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Book One: Thirty Days, Book 1

Page 6

by Bibi Paterson

  “Would you like something to drink?” Taylor asks, going across to the fridge.

  “Hmm, any chance of something alcoholic?” After the day I have had, I feel like I need something stronger than juice.

  Taylor smiles at me. “Of course. What’s your poison?”

  “Um, I am not a big wine drinker. Do you have any vodka?”

  “I know just the thing.” Taylor dives into the fridge, pulling out a chilled bottle of Zubrowka bison grass vodka, ginger ale and some cloudy apple juice. He grabs some ice and a cocktail shaker and starts pouring the various ingredients. He pulls a funny face while shaking the cocktail, pretending to be Tom Cruise, and then with a flourish pours the drink into a tall glass in front of me. I take a small sip, unsure of what I am letting myself in for.

  “That. Is. Amazing.” The cocktail slides down my throat with ease, and I slowly start to relax. Taylor opens a bottle of beer for himself and starts pulling packages out of the fridge. “I hope you are hungry. Actually, have you even eaten at all today?” Taylor suddenly stops and fixes me with a stare.

  A flush creeps up my face as I realise Taylor probably already knows the answer to his question. “Um, no. I just really wasn’t hungry. Too many nerves,” I add hurriedly, trying to justify myself.

  “You aren’t veggie, are you?” Taylor asks.

  “Nope, pure carnivore, that’s me.”

  “Excellent. Relax for the moment and I’ll cook us some dinner.” I watch as Taylor starts pulling out some steak fillets from the paper packaging, places them on a wooden board and starts to season them. It’s not long before some new potatoes are sautéing on the hob, fresh asparagus tips are frying in butter, and carrots sprinkled in honey and sesame are roasting in the oven.

  Taylor moves around the kitchen with the ease of a practised chef. It is a pleasure watching his hands; his long fingers move swiftly, and I muse at what it would be like to feel them running along my skin. As if he knows what I am thinking, Taylor glances up and winks at me. I flush, a state that I feel like I am permanently in when I am around him. I take a large gulp of my cocktail, hoping to still my nerves, but it is not long before I feel the alcohol going to my head and I start to feel a bit glassy-eyed. Fortunately, it is not long before Taylor is sliding a steaming plate in front of me. The aroma has whetted my appetite, and I suddenly feel ravenous.

  Taylor rounds the island and comes to sit beside me. We eat in a companionable silence for several minutes until the rumbling of my stomach starts to subside. “This is delicious. Thank you,” I comment.

  “You are very welcome.” Taylor smiles at me, and I feel my cheeks going red again. We start chatting about inconsequential things, both of us making an effort to keep the conversation light. The combination of the cocktail, tasty food and the warmth of the fire leave me feeling soporific, and when Taylor suggests moving to the couch, I follow him readily. I sink down alongside Taylor and am surprised when he suddenly reaches down and grabs my feet, swivelling me around and tipping me back slightly onto the cushions. He quickly removes my boots and socks and with warm hands starts to massage my feet.

  The feeling is heavenly as Taylor kneads and rubs, pulling on my toes and using his knuckles in the arch of my foot. I moan out loud and notice a dark look cross Taylor’s eyes. He slowly works his way up my ankle and then my calf. I start to feel a warmth spreading across my pelvis as my arousal grows, Taylor’s signature citrus scent sending my senses into a spin. My breath quickens, and Taylor glances at me, reading my reaction with a heady look. He leans forward and grabs my hips, pulling me closer so that my thighs are straddling his. Taylor’s eyes darken and I realise he is as aroused as I am.

  We are both breathing heavily, and I can feel myself growing wet as Taylor’s fingers continue their journey up my inner thigh. I lean forward, capturing Taylor’s lips, bringing them down to mine. As shy as I am, my desire is forcing me to be bold, something I am not accustomed to. The kiss deepens as Taylor explores my mouth, his fingers stroking me through my trousers. Suddenly he presses down, stimulating my clitoris and sending a wave of pleasure through me. I throw my head back, which Taylor takes advantage of by trailing kisses down my throat, along with nips along my collarbone. His other hand is in my blouse, first plumping one breast and then the other. He tweaks my nipples, pleasure assaulting my senses, and I find myself grinding down onto Taylor’s hand.

  “Taylor,” I murmur, breathless. “Oh my god…”

  “Stop, Abby, not here.” Taylor’s rasping voice sounds harsh to my ears.

  What the…? I stop and look at Taylor uncomprehendingly. What does he want from me? My passion suddenly turns to fury, and I push Taylor away.

  “What the fuck, Taylor? Every time we go here, on your initiation, you turn around and push me away. What am I supposed to think? What is wrong with me?” I am breathing heavily, rant over and tears threatening once more.

  Catching me by surprise, Taylor grabs my hands and pulls me in to him. I struggle to free myself, but he holds me firm. “Abby, stop it. You misunderstand me.” I still. “I just meant not here on the couch. Shit, if I am going to make love to you for the first time, I want it to be more than a fumble on the living room floor!”

  I look up into Taylor’s eyes and see that he is telling the truth. “So…sorry,” I stutter, glancing down at the floor. I am mortified. I have completely ruined things. Taylor tilts my head back and lowers his lips back to mine, kissing me gently.

  “Abby, don’t apologise. If anything, this whole situation is my fault. I know I have been sending you mixed messages. Even though I know I shouldn’t, I just can’t seem to keep my hands off you.” Taylor strokes my cheek, and I find myself melting against his body. He takes me by the hand and leads me to a set of stairs that I hadn’t noticed before.

  “Taylor, where are we going?” My words are hesitant. I just can’t seem to read Taylor when he is like this.

  “To do this properly.” Taylor's words are clipped, and I think that maybe he is angry with me.

  “Um, sorry for ruining the mood,” I say meekly.

  “Don't say that,” Taylor says through gritted teeth. “It is taking pretty much all my self-control not to just fuck you right here on the stairs.” Oh my, that makes me feel hot all over. Not sure what to say, I simply follow him up the rest of the stairs, my heart hammering in my chest.

  Taylor leads me into his bedroom, and I barely have a moment to take in my surroundings and the plush carpet under my feet when Taylor turns and pulls me into his arms. He stares at me with heavy eyes, and I feel mesmerised by the intensity of his gaze. Very slowly he starts to place the lightest of kisses along my jawline. His hands come up to caress my face as I find myself bringing my mouth to his. I moan into Taylor’s mouth as my arousal starts to ramp up once again. Tentatively I bring my hands up to his chest and unbutton his shirt. I push the fabric off Taylor’s broad shoulders and run my fingers lightly through the soft hair that covers his chest. I am no longer thinking straight; I am simply a mass of urges that are driving me to be bolder than I could ever imagine I could be.

  Taylor’s hands move down, and while one hand cups my bottom, bringing me in closer, the other is loosening my trousers and slipping down into my panties. I gasp as his cool, deft fingers find their way into my aching pussy. “You are so wet, Abs.” He strokes my clit; the sparks of pleasure shooting through me cause me to cling onto Taylor’s arms. The sensations take over, and I can feel myself tightening around Taylor’s fingers as he alternates between plunging deep inside of me and stroking me across my sensitive nub. I am not sure I can take any more when, without warning, my muscles clench and I am seeing stars.

  As I slowly become aware of myself again, I realise I am on the bed and Taylor is lying next to me, staring down with a smile. “Hey,” Taylor says softly, leaning down to kiss me.

  “Um, wow.” My voice is raspy.

  “It’s just the beginning, baby.” Taylor gives me a wicked grin as he starts pulling off
my top and bra, my trousers and panties having disappeared in the throes of my orgasm. He has shed his own shirt completely and pulls off his trousers in one fluid movement. I find myself gasping as I eye the bulge in his boxers. I reach down and slip my hand into his shorts and wrap my hand around the shaft of Taylor’s penis. As I feel the heavy length in my hand, I feel daunted at the thought of something so large inside of me. As if sensing my doubt, Taylor tilts my chin to look at him and then brings his lips crushing down on mine. Once again I can feel my arousal mounting as we become a writhing mass of limbs and sensations.

  Taylor alternates between teasing my nipples with sharp nips and running his tongue across the oversensitive nubs. The tension in my body rises, and I am dimly aware that my moans of pleasure have changed to a begging tone. The throbbing ache between my legs is making me feel a need that I have never had before. I hear the sound of foil ripping, and I glance down to see Taylor expertly pulling a condom on. Taylor gently moves between my thighs, keeping his weight on his elbows as he slides into me. “Are you okay?” Taylor asks as he notices my wince at the sharp pain I suddenly feel. I nod shyly, not wanting to admit to my limited experience. Taylor starts to move slowly and the pain fades quickly, to be replaced with wave after wave of pleasure. As the pace increases, I feel myself starting to come apart in Taylor’s arms. “Come for me, baby.” Four little words tip me over the edge, and I am falling. I feel Taylor explode inside of me, and then he slowly comes to a still, panting hard.

  “You okay, Abs?” Taylor smoothes my hair back off my face. I nod, trying to find my voice but struggling to articulate what I feel.

  “All good.” I smile shyly, aware that Taylor is still inside of me. Very gently he eases out of me, never breaking eye contact. With a quick movement, Taylor disposes of the condom and then wraps his arms around me. I can feel him smiling as he plants light kisses on my cheek. We lie in silence for a few moments, and while I struggle to think of something to say, exhaustion claims me and the world fades out.

  The Ninth

  The smell of bacon filters through my senses. I lie with my eyes shut as the memories of last night filter through. My body is aching from using muscles I didn’t know I even had, but for the first time in my life, I feel whole. I try to think of what I felt like before I met Taylor, but it is as if that girl no longer exists. The reality is that I wasn’t a virgin, but last night it truly felt like I had given Taylor my virginity—or even more than that, a piece of my soul.

  I find myself smiling, and I put out a hand, expecting to find Taylor lying beside me. I come up empty, and realising that I am alone, my eyes pop open. For the first time I can properly take in the room I am in. The whitewashed walls, the floor-to-ceiling windows along the back wall with views across to a small lake, the overlarge bed with sumptuous pillows. There seems to be very few personal touches until I spot a montage of pictures of Taylor with a girl. Suddenly suspicious, I creep out of the bed to get a better look. Realising that the girl shares many of Taylor’s features, I take a deep breath and rationalise that she must be family. The thought calms me but makes me realise that so far Taylor has avoided all talk of his family. Flinging on a robe that I find on the back of the door, I make my way downstairs, following the delicious smells of breakfast being made.

  The creak of the stairs alerts Taylor to my presence, and he looks up as I enter the room, a soft smile lighting his face. “Morning, beautiful. I was just about to come and wake you.” I feel embarrassed by his use of the word ‘beautiful’, but I shrug it off and smile back at him with a soft “Morning.”

  “Did you sleep okay?” Taylor starts loading up two plates as I climb up on a stool at the breakfast bar. I fidget with my robe, trying to cover my nakedness, hoping that Taylor won’t realise how nervous I am about being here.

  “Yes, thanks.” I am feeling so desperately shy I can’t think what to say next. I have never been in this situation before. The two whole times I have had sex before, there was no breakfast the morning after, only humiliation and hurt, and I just don’t know how to handle this. Fortunately, Taylor seems to realise my unease, smiling over at me in a way that calms my nerves. Placing the biggest plate of food I have ever seen in my life in front of me, Taylor chuckles and puts on a weird French accent. “Madam, your breakfast is served.”

  A giggle escapes my lips, and I realise that underneath Taylor’s calm exterior he is a little bit nervous too. “Wow, this looks amazing!” I exclaim, and truly it does. A freshly made waffle is covered with a mound of bacon, poached eggs and asparagus tips in a hollandaise sauce. My stomach rumbles loudly as Taylor brings me a tall glass of juice.

  “Dig in. It’ll get cold.” I take a mouthful and groan. Taylor looks over, worried. “Is it okay?”

  “Delicious. Maybe the best breakfast I have ever had.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t go that far.”

  “Seriously, Taylor, no one apart from Nonna ever cooked me breakfast, and her version was always a little on the greasy side. She was a great cook, but breakfast was not really her forte.”

  “What do you mean, no one cooked you breakfast?” Taylor looks at me quizzically.

  “Well, my folks don’t really eat breakfast, or anything full stop, so if I was hungry I had to fend for myself.” A dark look crosses Taylor’s face, and I see his fists bunching. “Don’t get me wrong, there was always food. It just didn’t come like this.” Taylor calms and comes round to sit beside me, placing a light kiss on the top of my head. We eat in comfortable silence, and I marvel at the fact I am sitting here, the morning after the night before, feeling more at ease with Taylor than with some of my friends I had known for years.

  “I thought we could go for a walk this morning and stop in for coffee at a great little place I know, if that works for you?”

  “That sounds lovely. Would you mind if I grab a shower first?”

  Taylor gives me a wicked grin. “Sure, not at all. Go on up while I clear up in here.”

  It takes me a few minutes to work out how to get the space-age shower working. There seems to be a million jets in the giant cubicle available to pummel my body in every direction, and once I get used to them, my body starts to relax from a tension I didn’t even realise I was holding on to. I don’t hear Taylor come into the room, let alone open the cubicle door, so when his arms wrap around me from behind, I let out a small gasp of surprise.

  “I thought I would join you.” Taylor gives me an impish grin.

  “Oh, did you?” I retort, suddenly feeling very exposed as Taylor starts to run his hands up and down my body. I find myself stiffening, not sure about what is happening here.

  “Relax, Abby, I don’t bite.” Taylor whispers into my ear, nipping at it affectionately.

  “Ha ha, what do you call that, then?” I snort.

  “Hmm, well, just a little, then.” I can feel Taylor’s grin as he starts kissing my neck.

  “That’s not really what I am afraid of.”

  “Oh no, then what is it you are afraid of?” I am not sure I can articulate what I am feeling at the moment.

  Taylor leans across and grabs some shower gel and squeezes some out into his palms. He starts working his hands together to create a lather, which he then starts rubbing the foam across my breasts. My breathing quickens the lower his hands wander, and I find myself putting my hands out to stabilise myself.

  “Maybe you are afraid of this?” Taylor slips a finger between my swollen lips and, on finding my clit, starts to rub in slow circles. The warmth in my abdomen quickly builds with sparks of pleasure threatening to unbalance me. Taylor holds me against him, his other hand continuing to massage my breasts. I feel him growing hard as he pushes into my back. My brain takes a leave of absence, and it is all I can do to ride the waves threatening to overwhelm me.

  “Come for me, baby.” Those four words and that’s all it takes for me to unravel. My shaky legs threaten to collapse, and sensing this, Taylor reaches down and sweeps me into his arms. He walks me
across to the counter and gently places me sitting on the top. I can feel his need as he kisses me hungrily, so I pull him to stand between my legs. We are both breathing too hard to talk, desire overriding everything else as hands tangle in hair, lips move across bare skin, tongues crash.

  Without pausing for a break, Taylor slips on a condom and then nudges his head slowly into me. I sigh as the fullness claims me once again, my muscles tightening around his girth.

  “Fuck, you are so tight, Abs.” Taylor cups my ass, pulling me onto him so that I am full to the hilt.

  “More, I need more,” I whisper, my need to fly making me plead. “Fuck me, please, Taylor.” I can’t quite believe my words, but in the moment they feel wholly appropriate.

  “With pleasure, baby.” Taylor slowly eases out of me, and I whimper in longing as the emptiness consumes me. He looks me straight in the eye and then slams back into my body. Holy fuck! Taylor has reached a part of me I thought only existed in grown-up fairy tales. “Argh,” I scream, the pleasure bordering on the sweetest pain I have ever felt. Taylor stills, concern in his eyes.

  “No, more please.” My words are garbled, and Taylor goes completely still, unsure of my meaning.

  “Taylor, not ‘no’—more, please. Fuck me.” My breathing is ragged. Taylor’s eyes light up and he grips my ass once more, slamming into me with force. I moan in ecstasy as he slams into me again and again and again, and then I explode, taking Taylor with me. Minutes pass as we stay bound together, his forehead leaning on mine, waiting for the shockwaves to subside. Tears start to leak down my face, my body completely overwhelmed by the sensations it has just experienced.

  Taylor starts and looks at me with concern. “Did I hurt you, Abby?” he asks in a whisper, clearly anxious.

  “No…no. These are happy tears.” I can see he is unsure, so I wipe away the tears and plant a soft kiss on his lips. “I am all good, Taylor. That was just…a little overwhelming.” Taylor smiles and hugs me tightly, kissing the top of my head lightly. Taylor slides out of me gently and pulls me back into the shower, soaping my body with light caresses.


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