Bella Baby

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Bella Baby Page 19

by Renee Lindemann

  “You have to show me that this is what you want,” Kennedy seductively whispered. “I have trust issues Horatio, I need proof not just words.”

  “Can I show you right now how much I want you?” Horatio pushed his burgeoning erection against Kennedy. She took a few steps back and undid the buttons on her pants. Horatio watched her pants fall to the floor. Slowly she let the blazer hit the floor. The lacy fabric barely contained her oversized breasts. He was staring open mouthed at his beautiful girlfriend. Kennedy reached up and let the hairpins securing her bun in place go. The long black hair dropped to her shoulders.

  “I know I am not a waitress but I did ditch my lunch break to see you. Will you make it worth my time?” Kennedy said placing her hands on her hips. Horatio pinched himself to make sure this was real.

  “Damn girl,” Horatio shrieked as he made his way to Kennedy. Horatio walked towards Kennedy and her smile broadened considerably. Kennedy slipped the jacket off his shoulders not phased by the holster and gun. Horatio gripped the fabric of her lingerie lifting it to inspect the thong panties. There was barely enough fabric to cover the apex at her thighs.

  “You are so fucking sexy Kennedy,” he groaned. He loved the lingerie she was wearing but happily slipped the thong panty down her legs. He lifted each of her feet to help her step out of the thin fabric. Horatio ran his hands up her legs as he stood gripping her ass. Kennedy pulled his face to her mouth slipping her tongue inside. He let his finger slip between her thighs and she moaned into his mouth.

  “You are so wet, you wanted me to come here and fuck you?” Horatio asked barely above a whisper. Kennedy nodded in the affirmative and removed his finger. Taking his hand she led him to the bedroom. Horatio gave a silent prayer of thanks as he watched her ass sway into the bedroom.

  “Horatio, oh baby, yes,” Kennedy moaned loudly. Horatio was teasing and licking her spot with precision. The gun rested on the nightstand while his remaining clothes were strewn around her bedroom. Horatio abruptly stopped and pushed into Kennedy needing to feel her desperately. She placed her hands on his chest loving the muscle definition.

  “Fuck, Kennedy. This pussy is so wet for me,” he whined.

  “Yes Horatio, just for you baby. Fuck me,” she replied. Horatio obliged her request and with reckless abandon he fucked Kennedy. She figuratively climbed the walls as he pound into her. Horatio wanted her to know this was all he needed.

  “Kennedy, do not let another bitch tell you I do not belong to you.”

  “Yes baby.” Kennedy whined as he moved faster.

  “This dick belongs to you baby. This pussy belongs to me,” he said pausing momentarily. “If the tables were turned baby it would have been a funeral. So you better tell those lames you were dating before me that you are taken.”

  Horatio pulled out of Kennedy and grabbed a handful of her hair. He pushed her face down to his erection. Kennedy took him into her mouth as he moaned loudly.

  “Show me how much you missed me.”

  Kennedy closed her eyes and took as much of Horatio into her mouth as she could. The sound of Horatio moaning encouraged her to switch to breathing through her nose. The simple move allowed her to take more of Horatio into her mouth and throat.

  “Kennedy, baby that’s it take all of this dick.”

  She continued enjoying Horatio’s screams. When she pulled away from his arousal he was panting.

  “Finish fucking me. I want to feel you come inside me.”

  Horatio turned Kennedy to her side and lifted her leg up as he pushed inside her wet body. The tight wetness almost pushed him over the edge.

  “Hold on baby, we are there,” Horatio yelled. He moved so fast Kennedy could feel the bed moving.

  “Horatio baby yes.” Kennedy cried out as another orgasm ripped through her body.

  “I love you Kennedy, yes baby.” Horatio spewed a litany of curse words as his orgasm spilled inside his woman.

  “I love you too Horatio.” Kennedy’s body was quivering so violently. It looked like she was having a seizure. Horatio cuddled with Kennedy on the bed. The softness of her body against him was worth dismissing a thousand women like Lisa. He kissed her shoulders and felt them move gently up and down.

  “What’s the matter baby?” Horatio asked, his voice laced with concern.

  “Don’t hurt me Horatio,” she cried. “I have protected myself please do not hurt me if I let my guard down.”

  Horatio turned Kennedy to look at him and she covered her face. When she removed her hands Horatio’s worried face greeted her.

  “You know that Bella is my best friend. We met when she moved with her aunt after her father passed away. We hit it off because we had both lost our moms. I never met my mother she died giving birth to me,” Kennedy managed through quivering lips. Horatio wiped away her tears giving her gentle kisses. Kennedy went on to explain how her father was abusive and became touchy feely the older she got. In order to get away from him, Kennedy started dating a guy that was five years older. Eventually she went to live with the older guy. He became verbally abusive and then physically abusive. Bella tried to get her to leave him but she had nowhere to go. Right before graduation Andre beat her so bad that Kennedy couldn’t see. They thought he had left for work when Bella arrived to get Kennedy. The plan was to take Kennedy to Bella’s grandmother’s house.

  “Just as we were leaving he came back. He punched me in the stomach and slapped Bella for trying to take me out of his house. I tried to fight him but I was still messed up from the previous beating. Bella jumped on his back as he was kicking me in the stomach. She was scratching his eyes and punching him. Andre threw her to the ground and started kicking her. Bella had a pair of scissors in her pocket and stabbed him in the leg.”

  “Damn that girl is tough,” Horatio said trying to contain his anger. Kennedy nodded her head as she wiped at her tears.

  “Bella was trying to catch her breath when he started choking me. She grabbed his golf club and smacked him upside the head. When he hit the floor we thought he was dead. I started to panic but we heard him groaning. Bella grabbed me and dragged me to her grandmother’s car. She bravely ran back inside and grabbed my stuff. I had a few pictures of my mother that I never went anywhere without. She told me later that she kicked him in the nuts and took the money out of his wallet,” Kennedy concluded.

  “What happened to that bastard?” Horatio’s anger was boiling over. He wanted to hurt Andre and Kennedy’s perverted father.

  “I didn’t want to press charges as I was scared that he would come after Bella and her grandmother. Thankfully he didn’t know where Bella’s grandmother lived. He had originally beaten me because I had applied to a few colleges. I spent the summer healing. Bella took care of us. She made sure that I started school when she did. After her grandmother passed she used the money from the sale of the house to pay for our housing.”

  Horatio sat up on the bed running his hands over his head. No wonder she didn’t trust men, they had all let her down. He wanted to get dressed and call in a few favors but he would do that later.

  “I am so glad that you and Bella found each other. Do you know what happened to Andre?” Horatio was trying to get his anger in check. Kennedy went on to explain that he continued to terrorize her in college.

  “Kennedy is not my given name. I had to change my name and get personal protection orders. The school made a mistake and sent mail to his house once. He stalked me on campus during my sophomore year. That’s why I didn’t go to parties or socialize much because he was always out there. I changed my name from Maria Hunter to Kennedy and took my mother’s maiden name. They arrested him a few times and then I didn’t hear from him anymore. I was scared at first but after a few years I finally felt safe. I haven’t seen or heard from him since I moved here.”

  “This is why you are so damn tough? This is why you do not trust people. Kennedy, I am so fucking sorry about Lisa. Baby you can trust me.” Horatio explained but his mind was reeling and
he had plans to make. Horatio wrapped her up in his arms hugging her tightly.

  “I love you Horatio but I am scared. Your other job could take you away from me. I want to be with you.”

  “Kennedy, I will always come back to you. You do not have to be scared anymore. I promise I am not going anywhere. I know it’s too soon for you but anytime you are ready to go I want you with me. I want you to live with me. My place is much safer,” Horatio added. Kennedy shook her head it was too soon.

  “I did that before Horatio and it almost cost me my life. I thought Andre had rescued me from my father but it was just as bad. He promised to protect me from everyone. He told me he loved me over and over. I had nowhere else to go and I stayed.”

  “Kennedy, I would never put my hands on you. I mean not in that way at least. I know you need more time but I want you to know the offer stands.” Horatio kissed her lips wanting to take that pain away.

  “Thank you Horatio. I appreciate the offer and when I am ready I promise you will be the first to know. I love you Papi,” she smiled.

  “Don’t start that Spanish shit or you are going to get it again. I already thought I had to put a damn spoon in your mouth a few minutes ago,” he joked. Kennedy hit him playfully on the arm as he covered her body with kisses.

  Chapter 17

  “Operation ass whipping is in effect dawg,” Horatio said walking into the office at the Perfect Ten. Chaz looked up from inventory paperwork and glared at his friend. Horatio was in the process of opening a new carwash. Chaz assumed someone had done something stupid.

  “Whose ass are we beating?” Chaz asked putting the paper down.

  “I am not sure how much Bella told you about Kennedy,” Horatio said waiting for an answer.

  “I know that Kennedy has no family just like Bella. They relied on each other to get to and through college.”

  Horatio didn’t want to betray Kennedy’s confidence and assumed neither did Bella. Horatio recounted Kennedy’s fight to stay alive. Chaz was fuming by the time Horatio was finished. He had a newfound respect for his future wife and her ability to kick ass.

  “I am glad she took you back. Man, I was dying for you. Lisa was such a persistent bitch about it too. I guess that is why she is alone,” Chaz said walking to the closet.

  “Me too man, I was worried as fuck begging like a punk. Lisa was married last time I checked which is why I stop fucking with her. She clearly isn’t faithful to that dude.”

  Inside the closet they found out all the information they needed to know.

  Chapter 18

  Chaz and Horatio were attending training exercises for the next week. Bella and Kennedy were both relieved that it was just training and not something that put their lives in danger. It had been a month since they became engaged and Bella was unable to shake a portion of Chaz’s confession. The part about his father got the better of her. This man was so instrumental in shaping Chaz into the man that Bella loved. It wasn’t due to his kind nature. No it was because General William Chaz Caruthers had been a monster to his son. Chaz grew up in a volatile household with no one to protect him, not even his mother. Any maternal love, Emily Ann Caruthers had for her youngest son, was effectively beaten out of her by General William. Any paternal love, the General possessed was reserved for his oldest son, who was also named William.

  Bella allowed curiosity to get the better of her when she entered the search terms on the Google homepage. Several images popped up and at least four searchable pages worth of information on the terms General William C Caruthers. The first image was a very proud brown skinned man in full army uniform. Bella wasn’t sure what the signs and symbols meant but the man’s shoulder was severely decorated. The man in the picture looked stern and no nonsense. The serious looking glasses perched atop his nose were the only portion of his appearance that made him seem approachable. On further inspection Bella could see the hellfire in his dark irises. She was grateful that Chaz’s hazel eyes had to be from his mother. General Caruthers was downright frightening to look at. Bella closed the image of the man and did a quick math calculation. The General died right after Chaz’s nineteenth birthday of a stroke that led to a massive heart attack. According to one article the General had the stroke at home, was rushed to the hospital, and a week later a massive heart attack would take his life. The highly decorated General Caruthers was praised for his contributions to many U.S. engagements and conflicts over the last thirty years.

  Bella scanned the four pages of information that contained repeated accolades of the General’s contribution to the U.S. Army. The phone on her desk rang, scaring her and she visibly jumped.

  “Hey baby,” she stammered into the phone.

  “Hey future Mrs. Caruthers. Are you okay? I am not interrupting anything?” Chaz asked after picking up the intonation in her voice.

  “No I was just sitting here staring off into space thinking about you when you called. That was really weird. I miss you Chaz.”

  “I miss you too! I hope it was dirty thoughts you were thinking,” he replied laughing. Chaz hated being away from Bella but “Operation Whip Ass” was in full effect. He had not lied to Bella, he and Horatio were completing a required training exercise. They were also going to stop and pay a few visits to men who should not still be alive. While they agreed that was the case, they would not end their lives. Chaz and Horatio discovered that Andre Ferguson had never given up on his obsession with Maria Hunter. They found several Internet message boards for runaway girls that listed Maria Hunter as a troubled runaway. Andre played the forlorn boyfriend of the troubled girl who left him to escape her sexually abusive father. The pathetic weasel had received an outpouring of support from the information super highway. Thankfully his pictures of Kennedy while cute did not compare to the woman that lived today. Neither Horatio nor Chaz could see the strong woman they knew in any of the pictures.

  “I was thinking about holding you in my arms and kissing those soft lips. Make sure you are using Chapstick while you are in Arizona,” Bella joked.

  “Oh do not worry baby. I am keeping these lips nice and supple for you. What about you? Are you keeping my kitten nice and wet for your fiancé’s return?”

  Bella laughed and was relieved that her period was happening while Chaz was away. Instead of answering she switched the subject.

  “I think you are going to be a grandfather.”

  “What? How the hell am I going to be a grandfather if I do not have any children?” Chaz questioned confusion lacing his voice. Bella’s shift in conversation did not go unnoticed. He understood this to mean she was having her period, not feeling sexy, and embarrassed by the subject. Any other time she would ruefully engage his sexual talk. He was learning his future wife’s quirks and mannerisms. The information was like gold to Chaz. So often in the past he only learned what he needed to know to make a woman relent. Now he was genuinely interested in everything there was to know about Bella.

  “Remember last month when Boxer attacked that German shepherd at the dog park? Well her owner left an angry note on my car the other day about us claiming our bastard puppies.” Bella laughed. She could here the understanding in Chaz’s voice.

  “He did not attack her that German shepherd was begging for it. She kept putting her ass in his face. My sons know what to do with bitches like that,” he replied chuckling. Bella laughed loudly before covering her mouth. “You are such a misogynist.”

  “I am a man who understands when a female puts it in your face, you handle that.”

  “Oh really? Trinity would disagree,” Bella couldn’t help the jab and giggled.

  “Bella for real? Don’t remind me. That’s how you are going to play your future husband?”

  “Anyone putting anything in your face right now?” Bella waited for an answer.

  “I am a reformed misogynist. I am a one-woman man. I only want you putting it in my face. In about three to four more days if my calculations are correct.”

  Bella blushed as if he
were in the room looking at her period. Horatio was right, she hated when he dipped into her head.

  “Only two more days left. Your calculations are off. Mr. Caruthers you had better be saving yourself for your fiancée.”

  Chaz snapped his fingers loudly to indicate a near miss on his calculations.

  “Fiancée you have nothing to worry about as you are the only one that can tame this monster.”

  “Good to know. You are making me horny, next subject. I am happy to report all is well at the store and restaurant in your absence. I also stopped by the Perfect Ten last night to see how things were going and the place was packed. Yin and Yang tore the club up last night on a freaking Wednesday.”

  Trinity’s replacement dancers, Yin and Yang, impressed Bella. The identical twins were a recent hire at the Perfect Ten and brought the house down the four nights they danced. Bella especially liked that the ladies were very much into other ladies. Stephanie and Sabrina were regulars on the nights the sisters worked. The sisters were previously featured in several rap videos and those small cameos were enough to generate a reliable following. They were business minded women who marketed themselves with paraphernalia and websites. It reassured Bella that not all strip club dancers were like Trinity. It also helped that they looked to be carved from marble or some other high quality material by Zeus himself.

  Chaz patted himself on the back for his last minute discovery and negotiation of the dancer’s exclusive contract with the club. The Royal Flush had folded and many of the girls sought refuge at the Perfect Ten. In the end Chaz added four more girls to the roster, effectively making up for Trinity’s sudden departure. Trinity was working for one of Chaz’s competitors on the east side of the city.


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