Brie Visits Master's Italy (After Graduation, #7)

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Brie Visits Master's Italy (After Graduation, #7) Page 1

by Red Phoenix

  Brie Visits Master’s Italy:

  After Graduation


  Red Phoenix

  Kindle Edition

  Brie Visits Master’s Italy

  Copyright 2013 by Red Phoenix

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

  [email protected]

  Edited by RJ Locksley

  Book cover design by Viola Estrella; Phoenix symbol by Nicole Delfs.

  Big thanks to Marla Thalassinou and Jennifer Roberts-Hall

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental.

  Adult Reading Material

  Disclaimer: The material in this book is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content. It is intended only for those aged 18 and older.


  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Challenge at Haven

  Their Disappointment

  Lesson: His Belts


  Condor Love


  Birthday Girl

  The Uninvited

  About the Author Red Phoenix

  Connect with Red on Substance B

  Challenge at Haven

  In celebration of her documentary, Sir took Brie to the Haven that night. It was hard not to tell everyone why she was so happy, but she’d promised Sir to keep her recent success under wraps until she’d had a chance to talk to her parents. Sir insisted that they do it in person. Brie knew the discussion would not go well, so she buried it in the back of her mind and embraced the festivities and kinkiness of the Haven.

  She saw that Tono was in the middle of a sensuous scene in one of the largest alcoves. He had a considerable group of Kinbaku enthusiasts watching his precision and skill. She stopped to admire his artful work.

  The Asian Dom’s hands glided over the sub as he finished adjusting his knots before lifting the girl into the air. Brie heard a woman beside her gasp and knew she was imagining herself in Tono’s ropes, flying under his power. It was a common fantasy many of the subs shared.

  Brie looked again and realized that she recognized the submissive being suspended. It was Candy, the girl she had met on the bus months ago, the one she had given Sir’s Submissive Training card to. The look of ecstasy on the girl’s face contrasted starkly with what Brie remembered on the subway. At the time, Candy had been under the service of an abusive ‘wannabe’ Dom. She’d had the look of the worn and beaten, but to see her now one would never know it was even the same person.

  Brie smiled to herself, glad she had made the sacrifice of the card when she felt the urging. As much as she had wanted to keep it as a memento, it was worth the joy she was experiencing right now seeing Candy so happy and fulfilled.

  Tono turned to secure a last tie and noticed Brie in the audience. He gave her a slight nod and then continued with his scene, whispering to Candy. The girl moaned in pleasure when his hand rested near her mound. He was the master of incidental touches—simple contact that could drive a girl wild.

  Brie turned to say something to Sir, but he was no longer by her side. She moved through the crowd, anxious to find him. She tripped on a crop left carelessly on the floor and collided face first into a muscular chest. Brie looked up and was shocked to see Faelan looking down at her. He was equally thrown off by the unexpected collision.

  His blue eyes held her in their gaze for a brief moment before he pushed away from her and grabbed the woman beside him. He fisted the blonde’s hair and pulled her head back to kiss her deeply.

  Mary’s surprised whimper shocked Brie even more than running into Faelan had. The two kissed long and passionately before Faelan broke the embrace. “Do you want to scene with me?”

  Blonde Nemesis’ eyes sparkled with expectation. “What kind of scene?”

  “A little knife play,” he suggested lustfully.

  “I’m in.”

  “Good, I plan to play rough tonight.” He escorted Mary through the crowd, leaving Brie behind without any acknowledgement. It was strange to be treated in such a bizarre manner, but Faelan had warned her that she would no longer exist in his world after she chose Sir over him.

  Brie could tell Mary was happy to play his impromptu sub in a scene, but it worried her. Brie was afraid Faelan was only using her. The fact was, Mary genuinely loved the guy and deserved much better than that.

  Scanning the crowds, Brie was even more anxious to find Sir after her unexpected encounter. She finally spotted him on the other side of the large common area engaged in conversation with Master Anderson. She started towards the two, but was stopped by her former trainer, Ms. Clark.

  “What are you doing in the club alone?” Ms. Clark demanded.

  Brie glanced down to avoid looking her in the eyes as she tried to respectfully move past her. “I’m not alone, Mistress. I’m trying to rejoin my Master.”

  Ms. Clark put her hand on Brie’s shoulder and squeezed her sharp fingernails into her flesh. “Don’t be flippant with me, sub,” she snapped.

  This time Brie looked her straight in the eye. “I am not being flippant, Ms. Clark.” She tried to twist out of her grasp, but the Domme’s hold was too tight.

  Ms. Clark’s eyes narrowed. “I have half a mind to take you in the back and teach you respect, Miss Bennett.”

  “Get your hand off my sub.”

  Ms. Clark instantly obeyed and addressed Sir. “I didn’t realize you were here, Sir Davis. I was simply trying to protect your property.”

  “Touching my sub is never an option, Samantha. I believe you are the one who needs the lesson in respect.”

  “I’m certain you missed the exchange between Wallace and your sub just a minute ago.”

  “No, I did not.”

  “Then you understand my concern.”

  “No.” Sir glanced at Brie. “Join Master Anderson.”

  “Yes, Master.” Brie hurried to Master Anderson’s side, wishing she had eyes in the back of her head. What was Ms. Clark thinking? Nobody touched another Dom’s sub without permission, not even trainers.

  When Brie reached him, she turned around to see Sir had one hand wrapped around Ms. Clark’s wrist to prevent her from leaving as he spoke to her. The look on the Domme’s face announced her discomfort. Obviously, whatever he was saying was upsetting to the woman.

  The Domme tried to speak several times, but Sir interrupted and continued his lecture. It pleased Brie to see it. Someone needed to put that arrogant woman in her place.

  The trainer shook her head violently, but it wasn’t until she nodded that Sir let her go.

  Sir came to Brie and announced, “Ms. Clark has something to share with you. Follow me.”

  Brie looked up at Master Anderson, who looked visibly troubled. His discomfort was alarming to her.

  She followed Sir and Ms. Clark. The Domme marched ahead of her angrily, clicking the studded heels of her thigh-high boots. Brie couldn’t help focusing on the pointed heels, noting that they looked potentially lethal.

  Ms. Clark headed to a private room with comfortable seating. She refused to sit, but gestured Brie towards a chair. Brie looked to Sir who nodded his approval. She sat down hesitantly, curious about what was about to transpire.

  “Go ahead, Samantha. Explain your past with Rytsar and how that has
caused your odd fascination with my sub.”

  “I am not fascinated by your sub,” Ms. Clark protested indignantly.

  “In all the years I have known you, I have never seen you behave this erratically with a submissive before.”

  “I’ll be damned if I am going to open up about my past in front of a student, Sir Davis.”

  “Ah, but she is no longer a student. Miss Bennett is now a respected and collared sub. You seem to forget that whenever she’s around.”

  The Domme looked at Sir and pleaded, “Don’t make me do this.”

  “You brought it upon yourself.” He addressed Brie before leaving the room. “See me afterwards. I’ll be practicing with Master Anderson in the whipping area.”

  Brie let out a barely audible gasp as her pussy contracted in fear. She found her voice and replied dutifully, “My pleasure, Master.”

  When he shut the door, Brie had to control the urge to run to it and fling it back open. The resentment radiating from Ms. Clark could kill a girl.

  The Mistress sat down and crossed her legs, showing off the pointy, metal-studded tips of her lethal heels. It felt like an unspoken threat to Brie. She took heed and looked to the floor, not wanting to piss the Domme off.

  “If this must happen, then we will make it short. Despite what your Master said, I am not fascinated by you in the least. But you already know that.” She paused and added menacingly, “Don’t you?”

  Brie nodded with her head down. There was no way she would be foolish enough to disagree with the woman.

  Ms. Clark shouted to the ceiling, “God, I can’t believe he’s making me do this!”

  It was arousing to know that Sir had that kind of power over the Domme.

  “I knew Sir Davis in college. I met Rytsar Durov through him. There was chemistry. Only barrier—he is a Dominant and so am I. It makes for a difficult partnering.”

  Ms. Clark seemed to be waiting for Brie to respond, so she said quietly, “I can only imagine, Mistress.”

  The trainer snorted angrily. “I was confident in my role as a Dominatrix and I was young…” Her voice trailed off for a moment. “I made a critical mistake one night.” The room filled with the woman’s rising anxiety.

  Was Ms. Clark going to cry?

  But Brie’s former trainer cleared her throat and finished with a simple statement. “Needless to say, it ended my chances with him.” She sighed as if she was relieved her short speech was over.

  Brie dared to look up and ask, “But what does that have to do with me?”

  Ms. Clark’s face contorted in revulsion. “When Sir Davis announced that he was inviting Rytsar to the first auction I couldn’t wait to see what he would do with someone so inexperienced and disobedient. But something happened that night.” She looked at Brie with a death glare. “What did he see in you? You’re nothing special! You’re a failure as a submissive and yet you had him wrapped around your finger—the renowned Rytsar. You had them all eating out of your hand. It was unfathomable to me!”

  Ms. Clark got up and stood over Brie, raining down her animosity in palpable waves. Brie trembled under the weight of it. “If you ever tell anyone what I’ve shared here, I will permanently hurt you. I don’t care about the consequences. Do you understand?”

  Brie had to swallow down her fear to answer. “Yes, Mistress.”

  “So run along to your Master, you worthless cunt.”

  Brie got up and made a beeline towards the door.

  Ms. Clark laughed behind her. “Maybe this was cathartic for me after all. I will have to thank Sir Davis.”

  Brie’s heart was racing as she made her way back to Sir. She tried to act calm although her interaction with Ms. Clark had been both terrifying and enlightening.

  “Did she explain it to your satisfaction, Brie?”

  She nodded, wanting desperately to enclose herself in his protective embrace. “I understand now, Sir. Thank you.”

  Ms. Clark sauntered up behind Brie. “Miss Bennett proved to be an apt listener. It actually feels good to get that off my chest.” Her red lips curled up into a dangerous smile.

  “You will not mistreat my sub again, Samantha.” Sir lowered his voice so passersby would not overhear. “I tell you this as a friend. We all assumed once Miss Bennett finished training, you would return to your professional demeanor. That has not been the case. Should you continue to struggle in this area, I will be obligated to advise Headmaster Coen to rethink your tenure.”

  Ms. Clark raised her head proudly. “I assure you that is unnecessary.”

  “I’m aware that Miss Bennett challenges you. Frankly, she seems to have that effect on people. But that in no way excuses your appalling behavior. Now apologize to my sub. It is apparent you upset her during your talk.”

  Ms. Clark rolled her head from side to side, cracking her neck before replying. “As you wish, Sir Davis.”

  Again Brie felt a surge of excitement knowing that her Master held that kind of power over the Domme.

  Ms. Clark turned to Brie. “I apologize for being blunt.”

  Sir immediately corrected her. “Being blunt is acceptable, and something that would not have upset her.” Brie loved that Sir knew her so well.

  Ms. Clark insisted, “I needed to be clear that speaking about what I shared is not acceptable.”

  Sir’s eyes narrowed. “It was unnecessary to threaten my sub, Samantha. A simple, ‘You are not allowed to share this’ would have sufficed. Brie is obedient.”

  Ms. Clark opened her mouth to protest, but Sir stopped her. “The fact she looks you in the eye on occasion does not reflect on her character as a person. She would honor your request without question.”

  The Domme clamped her mouth shut and glared at Brie. She took a deep breath and forced out the words. “I apologize for not respecting you as a sub, Miss Bennett.”

  “Thank you, Ms. Clark,” Brie answered, lowering her eyes and bowing slightly. She understood the will it took for the Domme to humble herself like that. It was clear the level of respect Ms. Clark had for her Master.

  The Domme’s smile returned as she spoke to Sir. “After this little episode, I plan to speak with your friend when he comes to visit again. I believe a conversation between us is long overdue.”

  “That would not be wise, Samantha. Let sleeping dogs lie,” Sir warned.

  “Your wisdom only goes so far, Sir Davis. There are times when a person must take a risk and become master of her own fate.”

  “I will not protect you again if it comes to that. You are too old to play the fool.”

  Ms. Clark crinkled her nose. “Too old? I’m just hitting my prime.”

  The Mistress strode off as if she were queen of the world. Brie observed two submissives fall in line after her. What Lea had said was true. Ms. Clark could have anyone she desired—all except the one man she wanted.

  “Are you ready?” Master Anderson asked behind her.

  Brie turned and her knees gave way when she saw the large bullwhip in his hand. Sir supported her and said with a chuckle, “No need to worry, little sub. There will be no blood tonight.”

  “Unless your Master screws up,” Master Anderson joked.

  “If I do not do well tonight, it reflects solely on you, Master Anderson.”

  “A teacher can only do so much,” he replied, letting his bullwhip unwind, accentuating its dangerous length.

  She watched with morbid fascination as Sir pulled a black bullwhip with a blood-red tip out of his bag. It made a slapping sound as it unfurled to the floor. She looked up at him nervously.

  “Are you scared, téa?”

  She nodded.

  “Does it turn you on?”

  She blushed when she confessed, “Only because it’s you, Sir.”

  “I may not be a sadist, but I do enjoy challenging you, little sub. This will be a test for me as well.” He ran his fingers between her trembling legs. “Yes, that is exactly the wetness I was striving for. Shall we begin?”

escorted her to the chains and commanded her to undress fully and stand on the red ‘x’. It felt a little like déjà vu as Sir took her small wrist and put it above her head, strapping the cuff into place.

  Brie’s nipples hardened in fearful expectancy when he took her other wrist and secured it. She could hear the crowd gathering. Everyone enjoyed watching Master Anderson’s expertise with the bullwhip.

  As both men removed their shirts, Master Anderson informed the audience, “Tonight is simply a practice session. Sir Davis has been working with a fence pole for several weeks. Now it is time to practice on human flesh.”

  Brie could hear the excited chatter amongst the crowd. She suspected some of them hoped to see blood tonight.

  Sir’s hands ran over her body as he readied her for the experience. Whereas Rytsar enjoyed her fear, Sir dispelled it. He tied up her hair and then kissed the nape of her neck. This was not a session meant to frighten, this was an extension of his sensual skills using the bite of a whip.

  She held her breath when he pulled away from her, the fear sinking in. Brie’s heart began racing as he positioned himself behind her. The smell of the ocean that was unique to this particular alcove in the Haven helped calm her nerves. She’d never fully appreciated how different scents could prove valuable to a sub during a scene until now. Brie focused on the smell and immediate sensations, forcing back her fears of what was yet to come.

  Master Anderson instructed Sir. “Keep your stance in mind. We’ll start off light. Watch me first.”

  She imagined him winding up and then felt the light lick of Master Anderson’s whip on her back. She smiled. It was pleasurable. Brie had forgotten how gentle the bullwhip could be and purred with pleasure.

  Sir warmed up before giving Brie her first taste of his whip. The waiting made it that much more arousing and frightening.

  “Are you ready, téa?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  The light caress of her Master’s whip took the experience to a whole new level. Brie moaned in satisfaction.

  He continued to warm her skin with gentle strokes from his bullwhip, making the encounter delicious not distressing. The control Sir showed was a testament to the amount of time he’d practiced.


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