Moonlight Mist: A Limited Edition Collection of Fantasy & Paranormal)

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Moonlight Mist: A Limited Edition Collection of Fantasy & Paranormal) Page 138

by Nicole Morgan


  Hallie was extremely busy all of December and into January preparing ads for the new year and spring. Liam worried about her constantly. He made sure dinner was always waiting for Hallie. When she was worn out he drew her a bath. When Hallie fell asleep on the couch, Liam carried her to bed. He never complained and refused to get frustrated. This was a minuscule amount of time compared to what was waiting for them. All he had to was wait a little longer.

  By the time February rolled around Hallie was exhausted. When she accepted her promotion, Hallie never realized it would mean so much work. She constantly apologized to Liam, and he repeatedly told her not to worry about it. One evening Liam had dinner waiting on Hallie as normal. When she sat down though he handed her an envelope. Curious, Hallie opened it. Inside were plane tickets and a brochure for a cruise. Hallie looked up at Liam.

  They left in two days. Liam already made arrangements with her boss Sharon for the time off as well. The only thing he didn’t do was pack. Hallie jumped into his arms. She told him no one had ever done anything like that for her before. Liam smiled at her laughing slightly. He was always happiest when she was happy. Hallie decided to skip dinner that night. She took his hand and led them to bed.


  They found their room on the boat easily enough. It was small but had a window and its own bathroom. Liam watched as Hallie unpacked their bags. As soon as she’d put away the last sock, he pulled her down onto the bed. They missed dinner that night, but Hallie didn’t care there would be snacks served later.

  The next morning Hallie opened the curtain revealing crystal blue water the same as Liam’s eyes. She put her bikini on ready for some sun. Liam woke and looked confused.

  “In your bikini already? Where’s mine.” She tossed him a pair of trunks. He held them up before slipping them on. He got out of bed turning this way and that inspecting. “Why is yours so sexy and mine are well…” he shrugged. Hallie pulled out a speedo and showed it to him.

  “There’s your alternative.” Hallie teased a little.

  “These are fine.” Liam relented.

  “I don’t know I like the speedos.” Hallie slipped her arms around him moving in close. He fell back on the bed. Hallie moved in close again running a hand up his thigh “You could wear them for me later.” He laughed as he kissed her. “Come on I’m starving.” She got up.

  “Just wait a few minutes.” It was Hallie’s turn to laugh.

  After breakfast, Hallie went out to the pool. Before stretching out on a lounge chair, she rubbed on sunscreen and asked Faolin to put it on her back. He obliged happily, but when Hallie tried to do the same for him, he protested. Finally, Hallie just rubbed it on him. When she laid back, he did too. When she got too hot, she jumped in the pool. As she climbed out, she noticed two gorgeous women standing beside Faolin.

  Hallie got out and sauntered over making it a point not to hurry. The woman with a glorious mane of auburn hair turned first even though her back had been toward Hallie. Her face was strong yet sensual with grey eyes. The second woman had red hair and blue eyes. She was pretty as well but paled beside the first woman.

  “She’s fair.” The first woman said turning back to him.

  “At least we know why you’re here.” The second added.

  “Alainya, Oraine this is Hallie,” Faolin said simply.

  “We’ll see you around the ship Liam, Hallie.” Alainya waved as she moved off leaving Talia to follow.

  Hallie watched them leave before sitting down again. “Friends of yours?”

  “They think so,” Liam shrugged.

  The next morning they took the boat to the island. They spent all morning exploring the shops and restaurants. The afternoon was spent on the beach. It was relaxing, and Hallie loved the sun. That night as they waited for the other couple they usually ate dinner with Hallie saw the one person she never expected. Alainya slinked over to their table in her usual red. She sat down at an empty chair before Hallie could protest.

  “What do you want Alainya?” Faolin asked already on edge.

  “Just to say hello and see how you're enjoying your trip.”

  “Why are you here?” Hallie said pointedly.

  “I’m just checking in on an old friend. Liam and I have history.” She touched Liam’s arm, and he pulled away.

  Liam frowned at her “Leave us Alainya, there is nothing for you here.”

  “You lost the authority to command me long ago Liam.” She mocked. “But I do so love these games.” She got up with a Cheshire grin. Hallie wanted to wring her neck.

  “What’s her problem?” Hallie sneered as Alainya sauntered away.

  “She’s just trying to get under your skin, and you’re letting her.” He commented placing a hand on hers to calm her.

  Over the next few days, they continued to explore whatever ports the boat stopped at. It was just the sort of vacation Hallie always dreamed of, but never thought she’d be able to afford. When they were on board, Hallie saw little of Oraine. She seemed to give them their privacy. It was only Alainya that Hallie noticed from time to time. She was always headed in the opposite direction. Hallie tried not to think Oraine was doing it on purpose to annoy her, but it seemed too frequent to be otherwise. She dared not mention it to Liam fearing he’d only say to let it go anyway.

  The last night on the ship Liam asked Hallie if he could blindfold her. Hallie wasn’t sure, but he insisted he wanted to surprise her. It was obvious that whatever Liam was planning was important to him and Hallie finally relented. Before covering her eyes, he pulled a picnic basket from the closet with a blanket folded neatly on top. Taking Hallie’s hand, they left their room.

  Liam led them through the ship for what felt like forever. Hallie had no idea where they were going except that there were lots of stairs. When they stopped, and Liam removed the blindfold Hallie found herself on the top deck that was usually reserved for elite passengers only. No one else was there. The lights were off leaving them under a canopy of stars and moonlight. Liam spread out the blanket offering her a seat. Hallie accepted as he pulled out a bottle of fine red wine. He uncorked it pouring each of them a glass before settling in beside her.

  “Hallie I never say it, but I love you.”

  “I know you do.” Hallie took a sip of wine looking at the stars.

  Liam took her free hand in his kissing it gently “I know I’ve told you that I want you forever but I never asked before Hallie,”

  “Asked what Liam?” Hallie looked back to him to see an open velvet box with a diamond engagement ring inside. The center stone was probably near two carats, and a round sapphire sat to either side.

  “Will you marry me, Hallie? We’ll move on your time frame, just say yes Hallie.”

  She smiled finally “You didn’t really think I’d say no, did you? Of course, I’ll marry you. I love you, Liam.” He pulled her into a passionate kiss before slipping the ring on her finger. Hallie wanted a little more, but he insisted on eating first. Apparently, he’d bribed their porter into making their basket and didn’t want to waste it. They would celebrate the rest of the night in their room.

  Hallie got the first good look at her ring the following morning and nearly choked. She could buy a car with that amount of money, but oh how it sparkled. She got up to pack, and Liam actually got up to help. He smiled when he noticed her staring at the ring every so often. Liam wrapped his arms around her kissing her neck. He told her again how much he loved her.


  Faolin was ecstatic that Hallie agreed to marry him. He took a few days to enjoy that simple pleasure and reveled in the idea of their life together. They saw her mother the weekend after their cruise and Farrah was overjoyed as well. She wanted nothing more than to see her daughter happy and it was Faolin that did that. Mother and daughter sat down at the kitchen table and started shopping for dresses online. Faolin watched them amused. He could enjoy this one more day.

  Sunday evening when they returned to t
he apartment Faolin knew his troubles were just beginning. He couldn’t marry Hallie without telling her what he was. King Oberon wouldn’t allow a mortal in Underhill without meeting her first either. Faolin needed someone to guide Hallie through the process, someone he could trust. Sadly, Faolin’s options were limited.

  After Hallie settled into sleep, Faolin’s slipped out of bed. A simple spell sent Hallie deeper to sleep assuring he had privacy. He went into the living room shutting the door behind him. Then Faolin summoned the one Fae he knew would still help him.

  “Kieran, I summon thee,” Faolin said plainly.

  A portal appeared, and Kieran stepped through with a frown. “Liam, it’s been a while.”

  “I require your assistance,” Liam told him.

  “You usually do. It’s been that way since we were lads.”

  Liam folded his arms over his chest “I seem to remember it the other way ‘round.”

  “What is it you want Liam?” Kieran shifted.

  “If you do this properly it will clear our debt,” Liam explained. Kieran looked up surprised. “Come, I will explain.”

  Chapter Six


  Hallie couldn’t believe Liam had to work so late. Apartment 2C called a half an hour ago just as he stepped out of the shower to tell him their heater busted. It was going to take him most of the night to take it apart and fix it. The repair couldn’t wait either it was 30 degrees outside.

  Hallie lay in bed that night and had that feeling she was being watched. It was similar to the way she felt in her wolf dreams but not entirely the same. Something now was asking her to wake. Slowly she opened her eyes to the dark room and looked around. A man was beside her bed staring at her. Hallie screamed, and the man hushed her. She noticed then that he was sitting cross-legged and hovering in midair to be at her eye level. She started screaming again.

  “Quiet child, I’m not here to hurt you.” The man hissed.

  “The hell you’re not, get out,” Hallie screamed at him.

  “If I wanted to hurt you, why would I ask you to wake?” he chided her.

  Hallie swallowed back the scream thinking she was still dreaming “What do you want?”

  To talk, that’s all. It’s a simple enough request for rational beings.” Hallie nodded and realized she was sitting up. She scooted further back on the bed away from him. “You really are a beautiful woman,”

  “Who are you?” Hallie asked.

  “My name is Endali I’m a friend. I’ve come to show you where you belong.” He explained.

  “I don’t understand. I belong here in New York.”

  He chuckled “This is your earthly home, I’ve come to show you, Underhill.”

  “Underhill? Why?”

  “Because someone you love is of Underhill. You belong there with them. ”

  “And you know this person?”

  “Quite well. Will you let me show you?” Endali asked.

  “How do I know I can trust you?”

  “Because I owe this person my life.” He said seriously.

  “Who?” He shook his head. He wasn’t allowed to say. Hallie felt the stone around her neck heat and hoped beyond hope it was her father. She made a split second decision to go with him. “A quick trip, Liam will worry if I’m gone when he gets back.”

  “Aye, of course.”

  “Let me get dressed,” She said climbing out of bed.

  “I can help with that.” He waved a hand, and her t-shirt and jogging pants were replaced by a purple silk off the shoulder dress. Her socks transformed into tan suede boots. “Oh but that hair.” He complained. He waved a hand. Once again it behaved perfectly just as if Jenny wasted two hours curling and styling it into perfect waves.


  Endali smiled slightly “Take my hand, and we’ll be off.” Hallie took his hand. “Now to get to Underhill is rather simple you’ve stumbled on it already. Close your eyes and remember, the sights as well as the smells. Then call to it with your heart.”

  “How… I don’t understand.”

  “You escape there when you're scared.” Hallie knew then, and she breathed as she gave in to the longing to be there. The smell of apple blossoms washed over her like an old friend. She the grass tickled her fingers. Birds sang as they flew on the warm breeze. All while Hallie stood amongst it and just breathed. When she opened her eyes, Hallie was immersed in sunlight. “Welcome to Underhill, Hallie.”

  “Can I see the one I love now?” Hallie asked.

  “Rules forbid it. I’m sorry. But in time you will.”

  “What is this place?”

  “Have a seat.” He waved a hand, table, chairs and a full breakfast appeared. Hallie looked at the food worried as scenes from Alice in Wonderland ran through her head. “It won’t bewitch you. I give my word.” Hallie sat down and poured a glass of tea. “This is Underhill land of the Fae.”

  Hallie nearly choked “Fairies? You’re a fairy, but aren’t you supposed to fit in my pocket?”

  “We can be as small or large as we want.” Hallie was quiet then “We do not age as mortals do and do little else as mortals do.”

  “Wait, mortals? Does that mean…”

  “Immortal for the most part. We can die, although mortals are hard pressed to achieve the task.”

  “So this is your home? And you what want me to stay here?” Hallie half laughed.

  Endali shook his head. “Not me, the one you love.”

  Hallie stood up abruptly. “I can’t just leave my life and everyone I care about. I’m engaged to be married. I want a life with Liam. I love…” Hallie sat back in her chair. She felt like the wind had been knocked out of her. She knew so little about Liam could it be him? No, it was impossible. She had to find out who wanted her here now. “How… how do I find out who wants me to stay here?”

  Endali smiled. He was dazzling when he did. He had straight long brown hair, emerald eyes, and high cheekbones. When he smiled it lit up his whole face. If she didn’t already know, he was something otherworldly Hallie would have guessed there was something different about him. That attention was focused on her now. It made her uncomfortable. “That is an excellent question.” He leaned forward slightly. There will be a party, in two weeks. You are invited. You’ll have to learn at least basic court protocol, but I can teach you that. And you can dance right?”

  “Wait, court protocol?” Hallie asked confused.

  “To meet the King and Queen.” Endali shrugged it off. Hallie felt the air growing heavy, and the table began to tilt. Breathe she told herself. The King and Queen? Breathe, just breathe… of the fairies? No, she was going to faint. Endali caught her before she hit the ground. He smiled down at her and that only made matters worse. As everything faded to black Hallie felt a wave of warmth sweep over her. The panic faded, and she could breathe again. “So lessons should begin immediately. Can you find an excuse for me to be in the mortal realm with you?” Hallie stared at him dumbfounded. “Well you could stay here but its three months or more there.” He shrugged.

  “Come tomorrow afternoon with a suitcase you can be cousin Ed and stay with Jenny in my old room.” Hallie sighed.

  “Jenny? Is she as pretty as you?”

  Hallie rolled her eyes. “Take me home.”


  Faolin watched Hallie as she studied for her party. Kieran was playing his part well and following the rules for once. It killed him though to see her spend so much time with someone else. Every time Kieran moved too close or touched her for any reason Faolin wanted to tear him to pieces. He knew it bothered Hallie too, to lie to him. He was glad the this would all be over soon.

  Two more mortal days, Faolin could hang on that long. Hallie made up some business trip. Cousin Ed was going to ask Jenny on a date before heading back to Iowa or where ever he was supposed to be visiting from. Liam said he’d go play soccer with his friends and catch up on his reading. Hallie still worried about him. He thought it was sweet.

  As s
oon as Hallie was in Underhill though, Faolin followed. Taise greeted him in the field behind his home. The great white wolf was so happy to see him that he nearly knocked him over. Faolin missed his guardian as well. He ran his fingers through the thick fur enjoying the feel of it. Taise trotted beside him knowing the route to his room well. Faolin tried not to think of Hallie in Edali’s home. Taise sensed his unease though and trotted off to the east. He’d go check on her then come back with details. Faolin smiled. There was a reason Taise was his guardian.

  Faolin was drying off after his bath when he heard a knock. It was his aunt. He could sense her magic through the door. Faolin pulled on his underwear before telling her to enter. She smiled at him easily. He knew what she was thinking: this was a lot of trouble for a mortal. She didn’t say it though. She never would. She handed him a glass of whiskey then his pants. Faolin took a drink before continuing to dress. His aunt tied his tie then kissed his cheek. “I’ll be sure your uncle behaves.” She slipped out without another word.

  Straining his relationship with his aunt was his only regret about fighting with his uncle. If it weren’t for her, he’d even enjoy it. The old mule had it coming half the time. If Faolin didn’t challenge him no one would. He smiled and took another drink. All this for a mortal, he sighed. He loved her though. If this is what it took to get her, he’d do it a hundred times. Faolin pulled on his jacket and left his room. Taise stared up at him. Hallie was on her way.


  Hallie and Endali stood before the doors of the great hall. Her heart pounded as she waited for the doors to open. Finally, she heard a booming voice through the door, and it slowly swung open “Endali and his guest Hadleigh O’Neil.” Hallie heard of his announcement, as Endali moved them forward. Hallie had no choice but to follow. People on either side began introducing themselves. She smiled politely and thanked them for their compliments. Hallie couldn’t remember why she agreed to this now.


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