Protect Me From My Friends

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Protect Me From My Friends Page 14

by Marcellus Allen

  Oh, shit. My mama! I'd forgotten to tell my mom the triv. I hurried up and sent her a text.

  “So she ain’t nowhere near ready?”

  “Hell naw, boy. That's why you was flying through here?” He looked at me like I was hella stupid.

  “Yeah, I ain’t tryna miss it,” I answered in a 'duh' like tone.

  “They're in room three zero five.” He shook his head and laughed while I walked off.

  I did feel kinda dumb for all that reckless speeding I'd done but fuck it, I'd rather be early than late. Shit.

  When I walked in the room, Tamia was staring at the door like she was expecting me to walk in at any moment. She smiled real bright when we made eye contact. I felt my love for her intensify as I walked over to her. Her mother was holding her hand but got up and let me take her spot. I smiled at my bitch.

  “I love you, baby girl. You see how fast I got here for you?” I told her.

  “Love you too and I wasn't having this baby until you got here. Aww!” She started having contractions, scaring the shit outta me.

  I turned to her mother. “We gotta get the doctor!”

  “Not yet, the contractions need to spread a part first. Plus the doctor should be here any minute,” she replied.

  I sat down and just held her hand until it was time. It took four more hours of labor but when my baby girl came into this world, I was the happiest nigga on earth. I cut the umbilical cord, then kissed both of my Queens on the foreheads. We named our daughter Tamia Princess Anderson. She was born at 8:02 pm on March 11, 2018. A day I'd never forget.

  My niggaz came in all smiles with their phones out to congratulate us. They all held my daughter and talked shit to Tamia about how tired she looked. My mother and aunties showed up a lil' while later and we were one big happy family for another hour before it was time for us to leave.

  Tamia had to stay the night, which was protocol, but I promised to be back in the morning for her. I was sad to have to leave her and my daughter, but it wasn't shit I could do about it. When we stepped outside, it was dark out with a cool breeze. The cold air felt good though after being in that stuffy ass room for hours listening to my bitch yell.

  “Let's hit the club or a bar or somethin' we gotta celebrate tonight,” Ruger suggested.

  “On me,” Bleed agreed with him

  We stood around by the main entrance debating where to go for a couple minutes, then decided on going downtown hoppin' around until we found where it was poppin' at. We headed to the cars ready to go pop some bottles and just enjoy a night out, but it wasn't meant to be.

  I spotted one of them before it was too late. He was crouching behind a car with a big ass gun lying across the trunk. I couldn't tell who the nigga was because of the mask covering his face. My heart damn near jumped outta my chest. I yanked Bleed back by his shirt just in time.

  “Drop a song now, nigga!” a voice from another direction screamed out.

  Boom! Boom! Boom! Boc! Boc! Blatt! Blatt! Blatt!

  It started going down with no hesitation. We shot at any human standing behind a car. They started poppin' up in every direction, gunnin' at us. But we were built for this shit, so we let our nutz hang and manned the fuck up.

  We spread out and started letting them suckaz have it. If they wanted these bodies, they were gonna have to work for them.

  “This what y'all niggaz want? Come get it, nigga!” I yelled out, while bustin' shots at one of them cowards who were tryna creep me.

  Boom! Boom! Boom! Blatt! Blatt! Blatt! Boc! Boc!

  The gunshots were nonstop, but that wasn't shit 'cause we were used to 'em. While I was weaving through the madness, me and Burnside locked eyes. We stared at each other with pure hate for what seemed like hours but was only a second in real life. Then we tried to finish each other.

  Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

  We ran in between countless parked cars while bustin' shots at each other. I knocked car windows out and so did he, but none of our shots landed. I could see the look of determination on his face. He wanted to be the one to kill me.

  “Stop runnin', bitch nigga!” he yelled out in frustration.

  Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! was my reply. I was done talking.

  “Agghh!” I heard somebody yell out to the left of me. He stumbled a few feet than, collapsed to the ground. I couldn't make out who it was, but I could tell by his clothes, he wasn't one of mines. Then I watched Phatz rush over and eat 'em.

  Boca! Boca! Boca!

  All head shots. That's my nigga!

  “Bitch, you gon' die for that!” I could tell that was Beast's voice. He started dumping on my nigga.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  Phatz spun around, shooting back and I joined the party.

  Boom! Boom! Boc! Boc! Boc! Boc!

  “Come on, Blood! We out!” I waved Phatz over to me. I was right by the 'Rati and could hear the boyz closing in on us.

  I hopped in and hurried up, starting the engine. Phatz jumped in and I peeled out that muthafucka pronto! A few shots hit the whip, pissing me the fuck off.

  “Them bitch niggaz tryna fuck my paint job up! They know this shit bulletproof!” I vented, while busting a hard right.

  “I got that bitch nigga, Head! You see that shit?” Phatz was hella excited. Shit, I was too.

  “That's who that was? Yeah, I like how you finished that pussy. You must of learned from the best.” I laughed at my joke.

  I hit a few corners and took the long route back to Northeast. Once my heart beat slowed down, I let off the pedal a lil' bit. How the fuck they know we were there? was the question that was burning me up inside. I couldn't believe those suckaz had the heart to disrespect me like that on my daughter's born day!

  “Yo, how the fuck did those niggaz know where to find us?” I asked the million-dollar question. I turned to face him so he could see the anger in my eyes. He sat quiet for a minute, then slapped his forehead.

  “Instagram live,” he whispered. I know he ain’t say that!

  “Nigga say, what?” I needed to make sure I heard him right.

  “We were live in the hospital room. I thought you knew that. We've been posting shit since we put the diss track on the net earlier.”

  I punched the steering wheel in anger. “We posted the song, then posted our location blood. My mama was in that building.” I sped back up to mad to speak another word.

  Chapter 12


  March 13th

  It was eleven o'clock at night and my first time coming home since Head got killed. It was only forty-eight hours, but Shanell was acting like it was the end of the world. She'd been blowing up my phone nonstop with calls and texts talkin' shit, so I knew it was gone be a problem as soon as I walked through the door.

  “I'ma be right back, Blood,” I told Beast and Premo as I got out the stoley.

  “Yeah right, son. You about to get cussed the fuck out!” Beast replied.

  I didn't even feel like responding to his dumb ass. I didn't have the energy. We'd been going hard since the moment we lost Head. We got in at least a dozen shootings since then. Anybody that was connected to Marshawn, got the bizzness. A few times we couldn't find nobody, so we shot up a couple of Crip blocks instead.

  Shit, it wasn't like they weren't in our food chain anyways. The only reason I had to make a quick stop at the spot was to exchange the hot ass .40 cal I had on me and switch clothes. I probably had more gunpowder on me than a fuckin' navy seal.

  The house was pitch dark when I walked in. Good, that means she's sleep. The only problem was my guns and clothes were in the bedroom. I headed in that direction, hoping she was sleep and I could creep in and out. Soon as I opened up the door, she was staring right at me. She'd been laying there on the bed watching TV, just waiting for me to come home. She turned the TV off and stood up with both hands on her hips.

  “Where the fuck have you been? And why the hell have you been ignoring me?” she yelled. I put my gun and cell phone on the dr
esser, then started stripping down to my briefs.

  “I told you shit was real and I was going black for a few days, Shanell,” I replied, sounding real uninterested.

  “I don't give a fuck, nigga! That don't give you the green light to not communicate with me for two days. I didn't know if you were alive or dead!”

  “You stay on social media, so you already know what’s going on. I just lost two of my niggaz, so please leave me the fuck alone,” I growled.

  I grabbed some black sweats, a black hoody, a black t-shirt and some fresh briefs, then tossed them on the bed.

  “I know you don't think your leaving again?” She got all up in my face.

  “It's war time,” was all I said, then walked past her to my safe. I grabbed two .45s and a couple thirty sticks and tossed them on the bed, too.

  “I don't care what time it is. You not leaving,” she spat.

  I stared right at her, hoping she could see my tiredness and my desire to kill. “Shanell, I need you to burn those clothes in the fireplace and toss that gun in the river in the morning,” I said, then walked into the bathroom.

  My reflection stared at me after I hit the lights. I walked closer to the mirror and just stared at myself for a minute. I hadn't slept in days and it showed. My eyes were blood shot red and strained. I was beyond tired but sleep was gone have to wait. Fuck sleep!

  I walked over to the toilet and started pissing on my hands and wrists. I was always taught that piss erased the gunpowder. I didn't know how true the shit was but figured it was worth the effort. Even though I was planning on caking some more on my hands, it wouldn't hurt to be clean just in case the boyz yanked us before we caught our next victims. I cleaned up and walked out with murder on my mind.

  Soon as I walked into the room, I instantly knew I had fucked up and shit just got real. Shanell was going through my phone with tears rapidly sliding down her face. When she looked up at me, all I saw was anger and pain. She looked at the phone once more, then back at me.

  “So you've been fucking this bitch Olay, huh? Y'all making pornos and shit, now? Y'all out here beefing over a bitch and now you got the nerve to be fuckin' this bitch?” she screamed at the top of her lungs. I started walking towards her. “Baby it ain't like that. I'm just using her,” I tried to explain.

  “Nigga from all the texts I just read it, sho seems like it is like that! You love this bitch?”

  “You know I don't love that bitch, so stop acting stupid.” I snatched my phone from her.

  “Fuck you, nigga!” Then her right fist connected with my jaw.

  I stood there holding my shit in shock. Then she turned into a shark that smelled blood and went for the kill. She got to throwin' sets on me, all face shots. I tried to back up to escape the blows, but she kept on pressing me, while screaming every cuss word in the book.

  Fuck this shit. I cracked her ass in the jaw with a vicious right hook that made her fold up. I had to stop myself from kicking her while she was on the ground crying.

  “I told yo’ ass I don't love that bitch! You dumb ass bitch!” I yelled.

  “Fuck you! Just leave!” she yelled with her face on the ground and arms, covering her head.

  I put my clothes on and walked straight out, leaving her crying on the floor. My heart was too black to care about her pain. I'd lost two soldiers in two days, so the mental mind frame I was in didn't allow for me to cuddle a bitch. I was on some kill or be killed shit and there wasn't no tears in the jungle.

  “Damn, son. Yo’ face fucked up. You look like Tyson hit you,” Premo said as soon as I got in the car.

  My anger intensified when I heard the song they had playing. They must think this shit a game! They had bitch ass Marshawn newest song playing. He had dropped it earlier that day called “Back to Back” and his hoe ass did it over the Drake beat.

  “Aye, yo. What the fuck y'all got this on for? I spat not trying to mask my anger.

  “This motivation, son. Every bar makes me wanna kill him more. We gon' ride on them niggaz bumping their own shit,” Beast explained.

  “Word is bond. Just sit back and let the words piss you off, son,” Premo added.

  We drove out with a dead man rapping to us. Oh, I couldn't wait to kill his ass.

  Back to back on them niggaz, both of them suckaz dead. Back to back headshots, I'm talkin' Killah and Head. if we could take it back, we'll take Burnside instead. Know yo’ dead homies sick, when they got killed you ran. You a faggot, nigga. Thought you was a trappin' nigga. Damn, how you getting' killed by a rappin’ nigga?

  They were right about motivating me to kill that was fo' sure. Every syllable had me picturing me blowing the top of his head off. Then it hit me outta nowhere like a punch to the gut. The studio.

  “Yo, swing by their studio. We about to shut that shit down. We gon' grab the K out the trunk and put that shit outta commission. Turn that shit up some too.”

  I leaned back with a smirk on my face. Beast turned around to see if I was serious. I smiled at 'em, then he turned the song up.

  It took another fifteen minutes of listening to a dead man rap, but we eventually made it to the studio. We killed the whack ass song and the headlights after parking across the street from the building. I looked at the back parking lot and couldn't believe my eyes. My heart skipped a beat from the anxiousness that rushed through my body.

  “Blood, that's the nigga Ruger's jeep parked right there on the dead homies.” I was too excited.

  They both started looking, then smiling like kids on a Christmas morning. They knew what time it was.

  “Word is bond. We’re waiting on this nigga until he comes out. We got one tonight!” Beast was charged up.

  “Naw, we'll fuck around and be here until the morning. I know this nigga. He's a lab rat, so ain't no telling when he leaving this bitch,” I said.

  “Then how we gon' get the nigga?”

  I looked back at the Jeep parked behind the fence and knew waiting by it wasn't the best option. We'd have to climb a big ass fence without Ruger spotting us on the camera which wasn't likely and too risky. With that being said, we had only one other option.

  “I got a plan to get us in the front door, but grab that AK just in case. 'Cause if we can't get in, then we gon' chop that muthafucka down with him inside,” I told them.

  “Word is bond.”

  “And put y'all hoodies on and keep ya face pointing at the ground. Let's do this shit real quick for Joe.”

  Me and Premo hopped out and hurried across the street while Beast grabbed the AK. It was raining lightly, but that worked in our favor. It gave us a reason to have our faces covered up. Soon as Beast made it over to the gate, I made sure the choppa wasn't in camera sight, then pressed the buzzer. I could hear my heart beating in my ear. The anxiety was killin' me.

  “Y'all back already, huh?” Ruger voice made my heart drop.

  “Hurry, up it's raining, blood.” I did my best Marshawn impersonation.

  Just when I thought we'd have to resort to plan b, I heard the gate click. He just fucked up! We rushed inside like we were a part of swat.

  It's a trap! I was just about to warn them when Beast opened up the door. It was too late. Fuck it. They walked in ready to kill on sight and I was right behind them.

  “Yo, I been workin' on this hot ass new beat you gotta hear this shit,” Ruger said.

  He was facing the computer with his back towards us. His dumb ass had no idea it was three wolves standing behind him with gunz aimed at his back. The sight of the shit had me boiling inside. It was real niggaz dyin' outside and there he was making beats like this was some type of rap beef or somethin'. Like this was behind the music or some corny shit like that.

  “Didn't I tell you that fucked up when you missed me? I told you to step yo’ aim up,” I growled at him.

  He spun around lightning fast. When he laid his eyes on the three demons, it looked like he shitted on his self. He knew he'd fucked up and there was nothing he could do about it. I
followed his eyes to the Chrome handgun laying just inches from him by the keyboard. I smiled at him knowingly.

  “Don't even think about it, bitch ass nigga,” I spat. He smirked at me and I just knew he'd do it! He lunged for the gun.

  Boom! Boom! Boca! Boca!

  Me and Premo dropped 'em like a fly. We hit him all up on the side of his stomach and chest. He was still breathing though when we walked over. He stared at the ceiling, coughing up blood doing his best to breath.

  I kneeled down next to him. “C'mon, dawg. Breath, you gotta breath,” I taunted him

  “Fuck you, traitor ass bitch,” he coughed in between words, barely getting them out.

  All I could do was laugh at the fake thug. “We going back to back,” I sung it like Drake did, then laughed in his face. “Don't worry. We ‘bout to send yo’ homies to you real soon. They’re coming back to back. You chose the wrong side.” I kicked him in the side, then stepped back. “Eat 'em with the K.”

  Yoppa! Yoppa! Yoppa! Yoppa! Yoppa! Boca! Boca!

  Beast opened his chest up and knocked his face off. Premo hit 'em a few times just so he could say he did it. I looked around at the studio that I used to love so much. A lot of memories were in this room, but that was the past. Fuck this room!

  Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

  I stated shooting everything in sight!

  Boca! Boca! Boca! Yoppa! Yoppa! Yoppa! Boom! Boom!

  We destroyed everything in that bitch. Computer, steroes, keyboard, the couch, we even shot the glass to the booth out. When we were done, it was nothing left but glass, bullets and broken equipment. I stood over Ruger just to see what he'd become. It was a scary sight. I actually felt a lil' remorse for the nigga. He was my friend at one point.


  I put a slug through his chest just to get that soft shit up outta me. No mercy for the enemy. Protect me from my friends.

  We ran up outta there and got half way across the street when I stopped mid stride. I had an epiphany. Somethin' for the streetz to remember.


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