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Juliette Page 97

by Marquis de Sade

  “But my mother, Sir,” said I, “may not all this anger her?”

  “Dear friend,” my father replied, “listen carefully to what I have to say to you on that head; you are clever enough to understand me.

  “This woman who brought you into the world is perhaps the creature who in all the universe I most supremely detest; the ties binding her to me render her a thousand times more loathsome yet, that is my attitude. Breval has a similar one toward his own wife. The manner in which you have seen us use these women is the result of our disgust and our indignation; it is far less for the sake of amusement than in order to debase and degrade them that we prostitute them as we do; we outrage them from hatred and a kind of cruel delectation you yourself shall, I trust, someday come to know, and whereof the aim is to extract an unspeakable pleasure from vexations imposed upon an object one has enjoyed over much and over long.”

  “But, Sir,” was the question common sense bade me put, “you will then torment me also when at last you grow weary of me?”

  “That is an altogether different affair,” my father explained, “they are neither conventional usages nor laws which bind us, but rather similarities of taste, common convenience, that is to say, true love; furthermore, our union is criminal in the eyes of mankind, and one never wearies of crime.”

  Knowing neither more nor better at the time, I believed all I was told and from there on lived with my father on exactly the same footing as if I had been his mistress; I passed all my nights at his side, very often in the same bed, and we would ass-fuck each other until we collapsed from exhaustion into sleep. Pamphylia was, after Breval, our second confidante and a regular collaborator in our pleasures; my father liked having her whip him while he embuggered me; he would also sodomize and lash her; and sometimes she would be made to kiss and caress me, then my father would invite me to do whatever I cared to with her, upon condition that, while I was doing it, I caress and kiss his ass. And Borchamps, like Socrates, taught his disciple even as he fucked him. The most impious, the most antimoral principles were suggested to me; and if I was not already out robbing on the highways, it was through no fault of Borchamps. Now and then, at holidays, my sister came to the house, but she was not warmly welcomed there; very unlike my father in this regard, whenever I could obtain a moment alone with her I bore her testimony of great ardor, and fucked her at the slightest chance.

  “Father dislikes me,” Gabrielle told me, “he prefers you…. So it is, so let it be. Live happily with him and never forget me….”

  I kissed Gabrielle and swore I would adore her always.

  I had for quite some time noticed that my mother never emerged from Borchamps’ private study without a handkerchief pressed to her eyes and heaving sighs of greatest sadness. Curious to know the cause of her sorrow, I cut a slit in the partition separating that study from my boudoir and, when the first opportunity for spying upon them came, stole quietly to the hole and peered through it. I was witness to horrors; my father’s loathing for his-wife vented itself in the form of frightful physical mistreatments. There is no imagining what his ferocious lust would inflict upon that unhappy victim of his aversion; after beating her senseless with his fists, he would kick her as she lay on the floor, at other times he would flog her bloody with a martinet, and more often still he would prostitute her to an exceedingly ill-favored man, unknown to me, and with whom he held lewd commerce himself.

  “Who is this fellow?” I one day asked Pamphylia, to whom I had confided my discoveries and who, full of friendliness for me, offered to help me make more of them.

  “He,” said she, “is a professional scoundrel your father has saved two or three times from hanging; the sort of man who for six francs would assassinate anyone you wanted put out of the way. One of Borchamps’ greater pleasures is to have him flog your mother and then, as you have yourself seen, to prostitute her to him. Borchamps is dreadfully fond of the man, and used to have him very often in his bed before that became your regular place. But you have still a few things to learn about the libertinage of him who sired you: be at your spyhole tomorrow and you will observe a scene to outdo all those you have just now described to me.”

  No sooner am I at my post than four stout swashbuckling lads march into my father’s library, clap a pistol to his nose, seize him, bind him fast to one side of a double ladder, then, catching up each a bundle of withes, beat him about the buttocks and thighs, perhaps a thousand strokes apiece; the blood was bubbling out of him when they loosed his bonds to toss him upon a couch and assault him in such wise that at all times he had a prick in his mouth, one in either hand, and one in his bum. He was fucked more than twenty times over, and by what pricks, my God! I could not have got my hand around the smallest of them.

  “I’d have liked to have been embuggering you while watching all that,” I admitted to Pamphylia, “perhaps, dearest friend, you might be able to induce my father to have my mother the victim of a similar joust.”

  “Oh, that should not be difficult,” the dear girl assured me, “you have simply to propose a horror to Borchamps for him to seize the idea. You’ll not have to wait long for the scene you desire.”

  A few days later, in effect, Pamphylia told me the moment was at hand, I glued my eye to the crack in the partition. My poor mother was lashed and sodomized with such force that the quartet left her motionless on the floor. As usual, Pamphylia lent me her superb hindquarters during the show; and I may honestly say that I had never discharged more deliciously before.

  I avowed everything to my father, including the extreme pleasure his clandestine revels had been procuring me.

  “The suggestion that you treat your wife as you have just done originated with me after I saw how you had yourself treated.”

  “My friend,” Borchamps wanted to know, “are you capable of helping me in these operations?”

  “Be sure of it,” I replied.

  “Truly? This woman who brought you into the world?”

  “She labored only in her own behalf, and I detest her as powerfully as you possibly can.”

  “Kiss me, my beloved, you are delicious; and believe me when I say that you shall from now on begin to taste the most violent pleasures in the realm of human experience. Only in outraging what man is stupid enough to call the laws of Nature is he able to find authentic delight. Why, dare I believe my ears? You will mistreat your mother, word of honor?”

  “More cruelly than you, I swear it.”

  “You will martyrize her?”

  “Martyrize her, torture her, I’ll kill her if you like.”

  And Borchamps, who had been fondling my behind throughout this conversation, here lost control of himself, spilling his seed before he had time to shoot it into my ass.

  “Until tomorrow, my friend,” said he, “it’s tomorrow that I put your mettle to the test; between now and then, no nonsense, eh? Rest yourself, as I intend to do: fuck is vital to any such undertaking, one must lay by a double dose of it if one wishes to achieve infamies.”

  At the appointed hour my mother passed into Borchamps’ study; Borchamps’ wicked protégé was there; the scene was frightful. The poor woman burst into tears at seeing me there, and that I was one of her most implacable enemies. I strove to improve upon the horrors wherewith my father and his friend beset her. Borchamps would have the man embugger me as I lay atop my mother clawing the sacred breast whence I had first drawn sustenance. Energetically prodded by a length of good prick in my ass, my imagination wonderfully stimulated by the thought of being fucked by a professional rogue, I went a bit farther than I had been told and came away with the nipple of my very respectable mother’s right breast in my teeth; she emits a scream, loses consciousness, and my delirious father rushes to replace his friend in my ass, covering me with praise, and filling me with sperm.

  I had just attained my nineteenth year when my father at last chose to broach all that was on his mind.

  “I simply cannot stand the presence of that woman any longer,�
� he declared; “I must get rid of her—but not outright, not crudely. Rather, by torturing her…. Will you assist me, my boy?”

  “The thing to do,” said I, “is cut her belly open, one horizontal slash, one vertical, I’ll go into her entrails with a hot iron, I’ll cauterize her heart and viscera, she will die, but very gradually.”

  “Heavenly child,” my father sighed, “little angel….”

  And this infamy, this execration by which I made my entry into the career of crime, it was enacted. My father and I consummated it in the throes of acutest pleasure; the rascal fucked my ass and frigged my prick while I massacred his wife.

  Unhappy dupe that I was! Lending myself to this crime I toiled toward nought but my own undoing; it was only in order to wed another woman that my father had got me to slay my mother, but so well had he hid his scheme that I went a whole year without guessing what he was about. Once I had wind of it I spoke to my sister. I told her the entire tale.

  “My child, this man is bent on destroying us,” said I.

  “That has been my opinion for a long time,” Gabrielle replied; “ah, dear brother, I would have spoken to you had I thought you would heed a warning, but you were blind to everything, and to his character blindest of all; we are both ruined if we do not take measures to prevent it. Are you as firm of soul and purpose as I, and shall we act in concert? I have here some powder, a schoolmate gave it to me; by these means she freed her own self from the parental yoke; let us do the same. If you cannot bring yourself to it, leave the thing to me; the urge has been on me for years, and I shall be acting in accordance with Nature’s reiterated counsels: and what she demands of us is just. Do I see you shudder, my friend?”

  “Not from fear. Give me this powder: before noon tomorrow it shall be in the guts of him who presumes to make fools of us.”

  “Not so fast! Don’t think I am ceding you all the honor of breaking our shackles; we shall perform the deed together. I shall be at dinner tonight; take half the packet, put the stuff in his wine. To make sure of our kill, I’ll put the other half in his soup. We’ll be orphaned in an hour; in three days’ time we shall be sole owners of the possessions fortune has destined us to.”

  No mouse ever scampered straighter into a trap than did Borchamps drink his way to the doom our wickedness prepared for him; he fell dead at dessert. This sudden end was attributed to a choleric stroke, and all was forgotten.

  Being nearly twenty-one years of age, I obtained patents of majority and the wardship of my sister. Once affairs were arranged she emerged as one of the most eligible matches in all France. I found her a man as rich as she, of whom she very dextrously disencumbered herself when once, by means of a child, she was assured of his legacy. But let us not anticipate events. Once I saw my sister properly established, I put my wealth into her safekeeping and told her of the exceedingly great desire I had to travel abroad. I converted a million into letters of credit with the foremost European bankers; then I embraced my dear Gabrielle.

  “I adore you,” I told her, “but I must be on my way and this absence will doubtless last a little while. We are both of us made for great things and to go far; let us both gain more knowledge and acquaintances; later, we shall join company definitively, for heaven has intended us one for the other, and heaven’s wishes must not be disappointed. Love me, Gabrielle, forget me not, and I shall ever cleave to my love for you.”

  As for what became of Clairwil, the story, Juliette, is already known to you, at any rate for the greater part; she had, as I told you, contrived to slough off her conjugal ties, she was able to live a free and happy woman in the lap of abundance and lewd joys; her liaisons with the Minister cemented her disorders by guaranteeing their absolute impunity. There was a moment when, in desperate straits, you were led to form unreasonable suspicions and could doubt of her loyalty to you; but do greater justice to her heart, never was she your enemy, never did the Minister inform her of the fate he intended for you. I shall therefore say no more of her here, and shall be content to recount my own adventures; you will in due time hear of their denouement, of how we were brought back together and what the reasons are that enjoin us to live as we do, one for the other, in this impenetrable asylum of crime and infamy.

  The northern courts excited my curiosity, it was toward them I bent my steps; The Hague was the first I visited. The Stadtholder had just recently married Princess Sophia, niece of the King of Prussia. No sooner did I set eyes upon that ravishing creature than I desired her; and I had no sooner declared my heat than I fucked her. Sophia of Prussia was then eighteen years of age, and possessed the loveliest figure and the most delicious face ever to be seen; but her libertinage was excessive and her debauchery so notorious that by now her suitors were interested chiefly in her money. Promptly enlightened upon this object, I put myself gallantly forward; willing enough to pay for my pleasures, but young and vigorous enough to expect women to contribute to the cost of my travels, I was resolved never to accord my favors save to those who were capable of appreciating them.

  “Madame,” said I to the Princess after I had been tupping her steadily for almost a month, “I flatter myself in the belief that you will acknowledge the expense I have incurred on your account; few men, you will agree, can match me for endurance, none is better membered: all that comes with a price, Madame, in the age we live in.”

  “Oh, how you put me at ease, Sir,” the Princess replied, “I so much prefer to have you at my orders than to be at yours. Here,” she continued, handing me a purse bulging with gold, “and remember that I now have the right to demand that you serve my passions, however bizarre they be.”

  “It is only meet,” said I; “your gifts oblige me, I am at your entire disposition.”

  “Come this evening to my country house,” said Sophia, “come alone, and be not afraid, no matter what happens.”

  Though made somewhat apprehensive by these last words, I nevertheless decided to let nothing daunt me, so that I might come to a thorough acquaintance of this woman, and thereby be able to eke more money out of her.

  So it is I set forth alone and arrive at the indicated time and place; an aged woman opens the door and, without a word, ushers me into a mysterious room where I am greeted by a young lady of nineteen, exquisite to behold.

  “The Princess will soon appear, Sir,” says she, in a voice both sweet and pleasing. “Meanwhile, as she has instructed me to do, I shall ask you to make me the most solemn vow never to disclose anything of the strange rites which are to be celebrated here in our sight.”

  “Doubt of my discretion offends me, Madame,” I rejoined, “I am dismayed, I am pained that the Princess can form it.”

  “But if you were to have cause for complaint? If perchance your part in the proceedings were to be that of victim only?”

  “I should glory in it, Madame, and my silence thereupon would not be the less eternal.”

  “Such a reply might exempt me from insisting farther were I not obliged to comply strictly with my orders. I must have the required oath, Sir.”

  I swore it.

  “And I add that if by misfortune you were not to keep your pledge, the speediest and most violent death would be your unfailing reward.”

  “Madame,” I protested, “this threat is superfluous; my manner of fulfilling your request would indicate that it was unmerited.”

  But Emma disappeared from the room even as I was speaking, and for a quarter of an hour I was left to my thoughts.

  When she returned she was accompanied by Sophia. Both were in a disorder that convinced me the hussies had just been frigging themselves.

  “Eh, by Christ’s tears,” said Sophia, “let’s not coddle the bugger any longer; we have bought him, he is ours to use, let us make the most of our purchase.”

  Emma invites me to remove my clothes.

  “You see very well that we ourselves are naked,” she said upon observing me hesitate; “do two women frighten you?”

  And aiding me to undress do
wn even to my stockings, once I am divested of every stitch they guide me to a bench upon which they have me kneel on hands and knees. A catch is released; and suddenly all my limbs are shackled fast, and three sharp blades stand pointed, one at my belly, one at either flank, in such sort that I cannot stir a muscle. Outbursts of laughter answer the alarmed glances I cast around me, but what causes me truly to tremble is to see these two women pick up long iron martinets and approach me with visibly villainous intent.

  After twenty minutes the flagellation wore to an end.

  “Come, Emma,” Sophia then called to her fricatrice, “come, be a good girl and kiss me next to the victim; I like to juxtapose love and anguish. Let’s chafe cunts opposite the wretch, dear heart, and watch him suffer while we discharge.”

  The royal whore rings, two fifteen-year-old maids, beauties each, come to receive her orders; they strip off their clothes and upon pillows strown in front of me the tribades spend an hour wallowing in swinish delights; now and again one of them would wriggle toward me, she would provoke me with a display of her charms presented from every angle and as soon as she saw the impression she was able, despite my inconveniencing position, to cause upon me, she would slither away again, laughing at my helplessness. Sophia, as you may easily imagine, played the leading role in this obscene drama, everything centered upon her, all efforts were deployed in her favor, and I assure you I was perfectly amazed to find such science, such subtlety, and such impurity in someone so young. It was very clearly to be seen that the rascal’s passion, as with nearly every other woman who has a taste for her sex, was to have her clitoris sucked while sucking that same part in others. But Sophia did not stop there: she was encunted, embuggered with dildoes; and there was not a tit she took but she gave a tat. And when from sucking and fucking the slut was very high and very hot, “Come,” she said, “let’s settle this knave’s affair.”


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