Country Thunder

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by Cheyenne McCray

  Country Thunder

  King Creek Cowboys

  Cheyenne McCray

  King Creek Cowboys

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  Country Thunder

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  Cheyenne McCray

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  © Cheyenne McCray LLC

  Created with Vellum


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Excerpt: Amazed by You

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Also by Cheyenne McCray

  About Cheyenne

  Chapter 1

  Dust billowed out behind the ranch hands’ horses as they rode up to the fence. Justin McLeod jogged toward the gate to open it for his men who were coming in from work for lunch. Laughter and good-natured banter could be heard over the sound of horse hooves striking earth.

  Justin couldn’t help a grin at how the men fell all over themselves to watch their language when they spotted Kaycee, Justin’s stepdaughter.

  Kaycee stood on the bottom rail of the fence, looking wistful as she watched the men come in. The Arizona spring breeze teased loose hair that had escaped her long braid. Her gaze remained fixed on the horses as they trotted closer. The girl loved horses more than anything, but after her accident with Thunder five months ago, she hadn’t been able to get back on one. Not even on Sunshine, her spirited but sweet Appaloosa mare.

  “Heya, Kaycee.” Bear, Justin’s younger brother, strode up from inside the barn as he called out to the twelve-year-old. “Didn’t see you here.”

  She looked over her shoulder and smiled. “Hi, Bear. I just got home from a walk with Rock.” She glanced at Rock, the German shepherd that was now watching the cowboys coming in.

  Justin still couldn’t get used to the idea that Kaycee was here to stay and this was her home now. Her mother, Carrie—Justin’s ex-wife—had passed away from brain cancer earlier in the year, and Justin was Kaycee’s only remaining family. Truth was, he’d always loved the girl as his own, and he felt blessed to have her back in his life. But it was a shame her momma had died so young.

  Bear reached Kaycee and stood beside her, one foot on the bottom rail and resting his arms on the top rail, as Justin opened the gate and let the men and their horses through.

  “What are you doing here?” Kaycee asked Bear over the sound of the men and horses.

  Justin closed the gate and latched it as Bear nodded in the direction of the barn. “Checking in on Gracie and making sure the infection is clearing up in that wicked cut on her flank.”

  “Do you like being a vet?” Kaycee shifted her feet on the fence. “I think that would be an awesome job.”

  Bear gave a slow nod. “Best career ever.”

  “Next to being a cowboy.” Justin pushed his Stetson up with one finger. “Nothing beats riding the range and rounding up a few hundred head of cattle.”

  Bear smiled. “Been awhile since I’ve been on a roundup.”

  Kaycee sighed. “I might never find out.”

  Bear nudged Kaycee with his elbow. “I heard about a new horse therapist in King Creek. Might be good to stop by and see her. She works with kids and horses.”

  A nervous look crossed Kaycee’s features. “I don’t know if I can get on a horse again.”

  Justin crossed his arms over his chest and looked from Bear to Kaycee. “Sounds worth checking into, kiddo. You’ve always loved horses and you’re a dang fine rider. I’m sure Sunshine misses your rides.”

  Kaycee rubbed her collarbone, which she’d broken after the bad fall from Justin’s horse, Thunder. “I don’t know, Dad. I’m not sure I can.”

  “The therapist’s name is Miranda Hawthorne.” Bear dug his wallet from his back pocket and pulled out a business card. He handed the card to Justin before tucking his wallet away. “I picked up her card from the feed and tack store on Main. Old Hoss Jones told me about her. Guess she helped out one of his son’s boys.”

  Justin studied the card. “Address is out by Maxine’s ranch.”

  Bear nodded. “Seems she bought a couple of acres from Maxine and set up shop.”

  Justin glanced at Kaycee. “What do you think?”

  Her throat worked. “I don’t know, Dad,” she said again.

  He rested his hand on her shoulder. “No pressure, Kaycee. We’ll talk about it later.” She got down from the fence and he added, “Got homework?”

  “Too much.” She pushed her long braid over her shoulder. “My math teacher hates me and gave me extra homework for being ten seconds late for class.”

  Justin tugged her braid. “Next time get there ten seconds early.”

  Kaycee grumbled. “I wasn’t the only one late, but I was the only one who got homework. Just because I came in last. Mr. Norton really does hate me.”

  “I’ll let you in on a secret,” Bear said. “Mr. Norton hated me, too.”

  Kaycee’s eyes widened. “I knew he was old, but I didn’t know he’s that old.”

  Justin laughed and Bear grinned. “He’s ancient.”

  “I can’t believe he’d hate you,” Kaycee said. “You’re so nice.” Her lips twisted into a mischievous grin as she jerked her thumb at Justin. “Dad, on the other hand, I could understand.”

  “Hey.” Justin gave her his best disapproving dad look. “Best behave, young lady.”

  Kaycee laughed. “I fed and brushed down Candy before I went for a walk, Dad.”

  “Good.” Justin smiled at her. At least she wasn’t afraid of horses, other than Thunder, and took care of her mare. “Now get washed up for lunch.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Like I need my dad to tell me to get washed up.” She started for the house, then turned and walked backward a few steps. “See ya, Bear.”

  “Later, Kaycee.” Bear waved, then brought his attention back to Justin when Kaycee turned away. “Think she’ll see the horse therapist?” he asked when the girl was out of earshot.

  Justin thought about it as he tucked the business card into his wallet and slid it into his back pocket. “It might take some convincing, but I’ll work on her. Gently.”

  “Good.” Bear tugged his hat lower on his brow. “I’ve got to get back to the clinic. Have a few appointments this afternoon. With Mrs. Clementson coming in at one, I’d better not be late.”

  “She’s as old as Norton and just as mean,” Justin said. “I didn’t know she was still around.”

  “Yep.” Bear smiled. “Her cat is a sweetheart, though, so there’s that saving grace.”

  “Poor cat.”

  Bear laughed. “Nah. The woman dotes on Princess.”

  Justin fell into step with Bear, Rock at his heels. “Then I guess Mrs. Clementson can’t be all that bad.”

  Bear opened the door and climbed into his truck. “See you, bro.”

  Justin gave his brother a nod before turning toward the house and heading to the back door that led into the big kitchen where all the men gathered for lunch. Hopefully there would be something left to eat. Rock loped ahead of him and slipped in through the doggy door.

  The scrape of chair legs against the floor told him he was too late before he even went inside. When he pushed the door open, his men were already getting up from the table and thanking the cook, Shari, before heading his way.

  “Good chow, boss,” Henry said as he passed. “Too bad there’s none left for you.”

  John’s laugh boomed out. “Tha
t’s ’cause Henry ate your share.”

  “That’s what they think.” Kaycee came up from behind the men, holding a plate piled high with food. “Shari and I saved you some.”

  “Aw, shucks,” Davie said from behind Kaycee. “Thought we got it all.”

  The men chuckled, slapped western hats on their heads, and headed out the back door.

  “Thanks, ladies.” Justin took the plate Kaycee offered and sat down on a bench seat at the big wooden table.

  “You’re welcome,” Shari said. “Next time you just might miss out.”

  Justin smiled at the cook as she placed silverware and a napkin beside him. “Yes’m, Miss Shari.”

  “Humph.” Shari didn’t like any of the men to be late to a meal, including the boss.

  Kaycee plopped down across the table from Justin with her own half-eaten plate of food. “I barely made it in time.” She lowered her voice as she pointed to the plate with her fork. “For cornbread and beans, these aren’t bad.”

  Justin dug into his beans and took a big bite. After he chewed and swallowed, he grabbed a bottle from the middle of the table. “Needs hot sauce.”

  Justin enjoyed talking with Kaycee. The almost-teen was easy to have a conversation with and she didn’t mind being seen talking to her dad. The girl had never known her biological father, who’d been killed in a mining accident before she was born.

  “I like living here.” Kaycee held a piece of cornbread in her hand. “I missed it after Mom moved us to Toledo.” She looked solemn as she added, “I missed you, too, Dad.”

  Hearing her call him “Dad” warmed his heart. “I missed you, honey.” Kaycee had lived with him from the time she was four until shortly after her tenth birthday. It had torn him up after his ex had taken off with the girl and refused to give him visitation. He hadn’t wanted to put the girl through a legal challenge, so he’d backed off, but had still called Kaycee regularly. Since Carrie had never let him adopt her, he’d had no claim. But now he was working on the adoption.

  “I miss Mom, though.” Kaycee pushed beans around on her plate. “I just wish she’d never moved us and that she was still here.”

  Justin nodded, not knowing what to say. Sometimes it was better just to listen.

  Kaycee perked up. “I saw two roadrunners and a cactus wren this morning when I went for a walk with Rock. All the wildflowers that are blooming now are beautiful.”

  “You watch out for rattlesnakes?” Justin felt safer knowing Rock was with Kaycee when she went for walks in the desert. The dog would alert Kaycee to potential danger, and even get between Kaycee and that danger.

  Kaycee nodded. “I’m careful.”

  “Good girl.”

  Justin had waited for Kaycee to start acting out because she’d lost her mother and had been taken from what she was used to for the two years she’d been gone. So far, she hadn’t. He taken her to a child therapist for nearly six months, until she decided she didn’t want to go anymore.

  Kaycee set her fork on her plate. “The guys talked about the King Creek Rodeo before you came in.”

  Justin wrapped his hand around his water glass. “It’s coming up in a few months.”

  Kaycee hesitated a moment. “I got really good at barrel racing before Mom moved us to Toledo.”

  Justin nodded. “And you were doing a fine job training after you moved back.”

  Kaycee blew out an audible breath. “Do you think a horse therapist can help me ride again?”

  “It’s worth a shot.” Justin studied the girl. “The fact that you’re thinking about it is a big step forward. I think that means you’re ready to work on it.”

  “I want to compete in the rodeo.” Kaycee met his gaze. “But every time I think about riding, I get this cold feeling in my chest and my collarbone hurts.”

  He gave Kaycee a gentle smile. “I’ll give her a call and we’ll take it a day at a time. Sound good to you?”

  Kaycee nodded slowly. “Okay. Let’s do it.”

  After they finished lunch, Justin went into his study and pulled the business card out of his wallet. He sat in the leather chair behind his desk and tugged his cell out of the phone holster on his belt.

  He studied the card a moment before dialing the number.

  “This is Miranda,” a woman said after the second ring. She had a sexy, slightly husky sound to her voice, a voice that could give a man fantasies.

  Justin had never been turned on by just a woman’s voice before. Hell, for all he knew she was in her seventies and looked like a scrawny bird. That tempered his fantasies at once.

  “This is Justin McLeod.” He glanced at the card that was still between his fingers. “My daughter was thrown from a horse a few months ago and has been terrified to ride again. I hear you can help kids like her.”

  “Yes.” A smile was in the woman’s voice. “I’d be happy to meet with her. What’s your daughter’s name?”

  “Kaycee.” Justin tapped the card on his desktop. “She’s twelve, nearly thirteen.”

  “I have an opening Tuesday afternoon at four-thirty.” A horse neighed in the background as Miranda spoke. “Will that give you time to get her here after she comes home from school?”

  “Plenty,” Justin said. “I see from your address you’re out by Maxine Taylor.”

  “I’m in a mobile home not too far off the road until my house is built,” Miranda said. “You can’t miss it.”

  “We’ll see you Tuesday.” Justin leaned back in his chair. “Thank you.”

  “See you then,” Miranda said before she ended the call.

  Justin holstered his phone and slid the card back into his wallet. His girl was that much closer to being able to ride again.

  Miranda Hawthorne pocketed her phone as she strode toward the portable corral where she helped kids and adults with disabilities learn how to ride or help them shed their fears, whatever the cause. After her house was built, she’d have a permanent set-up. The only thing she’d managed to have finished so far was the barn.

  “One step at a time,” she told herself. She’d never been a patient person when it came to her personal life.

  That wasn’t entirely true. She’d been patient with her fiancé, Craig, trying to help him through his alcohol addiction. Even after he started hitting her, she’d tried to get him through it.

  When she came to her senses, when she realized she’d done all she could do, and that she didn’t owe it to him to take his abuse, she’d left.

  And here she was. King Creek, Arizona, a place where she hoped Craig would never find her.

  She missed Craig—or rather she missed the man he’d been before, the one she’d known since they were kids. She’d always believed alcohol only made a person more of what they already were inside, and she hadn’t been able to understand how the man she loved could have a switch flipped like it had, where he went from kind to belligerent and abusive.

  It was why she had taken the abuse at first. Something had been wrong, and she’d wanted to help him.

  But she didn’t deserve that kind of treatment and it wasn’t up to her to fix him.

  Now, if only the final court document would just make it to her, she’d feel like the whole things was over and done with. She’d managed to get him to sign the papers and they were being processed, but she didn’t feel like her life was completely severed from his, like everything was in limbo until she saw the papers that told her she could move on.

  Miranda slid her hands into her back pockets as she watched her pair of chestnut Morgans trot around the corral. She’d named them Star and Socks, names that a kid would like that invoked thoughts of the horses being gentle and sweet.

  Which they were. Two of the sweetest mares she’d ever known. Star was a little more spirited, so Miranda let her kids work their way up from Socks to Star.

  As she watched the horses, her thoughts turned to Justin McLeod. His reputation preceded him. She’d heard about him in town. One of her newest acquaintances, a woman named Je
nnifer, used to date Justin McLeod and said he was a womanizer.

  Too bad. He’s sounded entirely sexy over the phone. But a womanizer was the last thing she needed.

  She sighed. She didn’t know why her thoughts had turned in that direction. She didn’t need a man at all. Not to mention she needed the finality of her divorce papers before she could even think of a relationship.

  Socks and Star trotted up to her as she let herself into the corral. “Hello, beauties.” She stroked their foreheads, first one and then the other. “You girls look frisky today.”

  Star snorted and Socks tossed her head. Miranda smiled and tugged a couple of carrots out of her back pocket.

  “Here you go, lovies.” She held out one in each hand and felt the velvety softness of their muzzles against her palms as they each took a carrot.

  Miranda stood between them and rubbed Star’s neck as she crunched her carrot. After rubbing Star behind her ears, she turned to Socks and gave her equal attention.

  She glanced at her watch. Roseanne would be here with her mom soon. Roseanne had been one of her clients since she’d moved to King Creek several months ago. She was a sweet girl with Down syndrome, and she’d slowly made progress over the months and enjoyed being on a horse.

  Roseanne would not be able to ride a horse alone, but she loved being led around the corral and adored Socks and Star. She wanted her own horse, but her mother wasn’t up for that kind of responsibility. She preferred to bring Roseanne to Miranda, and Miranda enjoyed the time with her client.

  She smiled to herself. She liked her life in King Creek and loved Arizona. The wildflowers were gorgeous this spring and many of the cacti were in bloom, too. A slightly cool breeze played with tendrils of hair at her nape, beneath her ponytail.


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