My Best Friend's Little Sister: A Bad Boy Romance

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My Best Friend's Little Sister: A Bad Boy Romance Page 37

by Lauren Wood


  “Come in.”

  I opened the door slowly and was almost instantly relieved at the smiling woman that was in front of me. She wasn’t much older than me and I don’t know why I felt better. I felt like I had a chance now, as she hadn’t been out of college that long either.

  “Claire Adams?”

  I nodded my head that I was she and she motioned me to the seat across from her desk. “Nice to meet you. I was glad to see your resume in my inbox this morning. You have all of the educational requirements that we are looking for. Sadly that has been a hard thing to find it seems and even with several recruiters I have two open positions.”

  She was babbling and I was just to the point of smiling and nodding. I was listening, but more just waiting for her to get to the interview. Her desk was covered in work and I could tell that she was scattered brain for a reason. It seemed like she needed me, as much as I needed the job.

  Caroline asked me about school and my grades. I had a copy of my transcripts with me just in case and when I offered to show her she took a few minutes going over everything. “Great grades and I can see that Stats was your best class. Very impressive Claire.”

  “Thank you.” I was waiting for the but now. Like I had all of the education, but we were looking for someone with a little more experience. That was the but I was waiting to come out of Caroline’s mouth.

  “Well everything looks to be in order Claire and I think you would be a great fit here. We focus on efficiency and I can see that you will be perfect. I have talked to a couple of your professors and bosses and everyone raves about you. We need the passion they describe here. I need people that are passionate about numbers.”

  It was a silly thing to say, but I could relate. Numbers were easy because they didn’t change. Everything else changed and I liked the simplicity of numbers. I found it soothing, while most found it mind numbing.

  Caroline went over the pay packet and the benefits that they offered. It was higher than I would have thought and there were many perks to working there. While Future Plans was still small in comparison to their rivals, they were making a name for themselves and apparently believed in taking care of the employees. “The employees take care of the customers, so Rick likes to make sure that we are taken care of. You couldn’t ask for a better boss. He is demanding, but I am sure you won’t have any trouble here. I have a good feeling about you Claire.”

  I thanked her for her kind words and the opportunity. I almost wanted to get out of there quickly so that she couldn’t change her mind. I don’t know why I was so worried about it, but I was. I needed this job and it had just fallen on my lap a little too easily. I wasn’t used to it and I am sure that is why I felt this way.

  “Do you have any questions for me Claire?”

  I couldn’t think of a thing. “When do you want me to start?”

  Caroline smiled and the woman looked beautiful for a moment. Her smile made the rest of her face more inviting and it was almost like seeing an eclipse with the belief that you wouldn’t see it again for a very long time.

  “Start tomorrow at nine sharp. Make sure you are on time. You will have a meeting with the rest of the consultants and with the CEO Rick in the morning.”

  “Sounds good, thank you again.”

  She told me that it was no problem. “I am just happy you applied. I was starting to think I would never fill those positions and I was going to have to do it all. We are in our busy time with all of the annual reports going out. Businesses are feeling the pinch and many want to know where all of their money is going.”

  I left not long after that. Caroline had a lot of work to do and she was happier than when I first came in. She was inviting in her own way and I hoped to see her again. Caroline had changed my life and she didn’t even know it.

  Going down to the fifth floor, I picked up a packet from HR and made my way out to the parking garage. I had a handful of paperwork in my hands to do with the insurance and the 401K. I felt like for the first time, I was finally an adult, with a real job and everything.

  I had to call Amy with the good news, but first I had to get home. It had been a long day with a late start, but everything was starting to look up if nothing else.

  Chapter 3


  “Good morning baby.”

  I looked to Bella and smiled. She was lying next to me and I could feel by where our skin touched that she wasn’t wearing any clothes. I don’t remember asking her to stay the night, but I wasn’t going to argue with the results of waking up to her supple body. It did something to me and it wasn’t long before I was pulling her to me. The softness of her skin was intoxicating and before long I had her on top of me. It gave her the power and me the best view in the house.

  “Do you have to work today?”

  I grabbed her hips to hurry her along. “You know that I do.”

  My teeth gritted to the tightness surrounding me and I pulled her down for a kiss. I didn’t want to talk, but Bella had something on her mind. She was pouting, her bright red lips poked out. Did she sleep with makeup on?

  Pushing her hands to my chest to brace herself, she slowed down and made me groan. It wasn’t enough to push me over and I think that was her purpose. I was starting to feel need boil up, but the way she was riding me was prolonging it. I was going to be late and didn’t have time for her antics. She knew exactly what it was that she was doing.

  Rolling her underneath me, I thrust in a few times hard and fast, sending us both to the edge. I heard my name called out and it was the best start to the day.

  I got up and told her that I would call her a cab.

  “Why can’t I be here when you get back Rick? Do you have another girl planned for tonight?”

  She shouldn’t ask questions that she doesn’t want answers to. “It’s not like that Bella. You know that I like my privacy. I will call you.”

  I would too, but it would be a week or two from now. I had to give her time in between so she wouldn’t get clingy fast. While Bella knew she wasn’t the only one, she still wanted to be the only woman in my life. I tried to tell her that I wasn’t looking for a relationship, but like many women, she thought falsely that she could change my mind.

  “When…? And don’t say soon, I really hate when you say that.”

  I was going to say soon. That was my answer to that question. I liked ambiguous answers that I couldn’t be held to. If I told her a day or a week and I didn’t call, she would pop up at my work again. “Very soon.”

  Bella pouted, but I ignored the look. She did that a lot when she didn’t get her way. I would have stopped seeing her a long time ago, but Bella was talented in other ways. She was a great girl, but just not for me. I told her that one day she would find who it was she was looking for. I knew when that day came, it wouldn’t be me.

  I jumped in the shower and checked the time. I had about twenty minutes to get to work and start a major meeting. The company wasn’t in trouble, but we were going to be soon enough if we didn’t get some more staff in to take care of all of the new clients. My little consulting firm had really taken off, but staffing it had become a big problem. I hoped for all of our sakes that Caroline had found a couple employees for me.

  The drive to work was relaxing. After the orgasm with Bella and the jazz on the stereo, I was ready for another day. I parked in the same spot I had for several years and made my way to the elevator. All the way up to the top, I got out and stopped by the conference room. Everyone was already in there because they know how I hated tardiness. Waving at a few, I told them I would be back in a minute. I needed a cup of coffee in my hand, one that my assistant already had ready for me. It was times like this that she was a real lifesaver.

  “Busy day Karen?”

  “Not too bad. You have the meeting in a few minutes and then a couple of consults with Jerry Adkins. I don’t know how long that will run. You know how long-winded he is, so I left the afternoon open. If you get back from l
unch before three, I have something else lined up for you. We will just see how everything is going.”

  I thanked her and looked back towards the conference room. “Any new faces?”

  “Caroline hired a girl yesterday. She has a great education, but no experience.”

  I was not sure how that would go. It would either go really good, or it would be a disaster. I never knew which way it was going to go. “I didn’t see her in there. When does she start?”

  “Today I think. Not really sure. I can find out if you want me to boss.”

  I declined the offer and made my way to the conference room at the end of the hall. I was there with a handful of my best consultants, as well as the hiring manager. I looked around the room. I didn’t see anyone new and I thought that maybe Karen had been mistaken.

  “Good morning everyone. How was your evening?”

  Everyone gave a nod or a short answer. I wasn’t the only one that looked like they needed coffee, so I sent Karen to get a cup for everyone. We had a lot to cover and a lot of new clients that had to be given a consultant. It was going to be a long meeting and the last thing I needed was people unable to pay attention.

  When Karen came back, she was the savior to most and I pulled Caroline to the side.

  “I heard you hired someone yesterday?”

  She nodded and I could tell that the question made her uncomfortable.

  “Did she not show up?”

  “Not yet, Sir. I told her nine. I didn’t think that she would be late. You should see her resume and she was actually almost a half an hour early for the interview.”

  “Give her a few more minutes and if she doesn’t show up, keep looking.”

  “Of course, Sir.”

  I went to the front of the long table and sat down. I was clearing my thoughts, trying to figure out what I was going to say first, when the side door opened and a young blonde walked in. She was tall and petite, nothing special in my world. Her eyes were a blazing blue that really stuck out to me and it was hard to look away when I met her gaze. That was a little different and made her unique.

  Caroline introduced her to the group and while I thought she was pretty, she was also almost fifteen minutes late. She tried to give an excuse but I stopped her. I just didn’t want to hear why. I wanted to hear that it would never happen again.

  “Just sit down Miss…”

  “Claire Adams.”

  “Well Miss Adams, find a seat and try to keep up.”

  I was slightly irritated by the new employee being late on her first day. I was sure it was to make sure that her shoes and her black bag matched, or that her makeup was perfect. I didn’t think she was going to last long.

  The meeting went as expected. There was a lot to cover, namely several new clients that had set up consultations. It was more than I could take on and that is why I was building the consulting team. I eyed the young blonde that was staring wistfully out the window.

  “Am I boring you Miss Adams?”

  Her name jolted her up from her seat and she shook her head that I wasn’t.

  “This is where I give out assignments. Do you think you are ready for one?”

  I expected her to get a nervous look on her face, wide eyes, but she just nodded her head that she was ready. I was surprised, shocked even, but I had to begrudgingly admit to myself that I liked her spunk. She looked me right in the eyes, accepting the challenge. I had thrown down the gauntlet and that didn’t seem to bother her one bit.

  Caroline interjected that it was literally her first day and I remembered her saying she was fresh out of college with no experience, but I couldn’t back down from a challenge any more than she could apparently.

  “I think that if Miss Adams wants to give it a shot, we should let her. Our reputation is not so fragile.”

  I wasn’t even going to pretend that I had faith in her. I didn’t have much, but I wanted to see how it would all turn out. My aggravation had turned to intrigue. I usually knew what was going to happen next, but this time I was left in the dark. It was a nice change of pace from everything that was so predictable.

  “You can have Baker’s Food. I will need a report on my desk by the end of the week. Since it is only three days away, I suggest you get started.”

  She thanked me, but didn’t budge. “Now Miss Adams, you need to get started now.”

  “You want me to leave the meeting?”

  The exasperated feelings were coming back and I shook my head up and down slowly like she was an idiot. I don’t know what possessed me to, but there was something about that woman that put me on edge. I didn’t like inconsistency and surprises and she was both.


  “You were kind of harsh on her, don’t you think?”

  I shook my head that I didn’t know what she was talking about, but we both know that I did. She was talking about Miss Adams. Caroline didn’t usually say anything to me in this way, but she seemed to have a protective feel for her.

  “She was late. You know I don’t tolerate tardiness.”

  “Her only cat died this morning. She had to dispose of the body before she came in.”

  Still I didn’t see what had caused her to be so late. “As cold as it is outside, you would think she would have just chucked it in the bin.”

  “That was even worse.”

  I tried to look innocent. “What? I don’t like cats.”

  Caroline just shook her head at me like there was no hope for me and I had to admit that she could have been onto something. Was I that rough on her?

  “Well, be a little nicer. It took me weeks to find her. You keep scheduling all these consults and it is going to be me and you doing them all.”

  “You aren’t going to leave me because I am too mean?”

  She nodded that she wouldn’t. “You are like a little puppy. Your bark is worse than your bite. They just don’t know it yet.”

  I watched the young woman leave and I had to admit that she made me pause. I didn’t look at what I was doing all that much, not really. There wasn’t a lot of time for self-reflection and I can’t say that I really liked it all that much. I didn’t want to think about how I was perceived by the rest of the world.

  “Well you will just have to wait and see.”

  I had a feeling that I was going to be proven right. I don’t think the young girl was going to be up to snuff. Caroline had faith in her, but I didn’t. I think for all of her bravado, I would have to go back over the numbers and find out where Baker’s Food was bleeding money. It is what I did after all.

  The idea that I would be wrong, never actually crossed my mind.

  Chapter 4


  “Ugh, you should have heard him Amy. I swear that if I didn’t need this job, I would have walked out right there. I can’t help it if I was late. What was I supposed to do with Rosco?”

  “Did you tell him what was going on?”

  “He didn’t want to hear it.”

  I felt close to tears and I was so very glad that Amy was off and available to listen to my rant that switched to tears several times. I had one of the worst first days of my life. In less than two hours, I had lost all hope for Future Plans being in my future. The owner was a jerk.

  Rosco died, still not sure how. I found him when I woke up and even though my alarm clock had been set early, it had taken me a considerable amount of time to get myself together. I did my best, but to have heard Rick talk about it, I was the lowest form of scum for being late.

  “Then don’t go back.”

  “Oh I am going to, just to prove it to him. Caroline told me that Baker’s Foods is huge, I mean really big and they are losing a lot of money. It is a big client and Rick thinks I am going to fail. I won’t though and then I will show him.”

  Amy sat back in the patio seat and just shrugged. “There is always a spot at the diner. It is a lot less drama than your job already is. You take orders and give out food. The living is okay.”

  “No, it
wouldn’t be enough. I have student loans.”

  Amy told me that she was just throwing it out there, but I really wasn’t ready for that. I know that I made it sound like it was a horrible job and maybe it would turn out to be, but really it was just Rick. He had been so rude that I still wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do to handle him. All I could do was do the best job that I could and prove him wrong.

  “I don’t know. Sorry I am bitching so much. You just should have seen it. The sad part is that the guy was really hot. I mean rich and handsome, so of course he is a total jerk. Caroline talked about Rick like he was this great guy, but I just don’t see it.”

  “What did he look like?”

  “Tall, dark and handsome with the greenest eyes I have ever seen. They look like little emeralds or something.”

  She looked at me a little queer, so I shut up. Okay, he was really hot and even thinking about him got me a little warm under the collar. It seemed like a waste that he was such a jerk because he was just so damn cute.

  “That sounds like it has some potential.”

  I scoffed. “He was just named the richest man in Atlanta. I don’t think he is worried about me and there is certainly no potential there.”

  Amy was a dreamer, but one of us had to keep their feet planted firmly on the ground. It wasn’t going to be her.

  “I am just saying Claire, could you imagine?”

  I couldn’t and I ignored the next five minutes of conversation that came out of her mouth. I didn’t need help thinking about him in that way. It was literally the first thing that I thought of when I saw him. Now she was helping me fill in some details and that was not helping at all.

  When Amy left that night, I was a little tired but I couldn’t sleep. She had put more crap in my head and it wasn’t helping my state of mind. I didn’t want to think of him that way, but I knew when I saw him next I was going to check out a particular part of him, just to see.


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