A Prideful Mate

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A Prideful Mate Page 5

by Amber Kell

  “Hands up,” Kevin barked, pleased when Payce’s hands snapped up. With quick efficient movements, Kevin snapped on one cuff, looped it through the headboard, and cuffed Payce’s other wrist. The increase of pheromones and the pole standing at attention between his mate’s thighs, told Kevin that the jaguar was all for these games. Except Kevin wasn’t playing, he was binding for keeps. Whatever hang-ups his lover had, it was time for him to get over them. Payce was Kevin’s and he aimed to keep him.

  With quick practiced movements, Kevin bound Payce’s ankles to the bottom posts. A low moan greeted his final loop.

  “Comfortable, darlin’?”

  Payce nodded, panting. Kevin smiled when he saw one of Payce’s fangs peeping through his lips. His baby liked being tied down.

  With a confident stride, Kevin approached his mate. “I want you to forget about leaving me. I don’t care what you decide to do with your life, but we are not going to be apart. Now, I can’t go and join you in Seattle because I’m attached to my boys and don’t want to miss them growing, and some psycho is after you so you’re going to stay here until that’s resolved. But you are not allowed to leave me, understand?”

  Payce nodded.

  “Good. Now I’m going to slick myself up and enjoy that one-eyed monster you’ve got staring at me, and you’re going to be a good kitty and mark me as yours, do we have an agreement?”

  “Anything.” Payce licked his lips.

  Kevin grabbed the tube he kept in his side table and spread the lube liberally on his fingers. With one foot propped between Payce’s bound ones, he lifted his ass and pressed his fingers inside, giving Payce a show. Kevin let his moans fill the air as he loosened up his tight hole. It had been years since he’d let anyone inside him. He’d need lots of lube.

  “Please,” Payce begged. “Fuck me.”

  “I think you’ve got that wrong, darlin’. You’re going to fuck me.”

  Payce gave a broken laugh. “I might be inside you, but we both know who’s in charge.”

  “I’m glad you admit that.”

  Seeing the desperate need on Payce’s face, Kevin crawled over his lover’s body, Kevin positioned his hole right over Payce’s rigid staff. Taking a calming breath, he lowered himself over Payce’s cock, relaxing his body as he sank down, accepting his mate.

  “Whatever you do, don’t move,” Payce warned.

  “Why not?”

  “Because this will be the shortest mating in history if you wiggle on my cock.”

  Kevin laughed.

  “Don’t do that either.” Payce sucked in his breath and closed his eyes.

  Kevin thought he heard Payce muttering numbers. Leaning forward, he brushed his neck against Payce’s soft lips. “Bite me, darlin’. Make me yours.”

  From the way his lover was trying to keep control, Kevin thought the jaguar shifter was reluctant. A low growl ripped from his mate. Wood splintered as Payce shattered the headboard and foot posts. Kevin’s world spun as Payce flipped him over onto his back, plunging in and out of Kevin like he would die if their two bodies didn’t merge.

  Payce’s black eyes flared with sparks of gold. “Mine!”

  Kevin tilted his neck, giving submission to the only man, besides his alpha, who he would ever submit to.

  Fangs plunged into Kevin’s skin, biting deep into his mating spot between neck and shoulder. The one place he’d never let his casual lovers touch in the past. Pleasure ripped through Kevin’s body as his mate continued to claim him in a delightfully thorough manner.

  “Yes,” he whispered. Cum spurted out of his body as, unable to keep pleasure inside, it sought to escape.

  With a roar, Payce’s liquid spilled inside him and the jaguar collapsed.

  Kevin stayed there for a long moment before realizing his mate wasn’t moving. A low purring resulted from his discreet nudge.

  “Darlin’, I don’t like to nitpick, but if you don’t move, my lungs are gonna collapse.”

  His body jolted from Payce’s laughter. To his relief, the large man slid off of him, curled up on his side, and wrapped his long arms around Kevin.

  The purring continued.



  “Good. I think we’re gonna need a new bed.”

  Payce laughed, a soft chuffing sound that probably came from his cat side. “Maybe we should get one made out of metal.”

  “Maybe,” Kevin said. Curled up beside the warm body of his mate, he fell asleep.

  Payce woke up feeling better than he ever had before. Looking down, he smiled at the beautiful man at his side. Kevin had more going for him than good looks. He was beautiful inside too. He’d thought Kevin would freak when he shifted yesterday, but his mate took everything in stride with his usual calm.

  Giggles outside the door turned his attention to the doorway.

  Payce quickly covered his body. From living with shifters, the children probably were used to naked people, but he was feeling oddly self-conscious to be found in their father’s bed.

  A soft knock followed more giggles.

  “Come in,” he said softly so he wouldn’t wake up Kevin but still loud enough for the children to hear.

  The older one walked in, carrying a tray of food. His younger brother closed the door behind him. The kid must have a spring in his ass because he bounced like he couldn’t keep still.

  “Mommy said you might be hungry.”

  Guilt wormed its way through Payce. Here he’d all but attacked her, and she was sending him food. He’d have to go down and talk to her.

  “That was nice of her. Tell her I said thank you.”


  Payce sat up so Quinn could put the tray across his lap. The spread was huge. Eggs, bacon, pancakes, and fresh juice covered the tray in large quantities.

  “Where’s your mother?”

  “She went hunting with the aunts.”

  “Are all the females related?”

  Quinn nodded.

  “Why do you have dark hair like Adrian? You don’t smell like a wolf,” Quinn asked, staring at him.

  “I’m a black jaguar. Some call us panthers.”

  “I wanna see you shift,” Chase said, staring at him with familiar gold eyes.

  “Don’t pester my mate none, you little cubs,” Kevin said beside him.


  Shit, they were loud.

  “Quiet, furballs. My mate isn’t used to your noisy ways.”

  Payce mouthed a thank-you to Kevin, who returned a knowing gaze.

  “Sorry,” they said together.

  “That’s all right.” Payce clutched at the coffee like a lifeline, then gulped down the bitter liquid. Maybe if he had more, he’d be perky enough to deal with little lions. He watched the bouncy children.

  He might need a vat.

  “Go get ready for schoolin’,” Kevin said, giving his children slaps on the ass.

  “All right,” Quinn said, giving him a lingering glance. He could tell the child had reservations about having another person in his father’s life, but was too well bred to say it. Chase was a different matter. The little sprite walked around the bed and carefully kissed him on the cheek.

  “Welcome, Daddy-mate.” Chase ran off, giggling.

  Quinn gave him a careful glance before turning to follow his brother.

  “Quinn, greet my mate properly.” Kevin’s growl had his son doing an about-face.

  Straightening his spine, the child approached Payce with the bravery of an adult lion.

  “Welcome to the pride, mate of my father,” the child said formally.

  “Thank you, Quinn,” Payce responded.

  The boy looked at his father and, with a nod from Kevin, relaxed.

  “Go on now and get ready for school.”

  The child escaped as if the hounds of hell were on his heels.

  “You can’t make him like me,” Payce told his mate.

  “He don’t have to like ya, but he ha
s to show some respect.”

  Payce didn’t know what to say.

  Turned out he didn’t have to say anything as Kevin spent the next hour showing him all the delightful ways you can eat breakfast off another man’s body.

  * * *

  Kevin had to make some business calls and left Payce on his own. He still didn’t know what his mate did for a living.

  As he wandered aimlessly through the large home, he found himself heading to the same place most people did when visiting, the kitchen.

  He discovered the dark-haired wolf leaning over a small journal.


  Bright blue eyes examined him with interest. “Hi.” Payce got a welcoming megawatt smile. “I’m Adrian. We didn’t really get to meet yesterday.” The man came forward, holding out his hand.

  Payce felt the spark of power when their hands touched. Despite his size, Adrian had a really strong animal spirit. He saw something powerful move beneath those bright green eyes before his hand was released.


  The wolf had examined him and decided he wasn’t a danger. Payce was glad in that moment the other man was already mated.

  Mr. Friendly-Green-Eyes was dangerous.

  Swallowing to get some moisture back in his throat, Payce’s gaze darted the kitchen. It was an enormous gourmet kitchen with the lingering smell of bacon and eggs.

  “Nice kitchen.”

  Adrian laughed. “Yeah, but none of the lions really like cooking.”


  “Yeah. I bake when I’m stressed.”

  “Why are you stressed?” What the hell could stress a wolf like this?

  “Hmm.” Adrian looked up from his book and shrugged. “I’m stuck on a game I’m designing. My deadline is right around the corner and my mate is out of town. I’m always calmer when Talan’s here.”

  Payce sat on the kitchen barstool. Close enough to talk but far enough he wouldn’t get in the way. Payce wasn’t a cook. His life subsisted of takeout, but he liked to watch other people in the kitchen. There was a sort of ballet done by a good chef.

  “What are you going to make?”

  “I can’t decide.” He held up his journal. “This was my grandmother’s. I’m slowly going through her baking book. I’m up to brownies. I baked brownies yesterday, but this is a different recipe.”

  “I somehow doubt anyone would care if you baked brownies two days in a row.”

  Who didn’t like a brownie?

  “You think?” Those green eyes turned on him again.

  Payce nodded.

  Adrian went back to his book. “You’re probably right. As long as it contains chocolate, they don’t seem to care. They’re gonna freak when I get to lemon bars and orange cake.”

  Like a magician, the smaller man started pulling bowls, ingredients, and baking pans from concealed cabinets.

  Watching Adrian crack eggs and melt chocolate was relaxing. He wasn’t prepared when the interrogation began.

  “You don’t have any idea who is after you?”

  “Um, no.” Payce sat up straighter on his stool.

  “No threats, no suspicious lurkers.”

  Payce shook his head. “Nope. There were a few accidents on the jobsite, but nothing I couldn’t brush off as an accident until they blew up my car.”

  “Hmm.” Eggs were blended into chocolate before the next question. “Anyone at the scene all of those times?”

  “Sure, the entire crew. We’re all working on the same building.”


  Adrian was quiet for a while, but Payce was learning that just meant the wolf was thinking, not that he’d given up the idea.

  “What about your foreman?”

  “I’d peg him for some of the worksite accidents, but I don’t think he’s smart enough to figure out how to blow up my truck.”

  “Well, don’t worry too much. Kevin and Talan will figure out who’s doing it and take care of it.”

  “Not you?”

  Adrian laughed. “No, I’m more of a pacifist. If they came to the house, I’d take care of them.”

  The expression in his eyes told Payce he was the scariest pacifist he had ever met.

  “There you are, darlin’.” Kevin’s voice was a welcome relief.

  “Payce and I were getting to know each other,” Adrian said in a soft voice.

  “Great. You two can bond over bein’ inferior in a super lion world.”

  Payce glanced at Kevin to see what he was up to. There was a teasing light in his mate’s eyes as he watched Adrian.

  Adrian stirred his batter as he responded. “Now, Kevin, you know we only let you live because you’re too pretty to kill. Don’t make me damage your one talent.”

  “Ouch, sugar. I think you have sharper claws than any cat.”

  “Are you picking on my mate?” a deep voice asked from the doorway.

  Kevin’s eyes went wide. Payce turned around. Shit, that was the biggest fucking lion shifter he’d ever seen. Neither Kevin nor Payce were small, but the man standing in the doorway made him feel as the size of one of Kevin’s children.

  Kevin stepped forward, motioning for Payce to follow his cue.

  “Talan, this is Payce, my mate. Payce, this is our alpha, Talan.”

  “And Adrian’s mate,” the large alpha reminded him.

  “And Adrian’s mate,” Kevin dutifully parroted.

  Payce heard a low snicker behind him and knew Adrian was enjoying his mate’s grand entrance.

  “I hope you’re making a double batch of those brownies,” Talan said. The total adoration on the alpha’s face as he watched Adrian made Payce’s nervousness disappear. No one who adored his mate could be a completely bad guy.

  “I quadrupled the batch. The women went hunting.”

  “Lord, you’d best have those done when they get back,” Kevin said, his drawl slow and easy, relaxing Payce more than any words of reassurance could.

  “And be out of the kitchen,” Talan added. “They almost trampled you last time.”

  Adrian popped the brownies into a couple of ovens and set a timer. “I’m sure you can think of something to keep me busy for the next forty-five minutes.”

  Talan’s gold eyes flared. Without a word to Payce or Kevin, he marched over, threw Adrian over his shoulder, and walked away. A minute later, a door slammed closed and a shriek filled the air.

  “Don’t worry none, darlin’. That’s just Talan’s way. I’ll talk to him later about your situation once he’s done worn Adrian out.”

  “Kevin, what is it you do?”

  A blush crossed Kevin’s golden skin. “I’m sorta independently wealthy. I’ve got some charities I run, and I enjoy my kids.”

  What would it be like to have that sort of freedom?

  “What would you do if you could do anything?” Kevin asked. It was like he was reading Payce’s mind.

  Payce took a long time to answer while he thought of all the things he liked to do. “I’d do mosaics for people. I really like doing tile work. There’s something satisfying when a project is done. But my real love is mosaics.”

  Kevin wrinkled his forehead. “You mean like those pictures with tiles?”

  Payce nodded. “I’ve done a few pools, bathrooms, and once a metro station with mosaics. It was really great.”

  “Huh. We’ll get you set up with a nice business, darlin’. Tia does interior decorating for shifter homes. Maybe you can work something out with her.”

  Payce had a feeling it wasn’t the only thing he’d have to work out with the lioness.

  Payce’s cell phone rang.

  Kevin watched curiously as his mate answered. When the jaguar turned paler, he stepped forward and put an arm around him.

  “I’ll be there in a few hours,” Payce said before hanging up.

  “What is it, darlin’?”

  “That was the police. There was a break-in at my apartment. My place is trashed.”

  “They’re trying to lure
you back to the city. They can’t find you out here.”

  The pride house was buried in the mountains. Unless someone knew what they were looking for, it was easy to miss. Hell, sometimes Adrian still got lost.

  “It’s working. I won’t be run out of my home.”

  The words sent a shaft of pain through Kevin’s heart. “I thought this was your home.”

  “You know what I mean,” Payce said.

  Kevin released his mate and stepped away. “No, I don’t think I do. You never really agreed to move in with me. I just assumed you’d want to because you’re my mate. If your truck hadn’t exploded, were you gonna come live with me?”

  He saw the truth in Payce’s eyes. The other shifter reached out to him, but Kevin dodged his touch. “We just met, Kevin, I hadn’t made any sort of decisions. I was coming back to tell you I wanted to see how things worked out.”

  “You were?” He hated the hope in his own voice. He sounded desperate. Fuck, he was desperate. There were cautionary tales about mates who bonded, then broke apart. All of them ended in murder or suicide, sometimes both. A shifter who lost his mate went crazy.

  Everyone knew that.

  Kevin didn’t want to lose his mate, but even an easygoing man had his pride. His mate hadn’t really wanted him until they’d bonded. Now they were stuck with each other for life. In his dreams of finding his mate, none of them had involved the gut-wrenching pain of being unwanted by the one man he’d searched for all of his life.

  “I’ll take you back to the city.” Tears clogged his throat. He’d be damned before he let them fall.

  Payce’s fingers briefly brushed his back as he turned. Kevin stepped forward and away from the other man’s touch. He couldn’t bear to face his mate.

  It hurt too much.

  “I’ll go grab my bag.”

  Kevin nodded.

  As much as he loved his family, there was a jaguar-shaped hole in his heart.

  Chapter 6

  Payce’s apartment was a wreck. They were escorted into the place by the same police officer that had helped with the exploded truck.

  “You’ve got someone holding a mean grudge,” the cop said, giving a cool examination of the trashed apartment.


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