Animal Rescue Bear

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Animal Rescue Bear Page 16

by Raines, Harmony

  She gave a girlish laugh and left him, walking across the museum floor, taking his heart with her. He gave himself a couple more minutes to admire her before he turned around and headed across the museum, weaving through the other guests as he searched for Matthew.

  He spotted him picking up a glass of wine and as he sipped it, he cast an arrogant glance around the room. Then he stopped dead, his eyes locked on something. Or someone. Lucas tried to figure out what Matthew was looking at, but there were too many people in the way.

  “Damn it.” He turned back to look at Matthew, but the man had gone.

  We’ll find him, his bear reassured Lucas as they set off across the marble floor, toward the last place they’d seen Matthew. If he was trying to sabotage the auction and the animal sanctuary, the man was about to come up against a very irate bear. Of course, if Matthew was also a shifter, as Lucas suspected, this might end in a bear fight.

  We’ll take it outside, his bear told him, flexing his claws.

  Lucas ducked around the edge of the stage which had been set up especially for this evening. It was covered in photos of animals the shelter had rescued throughout the years. Amongst the animals were smiling faces of new owners hugging their new pets and volunteers who gave their time freely. He paused as his eyes rested on a picture of Ronni and Martha, the woman who had founded the sanctuary.

  His heart hammered in his chest as he studied the smile on her face. There was no way Matthew or any other man was going to hurt his mate, either physically or emotionally.

  Ready to fight for Ronni and the shelter, Lucas turned his attention back to Matthew, wherever he might be.

  Found him. His bear bared his teeth as he saw Matthew talking to Sian.

  Lucas slid to a halt and ducked behind a large cardboard cutout of a bottle of Bear Creek Honey Beer. His mind whirled as he watched Sian and Matthew talking. Did they know each other previously? Sian said she knew who Matthew was, at least by reputation, but this looked cozier than that. Much cozier.

  Matthew leaned in, inhaling her scent. They were mates. Lucas had seen that expression enough times to know it instantly.

  “And you’re here to support the animal shelter?” Matthew asked Sian. Surely, he would know that if he was Sian’s mate.

  “I am. I’m introducing the lots that have been donated. It’s for such a worthwhile cause,” Sian gushed.

  Confused, Lucas moved closer. What the hell was going on?

  “The animal shelter means a lot to you?” Matthew asked as he looked down at Sian’s ring finger. Now it was all becoming clear. They had just met. Sian had no idea the hold she had over Matthew. Could they use it to their advantage?

  “It does.” Sian smiled, her eyes lighting up as she spoke. “I moved to Bear Creek after a difficult breakup...” She nervously tucked her hair behind her ear.

  “I’m sorry.” Matthew obviously wasn’t, but he also seemed moved by Sian’s sadness.

  “The shelter, along with the people of Bear Creek, helped give me new hope. Seeing the animals get a second chance showed me that I could get a second chance. Maybe. One day.” She shook her head. “I don’t know why I’m telling you all this.”

  “Perhaps because you see a kindred spirit in me.” His eyes searched her face. “Perhaps we all deserve a second chance.”

  Sian looked over Matthew’s shoulder. “I should go.”

  “Maybe we could meet later. After the auction.”

  “I’m not sure. I have to take my daughters home.” Was Sian making an excuse, did she really want to meet Matthew?

  He held out his hand to her and Sian placed her hand in his. A shock of emotion passed over Matthew and he reeled from their touch before he pulled himself together. “I hope you can allow me to buy you a drink after the auction.”

  “I suppose one celebratory drink might be okay.” She smiled widely again. “It might help if you tell me your name.”

  “Matthew Lewis.”

  “Matthew Lewis.” The smile slid off her face. “Is this some kind of a joke?”


  “You are the person who wants to buy the land the shelter sits on,” Sian’s accusation hit Matthew in the chest and he staggered back a step.

  “I can explain...”

  “Explain that you lied about wanting to adopt an animal.” She covered her face with her hands, obviously in shock, “That’s what this is. You bastard.”

  She slipped past Matthew, leaving him staring after her. Lucas slid out from his hiding place, feeling guilty for eavesdropping, but wanting to comfort Sian before the auction began.

  He reached out and took hold of her arm as she strode past. “Are you all right?”

  She whirled around to face Lucas, her face like thunder. “Yes. And more determined than ever to make tonight a success.”

  “What happened?” Lucas asked. “I saw you talking to Matthew Lewis.”

  Guilt swept across her face. “I didn’t know who he was.” She took a deep breath. “You know, I thought I was strong, that I could survive on my own, but then the first good-looking guy who talks to me, I go weak at the knees and practically tell him my life story.”

  Lucas wrapped his arms around her and she leaned on his shoulder. “There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be with someone.”

  “I wish I could meet a man like you, Lucas. A man I knew would always be there for me, no matter wha...” Her head jerked up and she groaned. “As if my life could not get any worse.”

  “What is it?” Lucas asked, turning to look into the crowd of people who were filling the museum in a constant stream.

  “My almost-ex-husband.” Sian’s face was deathly pale as she looked at Lucas. “What’s he doing here?”

  Lucas shook his head. “I don’t know.”

  “He must have heard about the auction from a mutual friend.” Sian took a deep breath and straightened her back. “I’m sure as hell not going to let him ruin this for me or for anyone else.”

  “Are you sure you can do this?” Lucas asked, placing his hands on her upper arms. He felt as if he should give her some rousing speech, but he was certain Sian was doing that in her head.

  “I can.” She nodded and forced a smile on her face. “I love you guys, all of you. Everyone has been so kind to me and the girls since we moved here. I can do it for me and for them.”

  “Everything okay?” Ronni asked breathlessly as she joined them.

  “Fine.” Sian nodded at Lucas. “Your man here was just giving me a pep talk. Last minute nerves.”

  “I’m not surprised. There are so many people here. I didn’t expect so many.” Ronni gulped down her own nerves. “I think you are amazing to get up there and do this for us. I feel like such a letdown not being able to speak on the stage.”

  “Don’t worry about it. We all have our fears. Rational or irrational.” Sian kissed Ronni on the cheeks. “This will be a success.”

  Ronni pressed her lips together and glanced sideways at Lucas. He could almost hear her thoughts. She was concerned that even if they raised enough money tonight that the shelter could be in trouble from the complaint about the noise. But if the complaint came from Matthew Lewis, would he withdraw it if Sian asked him to?

  If she is his mate, his bear reminded him.

  She is. I’m sure she is. He was even more certain when he glanced across the room and saw Matthew staring at Sian. But someone else was watching her, too. A man Lucas had never seen before was mingling amongst the crowd, circling like a vulture as he drew closer to the stage. He was here to intimidate Sian.

  “It’s time,” Ronni whispered, and Sian nodded and turned around to make her way onto the stage. “I hope she’ll be okay.”

  “She will.” Lucas put his arm around his mate’s shoulders as Sian introduced Simon and they went through their warm-up speeches. In no time at all they had moved on to the first lot and the money began to roll in for the shelter.

  The biggest cheer of the evening was for Carter as he too
k to the stage and explained what everyone would receive on the tour of the brewery. Not that it mattered since the five tickets were snapped up by women who seemed more interested in the movie star than the beer.

  At last, it was time for Ronni to go on stage. On offer was the chance to have Ronni train your pet or deal with any behavioral problems. Although Lucas had offered to bid for her himself, Ronni had turned him down and told him to bid for Sian’s pet pampering afternoon if the bids were low.

  Ronni’s promise was won by Sharon Wilmott who had just adopted Timber. Which was very generous since Ronni had already offered to give her as much help as she needed to ensure Timber settled into his new home. And stopped eating shoes.

  “I can’t believe how much we’ve raised so far,” Ronni said excitedly as she rejoined Lucas. The corporate team-building event had raised twice the amount the Chance family had hoped. And Simon was working the audience like the pro he was.

  “We should easily reach our target,” Lucas agreed as Simon introduced Sian as the next lot.

  Lucas watched as the man he assumed was Sian’s cheating husband moved around to stand right in front of the stage. But Sian refused to look at him as Simon began to warm the crowd up and get them ready to spend more money.

  “Our next lot is a pet pampering afternoon with Sian. This will take place at the animal shelter.” Simon looked out into the crowd. “Now, ladies and gentlemen, don’t be shy, this pet pampering afternoon is for all furries, large and small. Even those of you who have a bear lurking in your closet.”

  A ripple of laughter ran around the room.

  “Who wants to start the bidding?” Simon had hardly finished his sentence when a voice called out.

  “One…” Lucas’s eyes zoned in on Peter.

  “I’m sorry, could you repeat your bid?” Simon asked.

  But before the paltry amount could be repeated a voice said, “Two…”

  “Do something,” Ronni yanked on Lucas’s arm as Sian’s shoulders sagged forward.

  “Hundred thousand,” the voice added more clearly.

  Silence fell over the room and all eyes turned to Matthew Lewis.

  “What is he playing at?” Ronni asked fiercely. She stepped forward, but Lucas pulled her back.

  “I don’t think it’s a joke,” Lucas told her. “Sian is his mate. I guess he is protecting her honor.”

  The smirk slid off Peter’s face as he swung his head around and saw Matthew amongst the crowd. Everyone had taken a step back as they stared at the man who had bid such a large amount for a pet pampering day.

  “Going once, going twice.” Simon hesitated as he locked eyes with Matthew as if expecting him to laugh and say it was a joke, but Matthew looked deadly serious. “Sold to…”

  “Matthew Lewis.” His voice rang out clearly as Sian shifted her weight from foot to foot, looking as if she wanted to run away and hide.

  “What just happened?” Ronni asked, her hands cupping her face as she looked as if she might faint.

  “We just made a hell of a lot of money for the shelter...from the man who wanted to buy the land.” Lucas shrugged. “I guess that’s what happens when the mating bond hits you. And you have stacks of money to give away.”

  “The shelter is safe.” Tears spilled down Ronni’s cheeks as she turned to face Lucas and threw her arms around his neck.

  He grabbed hold of her and they clung to each other as if their lives depended on it. To people in the museum who weren’t shifters, it might seem like an extravagant if not eccentric thing to do. But Lucas would give that amount of money and more if he could for the woman of his dreams, his mate who stood by his side on this magical evening.

  “It seems as if your Matthew Lewis has been a busy boy,” Miriam said as she approached them.

  “He was behind the complaint, wasn’t he?” Ronni asked as she pulled away from Lucas.

  “What complaint?” Miriam shrugged. “I got call an hour ago telling me there had been a mistake.” Her eyes widened and she winked as she walked away. “Oh, Matthew Lewis is your new neighbor. He bought Kevin Jones’s house last week. It was a cash purchase, very fast.”

  “So that was his plan.” Ronni tried to concentrate as the auction continued, with a visibly shaken Sian holding it together. “He purchased Kevin’s house and thought he could grab the land, too.”

  Lucas pulled her into his arms. “But true love has shown him the error of his ways and now he’s the good guy.”

  Ronni looked up at Lucas and blinked a couple of times as if her brain was trying to compute what Lucas had said. “Wow, you’re so right.” She glanced up at Sian. “I told Sian she deserved a shifter. I just hope he makes her happy.”

  “He will.” Lucas indicated Peter who was making his way out of the museum looking far from amused. “And if he tries to hurt Sian, I’m sure Matthew will flatten him with his very expensive shoe and grind him into the ground.”

  “You say the sweetest things.” Ronni slipped her hands around Lucas’s neck and stood on tiptoe to kiss him.

  “You know this means we might also get that little house next to the animals.”

  “No more sofa,” Ronni murmured into his ear.

  “Maybe we should keep it. Just for old times’ sake.”

  “Maybe we should.” He kissed her as the auction continued. Overwhelmed by the generosity of the people of Bear Creek and Bear Bluff who had donated their time and money to help the animals, Lucas wished they would all have a happy Christmas and a peaceful new year.

  Although his hope was that he and Ronni would not have a peaceful new year. Instead, he hoped for the pitter-patter of tiny feet...and no, he didn’t mean cats or kittens. His wish was that they would be blessed with a child of their own. Who would have a future filled with love and security.

  He closed his eyes as he kissed Ronni and pictured the two stars hanging over the mountains. Perhaps they were his parents watching down on their family below. Whether they were or not, he gave thanks for the happy ending that had occurred tonight, not just for him and Ronni but for the animals and all those involved.

  “I love a happy ending,” Lucas said with a grin.

  “And I love a happy beginning,” Ronni said looking over to Sian.

  “Life is all about taking risks and you never know where you are going to end up.” He brushed a stray strand of hair off Ronni’s face. “But wherever we do end up, I’m excited to take the journey with you.”

  “I guess you’re the sort of man I can take a chance on,” Ronni joked before he kissed her lips.

  As they stood together in the crowded museum, Lucas knew he had won the greatest prize of them all, the kind money could not buy. And it would last forever and never fade. True love was beyond price.


  “I do.” Ronni smiled up at Lucas as he slid a ring onto her finger. She wanted to pinch herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming. Could life possibly be this perfect and be real? Even the weather had behaved itself. After days of worrying they might have to postpone the weather because of the threat of heavy snow, the skies had remained clear.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife.”

  Lucas didn’t wait to be told he could kiss the bride. They were mates, and no one gave them permission to do what came naturally. He scooped her up in his strong arms and she flung her arms around his neck, nearly scattering her bridal bouquet into the wintery breeze that buffeted them.

  A murmur of approval went around the people congregated in the parking lot outside the animal shelter. Not exactly a traditional venue, but this was the place where they had first met, and it was a huge part of their lives.

  “Ready?” Lucas asked.

  “Yes,” Ronni said nervously as Lucas carried her around the side of the shelter and along the path leading to their new house.

  She wanted to pinch herself again. If the weather had broken and the snow had fallen it would not have been completed in time. Will and his workers had worked flat-out since
the day after the auction to build the small house for her and Lucas for as long as she was the manager of the animal shelter. Which she intended to be until the day she died. This was her life.

  A life she now shared with an incredible man. Fate truly must be watching over her.

  Lucas mounted the porch and paused. “Want to say a few words?”

  “I do.” She grinned as he swung her around to face their friends and family. “Thank you all for everything. For the hard work and effort you poured into raising the funds to buy the land. And for this amazing house.”

  “Go take a look inside,” Will called.

  “That’s an invitation I’ll accept.” Lucas backed up to the door and Ronni reached to turn the knob. Adjusting her weight in his arms, they prepared to enter their new home.

  Stepping over the threshold, they saw the interior of their new home for the first time. “Wow.” The house had been closed off to Lucas and Ronni while the finishing touches were completed. Tansy, Nana, and Sian had decorated the inside in natural colors that blended with the views of the mountain from the windows at the back of the house.

  “Do you like it?” Tansy asked as she followed them inside.

  “I love it, Mom. Thank you so much.” Ronni leaned forward and kissed her mom on the cheek and hugged her tight. “It’s perfect.”

  Settling back into Lucas’s arms, since he didn’t seem ready to let her go yet, Ronni locked eyes with Sian and mouthed, “Thank you.” Sian smiled with pleasure as Matthew held her close. How things had changed in the last couple of weeks.

  Matthew had gone from an enemy to a lover, a man who loved Sian and her daughters more than anything in the world. If ever Ronni had doubted the mating bond, she was now a believer.

  Happy ever afters really did come true.

  Don’t miss Sian and Matthew’s book - The Bear Buys a Bride (A Second Chance Christmas in Bear Creek). Just let me know where to send news of my new releases by clicking/tapping HERE!

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