The People formed hundreds of small Circles and partook in Sweet-grass Ceremonies. The aroma from the smoke of hundreds of smouldering braids of sweet-grass spread through the air a smell that was exhilarating to the senses of the thousands of participants. Afterwards, the Chiefs and Elders smoked pipes of peace. Then Lightning Bolt resumed speaking, calling for consensus on the proceedings of the peace celebration, which would resume the next Sunrise. After the sacred pre-meeting rituals were respectfully carried out, Lightning Bolt began his historic address.
“My brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, we have gathered this Sunrise to approve an understanding that will further reinforce our determination to live in peace forever. To this end I’ll be asking you for approval of the following actions and laws, which we believe will have the power to strengthen our bonds. To start, we have agreed to dig a pit and have Lone Wolf and Sleeping Bear, the Chiefs of the Penikt and Atikitkas Nations, signify the ratification of their Peace Treaty by placing hatchets in it for burial. Then all other Chiefs, as the representatives of their Nations, shall place in it a hatchet to be buried also. This Burying of the Hatchet Ceremony will reaffirm our commitment to the original agreements that ended hostilities forever among our Peoples. After the hatchets are buried, the Chiefs shall form a circle and make gifts of tobacco to each other. Then they shall further seal the agreement by smoking pipes of peace.
“Then the present members of the Wabanaki Alliance will invite the new Nations seeking membership to ratify the terms that the alliance operates under. A new provision, which officially creates an Arbitration Council to deal with disputes among our own Nations will need to be ratified by all. Although we’ve never needed it before, it will have authority to find solutions and to have them implemented by consensus when found. If a consensus cannot be found then it shall have authority to impose decisions without further consultations as a last resort. This power, I don’t envision, will ever be used as stated. However, in case it ever has to be used, the power to do shall be assured by the Chiefs.
“In addition, to assure that the alliance remains faithful to its purpose, member Nations shall agree to meet each Summer to discuss ways to improve and strengthen its effectiveness. There shall also be special emergency meetings when required. The citizens of member Nations shall have the right to travel freely and unmolested through another member Nation’s territory.
“There, my brothers and sisters, you have before you the result of our labours. Do you want time for further discussion before signifying your pleasure, or displeasure, with the terms of the proposal?”
The answer came back in one mighty roar, “No, we approve, we approve.” The crowd began a spontaneous round of embracing and shouting out their pleasure to the world.
The Burying of the Hatchet Ceremony then took place. With due respect, each Chief solemnly placed a hatchet in the pit and pledged his Nation’s commitment to peace. After it was finished, the People again reacted with enthusiastic noise of approval. After allowing some time for them to express their joy, Lightning Bolt asked the People gathered for silence to hear his word.
“This Sunrise, my friends, we have truly become one family at peace. Peace, my People, is the way to realize human dignity for all people and it is a path that I hope will, one Sunrise, be adopted by all of humanity.
“Brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, there is no praise strong enough to commend you for having the fortitude to accept peace as your guiding light. Life, my friends, is precious and you have this Sunrise recognized this as a central truth, because you have honoured life and each other and your children and their children for countless future generations. By your personal and shared actions this sunrise, you have set the path that is much easier to walk than any other because by walking in this way, we continue to honour our inner nature and the nature of our sacred bonds in relationship with each other.
“This bond is made of the sacred beauty of creation. This beauty is given to us by the Creator. This gift is our sacred trust, given within our hearts and extended to each other. In these ways, we each and every one of us are the hands and arms, the feet and legs and the heart, mind and spirit of the Great Spirit. By living in peace, the Creator’s will is made manifest within us and between us. By honouring the sacred bond of peace and by taking the honourable and humble path to reconciliation whenever a conflict may arise, including seeking arbitration and the advice of others, we are in fact offering to ourselves and each other the energy of the Creator’s touch, His embrace and His forgiveness by the way we live these commitments to peace.
“My children, my brothers and sisters, seeing our agreement come to pass is a mountain of a landmark in my lifetime. I couldn’t ask for more. With the help of the Great Spirit and our good will towards others our efforts shall last for uncountable Moons. Go, my People, and celebrate the beginning of a new life. May the Great Spirit forever bless you with His bounty and may peace be with you.”
From this time forward the Eastern Nations knew only peace among themselves. Lightning Bolt, as recognition of his historic accomplishments, became affectionately known as the Peacemaker. The People, knowing he would not approve of the designation, kept this sacred name an open secret among themselves. This was the way of things until that fateful Sunrise when the Peacemaker was called home to the Land of Souls.
Lightning Bolt returned to Kespukwitk filled with a deep sense of accomplishment. The pact that bound all the Nations of the East together was a dream come true. To leave an encampment with the sight of old enemies like the Atikitkas and Penikt demonstrating their new found friendship by partying together and passing tobacco back and forth was an experience to remember. His contentment was reinforced by his deep conviction that the new order was permanent.
After a short rest to recuperate from the rigours of travel, he quickly slipped back into his comfortable routine. Sunrises were once again filled with visits from old friends, relatives and people seeking advice and guidance. However, his schedule was not as hectic as it was when he was younger. With the passage of time he had begun to recruit some of the younger leaders to handle many of the responsibilities that he previously took care of himself. This was accepted by the People with understanding and the extra duties were willingly assumed by the younger leaders in the same spirit. Prompted by the knowledge that their aged and esteemed father needed to slow down and live an easier life, they had worked out a pact among themselves to further ease the load that Lightning Bolt carried. They did so in the knowledge that, in an emergency, his vision and leadership were always there to show them the way.
Spring Flower’s Sunrises were also back to a routine she enjoyed, of helping Lightning Bolt with his duties and participating in the social affairs of the community. Top priority for her was getting Lightning Bolt away from duties by persuading him to go on long trips to visit friends more often. This was not hard. In spite of their advanced age they both still loved to travel and Lightning Bolt made sure more time was available for it. They often, during the warmer Seasons, recruited a group of eager volunteers from among the younger warriors and set off for a destination to the far reaches of a Mi’kmaq, or an allied Nation’s, territory.
Recruiting warriors to accompany them was not a problem. The only issue was that so many eagerly volunteered it made it difficult to turn away many who wished to experience these very popular trips. Because of this, the competition among the young men to be selected for the purpose by the esteemed couple was intense. This desire to travel with the Chief and his wife was to a certain extent motivated by the honour of escorting them, but primarily it was because the warriors found the companionship of these two warm and interesting people to be an experience to remember. Also, for many of them, the exciting places the Chief and his wife visited were the only opportunity they would have during their lifetimes to travel.
During these journeys to far off places such as the Bay
of Cod, or Where the Mountains Touch the Sky, the young men were often entertained around a roaring campfire by Lightning Bolt’s stories. They ranged from tales of his personal adventures to legends passed down through the ages by the Elders. He could tell stories in such a manner that people often felt like they were living the adventures themselves. When Lightning Bolt grew tired, Spring Flower, a fairly good storyteller in her own right, often stepped in and continued the entertainment.
The Grand Chief thoroughly enjoyed the company of young people but as the Seasons passed he became aware that time was depriving him of many of his lifelong companions. Already, at his eightieth Spring, he had seen a great many depart Mother Earth and he knew with the certainty of his faith that they were in the Land of Souls enjoying the company of the Father and their ancestors. Although he was happy for them, from time to time he could not help feeling a little lonesome for their company.
Shortly after he began his eighty-second Spring, Lightning Bolt saw his lifelong friend Crazy Moose called home. His passing left a void that could never be filled and Lightning Bolt missed him immensely, far more than anyone knew, with the possible exception of Spring Flower. She knew from her countless Moons with them that together they had known happiness and shared many experiences, and been there to comfort and console each other in times of stress. The secrets of their lives had been shared and guarded with loyalty. Their special friendship was not replaceable.
At Crazy Moose’s Feast of the Dead, Lightning Bolt, after the prayers and other rituals were over, was first to speak. “Great Spirit, please welcome home with open arms my beloved brother and friend Crazy Moose. He was a boy and a man with whom I shared a great part of my life. He lived life in an impeccably honourable and humble manner. He was kind and generous to everyone and was loved by all who knew him. My brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, I’ve been blessed with the honour and privilege of having known many great men in my lifetime. I’ve known men who performed outstanding feats in war and peace, and men who have overcome great trials and persevered, but none in my mind have been as great as Crazy Moose. To me the companionship he and I shared throughout the passage of our Seasons is impossible to describe. His loyalty and devotion to me and my family were given freely and were never doubted. There is so much to tell about him I don’t know where to start.
“Perhaps, when one speaks about the life of a beloved brother and friend such as Crazy Moose, it’s best to start with something he would have preferred, cheering everyone up by relating some of the pleasant things we did together. Actually, I have so many of these pleasant memories that I could talk for many Sunrises without running out of them. One of the funniest incidents that immediately comes to mind happened when we were young boys on a camping trip to Kejimkujik Lake. It was very hot and humid as we set off on our journey. Thus, from the rigours of our hike, we were in a good sweat when we arrived at the lake. After shedding our breechcloths and vests we dove into the lake and spent a leisurely and thoroughly enjoyable time swimming and fooling around in the cool water. Upon returning to shore we found a spot to sit and dry off before dressing.
“What happened next I can still see as if it were only last Sunrise. Crazy Moose sat down at his chosen spot and let out a bloodcurdling yell. He took off for the lake with the speed of a bald eagle diving for prey. I stared in amazement as he ran with the swiftness of the wind to try to escape a swarm of thoroughly riled-up wasps. He charged into the lake and dove out of sight, leaving the wasps to buzz around for a few moments before returning to their hive to make repairs. Because the wasps, in their frenzy, were honed in on taking revenge on the rear end that had sat on them, I managed to escape un-stung from the encounter.
“The stings Crazy Moose got on his rear were so numerous that it quickly began to look like a blown up black-bear bladder, ready to burst. Oh, my friends, applying a poultice to his rear end caused me so much laughter it hurt. Nobody I’ve ever known, including Crazy Moose himself, has ever moved with such speed as when he had to escape the wrath of those disgruntled wasps! I jokingly told him afterwards that he was going so fast when he hit the lake that I fully expected him to run forever on top of the water, with the wasps trailing behind and encouraging him onward. From that point onward he was very careful about where he chanced to sit down.”
Lightning Bolt went on for some time recounting his pleasant memories of his friend and ended, as he had started his eulogy, with a prayer. “Oh Great Spirit, I shall miss the companionship of my beloved friend and brother. However, I take solace from knowing that he is with You, and that one Sunrise he and I shall meet again in Your company. He was a great friend and a devoted family man. All of us who had the privilege of knowing him were blessed with a great experience. He devoted his life, Great Father, to his family and community. Please grant him eternal peace and tranquility in Your company.”
Over the course of his next eleven Springs, Lightning Bolt, with increasing regularity, saw the passing of most of the remainder of his childhood friends. And most of those who remained became very frail. Also, while he himself remained quite strong and healthy, he saw his precious Spring Flower become increasingly frail and sickly. When the pain from her ailments struck, which came with increasing frequency, it was sad, yet heartwarming, to see him being so solicitous of her every need. Mercifully, during his ninety-third Summer the Great Spirit called his beloved Spring Flower home. If he had not been a man with such a firm belief in a place for humans in an afterlife, the death of his companion of seventy Summers would have been unbearable. Even so, the loss was an excruciating experience. He spent many Sunrises meditating and communicating with the Great Spirit before he again found the courage to face a world without his precious wife.
The passing of Spring Flower brought people from every Mi’kmaq and Eastern Nation to his village to express their heartfelt sympathies and offer him comfort. Throughout her Feast of the Dead and all the celebrations he remained stoic, not once betraying to anyone his inner turmoil. He took some comfort from the People’s solicitations; he knew they meant well. But the visit by his old friend Chief Big Mountain was one of the most comforting. The Chief, a widower himself, knew from the experience of his own personal trauma the inner grief his friend was experiencing. He used his knowledge to help ease the pain. They shared many stories of their youths and reminisced about the wonderful times they had shared with their beloved wives. Lightning Bolt discovered that discussing the heartbreak of his grief with his old friend helped him a great deal in coping with it.
As time moved onward, abetted by the passing of his wife and most of his childhood friends, Lightning Bolt began experiencing a sensation in life that is almost always restricted to the very aged. He entered a time characterized by a form of depressive loneliness. In one of these moods he prayed to the Father. “Oh Great Spirit, please give me the strength and wisdom to understand why, even through I’m always surrounded by people who love me, I sometimes find myself with a sad feeling of being all alone. I know in my heart, Great Father, that You love me, because throughout my life Your presence has always been with me, and has guided the way I’ve lived. But at this time I need a sign from you to help carry on. Please, my dear Father, help me regain my peace of mind.”
That night, Glooscap came as a messenger of the Great Spirit to visit with him in his dreams. Glooscap said to Lightning Bolt, “My brother, in response to your pleas for help, the Great Spirit has sent me to tell you that He has heard your prayers. To help ease your mind, He wants me to tell you that your beloved wife and friends are very happy in the Land of Souls. However, they are deeply concerned that you are wasting a great deal of your precious life pining away because of something that belongs to the past. The Father has instructed me to tell you that He is disappointed that your grief outweighs your thanksgiving for His boundless kindness throughout your lifetime. The Father wishes to extend this love to you now, to help you understand. To regain your happy disposition you must a
ccept that the souls of your loved ones are gone forever from Mother Earth. You must be happy in the knowledge that they are safe and enjoying the company of the Great Spirit.”
Glooscap spoke with authority and wisdom. “Instead of thinking constantly that you are alone, start counting your blessings. To warm your heart, you have thousands of loving memories of a wonderful wife and friends. And, my ungrateful friend, you have multitudes of people from your village and elsewhere who love you dearly. They are here now to keep you company. You, my brother, are not alone.”
This last statement stuck in his heart, awakening his spirit again. It was as if Glooscap’s words were calling back Lightning Bolt’s spirit from the many places he had been and from the distant shadowlands of grief and loss. “I’ll leave you with this advice,” Glooscap continued. “When your time comes to leave Mother Earth and join your ancestors in eternal happiness in the Land of Souls the Father will send for you. Until then, use the time you have left to make people happy and to be constructive with your energy. Start feeling happy for yourself. Those, like you, who are given much, are asked just as much from the Father of blessings and beauty. You, my friend, have much yet to give to your People, so give with a good heart and be happy.”
Lightning Bolt awoke the next morning feeling a contentment he had not known for many Moons and with a renewed interest in life. In the deepest recesses of his heart he now felt assured that his precious Spring Flower and his friends were contented with their lot in the Land of Souls. He felt with assurance that during some Sunrise in future he would be reunited with them and would be content. He thanked the Great Spirit for opening his eyes.
The villagers were quick to notice the renewed vigour of their beloved leader. To celebrate the turnaround in his spirits they decided to hold a huge party and invite all his old friends and anyone else who wanted to come from the alliance. They set a Sunrise for it, and invitations were sent out. The guests poured into the village by the thousand, in the mood for a happy reunion, bringing canoe loads of food and presents. As the celebrations got under way, Lightning Bolt, with a twinkle in his eye, plunged into the spirit of the party like a man half his age. He stayed up late into the nights listening to and telling stories, smoking pipes and watching dancers and drummers perform their well-rehearsed and polished acts. It was a party of renewal, and by any measurement was an unqualified success. The People returned to their far-flung villages full of warmth and renewed love in their hearts for their brothers and sisters.
Chief Lightning Bolt Page 26