Johnny Loves Krissy

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Johnny Loves Krissy Page 19

by KyAnn Waters

  Krissy walked in ahead of him.

  “Hey, wood girl.” Drew came out of the hallway. “So what's the verdict? Did Johnny knock you up?”

  “Yep.” Johnny put his arm around her waist.

  “Remind me never to bang a girl on the washer. Bad omen for a guy like me.”

  Krissy rolled her eyes. “I'm hungry.”

  “Are you going to get fat?”

  Johnny slugged him in the shoulder. “You never tell a woman she's fat. She's probably having a craving.”

  “Or maybe I'm hungry after a night of making love.” She batted her lashes. “You haven't fed me anything but your cock.”

  Drew turned to Johnny. “You lucky shit.”

  Johnny could only smile.

  Krissy went to the patio where Casey and Shelby sat on the grass. The hot tub steamed and foamed, but no one was in it. Drew really did have the life. Hot summer days and cool summer nights in the hot tub.

  “So, it's official,” she said to them. “Where's Ryan?”

  “He's on his way.”

  “What's official exactly?” Casey asked. “Because for your two best girlfriends...” She turned to Shelby and then back to Krissy. “We don't know much about what is going on in your life.”

  “You used to tell us everything.” Shelby crossed her arms over her chest. “And then, at the bar, we find out you're pregnant. Now, I distinctly remember asking you if you were pregnant when you were puking on the side of the road.”

  “And I knew you were sleeping with Johnny.”

  “You knew?” Shelby asked Casey. “And you didn't tell me.”

  “I promised.”

  “Stop.” Krissy feigned a laugh. “You two should know why I didn't say anything.” She dropped her chin to her chest. Heat filled her face and tears threatened. She blinked a few times. “You know how I feel about Johnny. He's my best friend. I didn't know what would happen once I asked him to be the father of my baby.” And she didn't know what might happen in the future, but she knew they'd be together.

  “Well, the rest of us could've told you what he'd want. It's what we've all known he wants. You.”

  “I know. His parents asked when we're getting married. His mom sat with me on the couch and talked about how quickly we could put together a small ceremony. I was uncomfortable. I don't want Johnny to feel like he has to marry me. I've already pushed him into making a baby.” Krissy plopped into a lawn chair.

  “I'm sure it was a real hardship for Johnny to fulfill his fantasy of sleeping with you.” Casey combed through the grass with her toes.

  “Oh, he wants payment.”

  “I'm almost afraid to ask. Johnny's a breast and ass man,” Shelby said.

  Krissy stood from the chair and joined them to form a small circle. Her forehead scrunched as she glanced between the two best friends in the whole world. “Oh, Johnny's an ass man. I can't drink and anal sex is never a good idea until after the sixth shot of tequila.”

  “And then in the morning, you wonder what in the hell you were thinking.” Shelby laughed.

  “Are you going to pay up sober?”

  “Casey, I have to.” Krissy dropped her head to her bent knees. “Damn, but I want to.”

  “Why is it a man wants to screw a woman in the ass when there is a perfectly good pussy two inches away?”

  Krissy joined Shelby and Casey in their laughter.

  “Oh, my god, he must be incredible.”

  Krissy looked up and smiled. “He is.”

  “Our girl is in love.” Casey leaned into Shelby. “And in a relationship.”

  Shelby screamed. “She has googly- eyes!” Shelby covered her mouth with her hand.

  “Shh.” Krissy laughed. “Don't let him know.”

  “So tell us, how bad was it with his parents?” Casey leaned back and pillowed her head on her palms.

  “I wanted to curl into a ball when his dad just stared. I think he's disappointed in us.”

  “Imagine if they found out their son loves anal sex,” Shelby said and then giggled.

  “All men love anal sex,” Casey said. “It just isn't talked about.”

  Krissy thought of her parents and what her pregnancy would mean to them. “I can't imagine what my mom is going to say, but I doubt she'll start planning a wedding.”

  “No, she's going to try and figure out a way to get you and Johnny to move back East.”

  Krissy put her hands on her stomach. “I want my baby to grow up with cousins. Johnny has a big family. I grew up an only child. If it weren't for his family, I'd have been alone a lot.”

  Emotion welled within and robbed her of breath. Johnny's presence in her life outweighed that of her parents. What did that mean? She loved him. Life wouldn't be fun without him. Tears blurred her vision. He would love her and the baby...forever.

  “No crying.” Casey wrapped her arms around her shoulder. “Loving Johnny shouldn't be scary. He's one of the good ones. You two are perfect for each other, and you're having a baby. His baby. Don't cry.”

  Krissy cried because she knew with certainty that she and Johnny were making more than a baby. She never wanted to be away from him when they were friends. As lovers, they were inseparable.

  Ryan came out of the house and went to the grill. “So you did the deed with Johnny.” He shook his head. “I figured you guys were always doing it on the down low.”

  “We weren't.”

  “Yeah, whatever.” He lifted the lid of the barbecue and threw on the steaks. “Drew said we're celebrating and I'm in agreement.” His eyes locked on Shelby.

  “I'll be back.” Shelby hurried into the house.

  “What's up with her?” Krissy asked.

  Casey shrugged.

  Krissy glanced at the doors when she heard Johnny's voice. With a beer in hand, he followed Drew. Male bonding at its best.

  “Hi, Casey.” He spoke without moving his eyes off Krissy. “Can I get you a drink?”

  “I'll get my own.” Casey joined Shelby in the house.

  Krissy shook her head. Her heart pounded out an unfamiliar rhythm. Nervous and excited, she licked her lips. With Johnny standing beside her, she was eyelevel with his crotch. Damn, she couldn't help looking. His cock twitched beneath the denim. Slowly, her eyes rose to meet his. Yep, his thoughts mirrored hers. They shouldn't have played in the car. Now, she was horny. Being this close to his dick, her imagination reproduced the muskiness of his skin. She could almost feel the smooth, hot texture in her mouth. Her breathing grew shallow.

  “Christ, you two. You're making me hard.” Drew grabbed his crotch and adjusted.

  “I'm going to go see what's wrong with Shelby.” Krissy stood and fled from Johnny's temptation.

  “I think it should be marriage,” Casey stated.

  Krissy froze with her heart in her throat. Were her friends gossiping behind her back?

  “I don't see what the big deal is?” Shelby said. “Vegas is an eight hour drive.”

  “Elope?” Casey wrinkled her nose. “Tacky.” Tacky was talking about your best friend when she sat ten feet away.

  “So what are you thinking, a big wedding in a church? Real cute. White dress and all.”

  “A bride doesn't have to be a virgin to wear white. Give me a break.”

  Shelby chuckled. “Wouldn't that be funny?”

  “I won't be giving you the chance to laugh.” Krissy came into the room and slid the sliding glass door closed. “I don't want him to ask me to marry just because I'm pregnant. God, do you know how scary it is to admit I love him? I'm not saying I'll never marry. But no one is going to push him or me into it.” She ran her fingers through her hair. It hurt that her friends didn't understand. She thought they knew her better than that.

  Casey and Shelby didn't speak, simply stared.

  “I can't believe you're in here talking about me.” Krissy went to the fridge for a diet soda. “I need your support. I'm having a baby. I don't need the stress of a wedding. I certainly don't want the str
ess of not having one.”

  “How's Johnny ever going to live with her?” Shelby asked.

  Casey shook her head. “He's the only one who'll put up with her shit.”

  “Well, he isn't going to have to worry about that either. We aren't moving in together. So I'd appreciate it if you stay out of my business.”

  “Oh.” Casey grinned at Shelby. “She is so going to feel like shit.”

  “I already do. My best friends are in here trash talking me.”

  Casey winked at Shelby. “She's going to beg for forgiveness.”

  “Why?” Krissy popped the tab on the soda.

  “Because Shelby and Ryan are getting married. How does the foot taste?”

  Krissy slapped her hand over her mouth. “Oh, my god.” She set her drink on the counter and pulled Shelby into a hug. “I am a shit. I'm so sorry.”

  Shelby laughed and hugged her back. “I didn't want to say anything. You have your good news. When you came in upset about Johnny's parents wanting you to get married, I didn't want to say anything.”

  Krissy pulled back. “Shelby, I can be happy for you. I agree with Casey. You can't elope. Big or small wedding, we all want to be there.” She glanced out the patio doors. “How did he ask? Was it romantic?”

  Shelby laughed. “Real romantic. Hey, babe.” She altered her voice, giving it a male cocky edge. “We should get married. It's just like dating, but you get to do it every night.”

  Casey laughed. “You do him every night anyway.”

  “Yeah, but I won't move into his place without getting married. And I live at home. My mother hovers.”

  “You don't get married to get laid,” Krissy said.

  Both Shelby's and Casey's mouth dropped open.

  “Okay, so I'm not the best person to offer advice on marriage protocol. However, don't deny that the two of you don't love each other.”

  Shelby got a dreamy faraway look in her eyes. “I won't.”

  They all giggled.

  “Has Ryan told the guys?”

  “Yep. That's how the idea of Vegas came about. Ryan wants his bachelor party on the strip.”

  “And you're okay with that?” For reasons Krissy wasn't ready to explore, she didn't like the idea of Johnny patronizing Las Vegas strip clubs. Okay, she was jealous. That Johnny loved her figure was an incredible turn on. No way could she compete with the made- for- sex bodies of Las Vegas strippers.

  “He's marrying me. I have to trust him. And he'll be with Drew and Johnny. They won't let him get into trouble.”

  “Sounds like you've made up your mind,” Casey said.

  Shelby shook her head, and then followed Krissy back outside to join the guys. “All I've said is yes.” She walked straight into Ryan's arms and leaned against him. Ryan ran his hand over her back and shoulders. He kissed her temple and then her mouth. Krissy watched and wondered if knowing a commitment existed changed the way a person felt.

  “Hi.” Johnny came up behind her and gave her hair a gentle tug. “Are you surprised?” They both watched Shelby and Ryan.

  “Yes and no. Probably no more surprised than they were when we said we're pregnant. Ryan thinks we've been screwing all along.”

  “Only in my fantasies.” Standing behind her, he put his hand on her hip. “Is this okay?”

  She nodded.

  “And this?” He brushed his lips against her neck.

  She nestled her ass against his hardening erection.

  “You said something about a prize after I knocked you up.” He whispered in her ear while fitting his cock to the crease between her cheeks. “Are you still game?”

  “Funny you should mention it. I talked with Shelby and Casey about it.”

  “You told them that?”

  “For the record, I tell them just about everything and then Shelby tells Ryan, Ryan tells Drew. So yep everyone knows everything.” She thought about the passion they shared in bed and knew that nothing was out of the realm of possibilities. Johnny knew how to love her— in every way. He'd given her what she wanted, a baby. In a few months, she wouldn't be able to give him his fantasy. “I'm game for anything.”

  “I know that about you.”

  She tipped her head when he nuzzled her neck.

  “Casey, you want to get in the hot tub with me? Since Shelby and Ryan are fucking and— ” Drew nodded in Johnny and Krissy's direction. “They've got proof they're fucking.”

  “Never, Drew. We are never going to— ” she crinkled her nose in disgust, “fuck.”

  “I think you should know what you're turning down.”

  Casey screamed and ran into the house. Drew gave chase.

  Johnny laughed, wrapping his arms around Krissy. “I've never seen Drew drag a woman kicking and screaming to the bedroom.”

  “We'll find him a hottie in Vegas.” Ryan smiled.

  Krissy's tummy swooped. Doubtful she'd ever be comfortable with Johnny going to the strip joints, not without her anyway. “When are you thinking of going?” If Johnny planned to do Vegas, she planned to make him a lasting memory to take with him.

  “You'll go, too,” Johnny said near her ear.

  She shook her head. “I doubt I can get the time off work. Any vacation time I do have, I need to save for when the baby comes.” She didn't mention the money it would cost. If Johnny decided to go, she didn't want him feeling guilty.

  Shelby stepped away from Ryan. “We haven't decided anything yet.”

  Krissy hoped they decided to stay in town. Damn, this jealousy thing. She didn't want other women hitting on him, and she sure as hell didn't want him looking at hot strippers. There, she'd said it, well, thought it. That was good enough under the circumstances. Revealing insecurities in a new relationship ensured certain suicide. At least, it had been for all the men she'd dated.

  Casey rejoined the group. “Another official announcement. Drew and I will never date. He's lucky he can still walk.” She picked up a soda from the table. “Whose is this?”

  “Mine,” Krissy said.

  Casey guzzled. “He kissed me.”

  “Slipped her the tongue, too.” Drew smacked her on the ass.

  Casey choked, sputtering soda from her mouth.

  “She's right. No compatibility.”

  “I don't have big enough breasts for Drew,” Casey said once she recovered. “And I'm too smart.”

  Johnny wanted out of this conversation. With their pillow talk, his dick was so hard it hurt. He could barely follow the conversation between Casey and Drew. All he wanted was to take Krissy by the hair like a caveman, pull her into the house, and dominate.

  “Is the food almost done?” Krissy went to the grill. “Because I'm eating for two and we're hungry.”

  “Look out, Ryan. You should've heard her earlier in the kitchen. Feed her quick.”

  “Johnny's been feeding her.” Drew sat in a lawn chair and stretched out his legs. “You still hungry, wood girl? I'm sure we could— ”

  “I'd starve first,” Krissy spat.

  Casey went into the house and returned with a bag of chips. They ate and talked about the wedding and the baby. Johnny watched Krissy when Shelby grew animated discussing the details of what she would consider a perfect wedding. He smiled. It was good to be king. Making the plan, breaking the rules, and creating their own kingdom, had certainly been an epiphany for Krissy. He'd give her whatever she wanted. He'd take her to Maui and marry her on the beach if that was the wedding she wanted.

  “We want all of you with us,” Ryan said. “That's it.”

  “When we mentioned Vegas, we didn't know about the baby.” Shelby smiled. “I won't get married unless all of us are there. We're a six- pack.”

  Drew pointed to Krissy's belly. “And a shot.”

  Krissy's smile turned to a yawn.

  “You ready to go,” Johnny asked.

  She nodded and hugged Shelby. “I've been tired. Another symptom.”

  Shelby kissed Krissy's cheek. “Congratulations.”

  “You, too,” Krissy said, and then followed Johnny out of the condo.

  “I have wanted to touch you like this for so long.” His hand caressed her shoulder as they walked.

  “Why were you hesitant to sleep with me if you'd been imagining us together?”

  A hand on her elbow kept her from climbing into the cab. “I never just wanted to sleep with you, and you weren't ready for more. I suspected you cared, but I was too chickenshit to risk rejection. You don't know how many times I wanted to pull you close and kiss you breathless. That's how you leave me. Breathless. You're so beautiful and so much fun to be around. I couldn't see myself with anyone else.” He touched her cheek. “Admit you worried, too.” He furrowed his brows staring into her eyes. “And now I can't imagine not being with you.”

  She threaded her arms around his waist and pressed herself against him. “I'm not scared anymore.” Her breath was warm on his face.

  The muscles in his forearms tightened. He braced his palms on the truck top. “You started this when we arrived. Are we going to continue on Drew's front lawn?” Not that it would surprise the neighbors. The six- foot fence surrounding Drew's small back yard and patio afforded some privacy, but it wasn't a sound barrier.

  “Let's go home. It's late on the East coast and I want to call my parents while I'm feeling brave.”

  “Way to kill the mood.” He chuckled and helped her into the truck.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Krissy Loves Johnny

  Johnny's hand glided over the smooth plane of Krissy's stomach. The skin quivered under his touch. It was difficult to imagine her small waist, which he could span with his hands, swollen with his baby. He pressed his lips to her navel, tunneling his tongue into the dip, taking the small belly ring between his teeth. He kissed his way to her ribs. Her breaths echoed in his ears. The cotton sheets swished when Krissy brought her knees up and spread her thighs.

  He moved between them and slid down the cool sheets, kicking the quilt to the floor. His body heated, hungry for hers. His cock jumped at the sight of the pink folds of her pussy glistening with wetness. Cupping her ass in his palms, he lowered his mouth and tasted. He flared his nostrils, sucking in the muskiness of her arousal. The sweet familiarity of her perfume wafted up from the sheets as she dug in her heels and lifted her hips.


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