial light.

  “Thanks.” Ronni placed her hand on Lucas’s arm, the hand with his ring on it, and he breathed easier. This man was no threat to him or Ronni.

  “Okay, shall we start with your name and address?” Ronni pulled a piece of paper from her desk and set it down before reaching for a pen. She clicked it and her hand hovered over the paper, ready to write.

  “Matthew Lewis. 17 Marvella Road, Towerlands.”

  “You’re from out of town?” Ronni’s eyes narrowed. “Why don’t you adopt a pet closer to home?”

  “I saw the animal shelter as I was driving to Bear Creek and decided on the spur of the moment that I would like a pet in my life.” He leaned back easily in his chair.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t think you’ll be able to adopt an animal from us. You see, we have to do a home check,” Ronni began.

  “And you have my address. I’m certain I’ll pass any check you might need to carry out.” Matthew pointed to where she’d written his name on the form. Lucas’s fists clenched at the condescending tone Matthew used, but he kept his face neutral.

  After dealing with children and adults from all different situations in life, he should be used to people who rubbed him the wrong way.

  His bear shuddered at the thought of someone dragging their fingers through his thick bear pelt from his bear butt to his broad bear head. But that was exactly the feeling Lucas had when he was around Matthew.

  “You are outside of the area our animal shelter covers.” Ronni smiled warmly and set the pen down. “I can get you the telephone number and address of a shelter close to where you live.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t see any rule that says I need to live close by.” Matthew’s salt and pepper eyebrows waggled as he frowned at Ronni.

  “It’s rare we get someone from out of town wanting to adopt a pet.” Her smile widened but her voice stayed firm.

  “Perhaps you could arrange for someone from one of these other shelters to do a home check.” Matthew was sure pushing Ronni and Lucas had to fight with his inner beast not to do some shoving of his own. “If I find an animal suitable.”

  “I could. And if that’s the way you’d like to adopt an animal then please come back when the home check is complete.” Ronni stood up.

  The conversation was over, and Matthew acknowledged this with a slight nod of his head. “And I thought I was doing a good deed adopting from you. Since I’m told the shelter is in jeopardy.”

  “I appreciate your intentions.” Her smile fixed on her face, she walked him to the door.

  “That was...weird.” Lucas and Jessie walked to the door leading outside and they all watched Matthew leave.

  “Bastard,” Ronni spat.

  “Wow, what is going on? I know I didn’t like him, but I figured it was just me being overprotective.” Lucas slipped his arm around Ronni; her heart was racing. “What did I miss?”

  “He’s the developer guy. I’m sure of it. My guess is he thought I’d give him the grand tour if I thought he wanted to adopt a pet.” She crossed her arms and huffed loudly. “Well, he’s got another thing coming.”

  “Are you sure?” Lucas asked, only Ronni’s presence was stopping him from running after Matthew and confronting him.

  “No, but remember my sister said the developer's name was Matthew something? And there was definitely something off about him. I’ve seen a lot of people come here to adopt animals. I’ve gotten to know those who are genuine and those who are here just to pass the day away.” Ronni looked as if she might shred the guy's tires with her bear claws. “And he was not a genuine guy.”

  “I didn’t know you had a sixth sense about these things.”

  “I’ve honed my skills. It usually helps weed out those who are just time wasters and those who really want to rehome a pet. Usually, if it’s someone from out of town, they’ve come here for a particular breed of dog that they’ve seen on our website. This guy had no clue.” She let out a hot breath. “He’d come to browse as if he was choosing his next suit, not a lifelong companion.”

  “I think you’re right,” Lucas commented. “I wanted to rip his throat out.”

  “Not worth it.” She shook her head and turned to face him. “He’s not getting his hands on this land.”

  “I hope you’re right.” Lucas dropped a kiss on top of her head.

  “I am. Think about it. If he had to come here and look at the land in such an underhanded way, the property can’t be registered with the real estate company. Which means he couldn’t make an appointment to check it out.” Ronni pu
lled away from Lucas. “Shame, perhaps if he’d adopted a pet, he might be a nicer person.”

  “Who might be a nicer person?” Sian asked, coming in through the door after doing her chores. She went to the back room and got her coat and purse.

  “Matthew Lewis. He just left...”

  “Matthew Lewis was here?” Sian asked as she pushed her arm into her coat which was much too thin for a Bear Creek winter.

  “You know him?” Ronni walked away from the door and turned her full attention on Sian, who looked a little wary.

  “Only by reputation.” Sian fiddled with her coat buttons. “It’s not a good reputation.” She dragged a hand through her brunette hair and let her hand drop to her side. “He’s ruthless.”

  “We think he’s the property developer who came to town to buy the animal shelter.” Lucas was liking Matthew Lewis less and less.

  “If he is then watch your backs. I heard by way of the rumor mill that he is not above using dirty tricks to get what he wants.” Sian walked to the door. “I’m sorry again.”

  “For what?” Ronni asked.

  “Alerting people from out of town about the auction.” She gave a sad smile. “I was trying to make things better and I think I’ve made them worse.”

  “It’s okay,” Ronni reassured her. “I have a deal with Kevin. He’s a man of his word. We’re okay as long as we can get the money we need.”

  “I’ll work extra hard to make up for the trouble I’ve caused.” Sian stood in the doorway with tears in her eyes.

  Ronni went to her and hugged her tightly. “It’s okay. This wasn’t your fault. I appreciate everything you’ve done for the shelter. This Matthew Lewis can’t hurt us. We’ll get the money we need and buy the land and that’s the last we’ll see or hear of the man.”

  Lucas cracked his knuckles, which earned him a stern look from Ronni. He gave her a rueful smile and let his hands drop to his sides. But if Matthew thought he could come here and cause trouble, he had another thing coming. Lucas was ready and willing to fight for his mate and the things she loved.


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