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Dallas Page 4

by Claire Rhine

Grace grinned and grabbed her purse.

  It was Friday night and the bar was packed. I snagged a booth in the back of the room I knew would be overlooked. We spent the evening sitting and talking with my brothers who wandered over.

  Around midnight Grace started to get tired and suggested we go.

  “Not yet,” I said in her ear.

  The booth had just been vacated by five hulking men so she was still seated on my lap.

  “How about we take advantage of the shadows and we have a little fun?”

  “What?” Grace asked confused.

  I slid my hand up her thigh and ran a single finger down the sensitive spot where her leg and groin met.

  “What are you doing?” she asked squirming in my lap.

  “I think you can feel what I want to do.”

  “You are not suggesting what I think you are,” she said turning to face away from me.

  “Oh sweetheart it is exactly what I am suggesting.”

  Grace’s attempt to halt the fun I wanted to have by turning placed her in the exact position I needed to slip into her as discreetly as possible.

  I deftly pulled on the scrap of lace she was wearing. Grace jerked up a little and I yanked the fabric from her body and slide it into my pocket. With the other hand I pressed her back down and started to slowly circle her clit. Grace stilled but didn’t protest.

  “What if some see’s? She whispered.

  “Look around baby. No one is paying attention to us. Put that poker face on I know you have and relax.”

  Grace clutched the beer she had been drinking but her legs eased open.

  “That’s it. Let me do all the work.”

  I continued to play with her clit. Grace leaned forward on the table to try and angle her hips into my hand. I released my cock from my pants and lifted Grace up enough to slide into her. In one swift motion I was inside her. I thrust in and out a few times before Grace grabbed her beer and flung her head back pretending to take a drink. Her pussy clamped around me and I buried my face in the side of her neck.

  “Fuck,” she said in awe.

  Chapter 11


  I was finished. No man would ever be able to compare to Dallas. We had sex. In public. It was one of the fastest vaginal orgasms I had ever had. The possibility of being caught and the display of pure masculinity from Dallas had pushed me over the edge almost instantly.

  I could feel the heat of a blush creeping up my cheeks. I made an excuse to go to the back kitchen to grab something from the fridge to cool down. I had been like this all day. One night of sex in a bar with Dallas and I was hornier now than a week ago. My one long term relationship couldn’t even be compared to the heat and intensity I experienced with Dallas.

  Shit. I was still back here thinking about him. I grabbed the closest item and went back out. It was almost six o’clock and like usual my body tensed knowing I would be alone for an hour. I knew I didn’t need to worry but it still bothered me.

  Dallas strolled into the cafe at his usual time.

  “Do you wait outside to come in at the exact same moment every night?” I teased.


  “You are too much,” I laughed.

  “For you, always.”

  “I love you,” I whispered as I leaned over to kiss him.

  “I love you too,” Dallas grinned. “Any luck getting an evening off soon?” He asked.

  “Actually, I am getting tomorrow evening off.”


  “You going to tell me what you have planned?”

  “Nope. But you will need jeans.” Dallas said in between kisses.

  “Alright you two, no one wants to see you sucking face while they’re tryin to get coffee,” Drill said walking into the cafe.

  “What are you doin’ here man?”

  “Came to tell you I gotta head out of town for a little while. Buddy called a favor in and I gotta be on the road tomorrow morning.”

  “You okay with this?” Dallas asked.

  “You bet. I should be back by the end of the month,” Drill said as he slapped Dallas on the back and then left.

  “Fuck,” Dallas muttered.

  “What’s the problem?”

  “Drill usually does all the book keeping crap. I suck at it.”

  “I can help out if you want,” I offered.

  “You can do that?” Dallas asked hopeful.

  “I can. I was going to school for accounting before I had to drop out.”

  “We’re going to come back to this dropping out of school thing but get your ass over here. I need to kiss you without a counter between us,” Dallas growled.

  I laughed as I went around to meet him.


  Dallas was picking me up at six this evening giving me three hours to pamper myself and figure out what to wear. His only hint of wear jeans meant we were probably going to be riding somewhere.

  I rummaged through my bathroom for some bath salts. I was going all out starting with a relaxing bath. I slathered on a face mask and then hopped in the tub to unwind and read. My soak was followed by a shower to wash my hair. I took the time to diffuse my unruly mane and make my curls look cute rather than my usual mess of frizz. Standing in front of my closet I settled on a pair of dark jeans and a nice top with my calf high leather boots. It was sexy but comfortable for a ride.

  I looked at the clock and realized I still had an hour to kill.

  I had settled myself on my tiny couch to try and read when my phone rang.

  “Hello?” I asked not bothering to look at the caller ID.

  “Hey babe. You wouldn’t be ready would you?” Dallas asked on the other end.

  “I would be and I am sitting here trying to keep myself busy and its not working.”

  “Busy how?” He asked his voice dripping with sex.

  “Not that way,” I laughed.

  “Just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing out on anything.”

  “You need to stop talking and get over here. I want this date to start. The suspense is driving me bonkers.”

  “I’ll be over in ten,” Dallas laughed and hung up.

  There was a knock at the door ten minutes later and I yanked it open to reveal my sexy ass man. He was in his usual uniform of dark jeans and black tee. I went to grab my coat when he stopped me.

  “I think we need to upgrade you if you’re going to be riding around with me,” he smiled holding out a beautiful leather jacket.

  “What? This is too much.”

  “I’m making up for lost time,” he said and kissed my forehead.

  Grinning I slipped it on. It was a buttery soft black leather with silver snaps and a zipper that ran asymmetrically.

  “Dallas this is amazing.”

  “I also couldn’t have you riding around in a jacket that doesn’t give you much protection.”

  “I love it. Thank you.”

  “One more thing. Go grab a change of underwear and don’t ask questions,” Dallas instructed.

  “I keep a pair in my purse now,” I laughed.

  “Good to know,” he said snagging my hand and leading me out of my apartment.

  We rode for about an hour before Dallas turned off the main road. A few more miles and we pulled into the driveway of a beautiful lakeside cabin.

  “Oh my gosh this is amazing!”

  “You like it?”

  “It’s gorgeous. Is this your cabin?”

  “No Beard owns the place. Any time we want to get away the place is ours.”

  Dallas truly was a romantic underneath all his black t-shirts and leather. He had planned an amazing evening.

  Chapter 12


  Spending the night with Grace at the cabin had been magnificent. We made love in the lake, on the dock, and then eventually made our way inside and into bed when it got too cold to lay naked outside.

  I held back the urge to ask her to marry me multiple times. We were in love but I wanted to ask he
r properly. With a ring and a little more planning then me buried balls deep inside her in a lake.

  I was sitting at the cafe trying to get some work finished when I realized I had a temporary solution to the constant urge to ask Grace to marry me.

  “Is there a reason you work at both the salon and the cafe?” I asked Grace.

  “Gotta pay the bills. And as small as my apartment is it’s still not cheap.”

  “What would you think about coming to work for me?”

  “I thought Drill was only going to be gone for a month?”

  “He is but we do enough business that I can easily hire someone to run the office. That would free up Drill to do more work and we could take on a few more jobs. Plus if you move in with me you could save up to go back to school,” I watched Grace freeze when she heard the last part.

  “Wait did you just ask me to move in with you?”

  “I did,” I couldn’t breathe for a moment while I waited for her to process everything.

  “Yes!” She screeched and came around the counter and threw herself into my arms.

  “But wait living together and working together?” She asked a little concerned.

  “I know it sounds like a lot but we’ll make it work. And once you go back to school and get that degree you can do whatever you want.”

  “Thank you Dallas,” Grace said almost in tears.

  “Hey, there’s no need for tears.”

  “These are happy tears. You have no idea how badly I’ve wanted to go back to school.”

  “Why did you drop out?” I asked.

  “My mom got sick four years ago and with it just being the two of us I had to take care of her. After she passed away the medical bills were so bad that I had to sell everything but the few things that were mine.”

  “And you’ve been working your ass off ever since to get by,” I finished for her. “Grace I’m so sorry you had to go through all of that alone. I would give anything to go back in time to meet you five years ago.”

  “That would have been a little hard,” she smiled. “I didn’t even live here five years ago.”

  “I don’t care.”

  “I could never have imagined that a week ago the sexy man I would watch across the street would end up being the love of my life,” she squeezed her arms around me tighter.

  “I’ve always had this small part of myself that was empty. I’ve tried a lot of things to try and fill that void but not until the day I spoke to you did that emptiness go away,” I confessed.

  Grace did have tears streaming down her face now. “You can’t say things like that,” she said swatting my chest. “I want to tackle you right now and have my way with you.”

  I laughed breaking the seriousness of the moment. “Well we know you’re into that.”

  “Hey that was a one-time thing,” she said turning beet red.

  “We’ll see,” I said nuzzling her neck.

  “Okay cool it mister,” she laughed. “Can you put the chairs up for me?”

  “Anything for my love,” I said kissing the tip of her nose. “Let’s get this place closed up so I can take you home and celebrate.”

  Grace came home with me that night and every night after.


  One Year Later


  “Grace let’s go we don’t want to be late,” I shouted up the stairs.

  “Be right there.”

  A year was all it took for Grace to complete the final course she needed to graduate. The woman had almost doubled her course load this past semester to finish. She had me in awe of what she could do.

  “Ready,” she said practically bouncing down the stairs.

  We had spent the day at her graduation and now it was time to celebrate. The bar was closed for the evening and the club was going all out.

  “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” Grace asked for the hundredth time today.

  “Nope. But we do need to stop at the bar to get something first.”

  We pulled in front of the bar and I grabbed her hand to follow me in. The moment we stepped through the door the room erupted in cheers. A giant congratulations sign hung above the bar and balloons and streams decorated the room. Drill’s old lady had out done herself with the decorations.

  “Oh my god” Grace squealed with huge grin on her face.

  I led Grace over to a table that was decorated with flowers.

  “Have a seat. There is one more surprise,” I said with a mischievous grin.

  Bearded handed over the wrapped box and I set it in front of Grace.

  Tearing into the paper and then opening the box Grace’s mouth fell open in shock.

  “We are sitting at the same table we had our first date at. I’ve been waiting for the perfect moment to ask you this for the past year. Grace will you marry me?” I asked taking the small ring box from her hands and opening it to show her the antique ring I had bought a month after we met.

  “Of course I will marry you,” Grace whispered with tears running down her cheeks and a huge smile on her lips.

  “You have made me the happiest I have ever been. I can’t wait to start this next chapter with you,” I whispered to her and captured her lips in a scorching kiss.

  The room had erupted in hoots and hollers.

  “Let’s get this party started!” Beard hollered.


  I thought of myself as an optimist but since meeting Dallas my cup was overflowing. The surprise party Dallas had thrown for my graduation and the proposal were more than enough for one day but i had my own surprise.

  “I think it’s time to call it a night,” I whispered in Dallas’s ear.

  “I agree. Let’s get out of here.”

  I savored our ride back home.

  “I have something for you,” I beamed as we walked into the house.

  “Do we need to move this upstairs first?” He grinned and wrapped his arms around me.

  “No,” I laughed and wiggled out of his arms.

  I ran to the laundry room to grab the non-descript brown paper bag I had hidden.

  “Why are you giving me presents?”

  “Just open it,” I urged.

  Dallas sat down on one of the island stools and slowly opened the bag. I was practically jumping as I watched him pull out a tiny leather jacket. The expression on his face went from confused to realization in seconds.

  “Does this mean what I think it does?” He whispered.

  “It does.”

  “Fuck yeah!” He hooted and leapt off the stool to scoop me into his arms.

  “When did you find out?”

  “I went to the doctors yesterday and we are six weeks along.”

  “You have just made me the happiest man in the world times ten,” he growled and captured my lips with his.

  “I think we have both made each other extremely happy today,” I laughed with tears streaming down my cheeks.

  “Let’s go celebrate,” Dallas said pulling me towards the stairs. “Wait is that okay?” He questioned with a concerned look on his face.

  “Of course it is,” I laughed.

  “You better get that luscious ass upstairs then,” he grinned and swatted my butt.

  I hurried upstairs grinning ear to ear at the way my life had turned out.


  Wondering who gets to find love next for the Alpha Pack MC? Follow me on Instagram @clairerhine.author to get sneak peeks.

  About The Author

  Claire Rhine

  Claire has been reading romance since she was young. Her earliest memory includes sneaking one of her mom's books to school and reading it under her desk, she was only in sixth grade. Claire's love of reading romance bloomed into a teenager's attempt at writing romance which didn't go anywhere. Many more attempts and she finally got her writing career off the ground with her debut short story Dallas.

  When Claire is not writing or thinking up new stories she is a busy mom to a preschooler and an
avid crafter. For book updates and to get a peek into what being a writer looks like behind the scenes you can follow her on Instagram @clairerhine.author




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