Treacherous Temptations

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Treacherous Temptations Page 16

by Victoria Vane

  “Yes, Hadley.” The effort of speech stole what little breath still remained in her lungs. “I do. Please show me what can be. Kiss me again. Please.” She closed her eyes and offered up her mouth but he only brushed it lightly.

  “While I wish very much to lavish particular attention on that luscious mouth of yours, first I would look at you. I wish to see my new bride in all her natural glory.”

  Her virginal qualms returned with a vengeance. “Can we not get into the bed first?”

  “All in good time.” He pulled at the top ribbon of her nightrail. “Your body is nothing to be ashamed of. Indeed, I marvel at and adore the graceful lines of the feminine form.” He plucked another ribbon. “And I intend to explore you and learn what pleases you, just as you shall learn what pleases me.” He loosed another tie and slowly parted the gown. “Such as the silky softness of a woman’s skin…The milky whiteness of her shoulders.” He kissed each one in turn and drew the gown even lower. “Her glorious breasts.”

  When he made to bare them completely to his view, Mary covered herself.

  “No, my dear,” he scolded. “You are mine now, to do with as I will.” He jerked at the gown and it slid to the floor. “To view.” His heated gaze lingered on her breasts and then tracked lower. He circled behind her, enveloping her in his strong arms and cupped her generous breasts. “To caress.” He anchored her tightly against him, his arousal pressing against the furrow of her buttocks. He whispered warm and sultry in her ear. “You were made for me, Mary. You see how perfectly we fit?” He caressed her breasts while his lips played at her nape, sending blissful ripples down her spine. “You have a form akin to Voluptus and were designed to be worshipped.”

  “You think me beautiful?” she asked on a breath.

  “I would not call you beautiful.”

  Her heart sank.

  He strummed his thumbs lightly over her nipples. They instantly tingled and hardened. “True beauty can be cold…lifeless.” He rolled the taut peaks between his fingers. “Whereas you are warm…Responsive…”

  His teeth scored over her neck.

  Her heart ricocheted against her breastbone when he pressed his lips again to her skin. “And eminently more desirable.” His hand slid down her belly, circling her navel, and then skirting over the curve of her hip, as his wondrous mouth found the sensitive juncture between neck and shoulder.

  He gently bit down.

  She cried out.

  He stroked down her outer thigh and then back up again, searing a blazing path over the sensitive flesh on the inside. A gush of warmth filled the cleft between her thighs. She clamped her legs together, but the action trapped his hand, increasing both the pressure and the excruciating ache inside her.

  “Don’t you want me to touch you?” His breath was hot in her ear, sending more ripples through her body.

  “No! Yes! I don’t know,” she whimpered. “It frightens me, Hadley. The way you make me feel.”

  “There’s nothing to fear from desire, my dear, and I’m going to answer your need with so much pleasure you’ll think you’ve lost your mind.” He turned her head and captured her mouth in a deep, devouring, and dizzying kiss that indeed emptied her mind, replacing hesitation with treacherous waves of want.

  Their mutual moans and panting breaths filled the air as he slid his fingers into the slickened folds of her sex, his clever fingers working, stroking, swirling, and then circling her hooded bud. “Do you like my cock rubbing against you?” He ground his hardened staff against her buttocks and increased the cadence of his fingers.

  “Please Hadley,” she cried, desperate for release.

  “Please what, Mary?” he taunted with a low rumble. “Please don’t stop? Please take me to bed?”

  “Yes,” she cried. “Take me to bed!”

  “As the lady wishes.” He lifted her into his arms, carrying her limp and dazed to the bed where he laid her atop the snowy linens. He shed his remaining clothes and came over her, trapping her beneath him.

  Mary gazed up at him panting with need, but panic rose to the fore. “Do you intend to…”

  “Consummate?” he supplied. “Not yet, my dear. I refuse to rush this. There is so much for us to explore. I will only take you when you want me above all things, when you are certain that nothing else can satisfy your ceaseless ache but to have me inside you.” He kissed her again, deeply, his tongue seeking hers and then withdrawing. He murmured against her lips. “For now I only want to learn your body more intimately…and for you to learn mine. Close your eyes,” he commanded.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “Nothing you won’t thoroughly delight in. Did you enjoy it when I touched your sex? When I used my fingers to pleasure you? When I stroked you to your release?”

  “You know I did.” She averted her gaze. “Exceedingly. You overwhelmed me.”

  “Not yet, my sweet, but very soon.” he replied with a twitch of his mouth.

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I mean that I wish to show you what indescribable bliss could be between us, to truly overwhelm and exhaust you in the most delicious of ways; and before this night is out, I’ll do it again and again.” Passionate promises that took hold of her, enthralling her even more powerfully than his skilled hands had done before.

  Hadley began with just a single caress, a gossamer touch that traced her pulse from neck to collarbones. His mouth followed, blazing a moist, hot trail. His hands and mouth played over her skin, lingering at her breasts, gently circling her nipples, teasing them with darting flicks of his tongue. It was heavenly…

  She arched into him with a moan and he took her into his mouth, lightly clamping and tugging the taut peaks with his teeth, sending a rush of sensation to her core. She twined her fingers in his hair, urging him to take her more fully into his mouth, to suckle her as he had done before, but he withdrew from her breasts…leaving her once more in frustrated want.

  With the same light caress, of hands and mouth, Hadley smoothed over her belly and the round curve of her hips, blazing a path over her skin with his lips, teeth, and tongue, inciting soft blissful sounds from her as he worked his way down her body. She felt the stroke of his hands caressing her thighs, moving to the sensitive inside, and then easing them apart.

  “No!” she cried, clamping them back together with a strangled sound. “What are you doing?”

  “Relax my pet.” Hadley lightly brushed over the downy ginger-colored mass of her mons, a sensation that made her shudder with pleasure, yet nervous tremors followed.

  “You can’t think to—”

  “Yes, my innocent. It gratifies me deeply to bring a woman into the full throes of rapture with my kisses.” He lowered his head to demonstrate, blowing moist hot breath over her most sensitive flesh, exacerbating the quivers that already racked her body.

  “You are very wicked!”

  He chuckled, a low rumble that resonated through her body. “But there you are wrong my pet. Between a husband and wife, there is no wickedness, guilt, or shame, for carnal iniquity ceases to exist in the marriage bed. There is only the promise of pleasure and the fulfillment of mutual desires. Trust me in this, my sweet,” he soothed, while stroking, kissing, and licking his way up her inner thighs, drugging her with pure pleasure. “Just close your eyes and empty your mind. Do nothing but bask in the sensations.”


  She whimpered softly as he gently parted her quivering thighs to look upon the most erotic sight of her exposed womanhood. The vision of delicate lips, and glistening pink folds, sent all the blood from his body surging to his cock.

  He closed his eyes to breathe in deeply of her. Even now it made him lightheaded and evoked the ravenous urge to drown himself in her. He wanted to inhale and taste her sweet salty essence upon his tongue, to make her buck and writhe, and sob and cry out in mindless rapture.

  “I’m going to make love to you with my mouth now, Mary—to kiss and tongue you until you scream. I’m going to ma
ke you come apart so hard you’ll think you died.” He lowered his mouth to her sex, slowly and deliberately exploring her slicken contours with an unhurried swipe of his tongue.

  She whimpered beneath him at the same time she clutched a hand to his head. Locating her hidden nub, he laved it with long licks, short flicks, and swirls of his tongue that made her buck upward with a muffled cry. Hadley relished every sight and sound of her pleasure, her sharp breaths intermingled with whimpers and moans heightened his own lust until he burned like a furnace.

  “Please,” she tangled her fingers in his hair. Flushed and panting, she begged for an end to the exquisite torture he wrought upon her with his tongue. In the moment he thought she must come or combust, he plied his lips to the frenetically pulsing nub of her clitoris, and suckled— sending her over the edge with a piercing scream.


  With her body still convulsing in tiny aftershocks, Mary gazed at him with pleasure-drugged eyes. She thought she had already experienced ecstasy at his hands, but good heavens, his mouth! That wondrously wicked mouth! The ripples had torn through her in wave upon euphoric wave, until she indeed thought she would die of rapture.

  “What did you do to me? I feel as if part of me has left my body for some other heavenly place.”

  A slow sensual smile stretched his mouth. “That was only the appetizer of our wedding feast.”

  “But you didn’t…We still haven’t—”

  “No. I didn’t, and we have not.” His voice was thick. “I am far from finished with you, Mary. I told you there were many means to pleasure and we have only just begun.”

  He came over her again, his shaft nudging the space between her legs. “Do you like my cock against your sex? Does the feel of my naked flesh excite you?” He rubbed it against her mons and her inner walls fluttered and convulsed.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Your every touch heats my blood.”

  All of a sudden, he rolled her on top of him, reversing their positions. “Then touch me, Mary,” he commanded.

  “Touch you?”

  “Yes. If you are going to take me into your body, wouldn’t you like to have a better knowledge of mine? He smiled up at her. I am yours now, Mary. Do with me as you will.”

  Mary’s gaze met his for a long questioning moment before she realized he had put her in control. “But I don’t know what to do…what you want.”

  “Kissing me would be a good start.”

  Mary dipped her head, brushing her lips across his mouth. He darted out his tongue, flicking it over her lips, encouraging her to do the same. When their tongues engaged a frisson of sensation rippled through her. She deepened the kiss and he opened fully to her, allowing her to taste him. She realized with a jolt that her essence still lingered on his lips and tongue. The intimacy of it was strangely and powerfully arousing.

  She moved over his face with breathy little kisses interspersed with nibbles and flicks of her tongue. Growing more daring, she roved downward in a deliciously tactile survey of his torso, lingering at his chest, stroking, caressing, and tracing his nipples with her fingertip, delighting in his coarse hair against her skin and the feel of his strong, hard body under her hands and mouth. He stirred beneath her with a growl of approval.

  “What do you feel when I touch you and kiss you like this?” Mary emulated what he had done to her, using lips, teeth, and tongue to suckle.

  “What do I feel?” He guided her hand down between them and wrapped her fingers around his sex. He tightened her grasp. “Does this answer your question?”

  She gasped. It was hot and pulsing like a beating heart.

  “I asked you once before if you understood what this means.”

  “Yes. I understand what happens when a man becomes aroused and what proceeds thereafter.” Mary traced her fingers along the erotic trail of dark hair toward his sex, growing increasingly aroused by the sight. Long, thick, and rigid, his sex reared up at her. She had already felt it throbbing in her grasp, and now studied it in utter fascination—the shape and contour of it rising from the nest of dark curls, the smooth purplish crown, the heavy sac behind.

  “Touch me, Mary. Please. Take me fully in your hand. “

  She closed her eyes and bit her lip. “You want me to fondle your…your…?”

  “Staff? Rod? Virile member?” he suggested. “Yes, I want you to stroke and fondle me.”

  She obeyed, wrapping her fingers around him and moving slowly up and down his length, closing her eyes to appreciate the feel of him, hot and hard, filling her hand. He covered it with his own, squeezing it tighter around him, and then moved her more briskly up and down his shaft.

  Three more long hard strokes and he had expanded both in length and breadth.

  “This feels good to you, Hadley?” Mary turned around to ask. “Would you have me continue? Is this what you wish?”

  “Only as a last resort for there are far better means of gratification. Means I would vastly prefer, if you would oblige me.” He brushed his thumb across her lower lip. “Your mouth, my pet, would feel infinitely better.”

  Her stomach dropped. “You wish me to kiss it?”

  He traced her mouth with his index finger, his gaze boring into hers as. “Please do not be apprehensive for as much as I desire to feel myself engulfed in your sweet mouth, I would not ask anything that reviles you. The acts of love should always be mutually gratifying.”

  “Revile me?” After what he had done to her, the thought of kissing him, of plying her mouth to his sex didn’t revile her at all. On the contrary, the thought made her a bit breathless. She wanted to know his body in the most intimate ways, to satisfy his desires—to give him the same mind-bending, bone-melting pleasure he had shown her. “No. Hadley.” She cast her gaze back to his face. “I am not repulsed but I don’t know what to do.”

  “Do what you wish,” he said.

  Once more, he had placed her in command. Mary felt an almost giddy sense of empowerment as she moved down his body to kneel by his side. More confident than before, she did not wait for his guidance but took him boldly in hand. While stoking it with her hand, she lowered her mouth to the head of his phallus and kissed it, a gentle and experimental brush of her lips. He felt hot and smooth as silk against her mouth, and not unpleasant at all. His scent was stronger here, musky, male, and very arousing.

  She wet her lips and kissed him again, this time dragging her softly parted mouth over the crown. He jerked in her hand. She glanced up to find Hadley gazing back at her through half-closed lids. Without breaking eye contact, she added little darts of her tongue. His pupils flared and his breathing quickened, a reaction that fired her desire to do more. She swirled her tongue around his crown relishing the smooth feel of him and then flicked at the little slit, tasting of his salty essence.

  “Please, take me in,” he moaned softly, entangling his fingers in her hair. “It would delight me above all things to have your lips surround me.”

  Her pulse raced with anticipation as she opened to him, drawing him slowly into her mouth, a fraction at a time. “Use your tongue.”

  She took him all the way into her mouth, teasing, stroking, and caressing with her tongue.

  “Yes, my sweet,” he groaned and gently guided her into a rhythm of slick swirling tongue and long wet pulls. “Sweet Jesus. Just like that.”

  The awareness that she could fill him with the same mindless rapture was gloriously heady, and the power she wielded over him enthralling. With every passing moment, Mary became more intoxicated by the sultry sounds of his pleasure and drunk with her own decadent desires.


  He cupped a palm to her head, gently encouraging her to take him all the way, but the rapid tightening in his bollacks told him he needed to focus on something, anything, besides, the gently rasping tongue, and hot wet suction of her mouth. Mary’s growing enthusiasm excited the hell out of him. Sweet Jesus it felt good! Too good! It had been too lengthy an interval since he’d last spent his essence to hol
d back much longer.

  He abruptly withdrew from her mouth before he lost his last shreds of control.

  Mary’s gaze widened. “Why?” she asked with a look of disappointment.

  “It would be inexcusable for me to spend in your mouth the first time.”

  “But don’t you wish to…to finish this?”

  His gaze narrowed. “I do. The question is whether you want me to take you now.”

  “You said we would join when I knew nothing else would satisfy me. I cannot begin to describe what you have shown me, but I still feel a void, an ache deep inside me.” She brought his hand to the juncture of her thighs. “An excruciating emptiness here. I want to feel you there, inside me now, Hadley. Please. Let this be real between us. Let it be complete.”

  “You do realize that once I take your maidenhead there is no turning back. You are mine, Mary. Unequivocally and irrevocably mine.”

  “Yes,” she replied. “Make me yours now, Hadley. Unequivocally. Irrevocably.”


  Fool that he was, even now he was giving her a final chance to void the marriage. Was it another damnable twinge of conscience? He’d exorcise the bloody thing if he could. He had half-expected her to demur, but she hadn’t, and so he would. Take her that is, for he was slowly perishing from a desperate need for release. He would finally claim her, brand her with her own blood.

  He kissed her long and deep, relishing the musky essence that still lingered on her mouth and tongue and wordlessly, he lay her down. He positioned himself at her entrance, wrapping her legs about his flanks. He had no worries about her readiness after making her come so hard. With heaven awaiting him on the other side of her maidenhead, he plunged into her, breaching her in one hard thrust.

  She stiffened beneath him with a soft cry.

  He shut his eyes in a Herculean effort to suppress the urge to thrust again. He held his breath, straining and waiting for her to stretch and adjust to him. It was the sweetest agony to feel himself so tightly filling her, encased as he was in an astoundingly, exquisitely, taut passage. After a long and labored moment, he began to move, in slow and deliberate mind-blurring thrusts.


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