Johnny Loves Krissy

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Johnny Loves Krissy Page 3

by KyAnn Waters

  His shoulders visibly slumped. “No.” He turned to her and smiled. “Sorry, I want to enjoy tonight, just the two of us.” He reached over and took her hand. “Can you make me a promise?”

  She nodded.

  “Just for tonight, will you put aside your search?”

  Her search? Yes. Her plan? No. It was hard for her to explain to Johnny what she didn't understand herself. Something had snapped inside her when Dr. Hart said she wouldn't be able to have children. In a few years, mentally she'd be ready. However, by then she'd have had a hysterectomy.

  Krissy listened to the experts. Two parent families were best. Now or never rang through her ears again. She had to show Johnny they could maintain their friendship and have a baby. That just might take her showing him that all other men were Mr. Wrong.

  “Let's just see what happens,” she said. “I'm not stupid. I'm not going to take a string of men to bed.” No, she just wanted Johnny. “When I finally get pregnant, I will know who the father is.” And so would he. “The man I want has to be perfect.”

  Johnny parked his truck in the grassy lot adjacent to the fairgrounds. He walked around the front of the truck and opened her door. He blocked her exit, bracing his hands on the top of the vehicle's cab. “No matter how much you plan, you can't predict how another person is going to react.”

  She squeezed around him. “I can't worry about what I can't control.” She started to walk away.

  “I guess the subject is dropped.”

  “Yes, because we're going to have fun.”

  Winding their way between cars, they approached the entrance gate. Mostly the derby attracted couples on dates, some families. She linked her arm through his. “I want pink cotton candy.”

  A few minutes later, they had found their seats and the first round of cars made their way into the dirt- covered arena. Pieces of junk that barely ran with names, such as Destroyer and Terror Truck, spray- painted on their sides lined up on the field. The announcer introduced the drivers and encouraged the crowd to scream and holler for their favorite. Krissy cheered when a purple station wagon backfired, flames shot out from under the hood and black smoke billowed from the tailpipe.

  “The Purple People Eater is mine,” she said, latching onto Johnny's shoulder for stability and stood on the bleachers. She pointed to the field. “Pick your car and let's make a bet.”

  “I don't know.” Because the stands were full of screaming fans, he stood to get an unobstructed view. “It seems to me the crappier the car looks, the better it does. I'll take the piece of shit on the end. What's the prize?”

  Krissy touched her tongue to her upper lip. “If I win, I want a piggyback ride to the car after the derby. What do you want?”

  “Chicken enchiladas tomorrow night at your place. Only this time, could you make more than two?” He shook his head while he sat.

  Like her history with men, her kitchen record wasn't perfect. Casey's mom had told her about this great recipe with sour cream, cream cheese, shredded chicken and cream of chicken soup. How was she supposed to know how much to use? That wasn't included with the recipe. After hours of planning and preparation, she'd gathered the six- pack. Too bad her meal only served four. Barely.

  “You got it.” She hollered with the crowd and then turned back to Johnny. “You really like my cooking?”

  “You've had your moments.” He put his hand on her waist while she stepped from the bleachers and then Krissy plopped down next to him. “There was the Spaghetti- O thing.”

  “Anyone could make that mistake.” Taking a piece of cotton candy out of the bag, she stuffed it into his mouth. “I thought it was like Campbell's Soup. I didn't realize I wasn't supposed to add a can of water.” Johnny ate the candy. She licked the sugar from her fingertips. “Yummy.” She pulled another piece from the bag.

  “You're reading my thoughts.”

  They planned the enchilada dinner for Monday around six. She should have picked Destroyer at the derby. Purple People Eater ate dirt and Johnny's pick caught fire shortly after. Technically neither of their junkers won, but Johnny claimed to be the victor since hers was the first one out.

  She stopped at the grocery store for supplies before driving home. A good thing Johnny was the only one coming over. Her apartment wasn't in any condition for company. Johnny didn't count. Her apartment had a common floor plan. Open dining room and living room, but the kitchen was small and could use more cupboards. Textured linoleum flooring in the bathroom matched the kitchen. The large picture windows sold her on the place, that and the covered parking spot and because it was a one level building. She didn't mind neighbors on the right and left, but she hated having upstairs tenants.

  She sighed. Earlier she'd gone to the gym, but she should've been cleaning. She should've been at work with cabinet orders to get in, and with a couple of jobs ready for installation. Not to mention the laundry spilling out of the bedroom, down the hall, and a pile waited in the bathroom.

  Since her doctor's appointment, none of it had matter. Krissy was on a mission. Her biological deadline approached faster than her deadlines for work or her messy house.

  Thoughts of her endometriosis triggered more thoughts of Johnny. He needed more persuasion. Dinner preparation could wait. She was missing an opportunity. Krissy grabbed her keys and headed out the door.

  If she remembered correctly, Johnny had classes until one. She climbed into her car and headed over to the campus. While she waited at a red light, she flipped open her phone. Unsure of which building he was in, she held the steering wheel with one hand, and text messaged him. Where R U?

  He replied in text, In class. Y

  She smiled. He didn't get it. I know U R in class. Building? Coffee?

  He messaged that he'd meet her by the clock tower. The light changed, and she dropped her phone to the seat. Minutes later, she pulled into visitor parking and lucked out finding a spot. She headed toward the center of campus.

  She saw him as she approached. “Johnny,” she called, waving her hand. He turned at the sound of her voice, swung his satchel over his broad shoulder, and walked toward her. She narrowed her eyes. He didn't walk. Rather, he moved with a masculine strut. Cocksure.

  The sun glinted off his hair. A gentle breeze lifted a lock from his forehead. She imagined combing through the silken strands with her fingers. But it was his smile that melted her heart. Her stomach flipped and her heart rate took a bounce. She wasn't supposed to tingle to her core with Johnny. She lusted after her best friend. It had to be heatstroke. She put her hand to her forehead.

  “What's up? You feeling okay? Are we still on for tonight?”

  “Yep. Thought I'd buy you a coffee in the commons and scope for prospects.” She laughed while he groaned.

  “Let's go.”

  They walked to the Union Center. In addition to the coffee and juice shop, the college boasted a bowling alley and pool tables. Always crowded, it was luck when Johnny spotted an empty table. He tossed his book bag on the table and then joined Krissy at the counter to order.

  Once they had their drinks, Krissy crossed to the metal counter. “What's up with Shelby and Ryan?” she asked as she spooned sugar into her coffee.

  “I don't know that anything is up.”

  “Oh, come on.” She looked around the room for a vacant spot.

  Johnny pointed to the table he'd secured in the middle of the room. “Women talk more than men. Ryan hasn't said anything.”

  “Men give each other high fives after they score. Shelby has a rockin’ body. Don't tell me he didn't give graphic details.”

  “Shelby's hot, but she doesn't have a thing on you.”

  “You think I'm hot?” She did a little shimmy. Johnny's eyes glazed over and she rolled hers. “So fess up. Is it serious between them?”

  He held the chair for her and then sat. “Don't know.” He blew on his coffee and took a sip. “But I think it's cool if they are. We've all been friends for a long time. That at least two of us ended
up together was bound to happen.”

  “Yeah, but getting involved with a friend is risky. When the relationship ends, so does the friendship.”

  “Or maybe they'll get married and have a bunch of kids.” Johnny leaned back and surveyed the room. “I'm not seeing any hot prospects.”

  Krissy glanced over her shoulder. “He wouldn't have to be hot as long as he isn't ugly. Smart more than makes up for looks.”

  He paused before taking a sip.

  “Why are you staring?” she asked.

  He pulled his chair closer to hers and covered her hand with his. “You're taking a big chance sleeping with a stranger. What if whoever he is, has always wanted a child? Then you get pregnant. If he has a good job and the courts can't find a reason to deny it, he could walk away with joint custody. Your baby could spend two weeks out of the month away from you.”

  “That isn't going to happen.”

  “The outcome could be worse than that.” He paused. “What if the father wants full custody? You could be the visiting parent.”

  “Too bad I don't have enough money to take a cruise or go to the Caribbean and pick me up a hot island lover.”

  He leaned back and shrugged. “You don't want to go to a sperm bank.” Johnny smiled at someone over her shoulder. She turned to see a tall, blonde classmate waving, wearing a brilliant, white smile for Johnny. Krissy arched a brow.

  “Who's that?”

  “Just a girl from class.” He focused on Krissy again. “The Caribbean, huh?”

  “Why the smile? Do you like her?”

  “I'm just being friendly. She smiled first.”

  Krissy snorted. “She's cute, but you could do better.”

  “Where's that coming from? I'm not interested in a girlfriend. And at the moment, my focus seems to be on your sex life. Mine will have to wait.”

  She didn't want to think about Johnny having sex with anyone else. Sure, she knew he did the deed. He probably did it well. Johnny was too considerate to be a selfish lover.

  Krissy grabbed her coffee and took a drink, allowing the scalding brew to distract her. “So I'll see you at six for enchiladas?”

  “I'll be there.”

  Johnny stopped by Drew's after he left Krissy. His head wasn't in his studies, and Drew's condo usually offered a nice reprieve from a grinding day.

  Drew, unconcerned about the future, spent his money as fast as he made it. Plasma television, imported beer, mood lighting. Yep, Drew lived in a perfect bachelor pad. Johnny reaped the benefits.

  Johnny knocked.

  “Come in, Jess. The door's open,” Drew hollered.

  “Jess as in a guy or Jessica as in a date, because I don't want to intrude.” Johnny stepped through the door.

  “What's up?” Drew asked, coming into the front room.

  “I won't stick around.”

  “You should. I bought a hot tub today. The sales girl is coming over for dinner. She's bringing a friend.” Nice shirt, gel in the hair, it didn't take an Einstein to realize Drew intended to get laid.

  “So you bought a hot tub?” Johnny walked into the kitchen and glanced out the patio doors.

  “It'll be delivered tomorrow.” Drew took two beers from the fridge.

  Johnny shook his head. “I'm going to Krissy's for dinner.”

  “Then I take it you won't be staying.” He leaned back against the counter. “I know we all give you and Krissy shit, but why don't you explore if there's more than friendship between you.”

  Johnny chuckled. “Well, for one she's trying to get knocked up.”

  “You've been hot for her since high school. You should make a move before she finds someone else. Maybe she's waiting for you.”

  Johnny arched a brow. “Since when does Krissy wait? And what about you?” he asked. “Do you ever think about getting serious?”

  “Most girls don't want their boyfriend to date.” Drew shrugged with a big smile on his face. “I think about it and know I'm not ready. I figure I have until thirty- five. I don't want to be an old man having kids.”

  Johnny nodded, understanding exactly how Drew felt. “I want kids, but I have to finish school. I don't want to struggle. Get a good job, have a few years of fun in the fast lane and then settle down with a family.”

  “Sounds good to me. Wish I had the motivation. I want instant gratification. School's important, but I want to play now. No doubt that I'll regret dropping out, but I'm getting prime pussy and making bank.” He tipped his beer to Johnny. “I'm an asshole. I'll grow up later.”

  “Yeah, well your prime pussy is on her way over, so I will see you on the flip side.”

  “Later, give Krissy a kiss.”

  Drew followed him to the door. As Johnny walked to his truck, Drew hollered, “A wet, deep, tongue- dipping kiss that will keep you hot and hard for a week. Put one hand on her tit and the other on that sweet ass.”

  Johnny laughed, flipped him the middle finger and felt a response in his pants from the thought of doing exactly as Drew described. Great, now while he ate dinner with Krissy, he could imagine her hot and spicy mouth along with her hot and spicy enchiladas. At least he'd get a taste of one of them.

  He climbed into the cab of his truck, stuffed his hand into the front of his jeans, and adjusted his dick. Once again, Krissy had him hot, hard, and ready. Anywhere but Drew's driveway and he'd be fucking his fist. Fuck, he'd make time to go home, grab a shower, and take the edge off before heading to Krissy's.

  Johnny knocked on Krissy's door a few minutes before six. Noise coming from inside the apartment was a good indication that his enchilada dinner wasn't going well. He opened the door. Krissy held the kitchen broom straight up to toward the ceiling and was aggressively fanning the blaring smoke detector.

  “Dinner smells wonderful.” Actually, a cloud of black smoke drifted close to the ceiling. The pungent smell burned his nostrils.

  Krissy laughed and started to beat the bristles of the broom against the smoke detector. With a final whack, the white plastic cover snapped free and ricocheted off the wall. Without the screaming siren, the room fell eerily silent. Then Krissy burst into laughter.

  “Hi, honey. Hope you're hungry. Dinner's ready.”

  Johnny followed her into the kitchen. The oven door was open. In the sink, a blackened cheesy mess oozed out of pan. “How about a tuna fish sandwich and chips instead?”

  Johnny stared at the burnt mess in the sink. The smoke was beginning to burn his eyes. “Open a couple of windows. We'll go to Stu's and meet up with the gang while the house airs out.”

  “Give me ten minutes to change.”

  Krissy emerged from the bedroom, wearing a white, gauzy, pirate- style blouse and form fitting pair of jeans. The denim hugged her ass and rode low on her hips. When she bent over for her purse, the gecko tattoo on her lower back played peek- a- boo with him.

  Johnny groaned and turned away. “Ready?”

  She nodded, and they left the house, taking Johnny's truck to the bar and grill.

  In the parking lot, a group of guys Johnny knew from school waved to him. Johnny started in their direction.

  Krissy put her hand on his arm. “I'll meet you inside.” She strode to the doors, greeted the bouncer and immediately spotted Shelby. She held a table big enough for the six- pack. Krissy smiled as she walked over. About the time she sat down, she recognized the voice belting out from the karaoke stage. Ryan held the microphone like a Las Vegas crooner. Shelby and Krissy laughed as he hit a high note along with Celine Dion.

  “How long have you two been here? And how many beers has that boy had?”

  “Too long and too many.” Shelby shook her head as Ryan sang that his heart would go on. “Oh, god, someone stop him.” Shelby leaned forward, dropping her forehead to the table with a thump.

  “Here comes Drew. Don't look now. He's joining Ryan on stage.” Drew, still wearing his dark sunglasses, wrapped an arm around Ryan's shoulder. The result, discordant harmony.

  “I di
dn't think it possible,” Krissy said, laughing. “The duo is worse.”

  “Where's Johnny?” Casey asked, coming up behind her.

  “Outside speaking with friends. Where were you?”

  “Playing pool.” Casey covered her mouth, stifling a laugh and pointed to the small stage rimmed with rope lights and with a mini disco ball hanging in the corner. “Oh, Shelby, you love him.”

  Shelby's shoulders shook because she laughed into her folded arms on the table.

  “Krissy, I haven't seen you in a while.” She turned at the familiar voice behind her.

  “Trent.” Where in the hell is Johnny? A frisson of unease snaked along her spine and gooseflesh pebbled her arms. She'd deleted Trent from her Blackberry, although, even if she had a list of potential daddies, he'd never have made it. He'd never taken the hint when she'd blown him off months ago. They'd dated only a couple of times. She never called him. Yet, he called her all the time. Determined Trent needed a deterrent. “How've you been?” she asked, looking anywhere but at him.

  Not that she really wanted to know. She continued to peruse the room, focusing on the door and willed Johnny to appear.


  She turned to Trent. He leaned in and she caught a whiff of his aftershave. She never did like it. She'd have to bury her nose in Johnny's collar to cleanse away the odor.

  Focusing her attention on Trent, she forced a smile.

  “Can I buy you a drink?”

  “I'm sorry.” She put her hand on his forearm. She was about to make a lame excuse when Johnny came through the door. He waved and said hello to a few friends on his way to their table. She stood when he approached.

  “Hi,” Johnny said to Krissy and gave Trent a nod in greeting.

  “Hi, I've been waiting for you.” Krissy wrapped her arms around Johnny's neck and slithered her body against his. She fingered his hair at the nape of his neck and gently caressed him with her fingertips. Touching chest to hips, she tugged his head down and pressed her lips to his. His breath warmed her lips. Swiping her tongue along the seam of his mouth, she tasted the plump texture.

  With a groan, his mouth opened. Hesitation faded and his lips softened. The kiss deepened. His tongue invaded, and she eagerly sucked him into her mouth, rubbing her tongue along his. The delicious, minty flavor of his mouth mingled with hers. She hadn't expected the surge of pleasure skittering along her spine.


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