Price of Passion (3-in-1 Collection)

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Price of Passion (3-in-1 Collection) Page 12

by Aubrey Ross

  Mason had carefully molded the ambassador’s appearance to be approachable, yet unremarkable. Objectivity was key in successful negotiations. The opposing parties needed to focus entirely on each other, allowing Mason to assess the true nature of the conflict.

  A man like Kenton could have anyone he wanted. So why had the ambassador’s unimpressive form attracted him?

  * * *

  Salus found a particularly tense spot on Kenton’s back and worked the knotted muscle with ruthless determination. Kenton groaned. Goddess, that felt good! AVontralirian was trained in various methods of massage, but this was the first time he’d received rather than delivered the treatment.

  Kenton had been surrounded by luxury his entire life. His education had taken place at the Pleasure Guild’s premiere academy. From there he’d moved directly to the potentate’s palace. The ambassador’s home was less ostentatious, yet certainly just as impressive. From the mammoth pillars supporting multi-level verandas, to the curved staircase dominating the elegant foyer, the stately mansion gave the impression of wealth and generations of privilege.

  Was the mansion a perk of the position or had Mason always been rich? Kenton suspected it was the later. After leaving Mason’s office, still irritated by the casual violation of his privacy, Kenton spent several hours finding out all he could about the ambassador. Empress Amoli had appointed Mason to his position six years before. Mason had never been married, but there had been an ugly scandal involving his sister, Megan, a few years back. He’d been unable to find video clips of any of them in the short time he’d had to dig.

  Megan was a fairly common name. There was no reason to think Mason’s sister was the same woman Kenton had met at Starlight Station. Still, he couldn’t help imagining her standing beside Salus, a mysterious smile bowing her lips.

  “Would you please turn over?” Salus adjusted the linen drape as Kenton reversed position.

  The massage table was located in a plant-cluttered room adjacent to an indoor swimming pool. Colorful tiles, in geometric patterns, spread out across the floor and lined the pool. The ceiling was transparent, as were two of the walls. One wall offered a spectacular view of the formal gardens while the other overlooked a vast expanse of lawn and mansions in the distance. Like the rest of the house, this area felt classic, yet decadent.

  “Is Salus taking good care of you?”

  Kenton turned his head sharply and found Mason standing in the exact spot where he’d pictured Megan. “How did you get in here?”

  Mason motioned to a doorway mostly hidden by one of the potted plants. “Would you rather I wait until you’re finished? I wanted to go over a few details about tomorrow.”

  “Now is fine. You just startled me.”

  Moving to the wheeled drink cart, Mason poured himself a glass of sautara punch. Kenton had sampled the bright red concoction before the massage began and the exotic flavor lingered in his mouth. Rich and sweet, with a hint of citrus, and the warmth of spice, it was like nothing he’d ever tasted before.

  “In hindsight,” Mason began, “it might have been wise for you to accompany me to the reception. You would have been able to give me your impression of the Palontian ambassador.”

  “Who did they send? Perhaps I’ve heard of him, or her.” Kenton tried to remain relaxed, but Mason’s smoldering gaze was creating tension faster than Salus could rub it away.

  “Ambassador Peylla. He’s second son of the Obikee chief.”

  Kenton froze, barely able to draw breath. Of all the people on Palonti, why did they have to send Peylla? “I’ve heard of him.”

  “You don’t sound pleased.” Mason strolled closer to the table, his eyes focused on Kenton’s face. “Do you know him?”

  Think fast, Kade. How do you explain this without… He’d done it again. Kade was dead! Kenton was a security officer with no political affiliations. “I…” Rolling to his side, he propped himself on his elbow and looked directly into Mason’s eyes. “Many people used the uprising as an opportunity to start over. There are certain elements on Palonti that wouldn’t be happy to learn I escaped the upheaval.”

  “I appreciate your candor.” He paused for another sip before he asked, “Is Peylla one of these elements, or are you concerned he’ll inform others that you’re still alive?”

  “I’m not sure how Peylla would react if we came face to face.” With a sigh he relaxed against the table and allowed the massage to resume. “I was once employed by the former potentate and, as you know, Peylla’s tribe despised the man.”

  “Potentate Chaya is dead. His murder was one of the pivotal developments leading up to the current upheaval.”

  “Even with Chaya dead, I doubt Peylla will be able to disassociate me from the former ruler.”

  They were silent for a time and Kenton closed his eyes. He’d likely ended his employment before it began. Everything he’d just said contradicted the information on his résumé, but there’d been no other choice. If Peylla saw him, not only would it end the masquerade, he would likely be returned to Palonti in restraints.

  “In what capacity were you employed by the former potentate?”

  Kenton glanced up as he debated what to say. “I was part of his household staff.” That was more or less true. “It’s customary on Palonti for the family of a conquered ruler to be wiped out. This often includes their servants.”

  “I think you’re overestimating Peylla’s brutality. To my knowledge Chaya’s people were evacuated from the palace, but no one was killed.”

  “I was responsible for the safety of one of Chaya’s lesser wives. Her name was Kalleto. The match was negotiated as part of a peace treaty between Chaya and her tribe. When she failed to produce a son, Chaya had her executed.”

  “This woman was one of Peylla’s tribe?”

  “She was his sister.”

  “I see.” Mason stared into the distance for a moment, his expression inscrutable. “As I said during the interview, you will monitor the sessions remotely. I’ll make sure your paths never cross.”

  Kenton accepted the assurance with a nod. It wasn’t his manufactured qualifications that had brought him to Mason’s attention in the first place. The ambassador needed someone who could eavesdrop on the Palontian delegation. He could do that and a whole lot more.

  Releasing his tension with a deep sigh, Kenton focused on the ambassador’s face. Hunger burned in Mason’s eyes, yet he sat there staring. Conducting this briefing while he was naked had been no accident. Mason wanted to fuck. Was he waiting for Kenton to make the first move? Kenton’s cock hardened and he clenched his teeth. Taking control had his body’s full cooperation.

  Salus worked one of Kenton’s legs, carefully arranging the sheet in an attempt to conceal his erection. Kenton was used to being watched, assessed and coveted. So why was Mason’s gaze making his skin heat and his balls tingle? Perhaps the sautara punch had stimulating properties. He’d been just as turned on in Mason’s office. He couldn’t blame this attraction on an exotic beverage.

  “Peylla informed me that it’s customary for Palontian nobility to be provided with bedmates, as many as they choose and in whatever variety they crave. Is this true or was he trying to shock the Federation’s representative?”

  This was an interesting change of subject. Kenton gazed up at the starry sky and concentrated on the firm pressure of Salus’ hands. “Every member of the Palontian aristocracy has pleasure servants. The custom Peylla is referencing is simply a matter of the guest mentioning which servant, or servants, they wish to utilize during their stay.”

  “I see. We’re a bit more discreet with such matters, but I made the necessary arrangements.”

  Kenton couldn’t help but smile. “What you term discretion, we Palontians would call hypocrisy. We make no attempt to hide our sexual appetites because we find no shame in physical desire.” He tossed back the sheet and swung his legs over the side of the table. “If I’ve misread your expression, tell me now, because I’m about to mak
e the first move.”

  Spellbound by the gleaming perfection of Kenton’s naked body, Mason pushed to his feet. Salus slipped through the door at the back of the alcove, not needing to be told it was time to leave.

  Kenton grabbed the back of Mason’s hair. The unexpected aggression thrilled Mason more than he cared to admit. He’d been restless ever since Amoli showed him the security file. In truth the restlessness had been with him since Starlight Station. All he had to do was close his eyes and erotic images materialized in his mind. But in his fantasies, he was the man bound and helpless, waiting for the brutal passion of his Master’s touch.

  “I’m not sure how this works on your world,” Kenton said. “I want no misunderstanding. Do you want to fuck me or not?”

  Mason swallowed hard and shook his head. “I want you to fuck me.” A flash of heat in Kenton’s gaze assured him the Palontian understood the distinction.

  Requiring no further prompting, Kenton sealed his mouth over Mason’s and unfastened the ambassador’s jacket. His strong fingers traveled over Mason’s chest, spreading heat in their wake. Mason parted his lips and welcomed Kenton’s tongue, needing the intimacy and enjoying the faint taste of sautara punch. It had been so long since he’d had sex as a man. After the disastrous incident three years before, Mason completely separated his personas. The ambassador conducted business and Megan dealt with all things social.

  Shrugging out of the jacket, Mason finally indulged his need to touch. Kenton’s body was slick from the massage oil. Mason explored his torso, admiring his firm muscles and flawless skin. “Catova oil smells wonderful --” He leaned in and pressed his lips against the center of Kenton’s chest. “-- but it tastes even better.”

  Kenton stood perfectly still, allowing Mason to play. He squeezed Kenton’s broad shoulders, while his lips memorized the texture of his skin. Mason brushed his fingertips over the mark on Kenton’s back. “What is this?” He tried to move behind Kenton and get a closer look, but the Palontian twisted away.

  “Just a scar.” His gruff tone made it obvious he would say no more.

  Unwilling to jeopardize the building intimacy, Mason allowed the evasion. He cupped Kenton’s ass and teased his flat nipples. He sucked one between his lips and applied pressure with his teeth until Kenton groaned. The low muffled sound fueled Mason’s desire. What other sounds could he drag from Kenton’s throat?

  Determined to find out, Mason began his descent. He closed his fingers around Kenton’s shaft with one hand and cupped his sac with the other. Everything about Kenton was designed for carnal pleasure. He had a body fit for a king -- or a potentate. It was easy to imagine Kenton in the potentate’s palace. Picturing him as a guard, however, took more imagination.

  The smaller scar was barely visible on Kenton’s inner thigh. Was Kenton a renegade Vontralirian? If he was, it stood to reason that Chaya had been his master, so the possibility had no bearing on what they were about to do.

  Pushing aside the distraction, Mason sank to his knees. The spicy scent of catova oil made his nostrils flare and his mouth water. Gently rolling one ball against the other, Mason watched Kenton’s cock buck within the circle of his fingers. It hardened even more, growing longer and darker. Tension gripped Mason’s belly, a bittersweet ache too long denied. He imagined Kenton stretching him, pushing deeper and deeper until he screamed from the pleasure/pain. A violent shudder passed through Mason. He needed the pain as much as the pleasure. How long would it take before he felt comfortable enough to admit his dark desires?

  He leaned in close and caressed Kenton with his breath before closing his lips around the Palontian’s shaft. The flared head alone filled Mason’s mouth. He licked and sucked, fascinated and undeniably aroused. Mason grew bolder, pumping his hand up and down. A salty tang soon joined the catova oil and Mason swept his tongue across the very tip.

  “Enough.” Kenton drew out of Mason’s mouth and pulled him to his feet. With almost frantic movements Kenton unfastened Mason’s pants and pushed them past his knees. He reached for the catova oil and lubricated both hands. “Bend over.”

  The command made Mason’s cock jerk and his anus tingle. He turned and braced himself against the top of the massage table, spreading his legs as wide as his bunched pants allowed. Kenton rubbed his cock against Mason’s ass then pushed between his legs. Confused by the position, Mason glanced over his shoulder. Kenton just smiled and rubbed his hands together. Starting with his shoulders and working his way down, Kenton massaged Mason’s back. All the while Kenton’s cock throbbed between Mason’s legs, a constant reminder of its eventual destination.

  “How many times did you watch me fuck Sabina?” Kenton whispered as he reached Mason’s hips.

  Mason closed his eyes and clutched the padded surface of the table. “What makes you think I saw the files?” Kenton reached around and closed his fist around Mason’s cock.

  “I could see it in your eyes.” Kenton pulled back, dragging his cock over nerve endings Mason didn’t realize he had. When he rocked forward, the head of his cock hit Mason’s balls hard enough to make him gasp. “Was it just Sabina or did you see the other time too?”

  “I saw you with Sabina and a blond man, but I only watched the file once.”

  “Really?” With one hand still circling Mason’s cock, Kenton took the catova oil and drizzled it into the crack between Mason’s ass cheeks. “And that one scene aroused you enough for you to seek me out?” He smoothed the oil over Mason’s flesh, pausing to tease his tightly puckered hole.

  “How many others have there been since you arrived?” He had no right to ask. Mason had just met this man. He hadn’t spent two weeks longing for the pleasure promised by his smoldering gaze. Jealousy prompted one more question. “How many times did you go to Starlight Station?”

  Kenton drilled him with his finger, thrusting in fast and pulling out slowly. “Don’t you already know? You’re the one spying on me.”

  “The empress was spying on Sabina.” He pushed to the balls of his feet, resting more of his weight on his forearms. “I need an interpreter. This wasn’t some elaborate ploy to…” Kenton slid his finger in and out, establishing a delightful rhythm.

  “Do you have a whip handy?”

  Mason didn’t detect mockery in the question, yet he hesitated.

  “Do you like your cheeks burning when you take a cock up your ass?” He punctuated the question with a hard inward drive.

  Mason didn’t want to reveal too much too soon. Restraints and whips required a level of trust they hadn’t yet established. According to the empress, Kenton hadn’t touched anyone since Megan disappeared. If Mason progressed gradually, gave Kenton time to adjust, this might develop beyond one heated tussle. The possibility left him breathless.

  “If you please me well tonight, we’ll talk about more interesting games tomorrow,” he whispered.

  Rotating his hand, Kenton worked in a second finger. “Are you sure this is what you want? You’re really tight and I’m really hard.”

  Mason trembled, doing his best to relax as Kenton’s slick fingers prepared him for a much larger invasion. “I’m sure.”

  Pulling him backward, Kenton made more room between Mason’s body and the table. Neither of them spoke. Kenton stroked Mason’s shaft with one hand and fucked his ass with the other. Mason grasped the far side of the table and concentrated on the combined stimulation. Each inward thrust seemed to pass through his body and continue along the length of his cock.

  He tossed his head, enjoying the sensations, yet needing more. Oil dripped into his crack again. He felt a greater pressure and braced for the next step. Kenton moved his fingers to the end of Mason’s cock, caressing the sensitive tip with his thumb. Holding him open with one hand, Kenton found his hole with the blunt head of his cock and drove steadily inward.

  Mason closed his eyes, picturing what he was feeling. Kenton’s cockhead spread him wide as pain drilled into his ass. Wave upon wave of blissful burning crashed over him. Mo
re oil eased the way and the searing pleasure abated in a series of abrupt spasms. Kenton pushed deeper and Mason groaned.

  “Does it hurt?” Kenton’s voice was barely a whisper.

  “Gods, yes.” He released his breath in a hiss, then laughed. “More. I want it all.”

  With the same relentless patience, Kenton obliged. Mason clenched his teeth to keep from crying out. The pain was exquisite. When Kenton’s thighs pressed against his, the Palontian wrapped his arm around Mason’s waist and resumed the tantalizing motion with his fingers. Mason’s ass echoed the throbbing of his cock, but it wasn’t enough. He tried to rock his hips, to drag his body off Kenton’s shaft. Kenton held him in place, not ready to move.

  “Please, I need to feel you.”

  Kenton chuckled. “You can’t feel me?”

  Mason tightened his inner muscles as hard as he could. “Don’t wait. Fuck me now.”

  Moving both hands to Mason’s hips, Kenton pulled nearly out, paused for an instant, then slammed his full length back in. Mason screamed as fire ignited inside him. Kenton showed no mercy. He drove hard and fast and Mason went wild beneath him. Bucking and twisting, Mason used the pain to fuel his pleasure, creating sensations so intense he fought for breath. Kenton grasped the back of his neck and held him down as he filled him again and again.

  Mason clawed at the sheet and lights danced before his eyes. Each violent thrust detonated a separate burst of pleasure/pain. His cock pulsed and his balls ached, and an image formed within his mind. Megan sprawled across the table, her legs draped over Kenton’s arms as he fucked her with the same possessive demand. The need to shift surged within Mason, trapping him on the brink of release.

  Kenton reached around and grabbed his cock. “I won’t come until you do. Now get busy!”

  Forcing back the impending transformation, Mason refocused on the relentless slide of Kenton’s cock and the corresponding stroke of his hand. Tension gathered and reality blurred. He threw back his head and pumped his seed against the linen sheet. Kenton shuddered, a moan escaping his throat as he came deep inside Mason’s body.


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