Reckless Soul

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Reckless Soul Page 8

by Lynn Hagen

  Roy pulled out his phone. “Then I guess we better find another restaurant on our blank GPS.”

  With a chuckle, Calhoun pulled Roy to him and kissed his head. “That’s the spirit.”

  Chapter Eight

  The night sky was gorgeous as Roy and Calhoun leaned against the hood of the car, parked in some random field, rummaging through the bag of snacks they’d bought at some all-night gas station.

  “I’m starting to change my mind about gas station food.” Calhoun popped a few peanuts into his mouth and chewed.

  Roy didn’t share the same sentiment. He hoped like hell that he didn’t regret his decision to have a hotdog. It hadn’t looked fresh under that warming light, but he’d been starving and willing to take the chance.

  He leaned back onto the hood and spread his arms as he stared up at the billions of stars that sparkled on their inky-black canvas. “Oh man. I could go for a steak, with sautéed onions, a fat baked potato with the works, little green onions littered all over the top.”

  Calhoun leaned on his side as he tossed a few more peanuts into his mouth. “Nah, I want some glazed pork chops, some seasoned diced potatoes, and steamed broccoli.”

  “Can I change my order?” Roy grinned. “That sounds even better.”

  Calhoun tapped Roy on his nose. “You can change it to whatever you want. But the first chain restaurant we see, we’re having breakfast.”

  Chain restaurant. That was a good idea since they wouldn’t have to worry about any shifters owning it. “Denny’s or IHOP,” Roy said. “No mom-and-pop places.”

  Roy looked through the bag and grabbed a packaged sweet roll. He hated eating all those empty calories, but he had to put something on his stomach other than that day-old hotdog.

  As soon as he took the last bite, Calhoun moved closer to him and licked across Roy’s lips. “Mmm, just the way I like my kisses. Sugary sweet.”

  Roy sighed into Calhoun’s mouth. He no longer had his V card, and thank fuck for that. He now had a week’s worth of sex under his belt and couldn’t get enough of it, especially the way Calhoun gave him slow-burning kisses.

  He spread his legs as Calhoun settled between them. Roy couldn’t recall a more perfect evening, even after the hair-raising day they’d had. But if he had to be in danger, he wouldn’t want to be in it with anyone other than Calhoun.

  “Call me your mate.” Calhoun brushed aside some of Roy’s hair. He loved when the guy touched him, even for the simplest things.


  Calhoun shrugged. “I’ve waited all my life to find you. I just want to hear you call me mate.”

  Roy had no idea it meant that much to him. “Should I just call you mate, or use it in a sentence?”

  Calhoun teasingly nipped his nose. Roy chuckled and playfully pushed the man’s face away from him. “Stop trying to eat me, mate.”

  Roy actually liked the word. It felt right, just like being with Calhoun felt right.

  There was genuine pleasure in his mate’s baby blues. When Roy had first met Calhoun, the guy had intimidated him. He was all muscles, dark looks, tattoos, but still sexy. Now Roy didn’t think he could live without Calhoun in his life.

  Roy felt a connection to Calhoun, deep in his soul. It felt as if he’d known the man his entire life. He’d also fallen for his tiger. Love swelled in his heart as he stared up at his mate.

  Yep, he really liked that word.

  “Let me show you how I’m gonna eat you.” Calhoun smirked as he slid down Roy’s body.

  Roy’s brows shot up when Calhoun started unfastening his pants. He gripped his mate’s wrists. “What’re you doing?”

  “No one is out here,” Calhoun said. “We’re in the middle of a field on a deserted road. Do you trust me?”

  Roy bit his lower lip. “Yes.”

  Calhoun looked surprised at Roy’s answer, as if he hadn’t expected Roy to say yes. He let go of his mate’s wrists and watched as Calhoun pulled his jeans and underwear down to his thighs. The cool night air washed over Roy’s heated flesh as his hard cock throbbed to the rhythm of his heartbeat.

  Calhoun locked eyes with him as he took the head into his mouth. Roy hissed and bucked as his mate took the shaft all the way down his throat.

  Roy slapped the hood of the car. “Holy fuck!”

  Calhoun’s tongue teased his shaft as it slid up and down the side of it then came back to the top to suckle the head.

  Roy cried out as he came, embarrassed that his trigger was so damn easy to flip. He saw his own set of stars behind his eyelids before he opened them and looked down at Calhoun.

  The guy was licking his lips, smiling devilishly at Roy. He thought Calhoun would tease him about being a five-second guy, but instead, he said, “I fucking love that I have that effect on you. Do you know what that does to my ego?”

  Roy panted as Calhoun slid him off the hood. He could barely stand as his mate kissed the very breath from Roy’s lungs.

  Then he turned Roy and bent him over, making Roy place his hands on the hood. Calhoun pressed his chest into Roy’s back. “Now it’s my turn,” he whispered into Roy’s ear.

  His mate pulled out a travel-sized packet of lube. He wet his fingers and inserted them into Roy’s ass. Oh hell. Roy dropped to the hood, his arms out wide as he moaned and begged Calhoun to fuck him harder with his fingers.

  For his first time having sex outside, Roy loved it. He jutted his ass out farther, taking the fingers deeper until the fingers left his body. Roy looked over his shoulder and saw Calhoun lubing his cock.

  After sucking in a deep breath, Roy braced himself. His mate inched inside Roy’s ass, holding tightly to his hips.

  Roy slid up and down the hood, taking the pounding, loving the feeling of Calhoun’s dick stretching him wide. He just hated that his cock was hitting the frame. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling, so he curled his fingers around his cock and jacked off to Calhoun’s fast pace.

  His mate yanked the collar of Roy’s shirt aside and sank his canines into his shoulder. Roy screamed Calhoun’s name, coming for the second time within ten minutes.

  Calhoun should’ve been a vampire from the way he kept draining Roy of all his cum. It shot out against the grille as Calhoun’s cock throbbed deep in Roy’s ass.

  His mate removed his canines just in time. Roy fell back to the hood, too exhausted to move as Calhoun eased from his body. Roy grumbled as his mate pulled his underwear and pants back up then scooped Roy into his arms and carried him to the passenger seat, where he let the seat all the way back. They were cramped, but cuddling, and trying to catch a few hours of sleep before they finished the last leg of their journey.

  * * * *

  Calhoun circled the block twice before he drove Roy’s sedan behind the building. The sun had barely crept over the horizon as he drove slowly toward where he’d parked his truck.

  The tires crunched over the gravel as Calhoun’s gaze darted around. He knew for certain that Merk was in Maple Grove. Almost certain. Calhoun hadn’t scented him since the night of the gas station clerk’s death. But Merk had a murder boner for Calhoun, so he didn’t think the vampire had left town.

  But Razor was another matter. Calhoun assumed Razor had been lingering around Maple Grove, and hopefully that was the case.

  “I feel like we’re on some kind of clandestine mission and we’re meeting our contact behind this creepy building,” Roy whispered.

  “Just keep your eyes open,” Calhoun said. “I don’t want any surprises.”

  “Now this is the kind of situation I don’t mind being in.” Roy glanced out his passenger window. “Traveling in the dark, creeping around buildings just so we can steal your truck from the bad guys.”

  What on earth was Roy talking about? “Hon, I don’t need to steal my truck. And what bad guys?”

  “The bad guys where we gotta shoot our way out and go on the run, hoping they don’t catch up to us. But once we’re free and clear, we hoot with laughter at our success.”

  Ah, so this was how Roy dealt with his stress. He turned the situation around, making it into one he thought he could handle. “Have you ever been in a shootout?”

  “Once,” Roy admitted, and that shocked Calhoun. “When some dirt bag had Steven held at gunpoint. We’d arrested him, but then he escaped. When Sheriff Copache started shooting, we all did.”

  Roy had recounted the situation so matter of fact. “Do you like being a cop?”

  His mate shrugged. “It’s what my dad did, and he was very good at his job. People looked up to him and respected Deputy Benton. I’ve wanted to follow in his footsteps since I was a little boy.”

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “Where’s your truck?” Roy looked around. “We can see the entire backside of the building from here, but I don’t see a truck.”

  Calhoun cursed. “Someone must’ve noticed it back here and had it towed.” He cursed again. “The damn thing was brand-new.”

  Calhoun turned around on the gravel and headed back toward the street.

  “Do you think it’s in the police impound?”

  “That would be my guess. Get on your GPS and find out where the local police station is.”

  No fucking way was Calhoun letting it sit in impound another second. It was a Ford pickup, midnight blue, with all the luxuries a guy could ask for. He’d paid for it up front, no financing necessary. It was his free and clear, and he wanted it back.

  Calhoun reached into his pocket for his buzzing cell phone as he followed Roy’s instructions.

  “Calhoun Reckless.”

  “Where the hell are you?” Raven demanded.

  “Whoa, what’s with the attitude?” Calhoun asked.

  “I came by to check on you two, and you’re not here and Roy’s house is a fucking mess.”

  With furrowed brows, Calhoun pulled to the curb. “What kind of mess?”

  Roy tugged on his arm, but Calhoun held up a finger.

  “Like someone was letting you know they were in here. I can’t say for certain if anything was taken because I don’t know what your mate owns, but there’s something else.”

  “What?” Calhoun asked.

  “There’s a family photo on the wall of Roy and his sister. There’s a red X over Roy’s face, and it’s in blood.”

  Calhoun gripped his phone tighter. Which man after him had targeted Roy?

  “I need to see if there’re any fingerprints on the frame.”

  “Way ahead of you,” Raven said. “I gave Deputy Christopher the frame. He’s running the prints through the system. Don’t hold out hope. All they may find is Roy’s fingerprints.”

  Until the intruder was caught, Calhoun didn’t feel safe taking Roy home. But where would they go? He wasn’t going to ask Raven. He didn’t want to put anyone else in danger.

  “Thanks,” Calhoun said.

  “No problem. I’ll keep on top of this.”

  “Do me a favor?” Calhoun said.


  “Stop breaking into my mate’s house.” Although if Raven hadn’t, they would’ve never known about the break-in until Calhoun and Roy had gotten home.

  “Who broke into our house?” Roy turned sideways to stare at Calhoun. It hadn’t gone unnoticed that his mate had said “our” house.

  “You still didn’t tell me where you are,” Raven reminded him.

  Calhoun held up his finger to Roy. “I’m retrieving my truck, but it looks as though the local cops had it towed. I’m heading to the station now to pay whatever fine and get it back, then we’ll be heading back to Maple Grove.”

  “Just be careful,” Raven said. “I don’t like the fact you didn’t take backup, especially when you have a demon and a vampire hunting you down.”

  “I’ll let you know when we’re on our way back.”

  They hung up, and Calhoun tucked his phone into the console while explaining to Roy what Raven had told him. “I’ve gotta ask, although I already know the answer. Do you have any enemies?”

  Roy shook his head. “Not that I know of. Maybe a pissed-off person for a ticket I gave them, but as far as personal, I can’t think of anyone off the top of my head.”

  Calhoun was hoping to pin this on a human. He would find out who it was and beat the shit out of them. But his luck wasn’t that good. It had to be one of Calhoun’s enemies.

  With his frustration mounting, Calhoun pulled away from the curb and headed to the police station. It was a small brick building with a flag pole out front. Calhoun parked in the visitors’ parking, and they went inside.

  A bleary-eyed cop sat behind the front desk sipping on coffee and looking barely awake as he yawned. The guy was rotund, but tall. He wore a military-style haircut, and his nose was a tad too big for his face. It was wide and flared out at the end.

  “Can I help you gentlemen?” He took another sip of his coffee as he eyed Calhoun.

  “My truck was having trouble about two weeks ago, so I parked it behind the paper mill. It’s no longer there, so I wanted to check to see if it was towed.”

  Calhoun prayed it hadn’t been stolen. If it had, he’d find the bastard who’d taken it and beat the brakes off him.

  The cop started tapping on his keyboard. His nametag said his name was Sparks. “Make and model, and license plate if you recall it.”

  Calhoun gave Sparks the information he wanted.

  “Just give me a second.” Sparks stood and went into the room behind him. Calhoun assumed he was getting a print-out.

  Roy pressed a hand against his stomach. “I hope this doesn’t take too long. I’m starving.”

  So was Calhoun, and he didn’t like the fact that his mate was hungry. He needed to get Roy fed. The guy was too small to miss a meal.

  Calhoun frowned when he saw Sparks texting on his phone. That wasn’t what drew his attention. It was the fact that the cop kept looking their way.

  When he saw Calhoun looking at him, Sparks closed the door. Something wasn’t right. Calhoun didn’t have any warrants, and his truck was clean.

  “Wait right here,” Calhoun said before he rounded the corner and opened the door. Sparks looked wide-eyed at him as Calhoun snatched the phone out of the guy’s hand.

  “You can’t be back here!” Sparks bellowed as he tried to grab for his phone.

  Calhoun looked at the text, and his stomach dropped. Sparks had been texting a phone number that Calhoun didn’t recognize, but the text read “He’s here. I’ll stall for as long as possible.”

  “Who the fuck’re you communicating with?” Calhoun snarled as he shoved Sparks against the wall.

  “What’re you doing?” Roy asked when he entered the room, his brows raised. “Have you lost your mind?” His mate looked over his shoulder before closing the door. “He’s a cop, Calhoun. Are you trying to get arrested?”

  Calhoun turned the phone so Roy saw the text. His mate’s brows furrowed as he looked from the phone to Calhoun. “But he’s a cop.”

  Now was not the time for a debate. One of the other police officers could come into the room at any moment. Calhoun needed to get the information and fast. “Do you trust me?”

  Roy still looked as though he was struggling with how to handle this. He glanced at the phone again, but this time, his gaze turned to Sparks. It was one thing for Roy to trust him about having sex out in the open. But this was a dangerous, precarious situation. They could both go to jail for this. It could be a career-ender for Roy.

  Calhoun held his breath and waited for his mate’s reply.

  “How can you disgrace the badge?” Anger was heavy in his voice. Roy glanced at Calhoun. “I trust you. Just don’t eat him.”

  Pride swelled in Calhoun. His mate hadn’t the first clue why Calhoun had asked that question and Calhoun had a police officer pinned up against the wall. He wasn’t even sure why he thought Roy would side with Sparks. Maybe because they were fellow cops. But his mate had put his trust in Calhoun’s hand, and that was the sexiest fucking thi
ng Roy could have ever done.

  “No promises.” He twisted the front of the cop’s shirt, pulled him away from the wall, then slammed him back against it. “Who is it?”

  Sparks tried to use his immense weight and height against Calhoun, but Calhoun was faster than the human. He slugged Sparks in his gut and watched as the guy bent over.

  “Who is it?” Calhoun demanded again. “Next time I’ll crush your throat.”

  He curled his fingers around Sparks’s neck and applied enough pressure to prove he would do it.

  “His name is Razor,” Sparks whimpered. “That’s all I know. He threatened to kill my family if I didn’t tell him the moment you showed up to get your truck!”

  Calhoun released the bastard and grabbed Roy’s hand. “We gotta get out of here right now.”

  Demons could use shadows, which meant Razor would be there any second. They made it to the parking lot before the hairs along Calhoun’s neck and arms stood on end.

  When he spun, Razor was right behind him. Calhoun shoved Roy away from him and slammed his body into the demon’s. If he allowed Razor a fraction of a second, the guy could use whatever powers he possessed to kill both Calhoun and Roy.

  Calhoun punched his clawed hand into Razor’s chest, yanking out his heart. Roy screamed as Calhoun let the heart fall to the ground. Razor crumpled as Calhoun took a step back.

  Sparks came out of the station. He looked down at the destruction Calhoun had caused then drew his weapon, aiming it at Calhoun. “Freeze and put your hands behind your head!”

  Calhoun hadn’t even had time to hide Razor’s body in the trunk before the cop had come out. He was left with no other choice but to run. He grabbed Roy’s hand and raced for the car as bullets whizzed past his head.

  They jumped into the sedan, and Calhoun tore from the parking lot, his shoulder on fire. Thank fuck Sparks had lousy aim or Calhoun and Roy would be dead. If Sparks had shot Roy, nothing on earth would’ve saved the human from Calhoun’s wrath.

  But the asshole had still gotten Calhoun in his shoulder.

  “You’re bleeding!” Roy shoved Calhoun toward the steering wheel as his mate examined his back. How fucked up was Calhoun that he enjoyed feeling Roy’s fingers probing him? This was the most inappropriate time to have those kinds of thoughts, but he also loved the fact that Roy was that concerned about him.


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