The Scorpion's Tale

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The Scorpion's Tale Page 26

by Wayne Block

  “Let’s get out of here fast!” Louie whispered. “Someone beat us to it. They’re all dead. It looks like a war zone in there!”

  “Let’s fly,” Pete said. “We need to call Nick immediately.”


  Nick was smiling contently with Giovanna curled up next to him when his phone rang.

  “Please tell me justice is done,” Giovanna stated.

  Nick retrieved the phone and walked into the living room. “How did it go, Pete?”

  “Someone beat us to it. They were all dead.”

  “Okay. Dump the car and get back here. We’re leaving Rio.” He hung up and came back into the bedroom. “Gia, start packing. Justice is done.”

  “What’s wrong? You’re not smiling. This is what we’ve both waited for.”

  “Nothing is wrong. Just do as I say. I want to be out of here in thirty minutes.”

  Nick’s phone rang again. This time it was Steven Capresi. Nick moved back into the living room to take the call. “Steven, where the hell are you?” Nick asked, urgency in his voice.

  “The question is–where are you?”

  “I’m trying to make arrangements to get back to New York tonight.”

  “That’s what he’s expecting you to do. You need to be on the next plane to Quito.”


  “Yes. That’s where I am now, and that’s where you need to be.”

  “Why do I need to be in Quito?”

  “Because together, you and I are going to find him.”

  “How can you be so confident?”

  “You’ll have to trust my instincts.”

  “Alberto expects me home.”

  “Then you can go home in a body bag! The only way you’re staying alive is if we find him before he finds us. If he’s coming to Rio, you’ve got an opportunity to outsmart him and come here. At least we can buy some time.”

  “Do you still trust me after I lied to you?”

  Steven forced a laugh. “I’ve never trusted you.”

  “Well, at least I know you’re not bullshitting me.” Nick thought about the massacred Brazilians. It could only be the handiwork of the Scorpion. But who hired him to kill both the Brazilian’s and him? It would only be a matter of time until the Scorpion completed his contract. “I need to bring my men.”

  “Leave your men in Rio or send them back to New York. You need to move fast. Come alone and travel light.”

  Nick hesitated. “Then at least let me bring my girl. I can’t leave her alone. My men aren’t here.”

  Steven remained silent.

  “She won’t be any trouble.”

  “Of course she’ll be trouble! But she’ll be your problem, not mine. If you want to bring her, I really don’t give a damn.”

  “Where will I find you?”

  “Get on the next flight. Call me when you land. I’ll give you specific instructions on how to find me.”

  “Are you leaving Quito?”

  “That doesn’t concern you. If I don’t hear from you, I’ll assume you’ve either returned to New York or you’re dead.”

  “Charming,” Nick grumbled. “Okay, I’ll call you. But can I trust you?”

  Steven laughed. “Can you afford not to?”

  Nick didn’t appreciate the tone of Steven’s voice. “You and I will get this guy.”

  “Move fast. Don’t bring any attention to yourselves.” Steven hung up before Nick could get in another word. It really didn’t matter whether or not Nick made it to Quito. If Nick came, fine, if not, Steven knew what he had to do. The only thing Steven was sure of was that Nick was beginning to unravel, which was gratifying.

  Nick booked two first-class tickets on the next available flight to Quito, using assumed names from phony passports. He would inform Giovanna about the new plans on the ride to the airport. He also booked and paid for two seats, using their real names, on the flight to New York with his men. For the first time, Nick was scared. He had never had a contract on his life and the Scorpion was after him. He thought about Steven’s warning about returning home. It made sense. If the Scorpion was on his trail, it was too risky to go home. Nick knew he had to go to Quito. Besides, Steven was another loose end that needed to be taken care of.


  The Scorpion entered the lobby of the Copacabana Palace Hotel and approached the bar. He ordered a seltzer with lime and selected a leather chair in the middle of the lobby. He had the perfect vantage point to view the front and rear entrances of the hotel. He had paid four cabbies one hundred dollars each to wait for him on each side of the hotel, with the promise of another five hundred for transport to the airport. All he had to do was patiently await the arrival of the Manzione party.


  Nick finished packing and was beginning to pace. He had smoked two cigarettes and still hadn’t heard from his men. He was getting agitated watching Giovanna take her time. Suddenly the telephone rang and Nick sprang toward it.

  “Hello?” he said anxiously.

  “We’re back in the room and we’ll be packed in ten minutes. What’s the plan?” Pete asked.

  “I’ve booked reservations for all of us on a flight to New York tonight, but Giovanna and I are taking a detour to Quito.”

  “What the hell are you gonna to do in Quito?”

  “I’ve got a big problem in Quito.”

  “Then I’m going with you.”

  “No. You guys go back to New York, and I’ll be two days behind you.”

  “Alberto expects you back in New York. He’s not gonna like this.”

  “I know. I don’t have time to explain. There’s a price on my head and the assassin is here in Rio.”

  “You think that’s who did Renaldo and his men?”

  “Nothing else makes sense.”

  “Who the hell would put out a contract on you? Renaldo’s dead and you gotta figure Giorgio is dead. Who else would want you dead?”

  “I don’t know. I’m assuming the assassin is in the hotel waiting for me. We need to create a diversion that will buy me some time. Be ready to move in ten. Call me when you’re ready.”

  Nick hung up the phone and checked on Giovanna.

  “How are you doing, honey? Are you almost ready?”

  “I’ll be ready in ten minutes.”

  “Make it fast, baby. We’ve gotta fly.”

  Nick sat down on the couch and dialed the concierge. He’d thought of a plan that just might work.

  “Cherise, please.”

  “This is Cherise,” said a female voice.

  “This is Nick Manzione. I have a huge favor to ask you. I’ll need a small amount of your time and it will require you to leave the hotel for an hour.”

  Cherise hesitated. “I would be very happy to assist you, Mr. Manzione, but my supervisor isn’t here and I need permission to leave.”

  “It’s urgent and I’m in a huge rush. I’ll pay you two thousand dollars for one hour of your time. I also need your friend Roscoe, the bellboy. I’ll pay Roscoe the same amount I’m paying you.”

  “What can I do for you Mr. Manzione?”

  “Be in my suite in five minutes.”

  “I’ll be there as soon as I find Roscoe, Mr. Manzione.”


  The Scorpion watched with interest as two bellhops emerged from the elevators, each pushing a luggage cart. Moments later a man in a suit exited another elevator, followed closely by a well-dressed man wearing sunglasses and a tilted hat that partially blocked his face. He was walking arm-in-arm with an elegantly dressed woman, also wearing sunglasses and a fashionable hat obscuring her face. Her long, auburn hair spilled out the back of the hat. They were both flanked by two bodyguards who were scanning the lobby. He watched as they walked out the main entrance into a waiting limousine. The Scorpion waited a few minutes before leaving by the rear entrance and getting into one of his waiting cabs. A few minutes later, the limousine carrying the party of five
departed, with the cab following from a discreet distance. The Scorpion was convinced that Nick Manzione and his bodyguards were returning to New York, as he had anticipated. He wasn’t worried about losing the limousine in traffic as he tracked Giovanna’s purse with a hand-held GPS system.


  Ten minutes later the hotel elevator opened and a modestly dressed couple emerged. Both were shouldering light overnight bags. Giovanna wore a scarf on her head with her long hair tucked underneath; Nick wore sunglasses. Nick scanned the lobby and directed Giovanna to the side exit of the hotel where a cab was waiting for them. Nick was relieved, even though he was now involved in a cat and mouse game with the world’s deadliest assassin.

  Nick could not sit still in the cab. He kept fidgeting and glancing out each of the windows, on the lookout for any cars following them. He was making Giovanna nervous.

  “Nick, what’s going on? Please talk to me. Why the decoys and why aren’t we riding with Pete and Louie?”

  Nick reached into his coat pocket and withdrew two passports. He handed them to Giovanna.

  “These are our new passports.”

  Giovanna looked puzzled. “I have my passport.”

  “No, you don’t. It’s been given to someone else so we can escape.”

  Giovanna opened the passports to find their photographs and new identities. “Who are Angela Fratore and Jimmy Peters?” she asked.

  “They are the names we will be using during our little detour.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “Quito. The boys are returning to New York.”

  “What’s happening?”

  Nick held her hand. “The man that killed your family is after us.”

  Giovanna looked confused. “I don’t understand. I thought you took care of everything.”

  Nick gripped her hand more tightly. “I took care of the people who put out the contract, not the man who executed it. This man is a professional hit-man who goes by the name of the Scorpion. I just learned that he has a contract on both of us and he is here.”

  Her bronze face turned pale as the gravity of the situation sank in. “Why would he want to kill us? I don’t understand.”

  “Neither do I,” Nick said.

  “Why are we going to Ecuador?”

  “Because we’re meeting my friend Steven. Together we’re going to find the Scorpion before he finds us.”

  “Who’s Steven?”

  “He’s my friend who is hunting for the Scorpion. The Scorpion killed his wife and daughter. I told you about him, don’t you remember?”

  Giovanna nodded as the pieces began to fit. “Why did you have the concierge and the bellboy dress in our clothes and leave with Louie and Pete?”

  “I had a hunch the Scorpion might be waiting for us in the hotel. I wanted him to believe that we were all returning to New York. At best, I bought us some time.”

  “And at worst?”

  “I don’t want to think about it. I’m counting on the fact that our diversion created some space between us and the Scorpion.”

  Giovanna sunk back into the car seat, dejected.

  Nick stroked her hand reassuringly. “If you’re not up for this, I’ll send you back to New York. The Scorpion wants me more than you. You’ll be safe with Alberto.”

  Giovanna frowned. “No. I’m going with you.”

  “You’re a brave girl, Gia. All we need to do is clear security. Once we get on the plane, we’ll both feel better.”

  She rested her head on Nick’s shoulder. “Remember, it’s Angela, not Gia.”


  Still in disguise, Roscoe and Cherise walked to the ticket counter, checked their luggage, and got their boarding passes while Braulio stood guard. Pete huddled with Cherise and Roscoe and discussed their next move.

  “We’re going to need you for just a little longer.”

  Cherise protested. “We really must get back to the hotel. I don’t want either of us losing our jobs.”

  Pete nodded and smiled sympathetically. “There’s an extra thousand dollars for each of you for another fifteen minutes. Walk through security with us, then you can leave.”

  Cherise looked at Roscoe, who nodded. “I’ll take my chances Cherise.”

  “Great. Let’s move,” Pete said.

  The group entered security as the Scorpion watched from a comfortable vantage point. Then he joined the line several passengers behind his quarry.

  Louie and Pete replaced their shoes and finished gathering their personal belongings from the trays and joined Braulio, Cherise, and Roscoe, who were already through security.

  Louie smiled at them. “Thank you for your help.” He removed two envelopes and handed one to each. Cherise put the envelope in the purse Giovanna had given her for her disguise and Roscoe slipped his envelope into his pocket.

  “Aren’t you going to count the money?” Pete asked.

  “No,” Roscoe answered. “If you shorted us, what are we going to do about it, kick your asses?”

  Louie and Pete laughed. “Smart boy,” Louie said.

  Cherise and Roscoe exited the security area at the moment the Scorpion came strolling past. He looked through the window and watched the young man and woman remove their disguises. Nick Manzione’s men proceeded toward their departure gate and the Scorpion realized he had been outplayed. He coolly grabbed his cell phone.

  “Manzione used body doubles for his girlfriend and himself. His bodyguards are heading toward the gate, but Manzione and his woman are not here. Watch the video monitors for outgoing flights. Find them. I am sure they have booked another flight. Call Tena. I need to buy some time now. Delay Capresi for a day. Better still, scare him, too.”

  The Scorpion hung up the phone and watched Nick’s men reach the gate. He was furious for allowing Manzione to fool him. He had been sloppy and arrogant while Manzione had risen impressively to the occasion. Nick’s maneuvers made the game more thrilling, and he was ecstatic that his quarry played an opening gambit. He was alive with the thrill of the hunt, conjuring up memories of a life that had vanished years ago in a jungle not far away.


  Detective Johnston made the last flight to Miami, now traveling as a tourist with no gun. He was relying on two strangers to lead him to Steven. Without their help, he had no idea what he was doing. It was now dawning on him how insane this escapade was, fueled by an increasing obsession with both the case and the man.


  Joaquin waited for Charlie at the Miami gate and recognized him immediately. They hugged each other and then stepped back for a better look, since they hadn’t seen each other in years.

  “Charlie, it’s so wonderful to see you,” Joaquin said, with a mixture of sadness and happiness.

  “It’s good to see you, Joaquin. It’s been too long. Do you have a plan yet?” Charlie asked, as they walked toward the exit.

  “I’m working it out as we speak,” Joaquin answered. “What about our police friend from New York. Is he joining us?”

  “He’s taking a later plane, but we can’t wait for him. He’ll have to catch up.”

  “When will he be arriving in Miami?” Joaquin asked.

  “I’m not certain. Let’s check the board.”

  They walked over to the screens displaying the remaining arrivals for the evening, and Charlie put on his glasses and read the piece of paper with the detective’s flight information. “He’ll be arriving too late to make our flight to Quito. He can meet us there.”

  Joaquin motioned to the waiting area in front of the next gate, which was empty. “Let’s sit for a minute and talk.” Joaquin stretched his legs and groaned softly. “Charlie, I’ve always respected and liked you, so I’ll get straight to the point. I don’t want you going to Quito. It’s much too dangerous.”

  Charlie looked confused. “Then why did you ask me to meet you here? Why didn’t you tell me while I was in New York?”

t’s complicated. I had to tell you in person because the plans have changed substantially since we last spoke. We’re no longer going to Quito because Steven will be leaving there. We are going instead to a private island off the coast of South America.”

  Charlie rubbed his eyes, red and irritated from traveling. “Joaquin, please tell me what’s going on.”

  “The Scorpion has arranged a complicated rendezvous for a particular purpose that I have not been entrusted with. You can do absolutely nothing to help the boy. He’s in control of his own destiny, and the outcome is beyond our power to intervene. The Scorpion knows you’re here with me, and that you disobeyed him. You would be dead, but I interceded and begged him to spare your life. He told me that if I persuaded you to return to Chicago, he would overlook your transgression and leave you in peace. If you come to the island, you will die.”

  “Joaquin, I really don’t care about……”

  “I do,” Joaquin interjected. “I don’t wish to see you meet the same fate as Veeksburn or the others he’s slain. There are very few of us left and I want you to have a better end to your life than this!”

  “What about the detective? He expects me to meet him.”

  “His destiny is bound with Steven’s. The Scorpion has granted him safe passage to the island. What will become of him, I cannot say.”

  “So you, the detective, and Steven are going to this island to meet the Scorpion?”

  “Yes, but there will be two others; Nick Manzione and his Italian girlfriend.”

  “Pierro’s boy?”

  Joaquin nodded.

  “What’s Nick got to do with this?”

  Joaquin shrugged.

  “I swore to Steven’s mother that I’d protect her son. I won’t break my promise.”

  “I understand, but I also know Francesca would not want you to needlessly sacrifice your life. She still cares about you.”


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