Drakin: The Story of Raiya

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Drakin: The Story of Raiya Page 21

by James Harrington

  “Over here!” Another voice called.

  Raiya turned to see one of the surviving nomads kneeling beside a pile of debris. A bloodied old man lay on the ground behind it. It was the same man that had welcomed them a day or two before was lying at his feet.

  Jagger ran over and was soon joined by Eric, “Father, no!”

  Mason looked up at Eric, “Eric… I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry, live!”

  Mason smiled as he laid back, “I don’t think so… not this time…”

  Mason turned and looked at Jagger, “Eric brought me up to speed on what happened in Charleston. Raiya… if there is any hope, it may very well rest with her completing her mission. She may be the world’s last best hope…”

  Jagger nodded, “You have my word, I’ll do everything I can.”


  Mason looked at the sky, “This is it for us… tell my people… find refuge where ever they can… tell them…”

  Mason’s eyes closed. Eric leaned down close to his father’s face, “Father… no…”

  Raiya moved up next to Mason as tears dripped down Eric’s cheeks, “I can’t… Dad… why?”

  Raiya lowered her eyes, “They came looking for me…”

  At that moment, it was as though something snapped in Eric. His eyes flared as he looked up at her, “You…”

  “No way.” Jagger replied. “You took on a dragon lord. You can’t possibly think…”

  “They sent them to wear you down.” Eric said through clenched teeth. “We were just collateral damage…”

  He stood up and glared at her, “My Dad… all of these people… we survived… and now…”

  Jagger stood up and stepped in front of Raiya. He looked straight into Eric’s eyes, “Back down, Eric. You know this isn’t right.”

  Andy came running up after giving one of the wounded nomads a shot of morphine, “Eric, you’re angry right now and that’s normal, but blaming Raiya won’t solve anything. These attacks happen quite often. It was only a matter of time before they came after you.”

  Eric kept his gaze directly in Raiya’s eyes, “Bullshit.”

  He immediately turned and walked back over to the side entrance of the compound. Jagger turned and placed his right hand on Raiya’s shoulder, “I’m sorry, Raiya… he’s wrong.”

  “No… he isn’t.” Raiya replied softly. “No matter where I go… I’m a danger to everyone around me. We need to leave here… today… right now.”

  Jagger nodded, “All right, where do you want to go?”

  Raiya’s eyes darted back and forth as she thought about it for a moment, “I don’t know… we need to go somewhere safe… or at least somewhere that the dragons wouldn’t find us.”

  Jagger scratched his head for a moment as he thought about it. “The dragons seem to congregate in the northern areas. Their original hiding place was in Siberia… maybe they don’t like heat?”

  “You want to go south?” Raiya asked.

  “It might be the best way to go. We can take the heat off the cities until we figure out our next move.”

  “Right then let’s get moving.”

  Jagger frowned, “Let’s give Eric some time, first. His father just died.”

  “If we hang around here, the dragons could come back at any moment.”


  “Ugh… fine…” She groaned. “A few hours… no more. Doubt he even wants to come with us now.”

  Chapter 17

  The bonfire was as bright as ever against the night sky. Eric and the other three unwounded nomads carried Mason’s body to the flame. A few women and children stood nearby in silent respect. Their eyes lit up orange as the flame danced. The looks on their faces ranged from stoic to complete sorrow. Their leader was gone and with him, much of their hope for survival.

  The nomads carrying Mason’s body stopped right in front of the flame. Eric had an emotionless look on his face. He made no move as he stared into the flame.

  Raiya and Jagger looked on to see what he was going to do. It was an uncomfortable silence, but no one was willing to speak up. This was Eric’s last farewell to his father and no one wanted to interfere.

  Raiya stood back in the shadows with a nervous look on her face. She hung her head in shame.

  Jagger placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, “This wasn’t your fault.”

  “Bullshit.” She replied. “First New Framingham and now this. I brought the dragons down on them. We know this now. Look around you, everything they built here is gone. The whole place has been burnt out. They’ll all need to pack up and find new homes now.”

  “That’s the life of the nomads, I think you know that.”

  “Don’t tell me what I know.” Raiya hissed softly. “I know there are groups of nomads out there that just want a permanent home and go through a lot to try to build one.”

  “So, we’re to blame you for just existing? The dragons killed these people, just like they killed the people of New Framingham, just like they killed everyone I cared about.”

  Raiya’s eyes flared up as she watched the flame. Jagger was certain that the fire had nothing to do with glow in her eyes. She sucked in a deep breath and spoke through clenched teeth, “I want him… I want his head, Jagger.”

  “We’ll get him, don’t worry.”

  “Never stop telling me that… even if it’s a lie.”

  Jagger nodded as he turned his attention back to the funeral procession. Eric lowered his eyes after about five minutes. He made no effort to hide his sadness as he began to speak, “We’re gathered here this evening to bid farewell to my father, Mason Fausten. This was a man who gave everything he had and then some. A man who would have given the shirt of his back for the asking. Most of us would not be here right now if it weren’t for him. He had to watch my mother and sister die in an inferno. He watched his countrymen be slaughtered by the thousands, but throughout it all, he remained calm and always leant an ear to anyone who needed it. His demeanor was always kind and open. In a world where our numbers are dwindling to extinction, people like my father, people who are kind and accepting, are nearly impossible to find. We need more of them.”

  Eric wiped his eyes with his free hand, “Father… you guided us here… and you made your last stand keeping us safe. You will never be forgotten until the last of us is gone.”

  He reached down and gripped the white cloth that his father was wrapped in, “You made me promise you that when the time came, we’d burn your body. You didn’t want any scavenging dragons to find anything to eat… so now we commit your body to the flame.”

  Eric sucked down a deep breath as he and the three nomads lifted the wrapping over their heads, “Dad… I love you… and I’m going to miss you… every day…”

  With one push, the four men threw Mason’s body into the massive flame. The fire decreased momentarily before flaring up with a vengeance. The body quickly disappeared under the flame, “They’ll never have you now.”

  Eric sighed and turned to his people, “This is it for us… It’s time we all go our separate ways. Staying in large groups is no longer safe.”

  One of the other nomads stepped forward, “But… where will we go?”

  “I don’t know.” Eric replied. “Try to make your way to the other nomad groups in the area. Scatter and go into hiding. Go as far south as you can… You’ll be safe there.”

  Jagger nodded and headed back outside to his jeep, sensing that it was time for them to leave. Raiya followed a few minutes later. She approached the jeep without a word and began helping Andy get the last of their supplies back in the trunk. Miranda was sitting in the back seat, watching the sky.

  “So where are we going?” Andy asked.

  “South-southwest.” Jagger replied. “We need to find a place to hide out for a little while until we can figure out our next move. The dragons are obviously looking for us now and we don’t want to put anyone else in danger.”

  “You think t
urning and running is the answer?”

  “I prefer to think of it as a tactical retreat.”

  Andy nodded, “All right.”

  Raiya grabbed the last couple of ammo magazines they had and shut the trunk, “Not much left… hopefully we’ll be able to hold out. Are we ready?”

  Jagger nodded, “Yeah… I think it’s time.”

  “What about Eric?” Andy asked.

  Raiya shrugged, “His people need him now, more than we do. We can’t expect him to come with us on this one. Probably for the best.”

  “Oh gee, thanks!” A familiar voice yelled in annoyance. “So, you’re all just going to leave me behind? After everything we went through? What am I, chopped dragon liver?”

  “Eric, your father was the elder… maybe you should stay behind and keep your people safe. Isn’t it kind of your job to carry the torch?”

  “No way.” He replied. “I’m no leader… I never have been. I know myself and I’d likely lead my people off a cliff. Jagger, you heard my father. Raiya may be our last, best hope for survival. He told you to protect her, but frankly I don’t think you can.”

  Jagger’s eyes narrowed, “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Nothing negative!” Eric said defensively. “I mean look, you’re one man. You’ve seen what we’re up against. You can’t protect her alone, no one could. You need help… and that’s why I’m here.”

  “That is true.” Andy replied. “You’ll need as much help as you can get.”

  He then turned to Raiya, “Look… about what I said…”

  “You don’t need to say anything.” Raiya replied.

  “Yes, I do. You didn’t do anything wrong. This wasn’t your fault, nor was New Framingham. None of it was your fault. I’m sorry I got mad at you. The dragons are the real enemy. They are the dealers in debt here. If killing them brings an end to this, I’ll go with you and help Jagger keep you safe… If I’m still welcome, that is.”

  Raiya nodded, “You’re annoying, but you’re all right.”

  “Hey what about Miranda?” Jagger asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “We’re pretty much going to war against the dragons, shouldn’t we leave her here? I’m sure some of the nomads would take her in for us if we asked.”

  Raiya frowned, “No… I’d rather drop her off behind city walls somewhere. If we come across a settlement that’s under the protection of the coalitions, that would probably be safer. She’ll stay with us for now.”

  “We may not come across a city… are you sure?”

  “Yes. I’m looking after her.”

  “You know, that might not be a bad idea.” Andy added. “I’m still not done treating her, so it might be best if she stays with us for the time being. If her wound reopens or her dressings aren’t properly cared for and switched out, she could run the risk of an infection.”

  “All right, if that’s what everyone wants.” Jagger replied.

  Eric hopped in the Jeep behind Jagger. Andy slid in behind Raiya while Miranda sat between them. It was a bit of a tight squeeze, but they managed to get comfortable enough to continue.

  Jagger started the jeep and backed it out, away from the building. It rattled as he put it into drive and pushed forward down the road. They began their journey south on the remains of I-95. Raiya looked back at Miranda as it got dark, “How are you?”

  As expected, Miranda smiled but said nothing. Raiya smiled in return, “We’ll find you somewhere safe to stay. Don’t you worry… We put you with good people. They’ll look after you.”

  Miranda frowned, reached forward and touched Raiya’s cheek. She knew what the little girl was trying to say, “I’m sorry, you can’t stay with me. Why would you even want to? I’m a wanderer, a nomad. My life is way too dangerous. You need to be raised by a family somewhere quiet and peaceful.”

  Miranda didn’t look convinced. She removed her hand from Raiya’s cheek and resumed her statuesque state. Raiya turned back around and looked at Jagger, “As if such a place existed… honestly, I wouldn’t have much objection to just keeping her with us if we weren’t a moving target.”

  “Right…” Jagger replied. “You’ve really grown attached to her, huh?”

  “No… I just…”


  She looked at him with an irritated expression, “Jagger, her family is dead because my father came looking for me, okay? You can tell me I’m not responsible until you’re blue in the face, but it doesn’t change that fact. I… I just don’t want her left alone… not like I was.”

  “I see…”


  “That’s why you’re drawn to her. You were in a similar boat. Your family died when you were really young and you were left alone.”

  “So, what’s wrong with that?” Raiya demanded. “I don’t want her out there starving and near death.”

  Jagger nodded, “Yeah… I can understand that.”

  Raiya lowered her eyes, “Look, I’m sorry if I’ve been difficult over the last few days… it’s just a lot to take in.”

  “You don’t need to apologize. It’s not every day you find out that you’re a half dragon hybrid and your father is the massive dragon lord responsible for the deaths of countless millions.”

  “Yeah… that about sums it up.”

  “It’s not like you asked for any of this. It all kind of just happened and you were thrown in the middle of it. Believe me, we all get it.”

  Raiya forced a smile on right side of her mouth, “Thanks… partner.”

  The light on the roll bar flashed on as Andy leaned forward, “So I couldn’t help but notice that we’re now on the run without a game plan. I think we need to come up with something… we’ve only got four bolt gun power cells left, and three more magazines for the assault rifle.”

  Jagger nodded, “And I’m down to my last mag for each of my pistols as well.”

  “Can we get more?” Raiya asked.

  “Traditional ammo mags and rounds are hard to come by… only the U.S. remnant force still uses them consistently. The Westcon uses bolt weapons almost exclusively. We can trade for more power cells, but they’re expensive.”

  “We still have all those dragon teeth, don’t we? I thought they were worth a lot.”

  “Sure,” Jagger replied, “but those will only get us a few power cells and we need some money for food too. There are now five of us. The rations we have won’t last long.”

  “So, we need to find a safe harbor and somewhere to find supplies.” Andy said. “Any thoughts?”

  Raiya shrugged, “Don’t look at me, I did my best to stay away from populated areas… for obvious reasons and I never got that far south… I didn’t like the heat.”

  Jagger looked into the rear-view mirror, “Eric?”

  “Don’t look at me…” Eric said.” I don’t know much about the south either. You may be able to find an underground or traveling trade post. They don’t come out during the day, but at night a wagon will flash a red light periodically to let nomads know they’re nearby. The underground ones are marked with special red paint. Dragons don’t know what it is and typically don’t even see them. There’s never been a report of one being attacked.”

  “All right, well at least we know what search for. We’ll keep a look out.”

  Eric sat back and stared out the side of the jeep, “You gotta love this… of all the cars out there, you pick the one with an open roof. How easy would it be for a dragon to swoop in and take us out?”

  Jagger shrugged, “About as easy as it would be for us to bail out if we came under attack. Or would you rather be trapped in a baking steel oven?

  “Okay good point.”

  Southern Frontier

  Unclaimed Territory

  Formerly Arkansas

  Chapter 18

  “Can we please stop?” Eric asked. “We’ve been travelling forever.”

  “It’s only been two days!” Jagger replied in an annoyed tone.
br />   “Exactly, two days! We haven’t had a break, my back is killing me… I need to sleep on solid ground for one night! We haven’t stopped for more than a few minutes for a bathroom break.”

  “I think that might be a good idea.” Andy agreed. “We’re all tired. We’ve been cooped up in this small jeep for days… One night on solid ground could be a huge difference for us. It’ll also give Miranda a better chance to heal.”

  “Yeah it could also make us open targets for a hungry dragon.” Raiya shot back.

  “Not really… not much more than we are during the day. Besides, we haven’t seen a dragon in over a day.”

  Jagger sighed, “All right… I see some ruins up ahead. We should be able to hide out there for night.”

  A few shattered buildings stood off to the side of the road. One large wall with rectangular holes that had once served as windows, provided decent cover from anyone who might pass by on the road. It was the only settlement nearby that could be seen in the darkness.

  Raiya’s eyes scanned the ruins, “It looks… defensible. I suppose that will work for now.”

  Jagger nodded, “All right, good. We’ll stop there.”

  Jagger pulled the jeep over behind the wall and powered it down, “All right, let’s set up a campsite. –Eric, see if you can grab something to burn.”

  “Will do.” Eric replied.

  “You’re lighting up a fire?” Raiya asked. “You should know better than that!”

  “Like we’ve both said; dragons don’t typically come out at night. Besides, I’ll take my chances with the dragons over the cold.”

  Raiya rubbed her arms and looked back at the sun setting, “I guess I can’ really argue with that. Fine… just keep it low. There are other things to worry about besides dragons.”

  “Will do.”

  Andy hopped out the other side, being careful not to wake Miranda. He grabbed a couple of pieces of cloth out of the back. As Eric went to work building a fire pit, he unrolled them around it. These would serve as beds for the evening.

  Once he’d gotten what he needed, Raiya pulled the guns out from underneath the other supplies. Andy looked at her oddly, “Planning on going to war? I thought you guys said that dragons don’t attack at night.”


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