All Star

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All Star Page 18

by KB Winters

  “Trey…don’t say that.”

  I glanced over at her. “Why not? We’ve only been here a few hours and you’re all weirded out. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, Jo. I guess with the shit storm I’m caught up in right now, I didn’t think. I’m sorry if I’m fucking everything up for you.”

  Josie sighed. “You’re not. My parents like you and they’re happy to see me with someone. It’s all in my head. I just don’t want them to get their hopes up. You know? Remember what I told you that night at the bar, in Denver?”

  I nodded. “Your dad wants you to move here permanently, get married, and have some babies.”

  Josie laughed under her breath. “Yeah, that about covers it. That’s why I want it to be clear that that’s not what we’re doing here.”

  “Got it. Well, I’m pretty sure they know I’m not marriage material. Everyone knows that.”

  Josie stared at me, unblinking. “I don’t know that.”

  I laughed, thinking she was kidding, but she didn’t crack a smile or join in. “Jo…come on. I’m a fuckin’ mess. What do I have to offer a woman besides money and quasi-fame?”

  Josie smiled, the first one I’d seen most of the night, and it warmed me from the inside out. “Well you’re pretty good in bed.”

  I roared with laughter and Josie sprang toward me, shushing me. “Stop!” she said, giggling. “You’ll wake everyone up.”

  She was close enough for me to grab and I took advantage, quickly sitting up and locking my hands around her waist. Her giggles died as our eyes met and I captured her full, sexy lips with mine. Damn, she was sweet. Her tongue slipped over my lips and every muscle in my body went tight. She was hungry for me. Her body was just as hot and flushed as mine.

  I tried dragging her on top of me, but she resisted, and pulled away. When we broke apart, we locked eyes and the spark in hers got my heart racing even faster.

  “Come on,” she whispered, taking me by the hand.

  “Where are we going?” I asked, letting her lead me from the bedroom.

  “Shh!” she warned, turning around to let me see the one finger she had pressed against her lips. “You’ll see.”

  I followed her through the dark house and out into the yard. She was still only wearing her thin nightgown and I was wearing a pair of basketball shorts, a tee shirt and a hard on. Josie kept a hold of my hand as we walked. It was really dark once we got past the glowing porchlight but she didn’t falter or even slow down. It was clear that she knew the property like the back of her hand.

  I wanted to know where we were going, but there was a magical, mystical energy around us. Something exciting and seductive and I didn’t want to break it by demanding to know where she was taking me. We walked in silence for another ten minutes or so over the flat ground. In the silence, I could still hear crickets chirping and frogs croaking. The sound of water became clearer as we walked and up ahead, in the moonlight, there was a bank along the edge of a slow moving creek.

  “You feel like a little swim?” Josie asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Before I could answer, she reached for the hem of her nightgown and peeled it up her body in slow motion.

  “Fuck me,” I growled. I finally had my answer. She wasn’t wearing anything underneath. She stood there, stark naked under the moonlight and she looked damn good—every beautiful inch of her.

  “I was planning on it,” she quipped.

  I laughed and stripped off my own shirt and shorts. “As you can see, I’m more than ready.”

  “You ever been skinny dipping before?” she asked, turning around to look at the creek.

  “Nope. This is gonna be a first.” I rushed at her and scooped her into my arms. She squealed and quickly stifled the sound with the back of her hand. We were far enough away from the house that her parents wouldn’t hear us talking—or fucking—but squealing might be a problem.

  Without hesitation, I carried her into the water, swearing under my breath at the first cold steps into the flow. The water wasn’t icy, but it was definitely a little chilly. “Just gonna say, things happen in cold water…”

  Josie groaned. “Save it, Delgado. I know you got the goods.”

  I chuckled and waded in until the water was up to my waist. It lapped against Josie’s hips and she squirmed in my arms. “It’s not even that cold, you big baby.”

  I smacked her bare ass playfully as she got out of my arms and dunked down in the water until her body was covered from my view. When she came back up again, I stared, transfixed by the water rolling off her shoulders. “Damn it, Josie, you’re so beautiful.”

  She smiled and came over to me. I gathered her in my arms, sighing at the way our bodies fit together in the water. “If we go down a little further it gets deeper. This creek feeds into a lake down a way.”

  I dropped my hands down her sides and then back up to tease her perky tits. “I don’t know if I’m going to last that long. You look good enough to eat right here, right now.”

  Josie gasped when I pinched her nipple between my thumb and forefinger. I rolled the little bud between my fingers and grinned down at the way her eyes rolled back. She shifted her weight back and forth, from one leg to the other, as though trying to keep herself from coming right on the spot. My other hand slipped under the water’s edge and found her pussy lips, swollen and full. I parted her and stroked up and down her opening as she stood on trembling legs.


  “Hmm?” I murmured, still stroking her clit under the water.

  She dropped her head back and I followed the delicate arch with hungry eyes. “Let’s forget about everything tonight. Just fuck me.”

  I smiled and applied my lips to her exposed neck. “Deal.”



  The following morning, with memories of the steamy, creekside night still swimming in my head, I opened my eyes against the bright sunshine filtering in through the thin, gossamer curtains on the two large windows of my bedroom—with a huge grin on my face. My pussy still tingled. That man could do what no other man had ever done. I knew what it was...he had magic fingers and a body built for sex. “Damn! Damn! Damn it all to hell!” I grabbed a large, king size pillow against my chest and clutched it tightly.

  “I should have let him stay,” I whispered to myself, wishing he was there beside me. It would have been nice to wake up in his arms.

  I sighed and heaved myself out of bed, tossing the pillow back to where it belonged. I knew it was for the best that Trey stayed in his own room last night. I didn’t want my daddy thinking his baby girl was having sex under his roof. Even more…I didn’t want to confirm their suspicions before I figured out what the hell was happening for myself. I cared about Trey—he was fun and exciting— but I wasn’t willing to admit that to anyone else. Hell, I could barely admit it to myself.

  But what I couldn’t figure out was why. Was it his bad boy reputation? The baby mama drama? The fact that he’d been with enough women to fill a fucking stadium?

  Any of the above? All of the above?

  No one could blame me. There were a bazillion reasons mamas warned their daughters to stay away from men like Trey. And yet…there I was, falling in love with his sexy bad ass anyway.

  With a heavy sigh, I dragged my butt to the bathroom and took a hot shower. As I scrubbed, I sang a mindless tune, trying to keep my thoughts from nagging me to death. It was all a little heavy to digest before I’d even had coffee.

  Downstairs, Trey wasn’t anywhere to be found. Instead, I found my mama at the kitchen sink, scrubbing a stainless steel pot. “Hey, baby girl,” she called over her shoulder, having caught my reflection in the sudsy bottom of the shiny pot. “How’d you sleep?”

  Was there a knowing hint in her voice? No, I was imagining that. Stop being so paranoid, Jo.

  “Good. I always sleep good after a flight.” I padded into the room; my bare feet quiet on the polished wood floors.

  “A private flight, from what Trey was telli
ng us…” she added, before turning on the tap and rinsing the pot clean. She set it aside in the dish drying rack, wiped her hands off, and then spun on the heel of her sandal and smiled at me. “What’s going on with you two?”

  “Mom,” I groaned, reaching for the handle of the coffee pot, thankful it was already brewed. I poured a mug to the brim and took a scalding drink off the top. Hopefully, keeping my face from telling her anything she didn’t need to know—like how amazing he was on the private flight. “Nothing is happening between us. Like I said—repeatedly—last night, he’s just a friend. He’s in a bad spot, Mama, and I offered to help.”

  “Mmhmm. I know what you said, Jo. But I’m having a hard time imaging what kind of hard times you could be rescuing him from. He’s obviously a man with a lot of resources. Which…leaves one thing—”

  “Mama, stop! For the love of all things good and decent, stop!”

  She laughed and patted me on the shoulder as she passed on her way out of the kitchen. “All right, JoJo. Keep your secrets. They’re out in the barn, if that was going to be your next question.”

  With that, she was gone. I gulped down the rest of the hot coffee and then poured a refill. The barn? What on earth would Trey be doing out in the barn? And who was the other person in the they she referred to? My stomach growled, especially after the acidic showering of coffee, but I ignored it long enough to go upstairs, slip into my jeans and a coral colored tee shirt. I brushed out my hair and let it hang loose around my shoulders. It had dried out overnight and the resulting waves were wild but not a complete wreck.

  At the back door, I stopped to pull on a pair of blue Hunter boots that Mama kept there for me. I paused on the back deck to smile up at the warm sun. It was good to be home again. Even if only for a little while. I was still determined to get my story about the senator, but even after only being home again for a few hours, I was wondering if it would really be all that bad to move back again.

  I pushed the thoughts aside, and then plodded out to the barn. A group of three men were standing twenty paces from the mouth of the wooden structure. I paused at the entrance and studied them for a minute. Trey and Daddy were easy to pick out, and both were wearing work shirts, jeans, and boots. The third man was out of place though, wearing a business suit and what appeared to be loafers. All at once it hit me. Michael Arlington! The very man I was supposed to be digging up dirt on was standing there in the damn barn!

  My heart soared but then fizzled into nervous sputters as I realized I had no way of talking to him about what I saw in Denver. It wasn’t like I could just waltz up to him and say, “Hey, I saw you recently, passing something to the new senator in the middle of a dingy hotel lobby. Care to comment?”

  My dad’s voice carried to me. “Well, like I said, it’s something to think about.”

  “See that you do, Jeff. I’m telling you, it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity.” He turned to Trey and I caught his profile, confirming my suspicion. He smiled up at Trey and my heart pounded even harder. Whatever he was up to—Trey wouldn’t—couldn’t—be a part of it. He had enough on his plate. Michael stuck out his hand for Trey and the two men exchanged a cordial shake. “Mr. Delgado, if you’re interested, let me know. We could definitely find a place for a man of your worth at the table.”

  Worth? What the hell? Was that asshole scamming my daddy and my man?

  Trey tipped his chin to the man but didn’t reply.

  “I’ll see myself out,” he said, turning away. “I wish you luck with the…bailing…was it?”

  “Spreading,” my dad corrected, his tone slightly miffed sounding.

  Michael shrugged it off and kept walking. He stopped short when he saw me and plastered a smile on his unnaturally tan face. Deep lines etched around his eyes but there were no lines on his forehead or around his mouth as he smiled. The result gave his face a pinched, severe expression even as he smiled my way. What had happened? Botox? Bad plastic surgery? It had been awhile since I’d seen him, and at the hotel, I’d been too concerned with what was happening between the two men to notice his facial features in detail. “Ms. Crawford, nice to see you. You still up in Oklahoma City these days?”

  “Sure am,” I replied, offering a thin-lipped smile. “What about you? You live near Denver, right?”

  “Denver?” He gave a start, but quickly recovered and flashed a cool smile. “Goodness, no. I haven’t been to Denver in ages. I spend most of my time in Houston, but I still have a couple of developments out this way.”

  I arched an eyebrow at him. “Hmm. Is that what you wanted to talk to my dad about? Developments?”

  “Yes,” he replied, straightening his lime green tie. Who the hell wears a lime green tie? It was too shiny and looked tight around his neck. “As a matter of fact, it was. There’s a new opportunity that’s just fallen into my lap and I thought your father might be interested as well.”

  “Aha. Well, I’m sure he’ll make the right decision.”

  Michael stared at me for a long beat, then blinked away his confusion and started past me. “You have a good visit, Ms. Crawford. Always a pleasure.” As he walked out, the words ‘strange girl’ echoed back to me.

  I balled my hands together but then forced myself to release the tension as both my daddy’s and Trey’s eyes landed on me. I plastered on a smile and sauntered over to them. “What did you promise to this one to get him out here in the barn?” I asked my daddy, grinning over at Trey. To be fair—he made the work shirt look damn good. Far better than the ranch hands my dad usually hired to help out.

  Trey and my dad chuckled. “Not a damn thing, Jo. You got yourself a keeper here. Up early and volunteered to help me with the manure spreader.”

  “Eww,” I gagged, my nose wrinkling at the idea. “You’re in for a real stinky treat, Trey.”

  Trey shrugged. “I figure it won’t smell that much worse than a postgame locker room.”

  Daddy roared with laughter and clapped Trey on the shoulder. They were best buddies already. Great. “Told ya, Jo. Keeper.”

  “Well, unfortunately, Daddy, he’s just a loaner.”

  Trey flashed me a grin. “I don’t know, Jo. I’m kinda digging this place. Your dad took me on a tour of the property this morning. There’s this sweet little creek over that way…” His smile deepened as he jutted his chin in the direction of the creek. “I could probably spend quite a few hours there.”

  My cheeks flushed but Daddy had his back turned to us, tinkering with something at his work bench. “What are your plans for the day, Jo?” he asked, turning back around, some multi-geared part in his hands. Likely something for the spreader.

  I cut my eyes away from Trey. “Well, I’m working on a story, actually.”

  “Oh? What’s it about?”

  “Uhm, an embezzling as—jerk,” I caught myself. Even though I was a grown woman, I still kept my mouth clean around my daddy.

  My dad’s eyes went wide. “That sounds exciting. You better be careful though, Josie.”

  “I know, Daddy.” I sighed.

  Trey laughed under his breath.

  I shoved my hands into my back pockets and turned my attention back to my dad. “What was Mr. Arlington doing here?”

  My dad shrugged. “Talkin’ shop. Nothing too important. He’s got some new development deal coming up and wanted to give me an early in.”

  “Are you going to take it?”

  “I don’t know, baby girl. Why?” He gave me a strange look. I never asked him about work or business. Daddy was too private a man for that. My sudden interest was going to start setting off red flags. I needed to tread carefully.

  “No reason. Just curious.” I backed up a step, making to go back to the house. “You two have fun with the poop!”

  My dad shooed me away as Trey laughed. “Hey, Josie!”

  I turned back at Trey calling my name. “Yeah, cowboy?”

  “Great boots!” He called out.

  “Thank you!” I answered as cool as I coul
d, trying to keep my face from turning beet red in front of my daddy. “Y’all have fun!”

  I left the barn but paused at the entrance to look back. My daddy and Trey were bent over the worktable, discussing something with serious expressions. I still wasn’t sure how I felt about the two of them being BFFs, but I supposed it was better than my daddy lecturing me about bad boys.

  Although the fact that he wasn’t concerned was an entirely different kind of problem. I didn’t need him getting attached to Trey before I’d figured out what to do with him for myself.

  “No, no, no. Not one foot in my door!” I waved my hands at Trey as I leapt off my bed. He’d knocked on the door a minute before and was trying to get into my room. “You stink.”

  Trey chuckled. “Nice to see you too, baby.”

  He was covered in dust—shit dust—from the afternoon spent working the spreader with my dad. They’d been gone for hours while my mama and I had gone into town for some shopping. After we returned, we stopped at the fence for one of the back pastures and watched the two men work side by side. Something about it was both heartwarming and sexy and unnerving all at once. Watching Trey get his hands—and everything else—dirty with my dad, working the land of the family ranch, was unexpected and left me even more mixed up and confused. Why couldn’t he just be a lazy jerk that my parents didn’t like? It’d make my life a whole lot easier.

  “I’m hitting the shower in a minute. I just thought I’d let you know I was back and that the door to my room will be unlocked…your parents are going out for the night, and in less than five minutes, I’ll have all this shit scrubbed off.”

  A grin tugged at my lips. “Oh really? Is that an invitation?”

  He shrugged but the dark look in his eyes didn’t leave it open to any other interpretation. “Your call, baby. Missed you today.”

  Warmth spread over me at his sweet words. “Thanks for helping my dad. I’m sure you surprised him with the offer.”


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