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URBAN: What A Thug Wants

Page 32

by Shantel Johnson

  We ended up two hours away in Alpine, New Jersey. Alpine is a suburb that housed numerous celebrities like Jay-Z, Sean Combs, Stevie Wonder, Wesley Snipes, Brittany Spears, Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, Tracy Morgan, and the list goes on. I mean this was the elite in this vicinity. Javier must have it made if he has property here.

  We were led though an Iron Gate and onto a beautifully structured compound. The house was freaking humongous. I couldn’t contain my amazement. Who cares if I appeared to not be used to this life. Hell, I wasn’t.

  The car came to a stop and the driver plus the bodyguard got out of the car and opened our doors for us.

  “Follow me.” Javier grabbed my hand and led me to the front door where a beautiful Spanish maid was awaiting with two glasses in hand.

  Javier took a glass and then handed the other to me. “Come. I will let you explore the rest of the property tomorrow. Tonight, I want you to myself.”

  Javier walked me into a dimly lit room with candles lined down the table. “Sit here, my queen.” I took a seat as he pulled the chair out.

  Javier sat across from me. He snapped his finger and all of a sudden, six maids and two cooks came out and lined the table with everything from Roasted Chicken, to Chicken Parm, to Salmon to Chopped Steaks. That was followed by all sorts of desserts. I was truly in heaven for the moment. Just as quickly as they came, everyone cleared the room except Javier and I.

  “Wow. I am at a loss for words right now. You are just full of surprises.” I said. “I don’t know what to say to all of this.”

  “Say you will stay here and be my queen.” Javier spoke seriously.

  “Again, you do not know me and I do not know you. I can’t just be your queen that easily.”

  He wiped his mouth with his napkin. “I don’t see why not. You have nothing to lose but unnecessary drama.”

  He did have a point. “Let’s just see where this leads us. I don’t want to rush into things. I have had a rough couple of days now.”

  For the rest of the night, we ate until we fell out of our seats. With a full stomach, we went into his theater room and watched Kevin Hart’s newest comedy show. I was surprised that Javier was into that kind of thing. We sat on the cushioned seats hugged up like a real couple. I almost forgot that we just met.

  “What is your nationality?” I asked. “I mean, not to offend you but you have a Spanish name but you are from Abu Dhabi which is an Arab country, so I am a bit confused.”

  Javier laughed. “Okay, I am not from Abu Dhabi, I just do business there. I invest in a lot of property there. I am a full blown Cuban, from Cuba. I come to the United States for business as well.”

  “How old are you?” I was asking question after question, I guess it was the alcohol in me but I also wanted to get to know a little more about the mysterious Javier.

  “I am old enough to be wise, and young enough to have fun.” He smiled down at me as he kissed my forehead. “No more questions for tonight, my queen. I want to enjoy you being in our home together.”

  I caught on to what he said, ‘our home.’ I hope he doesn’t get his hopes up because once I go back home, I have to face reality. I have so much to think about and decisions to make.

  Chapter Five

  These past few weeks have been the best time of my life. I spent every single day with Javier. I woke to him, slept with him, went on day trips out of state with him, and always came home with him. My mind didn’t even think about Rock at all or the life I had facing me once this dream came to an end.. It actually felt good to be with someone who was all about you.

  “Let’s take what you American girls call a selfie.” Javier said as he snuggled up behind me. “I want a selfie with my beautiful queen.”

  I giggled like a girl with a high school crush. “You have to hold me like this and then hold the camera this way, silly.” I said as I adjusted him behind me and then adjusted the camera. ‘Click.’

  “Let me see it?” I grabbed the camera out of his hand. “Ewww, I don’t like this one. Take another one.” I got in a different position and we began a little mini photoshoot with each other. I am beginning to really feel some type of way about Javier, a good way.

  “Okay my queen, I need you to listen to me carefully.” He pulled me over to the sofa in the bedroom.

  I plopped myself down on his lap. “Wussup, baby?” I asked as I began rubbing his silky hair down to the side of his gorgeous face.

  He looked me deep in my eyes. “I am going out of town for two weeks. I am going back to Cuba. I know you said you do not have a passport so you cannot come on this trip with me.” I frowned. I had grown accustomed to spending my days with Javier, living lavishly.

  “Can’t you postpone it?” I whined.

  “No. This is very important. This is how I make my money.” He said. “What I need you to do is to move in and stay here until I get back. I trust you.”

  “I can’t do that. I have a life back in Brook…”

  “No. You have nothing back in Brooklyn. What life you did have, I can provide you a new one; one where you have no worries or drama, or baby momma’ issues. I just need you to understand and see you’re worth more than that. You are worth every penny I am giving you.” Javier whispered as he kissed my neck.

  “Mmm.” Falling into his arms at the touch of his tender kisses, I gave in and decided to stay there while he handled his business. He was scheduled to leave in a few hours so we spent the night making love.

  I woke up to an empty bed. I rubbed the side he laid on and grabbed his pillow closer to me so that I could smell his scent. I smiled.

  Ring. Ring. Ring. I slowly sat up to retrieve my phone. I didn’t look at the caller ID again.

  “Hey baby.” I smiled thinking it was Javier calling me to say good morning.

  “So it is true, you moved on with some Mexican, Monica?” It was Rock.

  I sat up quickly; looking around to make sure no one was in the room with me. “What the hell are you talking about, Rock? And don’t be calling to question me about who I am with when I just found out that you are still sleeping with Chantelle. Did you check in on her yet? I heard she gave birth to your little girl, you bastard.” I yelled into the phone.

  “See, that is your problem, you think you know everything. If you let me explain things to you, you will understand that Chantelle is just trying to break us up. We are on a good level, baby. Don’t let nonsense ruin what we have.” Rock said. “That is why I don’t understand why you are with someone else and left me at the county.”

  “Well, I was about to bail you out until I got a call from Chantelle. I am tired of living the way we are living. It just doesn’t seem to be working out for me anymore. I deserve better than what you are giving me.” I yelled.

  “So what I am seeing on social media is true? Are you with that Mexican? Just know when I catch up with you and him, it is lights out for the both of you. Then you are bringing your ass back home with two black eyes. Keep fuckin’ with me, Mo.” He threatened.

  Tired of his threats, I prepared to hang up the phone. “You know what Rock, go fuck yourself and the hoes you have been fuckin’. I am done. And for the record, he is not Mexican, he’s Cuban. And he damn sure takes care of me better than you ever could. ” I slammed the phone down in his ear.

  I went to my Instagram page to see what the hell Rock was talking about, and that is when I saw I was tagged in several photos with Javier. We were on gossip blogs. I guess he is a big deal around here and I just didn’t know it. I was reading the comments under the pictures and they called me the Cuban Princess, even though I wasn’t Cuban. People were trying to figure out who I was. Some were calling me all kind of names except the name my mother gave me. Someone on the blog recognized me and tagged me in the photos and said they knew I would always snag a man with an empire. Then I scrolled down to where I saw Rock’s Instagram name, he had left a comment talking about how much of a whore I was and that he was willing to tell my backstory as a stripper for a
few dollars. I couldn’t believe all of this.

  I clicked on Javier’s name to see what was being said about him through his hashtag. I come to find out that he was one of the most wanted rich men in the world. He had girls offering their virginity to get with him. I then began reading how he was involved in risky behavior, and was even a drug lord back in Cuba, but was laundering money through several other nations and countries. He is said to be an executive producer of a few famous movies but that is not what grabbed my attention. There is one photo of him from weeks ago of Javier and Rock. I didn’t understand what was going on. I don’t know what kind of sick joke these men were playing with me but I am about to find out.

  Ring. Ring. Ring. My phone was ringing again. It was Javier. “Javier, I need to ask you something, and something very important, and I need you to be honest with me.”

  “I guess you found out. Yes, I awakened to the news of us being a couple too on the blogs. I have no problem with it. I love having you around.” He said in a chipper mood.

  “No, I am not worried about that, I am wondering why you have a picture with Rock on social media. What is really going on here? Have you been lying to me this whole time?” I began crying; tired of the lies that these men have been telling me.

  “No. No lies. I promise you. Listen to me, mami, I am going to tell you the truth. I don’t know your man. I know of him. I met him a year ago at an event I was sponsoring. He showed up there with another lady. I had no idea you two were even together until I did some digging into your world. I promise you this. Trust me.” He begged.

  I had no reason not to believe him since he has been fully honest with me all this time.

  “Well I just got a call from Rock and he is now threatening me. I am just going to go back home and go back to the life I had before meeting you.” I said as I began to gather my belongings.

  “No, don’t do that. You deserve better than that. I thought we talked about this. If you go back to him, he will continue to use you and cheat on you. I need a strong woman like you on my side, mami. At least stay there until I get home. I will end my trip in two days, just for you.”

  I agreed and we both said we missed each other when we hung up the phone. For the rest of the two days I didn’t hear a word from Rock. I checked his Instagram page and he had blocked me, so I logged back into my back up page and saw that he was in the photos smiling with Chantelle and their new baby. I hit “like” on the picture, and left a message for him to lose my number, and erase me from his life; I then went ahead and blocked the both of them.

  When Javier came home, it was as if we picked up right were we left off. I am glad that I saw what I saw on social media, because I was almost foolish enough to consider going back to Rock. It is funny how people come into your life at the worst time and change it all around for you in a blink of an eye.

  It has been over six months now and I have moved in with Javier permanently. As his woman, he wants me to better myself and have a business of my own, so he is putting me through college, and also through etiquette classes so I can get all of that hoodness out of me. I mean of course I will keep a little in me, but I want to make him just as happy as he has made me when he came into my life. Never again will I settle, especially when you know your worth.

  I also found out that Strawberry is no longer stripping at the club anymore. She also became one with Georgio. We often do dinner dates together and do just a girl’s night at home together. I thank her all of the time for my new life, and for our building friendship. Who would have thought this could all happen in this short amount of time. God works in mysterious ways, and trust, I won’t ask him how, or why. I will just accept my blessings, and continue to make my future king happy. By the way, we are expecting our first baby together in just six months. I could not be any happier than this moment in my life. True love will always last longer than lust, remember that. Money can’t buy everything, but it damn sure can make things better for you.


  The Billionaire's Crush

  Shantel Johnson

  © 2015 Sensual Ink Publishing

  “I can’t believe you got approved for the study abroad internship! I’m so excited for you!” Aaliyah’s roommate, Jasmine exclaimed.

  Aaliyah smiled as she pulled a few more articles of clothing from her closet. She was still packing. It would be for an entire year, after all. The internship had her working for an editorial company, helping put together articles, layouts, and photospreads for various fashion publications. It was exactly what she wanted to do in life and this was helping her get her foot into the door. She was just as excited as Jasmine, probably even more so.

  “I know. I never thought I would get it but I did! I can’t wait to get over there. All this time in between is just making me anxious. Did you set up the person who’s going to stay in my room yet?” Aaliyah asked.

  Jasmine nodded. “Yep, she should be moving in like a week after you leave and she'll pay your half of the rent so you don’t have to worry. And once you get back, the room is all yours again!”

  “Perfect. I’ll be back in no time. Hope you won’t miss me too much,” she joked.

  Jasmine laughed and rolled her eyes. “It's not like I’m even going to have the apartment to myself. I can’t even enjoy the time while you’re away! What time does your flight leave?”

  “Tomorrow morning at 6 am. I have to be there at least by 4:30 am. Hopefully I can get them heavy-ass luggages into the cab.”

  “I hope they’re not going to charge you extra for how heavy them luggages are. You gotta carry all those jackets and rain boots and shit. It rains all the time in Britain.”

  “Girl, you know they will. I think the internship will reimburse me, either that or just take it out of my paycheck.” Aaliyah jumped on top of her luggage and zipped it up. It was over-stuffed and would definitely be expensive but she had to make sure all her outfits were on point. It would take her a few weeks to get the money situated, so that meant she couldn’t even go shopping in the meantime. That would be the hardest part, other than actually getting the hang of where to go in the city and how to get from her loft to her job. At least she was sharing her loft with a few other interns. They weren't people that she knew, but she hoped they could stick together and learn the city.

  “I don’t even know if I can sleep tonight. My nerves are all over the place.”

  “Even if you don’t sleep here, you can always sleep on the plane. How long is the flight?” Jasmine asked as she headed towards the kitchen. She searched through the cabinets to find a snack to satisfy her cravings. Meanwhile, Aaliyah looked at the itinerary that was on her bedside table.

  “It should be like, ten to thirteen hours, depending on the layovers and stuff. I hope I can get some sleep. I hate when people be trying to lay on your shoulder, or snoring in your ear or trying to talk to you. That’s the only bad thing about airplanes.”

  “The only bad thing?” Jasmine scoffed as she tossed some mini pretzels into her mouth. “They overcharge for food, it’s always cramped, and then on top of that it's always fuckin’ cold! It’s like they want you to use your frozen nipples to cut the windows or something. Make sure they give you a free blanket or you swipe one.”

  “You crazy, Jazz. But I will hopefully get a blanket. At least try and get one. I’m gonna set my alarm clock and get to bed,” Aaliyah said. She grabbed her phone and opened up the clock app, setting the time for just four hours from now.

  “Alright, girl.” Jasmine went over to her roommate and gave her a tight squeeze. “Stay safe and take care, ok?”

  Both women smiled at each other and laughed. “Don’t make me cry! I’ll be back before you know it!” Aaliyah tried to assure her. Both friends couldn’t help but tear up at the thought of being separated. Ever since their first day in college, when they got paired up in a dorm together, they’d been best of friends. Since then, they had moved out of the dorms and into a nearby apartme
nt together, living out the rest of their college education together. It was the first time they’d be truly separated for more than a summer vacation. “I promise to email you and facebook you whenever I get settled in. And I’ll send you a bunch of pictures, and we can Skype whenever our time zones meet up at a decent hour.”

  Jasmine kissed her bestie on the cheek and gave her one last squeeze. “You damn right you will. Now get to bed. You don’t have that much time left before you have to get up all over again.”

  Aaliyah nodded and parted from the hug. She headed towards her bedroom and climbed into bed, welcoming the warmth of the pile of blankets she had. Staring up at the ceiling gave her some time to think. She wouldn’t see her room, her family, her friends for an entire year. Now all the excitement was turning to nerves. What if she hated the United Kingdom? She turned onto her side trying not to think of it anymore, but a bunch of doubting questions still swam around in her mind. She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying to will the thoughts away. You’re gonna have an amazing time in London. Just have faith.


  4 am. Get up. Get dressed. Hair. Makeup. Comfortable shoes. Do I have my neck pillow? My cellphone charger? Is everything packed?

  Aaliyah fluttered around the house getting her last-minute things together. She still needed to call the cab to take her to the airport and she hoped to God that she didn’t forget her passport. She tried to be as quiet as she could, but she knew that Jasmine would sleep through anything, no matter how loud.


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