My Best Friend's Little Sister: A Bad Boy Romance

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My Best Friend's Little Sister: A Bad Boy Romance Page 42

by Lauren Wood

  I was a little shocked to hear him say such things. “What the hell has gotten into you Keenan? It’s like I don’t even know you anymore.”

  “I am still the same me. Just different priorities is all.”

  “Well I wouldn’t give up the single life for anything. You should have seen this hot little black-haired chick I seen last night. That chick had an ass for days that jiggled in just the right way. I wanted to bury my face into it. If I was married, I wouldn’t be able to do that.”

  Keenan just shook his head at me and told me that I was hopeless. Maybe I was, but I didn’t think it was that bad.

  “Come on Chris, when you meet the one you are supposed to be with, you won’t even look at those asses anymore.”

  I told him that we would just have to agree to disagree. There was no way that I was going to want to hear that nonsense. Everyone I had talked to lately was talking about ‘the one.’ She didn’t exist and I was getting sick of hearing about her. My perfect woman was as many as I could get my hands on.

  “Damn there she is right there.”

  I caught her eyes from across the hotel lobby and even though I was ridiculously drunk the night before, I would never forget her eyes. They looked almost purple in the light and in the day time they looked even more violet. Her black hair was down and she was wearing a number that I could have sworn I had seen before not too long ago. It fit her well, every curve encased perfectly and the ass that I remembered in the tight red bikini the night before was now on display and even more magnificent in the light. I hadn’t seen the large rack on the top of her because most of her body was covered in water before. Now all of her was out and I was even more convinced that this beautiful creature was the reason I was here in Jamaica.

  “Hello there again sexy.”

  The woman turned around and sighed at me. I wasn’t used to the kind of response and it really threw me off. Most women were eager to get my attention, but this woman seemed to be bothered by it. Had I lost my touch? Keenan had said something to me when I had started walking this way, something about wasting my time. I didn’t know what that meant, but I was eager to change the woman’s mind about me.

  “I think we met last night.”

  “Yeah I remember you.”

  “And I told you that I would remember you as well.”

  “I think you said you would remember my ass Sir. That’s what you said.”

  I looked down to the curved hip and wanted to look a little behind her. That ass was magnificent, but I doubted that she would be too happy hearing about it. I wasn’t sure, but I had a feeling, a vibe that she wasn’t going to be okay with it at all.

  “I am sorry if I said it like that. I had a bit too much to drink last night. Can I take you out for coffee to make it up to you?”

  “Make what up to me?”

  “My bad behavior.”

  “No big deal. All of you guys are like that. I have to meet my boss and a client for breakfast anyways, but thank you.”

  I didn’t know if she was just putting me off nicely or not, but I had a feeling that I wasn’t going to convince her otherwise.

  “Well who is your boss? I am sure I can talk him into giving you some time off so that we can go out.”

  “No thanks. I see him now. You have a good day Sir.”

  She called me Sir again and walked away like she didn’t know who I was. Maybe she didn’t or maybe she didn’t care. That would be a first time scenario and I didn’t believe it to be the case. Was she just playing hard to get with me?

  “Keenan, I was looking for you upstairs.”

  “Hey Stacy. I called up to your room and you were already gone for the day. Where did you go so early this morning?”

  “Well I had to go to the gym downstairs because I was harassed last night at the beach. It doesn’t seem like the sort of place that a girl can get out by herself.”

  Keenan looked concerned and I started to feel that way. How did they know each other and was she about to tell him that I was the one harassing her? I wasn’t harassing her, was I? I mean, I was drunk sure, but at the same time, I was never that sort of guy. I didn’t understand where she was getting that from.

  “So you and Stacy know each other Chris?”

  Keenan had a wry grin on his face and I had a feeling that he knew something that I didn’t. What was going on with this woman and who was she? My eyes asked him what was going on and who she was, but he just smiled and left me in suspense.

  Stacy realized that I was behind her and she whipped around and then groaned again. “Yeah, I have met him. That is the one I was just telling you about.”

  Keenan chuckled. “Stacy, I would like you to meet an old friend and colleague of mine. Chris, this is Stacy, my assistant and Ashlyn’s niece.”

  I stopped and took another look at her. I could now see the resemblance. “You know my Aunt?”

  Shaking my head, I told her that I did, but I certainly wasn’t going to tell her how well I knew her. “Yes I do. She is a lovely woman.”

  Stacy looked at me suspiciously and then it dawned on her. “Tell me this isn’t the client that we were supposed to meet.”

  Keenan didn’t seem upset that his assistant was talking to him like that. She really was like Ashlyn in that she said whatever came to her mind.

  “Sorry to say that I am. I talked Keenan into coming out here. I had no idea he was going to bring such a beautiful assistant with him. I am jealous now that I am here by myself.”

  “You told me that you like to be alone.”

  I cut a look to Keenan. He obviously knew that I was trying to flirt with his assistant, but it was becoming clear very quickly that I wasn’t going to get anywhere fast. “Yes, I did say that, but a good assistant is priceless, isn’t it?”

  I was looking at Stacy when I said it, but she just ignored me. “Keenan, I got the reservation that you wanted for this evening.”

  “Thank you Stacy. Shall we go?” He was asking me more than her and I had to wonder if there was something going on between them. How was there not something going on with her? She was beautiful and it started to makes sense why he wasn’t looking around. It wasn’t his wife, but his hot little assistant that was keeping him content. I needed someone like her in my life.

  “Yes we should go if you want to have a late breakfast before the first seminar starts for the day.”

  “Don’t worry about that talk, it isn’t going to be worth gong to.” Keenan smiled at me and I frowned back at him. The speaker hasn’t made that much money yet, so why would we take advice from him?”

  “Well whatever we are doing, I am getting hungry. Do you want me to go down…”

  Keenan’s phone rang and it was a special ring that he knew all too well by the way he answered it. I shot a look to Stacy that didn’t comment or really even look at me. How was I doing so badly with her when every other woman would have already been mine? I didn’t understand and I had to keep wondering if she knew who I was. Surely if she knew, she would make sure that I was content and take me up on my offer. Everyone else did. Why couldn’t she?

  “Okay Gemma, I will be there in a few hours.”

  That was all I heard of Keenan’s conversation. I knew then that he was leaving and it was because of his wife. I didn’t realize that she had such a strong hold on him, though I should have seen it coming because of how he acted at the charity event with her. The very fact that he was completely out of the loop should have been another good guess.

  “I am sorry Chris, but I got to get out of here.”

  “What is wrong Keenan?” It was Stacy that seemed worried and I waited to hear the answer myself. What could be so important that he was going to leave such a great event to go home to his wife? Didn’t he get enough of her?

  “Well Gemma is pregnant and she is having some pain. I am going to take her to the doctor.”

  “She can always just go to the emergency room, you don’t have to go.” I was trying to put some sense into h
im and it bothered me that he was leaving. I wanted to spend time with my old friend, but by the look he gave me, I was wrong for even suggesting that she go by herself. How was I supposed to know that she was that delicate?

  “No, I want to go with her. She tried to get me to stay, but I don’t want her going through it alone. She is scared and if I can be there, I am going to be.”

  Stacy kind of sighed and she had the look that all girls had when a man did something sweet. It was hard to stomach that look, especially when it meant I was losing my friend for the weekend. I had hoped that I could get him out and about, back to his old self before he got married and everything changed.

  “I can understand that Keenan. I was just hoping that we could hang out. It has been a while since we are so both busy, but family comes first.”

  Keenan was skeptical to hear me say that, but I knew that it was what he wanted to hear. It wasn’t necessarily what I felt was true, but I knew when I was beat. I was beat.

  “Do you want me to bring you the notes when I get back to the city?”

  “No, don’t worry about that. I am going to leave Stacy here to take care of it. If you could help her out a little bit though Chris, I would be grateful.”

  I looked to Stacy and I could tell that she didn’t know about her boss’ new plan. I was more than willing to help the woman out, but I knew that she wasn’t too excited about it.

  “Is that okay with you Stacy?”

  She glanced at me for a minute and then shook her head that it was. I smiled to myself and I knew then that she was going to be mine. No woman could resist me for very long.

  Chapter 4


  The last thing that I wanted to do was spend my weekend here with him. The man was a bit much to deal with and if Keenan used to be anything like him, it was clear that I was lucky he was no longer that way. Keenan hadn’t even looked at me wrong, but with Chris I knew exactly what it was that he wanted. He made no qualms about telling me. I had a feeling that I was going to be tested this weekend and even though this was all boring to me, I was going to do my best to learn as much as I could and to take good notes for Keenan.

  “So are you ready for breakfast?”

  Keenan had walked upstairs to get his items and leave. Because he was taking the jet back, I was going to have to ride back with Chris, another part of the weekend that I wasn’t looking forward to. I didn’t think he would really do anything, but he was going to flirt and look at me how he was now. Usually I wasn’t bothered by such admiration, it wasn’t the first time, but with him it felt different. With him, I couldn’t stop the way my body reacted to him, no matter how hard I tried.

  Walking with him into the restaurant in the bottom floor of the hotel, I almost made a comment that we could have just ordered room service. The idea of him in my room was enough to keep my mouth shut though. The last thing I needed was any more intimate moments with him.

  He held out my chair like a perfect gentlemen, but I wasn’t impressed. I was just anxious as to why he as being nice all of a sudden. Men like him worried me because they were the types of men that got what they wanted. I knew what Chris wanted and I wasn’t willing to give it up. The price would be too high and I hadn’t been so careful all of this time to lose my heart to a man that would crush it without a second thought.

  “So what brings you to work with Keenan? Are you studying stocks in school to be an analyst or something?”

  I shook my head no and for a while I wasn’t going to say anything more. I didn’t want to sit here and talk to him like everything was normal or that I even wanted to be here. I didn’t. This was my job and I knew that this man was Keenan’s friend, so even if I didn’t like him, I could at least be respectful for my employer’s sake. Unlike all of the people that I had met since I started working for Keenan, I actually needed this job and the paltry amount of money that it was going to supply to me.

  “No, just a business degree, with a minor in advertising and marketing. I like to sell ideas, not really the numbers side of it. I like the creation side of things. Numbers bore me.”

  “So why are you working with Keenan then?”

  I shrugged, not really sure how to explain in a quick sentence or two how I got here. “Well my scholarship only covers tuition and just barely, so Aunt Ashlyn knew I needed to find a summer job. Keenan will look good on my resume and he pays well.” I guess it wasn’t so hard after all when I said it like that. I knew why I was here, the money. It was something that I knew the man looking at me now wasn’t going to get. He had probably never needed money in his life. Like Keenan, I was sure that he came from a good family that was loaded.

  “I remember my summer jobs. I made pizzas the first two years I was in college. My grades weren’t good enough for a scholarship so I had to work pretty much every day when I was getting my degree.”

  That little tidbit of information was a little shocking. “What, did your family cut you off or something?” I was sure that he was born with the silver spoon firmly in his mouth. I couldn’t think of another way because he was just so comfortable in his skin as a rich man that I knew he must have always been that way.

  But he surprised me further, by shaking his head and smiling back at me from across the table. “No, my parent’s died when I was little and I really don’t have any family. I had no one to cut me off dear.”

  “Oh, well I am sorry to hear that.”

  It was his turn to shrug like it was no big deal, when it obviously was. I was starting to realize that I had been very wrong about him. I didn’t like the way that felt, but I had to admit to myself that I wasn’t thinking right. He was not at all what I thought he was.

  “Don’t be sorry, it was a long time ago. But if you would like to make me feel better, I can think of several ways to make that happen.”

  I groaned to myself and shook my own head. Here I was feeling bad for him and then he reminded me why I was avoiding him to begin with. “No, like you said, it was a long time ago, besides, I am sure that you have plenty of women that are lining up for the job.”

  He smiled at me and was about to say something when our breakfast was brought out. He had ordered for me, which was a little assuming as far as I was concerned, but it was really good, even though I wasn’t quite sure what I was eating. I didn’t want to seem uncultured and it appeared that I would because I didn’t even know what this pile of food was with a yellow sauce on top.

  “Do you like it?”

  I nodded to him, not really looking up.

  “It is good to see a woman with an appetite. I hate going out and watching a grown woman pick at her food.”

  “Well you most likely date models that only worth are measured by her waistline. I think I would most likely worry about what I was eating as well.”

  “You have a great figure. Do you work out?”

  “Not really. I swim when I can, but that is about it. Maybe I will step foot in a gym once a week, but with my schedule I don’t have time. I work at another place as well as with Keenan.”

  “Really, where else? Would I know the place?”

  I knew that he was from the city, but I also figured that he wouldn’t know the place. “It’s just a bar in the city that I work at.”

  “What do you do?” Chris appeared interested and I wasn’t going to be able to eat until I told him, so I put down my fork and took a drink.

  “Just tend bar. Make a few drinks. The pay is crap, but the tips are good.”

  “So you are a hustler?”

  “I don’t like to call it that. It is just survival.”

  “I admire your attitude. Most people would feel sorry for themselves to have two jobs.”

  “Well work like no one else for a little while, so you can live like no one else the rest of your life, right?”

  Chris liked that saying and I could tell that he was warming up to me. I didn’t know if that was a good thing or not, but at the end of the day being admired by such a man for anything
other than my looks was good enough for me.

  “Exactly. That is what I tell people all the time. Keenan used to be the same way. There was no stopping him, but now he is ruined, chasing after some skirt.”

  “You really don’t like women, do you?”

  “I do, I love them, but there is a time and place for all of that. A woman should never come between a man and his business.”

  “Maybe you haven’t met the right one yet.”

  Chris chuckled and sat back. “Yeah, I have heard that before. I don’t see a reason for one more than a few hours.”


  “Why do you say that?”

  “You will never find anything of substance looking for a few hours of a good time. How can that be conducive to anything good?”

  “I make them come until they can’t walk and I get my own pleasure. It is a win-win situation. No one has complained.”

  “Did you stay long enough to hear a complaint if one was made?”

  He laughed a little harder. “Not usually. Man, you sure have my number.”

  “I have met men like you before, rich men.”

  “I am not like all of the rest.”

  I could tell that there was something special about him, but it didn’t mean that I wanted to have anything to do with it. I knew that he was a dangerous man that I had to stay away from. It was going to be hard to do with this weekend looming ahead, but it was just a couple of more days and it was strictly business. I told myself that enough that I started to believe it.

  “I am sure you are not Chris.”

  He just smiled at me like I was being silly and I couldn’t help but return the gesture. His whole face softened and my body responded to the change in just one smile.

  “Well let’s get out of here. I am afraid you are going to be wildly bored for this first meeting. I am the speaker and I have a feeling you don’t want to hear me talk.”

  “Sir, you have me mistaken.”

  “You were clear this morning how you felt.”

  “Well you ruined a good swim for me. I didn’t know who you were and in my world if some drunken guys starts calling you sexy, getting close, you get away from them.”


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