URBAN: What A Thug Wants

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URBAN: What A Thug Wants Page 53

by Shantel Johnson


  The next morning, I woke up and dressed for work as usual. I looked over at Roderick as he slept. A smile creeped upon my face at seeing my handsome man sleeping shirtless like I love for him to do. I leaned down and kissed him on his lips. He turned over and smiled, but didn’t wake.

  Grabbing my purse, I left out of the door at precisely 7am for an early opening sale that I had advertised last week. I know not many boutique owners are doing what I am, but I came here to win, and winning is what I have been doing.

  It was a Saturday morning, and usually traffic is down or nonexistent near my boutique this early. As I made my way to my store, I noticed cars were parked and even double parked down the block, causing me to have to park elsewhere and not in front of my location like I normally would.

  I walked down the block and noticed that people were standing all in front of my store, and also at the boutique across the street. Unsure of what was going on, I asked one of the people who were standing around what this line was all about. I knew not many were going to be awake this early just for an early bird special at my store.

  “Oh, everyone is here for Augustina’s showroom. She is having a giveaway all morning and knowing that Augustina is the hot shot of clothing down this way, everybody showed up for an exclusive.” The young, ratchet chick with a rainbow colored lace-front said.

  “An exclusive? Like what?” I inquired more, growing angry by the minute.

  “Well, there is this reality star that is supposed to premier her own clothing line through Augustina’s showroom. Everyone is outside waiting for the reality star to show up.”

  “Oh, well who is this star?” I asked as I pulled out my keys to unlock the shop.

  “Girl, I don’t know. All I heard was that a star was going to be in the area and I came right down. I don’t ask questions when fame or free stuff comes my way.” She said as she walked off in the direction of her friends who were sitting inside of a car smoking.

  “This bitch did this shit on purpose.” I mumbled aloud. She pulls a stunt like this on the same day and same time as I am supposed to have an early bird sale. I continued to mumble for the next few minutes until I realized that my mind was so far gone that I was having difficulty with opening my door. Something was wrong with the lock. I kept trying to stick my key in and it was not going in at all. I picked up the lock and noticed that it was tampered with. “What the fuck?” I said to myself.

  “Good morning, neighbor.” I heard someone say from behind me.

  Pissed off, I turned around to face the voice. “You think you’re funny.” I huffed as I saw it was Augustina.

  “What are you talking about?” She asked with a devilish grin on her face. “All I said was good morning. I guess you are not a morning person.”

  “Bitch, play slick all you want. What happened to my lock and why the hell are you doing an event at the same time as I am? You knew I was doing an early bird special on this day.” I vented.

  Augustina rolled her eyes. “So just because you have something set up for a day means that I cannot make plans for the same day? You must be stupid. First of all, I tried to make some money for the both of us on this day.”

  “How the hell you figure that? How the fuck are we both going to make money together?” I turned around to try the locks again. “Fuck!” I shouted.

  “Well, I set up my event on the same day you set yours up so that when one shop gets clients, the other shop is also getting clients. I have a lot of famous friends and a large following on social networks so I tried to bring the business to this end of Peachtree instead of the opposite end making all of the money because of the mall down that way. Sorry for trying to help a sista’ out.” She said as she began to walk away. I didn’t know rather I should believe her or not, but my mind was made up after her next statement.

  “Oh, good luck with the lock. Don’t worry, just send your clients over to my showroom so I can show them just how a boutique is supposed to have everything done.” Augustina chuckled as she walked back across the street.

  I think this bitch sabotaged me.

  “This yo’ store?” An older woman came to ask me.

  “Yes it is. Can I help you with something?” I smiled in her face to ease myself from going insane.

  “Well I would say you could but seeing as though I woke up early for this early bird special and you are not able to even open the doors to your own business, I will pass.” She said. “You better go back on Instagram and let people know that this event is cancelled before they get down here and turn the fuck up.” She said as she walked away.

  Feeling humiliated and pissed off, I didn’t want to do anything less than rip the smiling face off of Augustina. I looked across the street and saw her telling everyone that the show was over on my end and that she promised them they were going to meet someone special if they stuck around for another hour.

  Steaming upset that I felt this was all a set-up, I went home and had Roderick meet the locksmith. I went on Instagram and apologized to my followers. Of course I got called unprofessional, a bitch, a fake business-woman and everything else that went with the ploy from today. After arguing back and forth for a while, I felt drained. I ended up dozing off, thinking of ways I was going to get Augustina back for this stunt. I didn’t know the hate was going to be this real down here. I thought black women were supposed to support each other no matter what. I guess that’s not the case here.

  Chapter Five: AUGUSTINA

  “Girl you should have seen her face.” I laughed with Crystal as I told her about the earlier events with Queenz Boutique.

  “That was so wrong of you to do that. That girl is down here and has no one in her corner besides that man of hers.” Crystal shook her head at me.

  “Again, here you go choosing sides with outsiders instead of the place of business where you work.” I said. “And besides for, as of last week, you can’t even say her man is in her corner anymore, because he been all up in something else more interesting.” I hinted.

  Crystal gave me a look of utter disbelief. “I know you are not messing with that woman’s husband. If so, you are fouler than I thought. Those are two things I do not mess with are another woman’s man and her money. Best believe you involve yourself in those situations, nothing but drama is going to come your way.” She warned.

  It went in one ear and out of the other with a roll of my eyes. “Well, when that time comes, I’m sure I can handle it.” I assured her.

  “Okay, well make sure you handle it then because I don’t want my name dragged up in anything you have going on. I’m getting tired of your shenanigans.” Crystal mumbled as if I didn’t hear her.

  “Well, the door is right in front of you. If you’re feeling that way, you know the exit.” I responded back.

  I guess she wasn’t too tired of working for me because her ass went right to the back and brought out the new designs from reality star, Alana Morris, from The Real House Wives of Buckhead.

  Looking across the street, I spotted Roderick and Ceena having cameras installed in front of her store and on the sides. I decided to be messy and see what was up. It has been a few days since our little mishap with her ‘early bird special” downfall. I picked up my purse and yelled to Crystal that I would be right back.

  I sashayed across the street wearing my navy blue pumps, a white and navy blue crop top and high waist white shorts that cupped right underneath of my buttocks. I knew I was killing it as I walked with a little switch of my hips.

  Walking over to where Roderick and Ceena were standing, I put a smile on my face.

  “Hello there.” I gave a small wave with a flick of the wrist. Ceena glared at me. You could tell she was not pleased that I was in her presence.

  “Now this, is something that I agree with. That is like business 101 to install cameras so when things go down, everything is caught on tape.” I stated smugly.

  “I didn’t ask for your input regarding my business,” she roll
ed her eyes. “Now if you can take yourself back across the street to your place of business, I would gladly appreciate it.” Ceena said in an irritated tone.

  “Actually, I am on lunch break, therefore I have time to kill.” I smiled in her face again. “Hello, Roderick.” I flashed him my famous all white smile.

  He waved but then turned his attention back to Ceena. She was giving him a mean side eye. I was enjoying every minute of him squirming uncomfortably. What Ceena didn’t know was that ever since that incident on Instagram, Roderick and I have been keeping each other company after hours while Ceena throws herself into her shop. That was even better for me because I was in much need of a man, and also because I felt like Ceena was taking money from my pocket by opening up her store right across the street from me. Even though we sell to a different market, I noticed that she is starting to get a lot of my customers who are looking for a “different” look.

  “Roderick, I need your attention this way. We are taking care of serious issues here.” Ceena grabbed Roderick’s face and turned it back to the men installing the cameras.

  Roderick moved his face out of Ceena’s grasp. “Don’t do that, Ceena. I’m here with you, and we are handling what needs to be handled. Don’t be rude.” He then turned to me. “Hey, Augustina. If you don’t mind, Ceena and I are trying to take care of a situation right now, we will mingle at another time.” He said.

  “Sure, anything for you Roderick.” I whispered behind Ceena’s back. “And Ceena, be careful out here, this is a cold, cruel world.” I winked and walked next door to the café.

  I smiled the whole time while I got my coffee and donut. I love when I can get under someone’s skin. That is like the next best thing to shopping for me.

  As I entered my store, I noticed that Crystal still had an attitude with me. Not in the mood for her problems, I told her to take the rest of the week off because she is making me not feel as though she really doesn’t want this job. Without any words, she left. She didn’t even part her lips to say goodbye. Shrugging my shoulders, I went to grab my cell phone so I could check my Instagram out. I noticed I had a new text. It was from Roderick.

  ‘I am going to have to end whatever it is that we have because I don’t like messy situations, and I feel like you may be more trouble than I can handle.’

  I scrunched up my face at his words. I was not even going to reply at the moment. Let him sweat it out. He does have one thing right, I am messy. His girlfriend Ceena was also right when she suspected I had something to do with her shop being locked down, and the bad reviews of her store. So what? Who doesn’t like being petty every now and then?

  I looked around at my showroom to see what exactly was to be done for the day since I sent Crystal home. Damn. I should have let her finish putting the clothes away first. There were clothing in boxes all over the floor and stacked up against the wall. It was already going on 7 p.m. I decided to at least clean the floor off so that the morning shoppers would not be trampling all over the boxes. I went to my door and turned the sign over so that it could read that my store was now closed.

  A half an hour later, I finished doing the biggest part of cleaning. I looked in the mirror at myself. I fixed every strand of hair that was out of place and applied some lipstick to my pouty lips. With my cleavage sitting perfectly in my crop top, I adjusted them so that I could take a quick selfie for the gram. My day is now complete. I looked across the street to see if Ceena was still there before I texted Roderick. To my surprise, she was gone; early too. I pulled out my phone and texted Roderick.

  ‘I got your text earlier, and I would like to talk with you about a few things. Nothing serious. Just a dinner date with someone who can lend me a listening ear. Is Ceena home?’ Sent.

  A few minutes later I received his reply.

  ‘Okay. Last date. Ceena is not home. She is at work until late tonight again. Let’s meet at Floataway Café to talk.’

  I texted him back to let him know that I was on my way there. I decided to not let him know that his wife was not at her shop, he can figure that out on his own. I am actually starting to like Roderick. At first, I was using him as a way to get to Ceena, but now I kind of feel that something could be special between him and I.

  Finally walking out of my showroom, I pull the door close and reach into my purse to get the keys to lock everything up.

  “Nah, you may as well open back up this shop, pretty lady.” I heard a male’s voice behind me.

  I turned around quickly, startled that he had a face mask on and had another person with him who appeared to be a female.

  “I’m sorry but we are closed, come back tom…” I didn’t even have a chance to finish before I felt the female push me in the back of the head into the door, causing it to open.

  “I don’t have time for this shit. Let’s just get this bitch’s money, and a few outfits for me and my girls, and we can get the fuck out of here.” She instructed to the male.

  “I don’t have any money in the shop. Here, you can take this box of clothes that I was going to give away.” I pleaded. Scared to death that this could easily be a robbery gone wrong, and I would be the next victim on the 11 o’clock news.

  “I ain’t asking you what to take.” The girl spoke up again.

  “Let’s go, you know this area is a lil’ hot at night.” The male said in regard to the police patrolling the area at night.

  After cooperating unwillingly with the perpetrators, they were getting ready to leave. Pissed off but still scared, I walked them to the door so that I could scream for help as soon as I got outside.

  Quickly the female turned around causing me to step on her shoes, “Damn, hoe. Where you think you’re going? Keep your ass in here until we leave the area.”

  “Um, no, I was going to lock up when you guys barged in so I am going home. This has been an evening from hell.” I pushed past her and the guy.

  That’s when he grabbed me by my hair and slung me to the floor. “I’m tired of your damn mouth.” He said as he grabbed a cloth from his pocket. I tried to scoot back so they could just leave me alone but that plan failed when he walked over towards me and grabbed the back of my head again and put a cloth over my nose. A few seconds later, everything faded to black. Right before I went completely out, I overheard the suspects saying they were told only to scare and rob me, not to kill me. I wondered who could have been behind this. As the thieves made a run for it out of my store, I saw Ceena enter her store. She didn’t turn on any lights, which was unusual. I hope she sees I am in need of help lying in the doorway. My eyes finally closed.

  Chapter Six: RODERICK

  I don’t know what it is about Augustina, but she has me doing the unthinkable behind Ceena’s back. I never ever cheated on my girl before. I guess the recent stress I have been under plus the lack of affection that Ceena’s giving me, threw me into the arms of another woman.

  Don’t get me wrong, I love Ceena with all of my heart but it seems like I am competing with her career. A man does not like to feel second place to anything or anyone when it comes to our relationships. Believe it or not, men are sensitive when we feel we are not getting the attention we involuntary seek.

  Augustina and I have been seeing each other for a few weeks and every time I see her, she gives me just a little more of her than she did the last time. I remember the first time that we had met up after she told me that was her on Instagram. We went to a lounge and talked about how to settle the problem between her and Ceena. She seemed open to it and even got me to relax a little. She made good company to the point we began going out to have a few drinks like friends do after hours while Ceena worked. One night, one thing led to another and we found ourselves making out in the car. Stopping myself that night, I went home and tried to make love to Ceena but she just brushed me off and told me she was tired. Feeling dismissed by her, I found my way back to Augustina’s the next night for a night of passion. When I say she has the moves, she has them down.

  After my
wife’s suspicions of Augustina being behind the debacle with Queenz Boutique the day of the early bird special, I decided to meet up with Augustina to tell her that we can no longer do this. I love Ceena too much and if she finds out that I am sleeping with her enemy, I don’t know what she would do to me; especially since I am not making much money these days.

  Sitting here waiting at the cafe for Augustina, I call her phone but did not get an answer. I figured she had changed her mind about coming out after all. That was even better news for me. I can go home and try to have a romantic dinner and bath ready for Ceena when she gets home.

  Standing to leave the diner after having two drinks, I hopped in my car and tried Augustina one more time. She picked up but her voice was shaky.

  “Roderick, meet me at Hampton Inn in Buckhead. Something happened.” She cried into the phone.

  “Whoa, are you okay? What’s going on?” I inquired. Even though I wanted to leave Augustina alone, I don’t want anything bad happening to her.

  “Just meet me, I was robbed.” She continued to cry in the phone.

  “Okay, stay on the phone with me.” I instructed her.


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