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Juliette Page 106

by Marquis de Sade

  “His favorite passion,” one of his wives told me, “is as follows. A dozen sultanas, standing very close the one to the next and displaying nothing but their buttocks, form a circle inside which he takes up his position with four of his castrati. At a signal from him those twelve women must simultaneously shit into the twelve porcelain pots that have been placed for that purpose on the floor beneath their asses: she who fails to produce her mard when it is demanded, dies. Not a month passes but seven or eight wives pay the extreme penalty for this crime; and ’tis the Sultan who executes them, secretly: the manner in which he puts them to death is unknown. Once they have shat, a castrato goes around and collects the pots and brings them to His Highness, who sniffs them, inhales their aroma, dips his prick in the contents, and smears himself therewith: after which the pots are laid aside, one castrato embuggers him while another sucks his device; the third and fourth give him their pricks to fondle and frig. A few moments of this and then the four little darlings shit one by one into his mouth, and he swallows. The circle now breaks up; each woman must lick and suck his mouth and tongue; he pinches their breasts and claws their behinds while they do; as one by one the women are dismissed, they go to a long couch and lie down upon it in a row; once they are all aligned there, the castrati, wielding switches, advance and whip three apiece; when the boys have bloodied those dozen behinds, the Sultan inspects them, sucks the bruises, and licks those shit-splashed asses and those still replete assholes. That done, he turns back to his bardashes and embuggers the four of them in succession; but these are only preliminary exercises. His tour of the boys’ asses concluded, the women seize them and offer them to him; he lashes them one after the other, and in the meantime all those who are otherwise unoccupied cluster around him and, silent throughout, manifest an amazing skill in striking a wide variety of the very obscenest attitudes. When the four children have been flogged they are presented to him, he encules them afresh; but at the moment his discharge threatens, he withdraws in a fury, hurls himself at one of the women, who are now standing motionlessly in a ring around him, their faces turned his way. He attacks one of them and beats her until she sinks to the ground, unconscious; he refucks a second bardash, whom he also abandons in order to administer a beating to a second woman; it is likewise with the third and fourth bardash; and it is as he is beating the last woman—who, often as not, perishes beneath his blows—that his fuck spurts, without his having to bother to touch his member. The four women very frequently succumb from the hard use they have received, and those who survive are at least two or three months recovering in bed. He usually strikes them on the head and chest, as forcefully as he can, and were they to offer the slightest resistance they’d be strangled on the spot.”

  “There indeed,” said I to the sultana who was recounting these marvelous things to me, “there indeed is a very extraordinary passion and most surely I too would adopt it, were I as wealthy as your master.”

  “Sometimes the Sultan sees his wives individually, and ’tis then he embuggers them. But this great favor is never granted to any save the prettiest and who are not over eight years old.”

  Being at last ready to realize my fell designs regarding the lovely Philogone, at the cost of a few sequins I had her protector’s house burned to the ground. Calni’s immediate decision was to remove to my country manor, bringing with him not only Philogone and his capital, but a number of trusty servants and retainers besides: I had not anticipated their arrival with that escort. However, I shortly found a way to persuade Calni that this crowd of valets would be far more usefully employed tidying the debris of his house than standing about idle in mine, where my own servants could attend to his needs. Dazed by the calamity that had just befallen him, Calni did as I suggested. The treasure chests were already under my roof, and Calni was about to begin conducting his affairs from there, when we decided to defer action no longer.

  “Sir,” said I, walking into his bedroom one fine morning, a pistol in my hand, while Tergowitz was posted at the front door as a lookout and I had put my Carleson in charge of Philogone and the single valet who could have come to Calni’s aid; “dear and loyal sir, you were sadly mistaken if you assumed you were getting my hospitality for nothing. Bid this world farewell, my friend: you have enjoyed a rich man’s life long enough, it is time that your money pass into other hands.”

  And firing my shot as I pronounced these last words, I sent the banker to settle in hell any debts he might have outstanding. For his part, Carleson dropped out a window the corpse of the valet he had just killed, and he and I pinioned the damosel, who was uttering heart-rending wails and shrieks. Then I summoned Tergowitz.

  “My friend,” I said, “the moment is at hand; be mindful of the trouble and expense I have incurred to prepare this scene, and fuck this girl for me, right now, before my eyes, while I bum-tup you and Carleson sodomizes me.”

  Tergowitz, nothing loath to comply, speedily divests the lass of her clothing; and the world’s fairest body lies quivering at our disposal. My stars! What buttocks! Never, I repeat, had I seen any so beautiful, better-shaped, more cunningly cleft: I could not refrain from paying them an homage. But when the brain is fixed upon a piece of libertinage and heated by the idea, not even the devil can alter the course of things. I did not want Philogone, I was tempted by nothing except the ass of him who was to fuck her. Tergowitz encunts, I embugger Tergowitz, Carleson fucks me, and after a furious ride lasting perhaps an hour, we all three discharge as one man.

  “Turn her over, by God!” I cry to my friend. “Do you not see she has the best ass in existence? Carleson will encunt her, and I shall fuck you both.”

  The act is consummated despite the lovely orphan’s tears and screams; and before another hour has gone by there’s not a temple of Cythera to which we have not shown her the way. My friends were in a lather, Tergowitz especially; I alone remained cool before that heavenly girl, or if she inspired any desires in me, they were so ferocious and depraved that satisfying them, I’d have deprived my comrades of her there and then. Never had my perverse tastes expressed themselves against anyone so resolutely as against that girl; I felt as though there were no torture violent enough to inflict upon her, and I had to reject as too mild, too modest, everything my imagination was devising. My rage was at the pitch where it was proclaimed in my eyes; I could no longer gaze upon that creature save I was gripped by every vicious, every murderous impulse. Can you tell me what it was bred such feelings in me? I myself do not know; I simply describe to you what I experienced.

  “So let us get ourselves gone from here,” said I to my friends; “a prudent man cannot be concerned for pleasures alone. Our belongings are aboard a felucca, waiting for us at the port and ready to sail, I have chartered it to Naples. Let’s not tarry; after the pranks we have just performed, we’d be well advised to move on…. And this girl, Tergowitz, say: what’s to be done with her?”

  “We are taking her along, I presume,” the Hungarian replied, and I detected something mutinous in his eye.

  “Ah ha! In love, comrade?”

  “No, but since we’ve gone to the point of buying the slut with her guardian’s blood I see no reason not to keep her.”

  And thinking it appropriate to say nothing at this juncture lest some dissension arise which could jeopardize our safety, I nodded as though in agreement with Tergowitz, and we set forth.

  Carleson soon noticed however that I had merely acted from expediency in consenting to have Philogone accompany us. He spoke to me about it. In the belief I had no cause to be secretive with him, I gave him plain answer, and on the second day at sea we decided to get quietly rid of these two turtledoves, and that thereafter I would be sole proprietor of our hoard. I exchanged a few words with the captain of the vessel; a few sequins won me his sympathy.

  “Bah,” said he, “do as you like, but beware of that woman you see over there by herself. She seems to think she knows you, and if it’s true, you’ll gain nothing from being observed by h

  “Fear not,” I assured him, “we shall choose our moment well.” Then casting an involuntary glance at the creature who according to the captain claimed to be acquainted with me, I told myself that for a certainty he was mistaken, in this sorrowful personage seeing nothing but a woman apparently of some forty years, occupied as a servant to the crew and whose features had been prematurely aged by hardship, distress, and weariness. Therefore I put her completely out of my mind and gave all my attention to our scheme; once the veils of night had overspread the sea, Carleson and I laid hands on our slumbering comrade and slipped him quietly over the board. Philogone, wakened, heaved a deep sigh; it was not, she said, that she so much regretted the Hungarian, but that in all the world she loved nobody but me.

  “Dear and unlucky child,” was my response, “your love is very ill requited. I cannot endure women, my angel, I’ve told you so.” Then dropping Carleson’s breeches within her full view, “You can see here,” I went on, “how those individuals are made who have a right to my favors.”

  Philogone blushed and a few tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “But how the devil can you love me,” I demanded, “after the crime you have just witnessed me committing?”

  “’Tis a dreadful deed, to be sure; but what power has one over one’s heart? Oh, Sir, were you to assassinate me, still I would love you.”

  Whereupon the conversation began.

  The melancholy woman had approached us quietly, and without seeming to be listening, she lost nothing of what we were saying.

  “What were you doing in Calni’s house?” I asked Philogone. “Such protection is not given for nothing; was love involved in all that? When the bond of kinship is absent, it’s seldom a man keeps a girl in his house save his purposes be lewd.”

  “Calni’s sentiments, Sir,” Philogone answered, “were of the purest; his conduct was always above reproach, he was a kind-hearted man. Some sixteen years ago, while journeying in Sweden, my guardian, stopping at an inn, found a destitute young woman whom he conveyed with him to Stockholm, whither he was called upon business. This young woman was pregnant; my guardian saw to her needs, remained at her side; she gave birth to me. Calni, seeing that my mother was in no position to raise me, asked her to entrust me to him. Having had no children by his wife, they both took the most devoted care of me, and I grew up in their house.”

  “What became of your mother?” I interrupted, a curious presentiment suddenly forming in my mind.

  “I do not know. We left her in Sweden. She had no resources; apart from the aid Calni gave her—”

  “And which did not enable her to get very far,” broke in she who had been following our words.

  And casting herself at our feet: “Philogone! behold her who brought you into the world; and you, Borchamps, look pityingly upon the ill-starred Clotilda Tilson you seduced in London after having wrought the ruin of her family, and whom, when this poor child was in her womb, you abandoned at a Swedish inn, riding off with a barbarous woman who called herself your wife.”

  “Fuck!” I said to Carleson, very little moved by this theatrical speech, “would you believe it? At a single stroke fate restores both my wife—and she is charming, is she not—and an exceedingly pretty daughter. Eh, Carleson! Do you not weep?”

  “No, by God,” heartless Carleson replied, “instead of that I’m stiffening, for I visualize some delightful episodes that could contribute an added piquancy to this adventure.”

  “We see eye to eye, dear boy,” I whispered to him; “however, allow me to handle the affair: I shall soon provide you with a striking demonstration of the way in which Nature’s deepest impulsions affect me.”

  Then turning back tenderly to Calni’s ward, “Oh, Philogone,” I exclaimed, “you are my daughter, yes: I recognize you by the sweet stirrings the sight of you causes in my bowels…. And you, Madame,” I continued, hugging my blessed spouse’s neck nearly to the point of strangling her, “ah yes, you are my wife, I recognize you too….”

  I now placed them side by side. “Kiss me, dearest ones, kiss me! Philogone, my beloved Philogone! Behold sublime Nature’s sentiments: yesterday, I had precious little desire to fuck you, now I burn to do so.”

  Both women recoiled in instinctive horror; but Carleson and I quieted them, made them understand that I held their fate in my hands. They mastered their shyness. And though they were my wife and daughter, they had much more the appearance of a pair of slaves.

  My desires had become so intense I could scarce control myself. I would now be absorbed in admiring Philogone’s sublime hindquarters, the next instant all I wanted was to study the state into which poverty and grief had reduced Clotilda’s charms. And lifting the skirts of both at once, my two eyes sufficed not to stare at them nor my two hands to feel and probe them; I kissed, I foraged, I plotted…. Carleson frigged me. All my former ideas changed touching the lovely ass of my new-found daughter; strange indeed are the ways of Nature, aye, unimaginable: Philogone as Calni’s ward left me cold, now that she was mine the same Philogone brought my prick up all afire. My cruel desires remained unaltered; previously, they had been isolated, now they marched in step with those of fucking this glorious girl: whereof I quickly convinced her, jabbing my engine into her asshole; whereat she uttered piercing screams. The ship’s captain heard them and came softly up to me.

  “Sir,” said he, “I fear lest your conduct scandalize the crew; our vessel is small, and for the kind of activity you wish to indulge in more space would be preferable. At present we are not far off the shore of a little island, deserted, and disadvantaged only by the great quantity of bats and owls that are to be found on it, and which is the reason why human beings have always avoided it. But a pleasant hour may be spent there. We are going to land, our sailors will make their supper ashore and you can amuse yourself a while.”

  These overtures gave me the opportunity to relate to the captain how I had just rediscovered a long-lost wife and daughter.

  “A daughter!” said he. “But were you not fucking her a short while ago?”

  “True, I was. In these matters I am not hindered by many scruples.”

  “Aye, Sir, you Frenchmen are right; better to eat the fruit of the tree you’ve planted than leave it for others to enjoy. As for that poor creature,” he went on, “if it’s your wife chance has restored to you, then I congratulate you. We’ve known her for quite some time, she’s made these voyages with us often. Though she’s poor, she’s as honest and decent a woman as ever we’ve seen; every man aboard will tell you so.”

  “Friend,” I said to the mariner, “I do not doubt it for an instant; but this woman you are praising once behaved abominably toward me; and I shall not pretend otherwise,” I added, dropping several more coins in his palm, “my aim in wishing to go ashore on this island is to obtain my revenge.”

  “Why, Sir, bless my soul,” the captain replied, “do as you like, I’ll not meddle in your private affairs.” Lowering his tone, and looking at me with deep understanding: “When you return to the ship you have merely to say that she slipped and fell into the water….”

  Enchanted by this good man’s amicable candor, I take leave of him and report our conversation to Carleson, then expose my homicidal projects. Scarcely was I done speaking when the ship cast anchor.

  “Captain,” said I, disembarking with my family, “give us a little time….”

  “I am at your service, my Lord, and in your hire alone; we’ll not set sail again until you are ready to be off.”

  And we started inland.

  “Oh, my friend,” I declared to Carleson as we walked along, “the pleasures we are going to receive from these two whores! This, I sense it already, will be the most arousing of all my murders; look at my prick,” I said, stopping, “just look at it foam with rage … I like this island, Carleson. What solitude! We shall be able to accomplish wonders.”

  A short while later we spied a little ravine delightfully shaded by willow trees an
d poplars, the ground covered by fresh green grass; bushes screened the place on all sides.

  “Let us settle ourselves here,” I said to my friend. “’Tis the very finest weather, we shall take off our clothes. Naked like savages, we’ll imitate them in appearance as well as in deeds.”

  After kissing Carleson with all possible lewd fervor, “Come,” I said, “let’s get to work on them. But mark you now, not a drop of fuck until those sluts have sighed up the ghost.”

  With that I fling both those women down upon the grass; I embugger my daughter, I examine the afterparts of my wife, of that Clotilda I’d so adored in days bygone and whom I found beautiful even now; from the ass of the one I shifted straight into the ass of the other. Carleson was bum-fucking me; I forgot my own words and discharged, but while in the act biting my daughter’s breasts so cruelly that I left them covered with blood. Still erect, I fit my member into my daughter’s cunt. “Here,” I say to Calni’s protégée while kissing her mother’s buttocks, “open your womb and receive the fuck that gave you life.”

  But, forever inconstant, it’s now Clotilda I encunt; she gets fuck from me again while this time I worry my daughter’s buttocks as fiercely as I’d bitten her teats.


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