Bella Baby

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Bella Baby Page 9

by Renee Lindemann

  “She asked me why did I have to fuck you on her turf when I tipped her. I explained that I would fuck you anywhere I wanted and that included this building.”

  “Damn straight!” Chaz exclaimed exiting the closet. He wanted her to know how much she meant to him and while he wasn’t going to explain the closet, she understood what that meant. Chaz walked confidently with Bella on his arm from the office to the waiting party bus. When they passed Trinity she grabbed his arm.

  “So it’s like that for real Chaz? You are just going to embarrass me here like this?”

  “Trinity, do not disrespect my fiancée like that again. You knew exactly where we stood before I met Bella and it’s no secret where we stand now. I am your boss nothing more.”

  “Miss High and Mighty comes around and suddenly you are too good for me. You had no problems fucking me in the past. I make plenty of money for you and this place.”

  “While you and I both make plenty of money, you and I both know the rest of that statement is not entirely true. In order to keep that business private I’m going to leave now. I have some celebrating to finish. I hope you do well tonight.” Trinity kept her hold on Chaz willing him to change his mind. Bella almost felt sorry for her as the forlorn look covered Trinity’s face.

  “We had an understanding and you are not being the professional I know you to be, now let my arm go Trinity,” Chaz’s voice was steel. Trinity hoped she was making a scene. She wanted there to be doubt in regards to Chaz’s affections for Bella. A few individuals watched the scene unfold and most of the men thought Chaz had a wonderful problem. Bella remained quiet as his hold on her waist increased. Bella reached over and removed Trinity’s grip on his arm.

  “For God sakes!” Bella exasperated, “Consider your previous arrangement terminated in case you didn’t get the memo months ago. If you value your job here keep your hands off my fiancé. Whatever you had it is officially over.” Bella’s voice oozed icy coolness. Trinity could not believe that he was choosing Bella over her, men worshipped at her body. She wanted Chaz to worship at her body as he had done previously, granted not lately but in the beginning he had chased her and now he was getting married.

  Bella stopped Cashmere remembering their tab. She extracted her American Express card and paid their large bill. Trinity continued her unspoken conversation with Chaz. Her psyche was seriously damaged. Bella walked to the bar signing the receipt and left them to whatever they needed to say. Bella meant what she said in the closet, it was forgotten, any jealousy she felt for Trinity now turned to pity. To be in love with a man who does not return that love is heartbreaking, and while she wasn’t experiencing that now, Bella remembered that all too painful feeling. After signing the receipt and leaving a massive tip Bella walked to Chaz. Even though Trinity was still speaking Bella grabbed his hand and led him from the club. Trinity looked as if she wanted to strike Bella but thought better of that idea. Instead she allowed a customer to shower her with more money.

  “You will tell me what I need to know later, for now this is forgotten,” Bella instructed. Chaz loved being in charge, until very recently. He loved when Bella asserted herself and didn’t allow him to boss her around. He even liked it sometimes in the bedroom but only sometimes. A few individuals stopped them along the way to give them hugs and ‘congrats’.

  “Congrats man. Damn Bella you are beautiful,” Aaron said. Aaron and his wife, Pamela, frequented the club on a regular basis. They were both rich urban professionals and spent a considerable amount of time and money in the club each week. Bella understood they liked finding willing ladies to take back to their bed. Aaron and Pamela were looking Bella over with nothing but desire in their eyes. Chaz extended a hand to Aaron as Pamela gave Bella a much too friendly hug. Chaz knew how to smooth things with his high roller customers.

  “Thanks man, now you two know Bella is off limits. Don’t try to turn my wife out.” Chaz only have joked. Pamela blushed before pushing a stray hair from Bella’s face behind her ear. “She is just so pretty and not wearing any panties. How are we supposed to concentrate?” Pamela’s voice was soft but serious. It was Bella’s turn to blush as Chaz laughed loudly. Reaching into his pocket he extracted the ruined panties putting them in Pamela’s hand. They understood that at some point Chaz had already had her tonight. That fact turned them both on, considering Bella seemed almost chaste.

  “This is as close as you get to what belongs to me,” Chaz said with a look that told them this was the end of this conversation, forever. Aaron slid his hand over his wife’s hand holding the tattered underwear. That would be enough for them tonight.

  “Lucky man, let me know if anything changes.”

  Chapter 10

  “About damn time! Please tell me Bella you did not beat up Trinity. Is she in the club bleeding? Does she know she still gotta work even if she has a black eye?” Horatio said standing in the middle of the aisle. He elicited a round of laughing as Bella and Chaz took a seat.

  “No I didn’t beat her ass, not with my fists anyway. I had to pay our inordinately large tab,” Bella said giving Horatio a knowing look.

  “I thought the party was on you and Chico.” Horatio said reaching into his pocket extracting a short stack of money. He gave the money to Bella who deposited it in her purse.

  “You really took my money Bella. I thought you were joking. That’s my rent money can I have it back.” Horatio pretended to look sad. Everyone on the bus laughed more as Kennedy pulled him down to sit next to her.

  “I guess you are going to be homeless because this is paying my Amex bill,” Bella said knowingly. Chaz resumed the kisses to Bella’s neck.

  “Kennedy can I live with you, Bella just put me on the streets,” Horatio said and this time he was only half joking. It was obvious he was in love with Kennedy, who continued to play it cool.

  “I will talk to her baby don’t worry we will find you an apartment that you can afford,” Kennedy said as his mouth dropped. Horatio wrapped Kennedy in his arms as she giggled he whispered in her ear. For a split second Bella saw that Kennedy was truly considering his proposal. Bella assumed Kennedy’s reasoning immediately stepped in with calendars and social dating etiquette. She would talk to Kennedy later about following her heart, just once. The bus rolled to the casino and they would liven that place up for sure.

  Inside the casino the large party took over the gambling tables. A few of the couples were not rolling in money as Horatio and Chaz seemed to be but they never left them out of the fun. Bella saw Chaz give Cole money insisting, “It’s a bonus man. You do a great job running the store.”

  Chaz made sure to pull Cole to the side he understood male pride.

  “Bella blow on these dice,” Chaz said seductively. Bella puckered her highly glossed lips to blow when Chaz stopped her. “Fuck these dice I have something better than dice that you can blow.”

  Chaz threw the dice and partook of Bella’s highly glossed lips as they rolled down the table. While he didn’t win big he didn’t lose either. The table erupted in noise as their party placed bets while the newly engaged couple continued to make out.

  “Excuse me Chico, my turn to handle these bad boys,” Horatio said gripping his own crotch before taking the dice. Chaz and Bella moved slightly but did not break their kiss.

  “I am going to need panties if you are going to kiss me like that all night,” Bella whispered. Chaz pulled her from the table making their way to the hotel side of the casino. Chaz pulled the key card from his pocket sliding it into the slot. The little light changed from red to green. Chaz was informed that they only had double bed suites left when he made the reservations. The little devil on his shoulders thought this might be an interesting turn of events for the couples tonight. He reserved four rooms with a total of eight beds for the eight couples. Julie and Erik along with Michael and his sometime girlfriend, Penelope, would be joining them later. Julie’s boyfriend had another party to attend after they left the Perfect Ten. They were hoping to ca
tch up with them in a few hours.

  Inside the room Bella spied an overnight bag sitting on a chaise lounger. She smiled knowing he had planned every detail of this night. Chaz was starting to sober, as he and Horatio were not allowed to drink in the casino because they were carrying weapons on the premises. Bella was feeling wonderful and hoped he didn’t just bring her to the room to put on some panties. He answered her by unzipping her dress and hauling it over her head. Bella stood naked except her black high-heeled shoes. Chaz removed his jacket and gun before pulling the long sleeved t-shirt over his head. Next he kicked his white tennis shoes off and quickly unbuckled the belt on his pants. Bella stood naked with her hands on her hips watching her fiancé undress. Chaz stood before Bella completely naked with his arms outstretched. Bella admired his hard sculpted body before walking to greet him properly.

  “I know I am always saying you belong to me. Bella, I belong to you. Never let anyone tell you different. I meant what I said. You make me a better man,” he whispered. Bella couldn’t help biting her lip as he spoke those words. Chaz did not allow a verbal response as he picked her up taking her to the bed. Slowly and tenderly Chaz made love to Bella on the bed as the night skyline lit the room. Chaz used leisurely precision to pull in and out of Bella while grinding against her special spot. He loved her verbal responses to his lovemaking. The soft lovemaking continued until they reached a blissful crescendo.

  “Oh Chaz, I love you,” she said letting the tears flow. The orgasm that followed only increased her tear production. Chaz in a moment of pure passion thrust hard into Bella as he found his own release. Chaz groaned loudly as his body trembled.

  “Bella, I love you, never forget that.” Chaz had to cover his face, as the power of his orgasm was overwhelming. “I want to see you carrying our child.”

  Bella loved the attention he lavished on her body following that sweet release. She agreed with his desire to father a child and welcomed their future together with her whole heart. They lay haphazardly strewn on the bed talking and kissing.

  “When I have to leave you, I have to shut off my mind. I have to tuck you away so that I can focus and come home safely,” he explained.

  “Thank you for doing that Chaz. I need you to come back to me every time you leave. You do whatever it takes to get back to me.” She said as the tears streamed down her cheeks. Chaz increased his hold on her body. He could feel the warm tears hitting his arm.

  “I promise Bella, I will do whatever it takes to get back to you. I am really sorry I didn’t tell you about Trinity.”

  “Do you want to tell me what happened? If not it’s okay but if you are going to tell me do not sugarcoat it. Tell me the truth.”

  “I can’t lie to you. I’m surprised you have not figured that out yet. No matter what I want to be honest with you.”

  Chaz went on to explain that when Trinity came to work at the Perfect Ten she brought a large clientele of loyal fans. Chaz had mad respect for her business sense and made sure she received an extra cut of the profits for her loyalty. Most of the dancers were trying to get with Chaz but he had a no fraternizing with the employee policy after the Marlene debacle. When he would go on assignments and return the one way he handled the stress of that work was with sex. Trinity refused his advances in the beginning and tried making him jealous by bringing her personal relationships to the club.

  “I am not going to lie, I was really trying to get at Trinity. I was plying her with money and gifts like an idiot. When she finally gave in, I had built that moment up in my head so much, that I was not able to perform. I kept trying to force a response from my body after all I had a reputation to protect. I couldn’t have her gossiping to the other dancers that I was whack.”

  Bella stifled a giggle, as she wanted him to continue being honest with her.

  “What did you do?”

  “I pulled on everything I had and made it happen, for her at least. In her bathroom I looked at porn on my cell phone. I was able to give her what she wanted. The sex, for me, was lackluster because I kept picturing the amount of men who had been in my spot. I felt so stupid for falling right into her trap. I pleased her of course but I didn’t uh finish.”

  “Poor baby, you got played. On second thought it serves you right for falling for that shit,” Bella said as jealousy reared its head. She didn’t want to imagine Chaz trying to fuck Trinity. Chaz pulled her into his arms and kissed her neck.

  “I do not have that problem with you sweetheart.” Chaz pressed his recovering erection into her backside.

  “Are you on Viagra?” Bella joked as he kissed her more.

  “Hell no but I needed it with Trinity. I just couldn’t get it together. The few times and I mean few times we were together, I couldn’t finish unless she gave me head. And before you panic, I was wearing a condom throughout so that should tell you I wasn’t completely stupid. I eventually started pulling away from her and she went back to being a professional. I would see her leaving with men at the end of the night. I figured she understood we weren’t sexually compatible and needed to get back to the men that worshipped her body. I was worried about how this would affect the club so I tried to be nice to her but she knew I wasn’t into her sexually. That was my reputation’s saving grace. She wouldn’t blab about my inabilities because it would reflect badly on her as well. I stopped having sex altogether. I figured it wasn’t helping me and I was hurting women in the process.” Chaz’s tone was serious and regretful. Bella turned to face him and kissed his lips.

  “I was lost Bella. I didn’t know what I wanted. I hated that I love my other job. I hated that I did not have any family. I hated where my life was headed. I was just a robot soldier following orders.”

  “Baby, we will build a family together. I want you to be happy Chaz.”

  “Bella baby, I am very happy. I want to see you carrying our baby. I want to have a family with you. I knew all of this the first night I spent with you. It wasn’t just about sex. Ok, initially, I thought it was just sex but after that night I knew.”

  “I thought I was taking a walk on the wild side with a drug dealer. I thought I would have an adventure and then be back to my boring life.”

  Chaz laughed that she thought he was a drug dealer.

  “I was not having sex with anyone when I met you. I saw you at that corny ass club and my body immediately wanted you. I watched women including Trinity get naked every night and didn’t feel a thing. When I saw you I thought my losing streak was over. I just wanted to hit you with all the game I had, have you, and be back to my old self. But then that night you put it on me. You felt so innocent and naughty to me.”

  “I was innocent but you made me naughty,” Bella giggled.

  “Yes you were. I woke up in the middle of the night and watched you sleep. I didn’t want to let you go. Then I thought I was being a punk for allowing you to pussy whip me. When we were at the afterhours and I had you on that couch, man I was so gone. I just didn’t want to let you go. I had a short assignment for my other job. I was afraid during that time someone was going to figure out how wonderful you were and take you. I was prepared to stop anyone trying to hit on you I stopped a few dudes during that time.”

  Bella sat up remarking, “Chaz, you were that close to me and you didn’t come to me. I was so fucking miserable. I wanted you so bad. I knew I loved you before I left that Sunday.”

  Chaz pulled her back into his embrace. “I am sorry but I was so confused by my feelings and I thought maybe you didn’t feel as strongly as I did.”

  “I cried after leaving you.”

  “Bella, I was so fucked up during those two weeks. All I could do was go to the gun range and take out my pain on fake targets. I needed and wanted you to be in love with me so badly. I hoped you wouldn’t see my womanizing ways and love me. When I saw you sitting in your car crying after calling my cell phone, it made me emotional. I knew then that you really loved me.” Chaz plied her with kisses wanting to erase the memory of that pain.<
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  “I kept trying to rationalize my feelings for you. I wanted you to appear and take that pain away. I just want to be with you. I need you just as much as you need me.”

  “I am so happy to hear that you do. Let’s take a shower,” he suggested. They had been away from their party at least an hour. Inside the shower they continued to talk and kiss. He loved being able to hold her in his arms.

  “I love you Chaz. I want to become your wife.” Bella whispered into his ear as he washed her back. They had to dress quickly and Bella was so happy to put on a pair of panties.

  “Can you take these off later instead of disintegrating them? I am going to need a panty allowance at this rate.” Bella laughed as Chaz wrapped her up in his arms. The look on his face went from jovial to serious in a matter of seconds.

  “Bella that night at the club, you saved me from myself. I am pretty sure with my next assignment I would have done something stupid and gotten myself killed. I need you to be my wife and to keep loving me. I know my life is crazy and unpredictable but I need you to never give up on me. I will always find my way back to you.”

  “I will never stop loving you Chaz. I promise to love you forever.” Chaz kissed her mouth and never wanted to stop. Eventually they found their party enjoying the casino buffet. Bella thought she should eat something if they were going to spend the remainder of the night drinking and partying.

  “You two should get some counseling. You are addicted to sex,” Horatio indicated pointing a fork in their direction. “Oh wait me too, we should go to counseling together.” Kennedy gave Horatio a rye smile and shook her head in agreement. Horatio was unlike any guy she had ever dated and like Chaz the other job interfered with their lives. Kennedy understood that she was a recent addition to Horatio’s life but struggled with how he could keep doing the other job if it meant they would be randomly separated. That was the one thing holding Kennedy’s heart back, his other job meant that he might not come back to her one day. The thought brought tears to her eyes and she shook them off. Perhaps it was too late she was already in love with Horatio. He was definitely in love with Kennedy. She was so smart and didn’t take any of his shit.


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