Celestia is Falling (A Croft & Croft Romance Adventure Book 1)

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Celestia is Falling (A Croft & Croft Romance Adventure Book 1) Page 1

by Morgan Kelley

  Celestia is Falling

  By Morgan Kelley

  *Copyright © 2014 Morgan Kelley LLC

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  Content Advisory: This book is intended for mature audiences and contains graphic violence, explicit sexual activity and disturbing imagery

  Copyright © 2014 Cover by Laura Gordon Designs

  Other works by Morgan Kelley:

  Standalone Thrillers

  The Junction

  Serial Sins

  The Blood Betrayal

  FBI Romance Series

  The Killing Times (Book 1)

  Sacred Burial Grounds (Book 2)

  True Love Lost (Book 3)

  Deep Dark Mire (Book 4)

  Fire Burns Hot (Book 5)

  Darkness of Truth (Book 6)

  Devil Hath Come (Book 7)

  Consumed by Wrath (Book 8)

  Redemption is Here (Book 9)

  Croft & Croft Romance Adventure Series

  Celestia is Falling (1)

  Vegas is Dying (2)

  Christmas is Killing (3)

  Love is Bleeding (4)

  Littlemoon Investigations

  Blood Red Rage (Book 1)

  Lost & Broken (Book 2)

  The Carter Chronicles

  Sinner Repent (1)

  The Harcourte Vampyre Society series

  Dangerous Revelations (1)

  Dangerous Choices (2)

  Behind Closed Doors Anthology

  Illegal Fantasies ~ Behind Closed Doors (1)

  ~~~~ About the Author ~~~~

  Morgan Kelley lives in the beautiful Pocono Mountains with her husband and two children. After attending college at Penn State University and studying Criminal Justice, Morgan knew her only true passion in life would be murder and books. She put them both together and began her career as a writer. Other than books and writing, you can find Morgan hanging out in her garden and digging in the dirt.

  Her other works include: The Junction, Serial Sins, The Blood Betrayal, The Killing Times (1), Sacred Burial Grounds (2), True Love Lost (3), Deep Dark Mire (4), Fire Burns Hot (5), Darkness of Truth (6), Devil Hath Come (7), Consumed by Wrath (8), Redemption is Here (9), Blood Red Rage (1) Lost & Broken (2), Celestia is Falling (1), Vegas is Dying (2), Christmas is Killing (3), Love is Bleeding (4), Dangerous Revelations (1), and Illegal Fantasies (Anthology 1)

  Please feel free to visit Morgan at her website: www.morgankelley.com, email her [email protected], or visit her blog at www.morgankelley.blogspot.com.

  Where fate demands; love blooms on command.


  Deep into the darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.

  ~ Edgar Allen Poe

  The death of a beautiful woman, is unquestionably the most poetic topic in the world.

  ~ Edgar Allen Poe

  ~ Prologue ~

  Sunday Evening

  As darkness settled over the town, it was all about to begin.

  Now was the time to set the hunt into motion and force the players into the game. This was fate, which couldn’t be halted. Revenge was at hand and before long, another victim would be added to the list of prey. The night would belong to those who were forced to lurk in its darkness. With this next blow, a start to the bloody battle in Celestia was coming. There could be only one winner, and it was bound to be the one who embraced the night. At last, when morning broke over the town, his deeds would be on everyone’s lips.

  This would be the perfect place to carry on and finish his work. The Hunter was unstoppable and no one dare try.

  At the approaching car, there was a feeling of such happiness and joy bubbling up from deep within. The first chosen victim of the sleepy little town was on her way. How easy it had been to lure her into the trap. All it took was a simple call, and she came running--like a classless piece of trash.

  This would be a momentous occasion for him. It would be the first drawn blood in Celestia, marking his joyous invitation into their peaceful little world. There would be celebration afterwards, over the destruction of another woman. The Hunter would revel in it, grow from it, and lose himself in the experience of it all. Coming here was a start to a new cleansing phase for his lifelong mission.

  As the car came to a stop, the woman stepped out into the inky blackness of the night. Her arrival kicked off his perfectly orchestrated plans.

  It was all going exactly as envisioned. Perhaps destiny had guided him in life. Since his early years, he always knew what he longed to be when he grew up. Some wanted to be doctors or lawyers, but he wanted to be powerful.

  Now, it was time to lure and capture the beauty in his trap. Once the spider had the fly, it all would begin. Taking her life was a necessity in order to facilitate the continuation of the game.

  There was a twinge of guilt for a brief moment as conscience kicked in, trying to take control once again. It was forced down and departed as quickly as it came. Also vanquished were the nerves, the fear of making a mistake, and the horror of what ran rampant through his mind.

  “It’s time,” he whispered. “She’s about to be mine.”

  Without a single sound, the prey was effortlessly boxed in and stalked to the location. The knife was in his hand, and the killer readied for the attack. Once first blood was drawn, it would all be put into motion.

  Already, the next victims were in the forefront of his mind, ready to follow this vile woman’s destruction. All it would take were the first drops of spilled blood and the plan would continue forward.

  Destiny and fate were calling, beckoning the executioner as he watched the shameful vixen. Her untimely end was quickly approaching.

  One step.

  Two steps.


  The Hunter grinned as the woman stumbled along in the darkness to where the punishment would be handed out. Taking in her attire, there was amusement and justification at being the first victim on the list.

  “Once a whore, always a whore,” he muttered softly as the pretty prey came to a halt feet from his hiding spot.

  If she only knew what lay in store for her in his mind. This was quite possibly the most perfectly orchestrated scene. It was like luring a child with candy. A simple promise of sex and bodily pleasure, and this woman came running with no questions asked.

  Oh, there was no doubt.

  Someone would be getting off and deriving immense enjoyment tonight. Only, it wouldn’t be her.

  “Where the hell are you?” she yelled, getting angry at him for screwing around. “This isn’t funny! I didn’t drive all the way out here to play hide and seek with you! If you didn’t want to see me, you shouldn’t have called!”

  The Hunter crept increasingly closer to her in
hopes that she’d sense the motion and try to escape. That made the thrill of the hunt even more exciting. When they tried to run, he felt alive. If she only knew how close to death she was in that moment, there wouldn’t be this angry indignation but sheer terror in its place.

  This was more proof of her blatant foolishness.

  Soon, it would all begin. The anticipation was growing within him, making so many emotions bubble to the surface at the prospects of what was about to transpire.

  “If you don’t come out, I’m leaving! Do you hear me? If you think I’ll ever answer your damn texts again after this, then you’re out of your mind!”

  A stick snapped beneath The Hunter’s foot, and the woman stopped, spinning towards the sound in alarm. “I know you’re watching me. Why are you trying to scare me, baby? Don’t I always make you happy when we’re together?” she questioned, her body shaking in fear. Something about this entire scenario was very unsettling. She’d never met him out in the middle of the woods before or in this clearing. Her lover always preferred the comforts of his place or a hotel bed.

  The Hunter took yet another step towards her, reveling in how the moonlight was glinting off the blade of the knife in his hand. The exhilaration and anticipation began coursing through his body. At that moment, he could literally smell the fear rushing from the woman in pounding waves.

  “Please stop this! I don’t like the game you’re playing!” she accused angrily as she attempted to wind her way back to her car and safety. There were so many thoughts passing through her mind, like how irrational it had been to head there alone and after dark. But this was Celestia. Nothing bad ever happened here…Right?

  Suddenly, there was the intense feeling of fight or flight as she was backed into the corner. Adrenaline surged, fear pumped through her and terror began taking control.

  How could she be so careless?

  How could she be this big of an idiot?

  The voice of reason in her mind screamed, warning her to move and as quickly as possible.

  Another twig snapped near her, giving her the final push she needed to bolt into action. Kicking off her shoes, she ran towards the only way out of ‘The Crossing’. If she made it back, there’d be safety waiting for her. Getting to her phone and dialing the police was her second priority.

  Then she had to…

  It was too late!

  As he emerged from the darkness, knife in hand and a hate filled smirk across his anger twisted face, she knew prospects looked grim. The sight of him spoke of the insanity and pure evil that stared her down. Before she could move away from him, he was dragging her to the ground and forcing her to her back.

  Oh God!

  She was trapped.

  “What are you doing? Let me go!” she screamed, recognizing him immediately and not believing what was happening. “Please! Let me go!”

  His laughter filled the night air as he struck her hard across the cheek, dazing her enough to make her more manageable. After all, there could be no DNA left to point the finger at him when she was found.

  She shook her head as the taste of blood filled her mouth. The pain clouded her judgment only momentarily as her will to fight once again rose up, urging her on. Struggling, she tried to break free from his hold. A well-placed kick to his body did little but to anger him.

  With a growl, he grabbed the closest rock and slammed it viciously into her pretty features.

  The crunch of bone and sickening slosh of blood filled the air as he repeatedly pounded her face to oblivion.

  Suddenly, the desire to fight was gone and replaced with the need to escape the pain, and what she knew was inevitable. Willingly, she slipped into the darkness, hiding there until her existence was snuffed out.

  He began dragging her back into the clearing, chuckling at how easily she had been subdued. One would think someone about to be murdered would fight even harder and not quit so easily.

  “Shall we begin?” he asked her grinning, as his finger touched the tip of the blade.

  The plan would move forward as he found his niche in Celestia. The women here were just like the ones from home. Relocating here would be one of his greatest joys in life. Now, he could find and take care of all who reminded him of her.

  After all, there was no place like home.

  Hours later as the prey had finally succumbed to death, and he was the victor, there was silence. Where screams of pain had momentarily filled the air, now there was quiet.

  Complete emptiness, where nothing stirred the perfection of the lovely evening.

  Not even the creatures of the night were out. It was if they too knew what had just happened.

  Death had come to ‘The Crossing’, lingering there.

  There was no wind, no stars, and no sounds of life. The Hunter knelt beside the dead woman, examining his handiwork as he wiped the hunting knife on the grass to clean off the blood.

  “Now, it’s time to set the scene, my pretty,” he whispered into the night as if waiting for some reply.

  To which there was none, for nothing could follow what had been witnessed.

  The sacrifice was made and the game had begun.

  Beware whores of Celestia.

  The Hunter is watching.

  ~ Chapter One ~

  Monday Morning

  It was a bright sunny day in Celestia. The warm sun was glistening off the dew-touched leaves changing on the trees. There were colors so breathtaking to behold. Late fall was on the horizon and soon there would be harvest festivals and winter snows blanketing the ground. Eventually, the crisp air would turn into the bitter claws of winter, digging in and threatening to never let go. The heat would soon dissipate, and in its place would be the vicious whipping winds.

  Celestia was a harmonious and peaceful town in Pennsylvania, nestled ever so carefully alongside the Appalachian Trail. It was as if the hand of God reached down and with a swipe, cleared out a little nook so the settlers could start their own Eden. One could say that Celestia was the town that hustle and bustle had forgotten. The shops opened at ten, the stores were mostly closed on Sundays, and its citizens were sterling in their morals.

  Nothing chaotic ever happened there, and honestly, that was more than okay with Emma Starling.

  This was now home.

  In the end, that was all that really mattered to her. The place that welcomed her with open arms had offered peace, acceptance and the healing touch. Before Celestia, she was tired of running and hiding from the things in life that went bump in the blood filled night. Now, she could be herself and allow the quaintness to envelope her and make her whole once again.

  Emma rested against the bumper of her Jeep, staring out at the vastness of her town. Her eyes roamed the expanse from the green patchwork lawns to the peaked hillside tops. The mountains were now beginning to start the process of going from Indian summer to fall. The landscape was starting to shed its thick lush greenery, replacing it with the ruby reds, golden hues, and rustic oranges of autumn.

  God, how she loved her new home! It was gorgeous.

  Ever since relocating from the hectic pace of Philadelphia, Celestia enfolded her in its peace and tranquility. It gave her a home, sharing with her safety and peace. Just when Emma believed she would sink beneath the surface, drowning in the pain and despair, she was given a way out. No longer was Emma forced to remain in the city under its dark, dismal thumb. A call had come from a friend, offering her an opportunity of a lifetime and a way to escape the insanity.

  There was a job opening in Celestia, if she wanted it. All it would take was a leap of faith, uprooting thirty years of her life, and running like a big scaredy cat.

  Good thing she was up for a major change.

  It took less than three weeks to turn in her resignation and pack up her apartment. Behind her, Emma left her friends, career, and the glittering lights of Philadelphia. In exchange for it all, she received the harmony and well-being that was desperately craved.

  Thank God for Celestia. />
  She was finally safe once more.

  Taking a sip of coffee from her travel mug, Emma glanced at her watch. “Oh crap, I’m going to be late for work again!” She quickly hustled around the Jeep to the driver’s side door. Hopping in, she grabbed her sunglasses and started the engine. With one last glance at the gorgeous view from Lover’s Lookout, she threw her vehicle into drive and headed into town.

  Navigating the twists and turns of the roadway were now second nature. When moving there, Emma had picked a cabin far up in the mountains, overlooking the town for a few reasons. First, she wanted the solitude while her heart healed. Lastly, Emma always lived in a city and allure of the countryside appealed to her.

  Driving through town, she waved at the people crossing in front of her on the street. It was nice to be a recognizable face and not just a name on a badge.

  Already, she’d been there and done that.

  Now, the most troublesome part of her day was trying to maneuver her way past her irritating administrative assistant. Maybe irritating wasn’t a good word.




  Yeah, the woman was all of those things and then some.

  All Emma could hope now was that she had a slight chance of slipping past her Centurion, gossiping guard. It had become her daily mission to avoid the prowling girl. Was it too much to ask, to not have mindless banter early in the morning, or to hear about her new shoes, designer purse or nail appointment? All Emma wanted to discuss at the office was work.


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