Dream Angel (Angel #1)

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Dream Angel (Angel #1) Page 28

by Jane West

  “On Samhain. Most folks know it as Halloween.” His voice was cold and exact.

  “Oh, whata perfect day!” I threw my arms up in the air. “I'll be the one wearing black.”

  “I'm not in the mood for your cynical humor.” There was a thread of warning in his voice.

  “What? Are you not happy to be the groom?”

  “It is not my wish.” He almost whispered.

  Bane's honesty struck me like a dagger to the heart. “So why agree?” I scoffed. “Marriage arrangements are a thing of the past. Your family can’t force you!”

  “My family is very persuasive.”

  “Well, unpersuaded them!” I yelled back.

  “You don't understand the precedence of this arrangement. There’s no backing out, neither one of us can. We are bound to each other.”

  Chills crept over my body. “Like that stupid heart thing?”

  “Something like that.” The muscle in Bane's jaw jerked.

  “I don’t care what promises my mother and father made with your family, I have a choice!”

  “This may be hard for you to understand because you know nothing of your inheritance, but in our families, we don’t belong to ourselves. We must abide by our duty.”

  “I’m confused. Our families? We don’t know each other’s family.”

  “Of course, you don’t have an inkling of my meaning! Your mother has kept this secret from you.

  “Then let me in on this mysterious secret!” I shouted.

  “Our union is for the greater good of the new system, the coming New World Order.”

  His words stirred an uneasy feeling down to the bone.

  “You know what? You’re jerking my string!” I clenched my teeth, angry and scared. “I need some sleep. I have to be up early tomorrow.” I turned my back to Bane. I couldn’t look at his face another minute.

  “One more thing,” he paused, his voice pinched. “I don’t want you hanging around Sam Reynolds ever again. I hope I am clear.”

  I spun on my heels, ready to throw fire. “Now you’re dictating my friends.”

  A sudden thin sheet of ice hung on the edge of his words. “I don’t think you understand the severity of your situation.”

  I met his icy gaze. “I’m not your possession.”

  “As long as you’re under my roof, you will do as I say.” He stepped up only a breath from my face, looming over me. “End of subject.” He hissed with the look of murder.

  “You don’t get to call end-of-subject when it concerns me!” I stabbed him with my finger, “I control my own destiny, bucko!”

  Bane straightened his shoulders. His blues were sharp as a hawk’s. “In our world, we have two choices; you can accept fate or resist and die.” He drew in a sharp breath. “The sooner you realize that, the better life will be for you.”

  I shuddered over his subtle threat. Despite my fear, I had to stand my ground. “Our lives aren’t carved out of stone. We are free moral agents able to choose our own paths.”

  “You are an idealistic girl setting yourself up for a great fall. A fall, I fear you will not recover from.” There was a hint of sorrow in his voice. “I bid you good night.”

  I turned my shoulder to him. At this point, I hated him.

  Before he stepped out, I twirled around, facing him, “Aidan!” I called him by his first name.

  He stopped, keeping his back to me and turned his ear to me.

  “Just so you understand my standpoint, I’m an unwilling participant in this union too.”

  Bane quietly stepped out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

  After the heated conversation between Bane and me, I decided a hot shower might ease my weary muscles. I stepped into the bathroom and gawked in disbelief. The black-marbled shower had so many gadgets that it took me a few tries before I figured it out.

  I stood under the steamed water letting the beads pulsate my body. The swirl of clean soap encircled me, gardenia, I think. It felt wonderful, leaving my skin feeling renewed and soft. I stayed in the shower until the water ran cold.

  When I stepped out, I spotted a white robe laying out on the counter, along with toothpaste, a brush, hair product, and a blow dryer. I shrugged on the heated robe, cinching the belt around my waist.

  I spied a perfume bottle that struck my fancy. I picked it up and examined the diamond-crusted bottle. It sparkled like real diamonds. I whistled. “I’ve never seen anything like this at JC Pennies.” I had to sample it. I jerked the top off and sniffed. “Nice!” I smiled to myself.

  But why would a man have a woman’s perfume? I bit my bottom lip, thinking. Good chance the perfume belonged to a visitor. "A woman." A little sting of jealousy struck. The idea of Bane entertaining another female chapped my butt like sand in my shorts.

  I dabbed a little behind my ears and grazed my wrist with the tip. "Hmm," the scent hovered in the air. "Nice! A hint of jasmine!” I checked the name, Clive Christian. “Eh… never heard of ‘em.

  “I bet the girl must be missing this stuff. Who knows maybe Bane bought it for her.”

  All at once, a dark green set in and the unthinkable happened. I poured the whole bottle down the drain. I giggled, thinking how wicked I'd become. "That's one gift that girl ain't getting from my shot-gun-husband-to-be." I stomped to the window and opened a small windowpane. "Man, I didn't realize how high we were." I glanced at the stars. They were bright against the black sky.

  Then I remembered the perfume bottle still in my palm. With a good swift toss, it went sailing out the window and less than a second; it crashed to the pebbled ground, glass shattering. I laughed to myself. “Oh, whata shame. Guess she’ll have to get a new bottle now.”

  I climbed into bed and sank into the soft folds of the featured mattress. The sheets felt like a little piece of heaven. I eased out a long breath.

  Then the unwelcoming feeling of awkwardness pummeled my mind. I scoffed at the word guest. I think the term intruder might be a better description of me. What was I doing here? I was a misfit in the land of superfluous riches.

  How ironic? Bane was a king with no kingdom, and I was merely a peasant with no home. We had nothing in common. I liked hot dogs, and he liked caviar.

  I’d be bat-shit crazy to go through with this loveless marriage. Even though I had feelings for Bane, I certainly didn't want a marriage of convenience. Unlike him, I refused to honor a promise when I had no voice in the matter.

  Then the thought of my father taking part in this atrocity shattered my mind. I suspected Sara had a huge influence on his decision. Tears welled, and I wiped them away.

  Then I thought of Bane. He spoke of a New World Order, and this marriage arrangement somehow benefited our families.

  The only person I saw benefiting from this arrangement was Sara. She must've gotten a fat check. How else could she'd afford a Ferrari?

  I needed to find Sara tomorrow before this catastrophe gets any worse. She owed me big time an explanation. I bit my lip, holding down my anger, feelings of betrayal. Sara's bargaining me off might be the breaking point where she and I part ways for good. I knew Sara's illness caused her to make irrational decisions, but selling me off into an unwanted marriage for a few bucks was unforgivable.

  I buried myself into the puffy covers and allowed myself a good cry. The stains on my pillow bore evidence of my timorous night.

  Meet the Staff

  My eyes fluttered open when I heard someone's throat clear as my bed jounced. I snapped my head up staring at a dark silhouette sitting at the foot of my bed. He was staring down at me with pursed lips.

  “Well, sleepin’ beauty awakes!”

  I detected sarcasm in his Southern drawl.

  I automatically tugged the covers to my chin. “Who are you?” My voice was parched and throaty.

  The skinny puffed out a cloud of smoke.

  I coughed waving the gray stench from me, wrinkling my nose. “Can’t you find another place to smoke?” I gagged. “I’m sure this pl
ace has a ton of nooks and crannies to hide that disgusting habit.”

  “Why would I do that when I can have a lovely conversation with your delicious self?” The caramel skin man's tone was void of pleasantries.

  “Can you at least open a window and hang that thang out. It’s choking me.” I coughed, strangling.

  “I don’t mean to be rude, but if I hang my head out the window with a cig in my hand, Dom, and the boss will string me alive.” He drew in a long drag and blew it in my face. “No way in hell is I getting’ fired because of your delicate senses.” The little snot disputed.

  “Excuse me! I have a right to breathe, dude.” I shot up into a sitting position.

  “Gurrrlfriend, you might not have any rights after Mister Aidan finds that expensive perfume bottle smashed on top of his Rolls Royce. I'd never thought such a little bottle could leave such a large dent and discolor the paint." The skinny little snip eyed me up and down. "Youse sure costing that man a lotta money. Apart from the little fact that those diamonds are real, that perfume bottle you threw out is worth almost as much as Rolls." He puffed on his cigarette and blew it into the air.

  “Why do you think it was me? I'm sure I'm not the only woman in this castle that Master Aidan keeps company."

  “Pfffpleaseeee! Mister Aidan never receives visitors.”

  “Do you make a habit staring at the guest sleeping and depriving them of oxygen?” My eyes narrowed, feeling a bit peeved.

  Surprisingly, he laughed. “I’m Jeffery Noel, the butler, you know my aunt. She told me youse spunky. I was just testin’ you.” His eyes danced with mischief as a faint smile lingered, although he didn’t put his cigarette out. He patted my foot. “Come on get dressed. Dom has made you breakfast, boo.” He bounced off the bed and pranced his way to the bathroom. I heard the cigarette sizzle and then the toilet flush. He stepped out from the puff of smoke and sauntered to the door. “Just get on the elevator and hit first floor. Follow the breadcrumbs, boo. You’ll find me at the table, eating.” He smiled. “Don’t keep Dom waitin’. He’s a cranky old soul when his food gets cold. You know how these ill-tempered chefs can be.” He twirled full of sass and peacocked out the door. I sat back and laughed. “Hmm… so, that was Jeffery.” I should’ve known he was Ms. Noel’s nephew. He favored her a lot. Though taller than Ms. Noel and more slender, he had her caramel skin and her round blue eyes.

  Snowball startled me, meowing. He’d jumped up on the bed and came to me, nudging my hand for a quick scratch. “Hey, little guy! I bet you’re hungry!” I smiled, raising my new buddy to my lips as I kissed him on the head.


  Following Jeffery’s directions, I found myself wandering into the kitchen. Pots and pans covered the stove and the smell of bacon and coffee wafted in the air. Instantly, my stomach growled.

  My eyes fell on Jeffery. He was sitting at the island with his face drawn into a scowl. I'd noticed the stool beside him was empty.

  Jeffery lifted his eyes to me and came alive. “Gurrrl, why you bringin' that damn cat into my kitchen?” His Southern accent was very apparent.

  My eyes rounded. “Huh… he’s hungry. I thought I’d give him some milk.”

  The older gentleman wearing the stained white apron spoke up. “Mademoiselle, pay no mind to him. Come! Sit, yes? I have breakfast prepared.” He carried a thick French accent, and when he smiled, his deep browns sparkled like water in the moonlight. I instantly liked him.

  I smiled back, shuffling my feet. “Thank you!” I was feeling a little uneasy with Jeffery’s heated glare.

  “Let me introduce myself. I am Dominque Florentine. You may call me Dom.” He bowed as a smile stretched his pencil thin mustache.

  “Nice to meet you, Dom.” I smiled back.

  “Vous êtes encore plus rayonnante que je l'imaginais.” (You are even more radiant than I imagined). He spoke perfect French.

  “Merci Monsieur!” I grinned.

  “Ah, a girl after my own heart!” his face gleamed.

  Jeffery patted the stool next to him. “Chile, come sit right her’. So we can have a good look at you.” Jeffery smiled, but it was as phony as Sara’s fingernails.

  I tucked my chin down, feeling the heat across my cheeks. “All right!” I breathed, climbing onto the stool. I still held Snowball tight in my arms.

  Jeffery sneered at Snowball and cut his eyes at me. I returned the glare, daring him to touch my kitten.

  Then I turned my attention to the chef. “Dom, what part of France are you from?”

  Dom's soft browns were welcoming and engaging. “I come from a little place, South of France in Saint-Remy-de-Provence. It’s a quaint town. The market on Saturdays is magnifique!” He bunched his fingers together and kissed them. “The market is where I first received my inspiration for the art of culinary. My home is rich with vineyards and rows of small cafes.” His eyes glossed. I understood homesickness. “There is no other place in the world like it, yes?”

  “Je l'entends est belle et riche en histoire.” (I hear it is rich with history.) I smiled at Dom’s twinkle.

  “Tu parles bien le français.” (You speak French well.)

  “Thank you. I’ve taken it in school.” Then I thought about Tangi. “What brought you here to this ghost town?”

  There was a gentle stir in Dom's eyes, perhaps pondering of pleasant memories of a different time. “I came to work for Monsieur Bane when he purchased a nearby village close to my home in France.” He placed a hot plate of simple eggs, a buttery croissant and bacon on the side with a tall glass of milk. He continued, “The village was no longer inhabited. Perhaps you’ve heard of it Baux de Provence.”

  I gulped with my fork midway to my mouth. “Wait! Monsieur Bane bought a whole village?”

  “Oui! It is quite the picturesque village perched on the edge of a rocky outcrop. However, the village no longer is thriving.” He shrugged, sharply. “Despite its state, it is a rare treat to wander the old streets and around the castle. Quite the experience that will leave one breathless.”

  “It sounds wonderful.” Although my mind still skipped like a broken record on the buying-a-village part.

  A sick feeling came over me. If this dude had that much buying power, I wondered what he might be capable of doing if pushed.

  Jeffery bolted out of his seat and stomped to the stove. His face soured, snatching up a plate and shoved a generous side of eggs. He stomped back to his seat in an angry huff. “I suppose since Miss Fair-And-Lovely is the main attraction, I gotta get my own food.” Steam curled from Jeffery's boney shoulders.

  Dom rolled his eyes. “Jeffery, Monsieur Bane would expect nothing less of us. After all, she is our guest and how often do we have the pleasure of entertaining guest?” Dom shot Jeffery a behave-or-regret-it-later glance.

  The last thing I wanted was to get into a fight with Queen Jeffery. “Hey, I’m sorry! I don’t mean to step on anyone’s toes.” My eyes widened, thinking I should leave. “I didn’t ask to come here. Monsieur Bane insisted.” My eyes darted between both men. “Clearly, I’m imposing.” I started sliding off the stool, but light golden fingers rested on my shoulder. Startled, I snapped my head up in Jeffery’s direction as our eyes collided.

  “I’m sorry, boo! Don’t go. I just get a little crabby when I haven’t eaten is all.” He dropped his hand to his side. “I really want you to stay. It’s nice having a conversation with someone new rather than the present.” Jeffery snubbed his nose at Dom.

  Oh-boy-oh-boy! It’d be best to watch out for this skinny man.

  I inhaled a slow breath. “Apology accepted but don’t come in my room again uninvited, especially smoking a cigarette!” I held my intended gaze to Jeffery’s bugged eyes.

  His mouth rounded. “I can’t believe you blew the whistle on me!” he shrieked.

  Dom’s expression froze with shock. “Jeffery, please tell me you did not do that!” His lips tightened, hands flew to his wide waist. “We agreed!”

  Jeffery shook hi
s head, excitable. “Dom, I swear, the bitch is lyin'!”

  I laughed. “I’m not a bitch, and I’m not lying.” I didn’t lie about being a liar. I lied occasionally, just not this time.

  If an evil eye could kill, Jeffery would've been dead. “Hand over the pack!” Dom held out his palm, shooting fire at Jeffery.

  “I can’t believe you are going to take my smokes!” Jeffery’s jaw dropped to the floor. “I am a grown ass man!”

  “Qui manque de prudence!” (Yes, lack of prudence)

  Holy hell, I started World War III! “Guys, I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have said anything.”

  “No, don’t apologize, boo!” Jeffery huffed. “I’ll hand ‘em over. It’s an expensive habit even though Dom paid for ‘em.” Jeffery tossed a spicy grin at Dom.

  By the glance they shared, suggested there might be something more between the two than co-workers.

  Jeffery spoke. “So tell us the juicy-juicy!” He wiggled in his seat, eyes, sharp as a tack. “What’s he like in the sack?”

  My breath stalled. Crap! Payback was a bitch with my name on it.

  Dom dropped a plate to the floor.

  Jeffery seemed cool and collective with his elbow prompted up and his pointy chin, resting in his palm, staring purposely at me. “Well?” he pushed.

  I smiled awkwardly, face flushed.

  Dom spoke up, “Stevie, you do not have to answer that!” Dom’s eyes fired bullets at the caramel-skin man. “Jeffery, you know better to ask such a personal question.”

  I stared back at Jeffery, “I’ll tell you my darkest secrets if you tell me yours.” I challenged with a perked brow.

  After a quick pause, Jeffery moved on to another topic. “Jump up! Let me take a look at you.” His eyes appeared sneaky.

  “I’m eating. Later, maybe.” I smiled as I took a good size bite of eggs.”

  “Come on! You can eat standing up. I want to take a good look at your lovely self.” He smiled too sweetly. “Don’t worry. I ain’t creepy. You is not my type.”

  I couldn’t hold it in. I laughed. “Okay,” I smirked, jumping off the stool.

  Jeffery raised his finger over my head and made a circle. “Turn around so I can get a better look.”


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