Night Walker (Undeadly Secrets Book 1)

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Night Walker (Undeadly Secrets Book 1) Page 16

by Aaron L Speer

  “Why is that so shocking?”

  “Have you ever thought about how many suspicious bush fires there are?”

  “Oh god. I always wondered why some sick piece of shit would want to destroy bushland. Having the heat do it is bad enough. So any time I hear about a bushfire being suspicious…”

  “More than likely it’s a mass burning.”

  Alex played with the last of her food idly. “Have the Aborigines always known?”

  Michelle shrugged. “I’m not completely sure. The settlers had no idea what the hell they were bringing here, but the Aborigines did. They knew what was killing them. The Europeans just called it smallpox because they had no other explanation. But how the Aborigines knew already, no one’s certain, and they’re not talking,” Michelle said gravely. “Anyway, for years and years vampires and Aborigines fought night after night with Europeans in between, none the wiser. Aborigines knew the land, they knew how to hunt just as well as the vamps did. The vamps were actually out manoeuvred in a lot of ways, but the vamps hit back. I’m of the firm belief they were the instigators of the Stolen Generation.”

  “What? How?”

  “It’s just a theory. But I happen to agree with it. At the time, vamps were trying to gain members of parliament to create new laws to help them win the war and ultimately conquer the Great Southern Land. The Aborigines were the only things in their way. The tide changed then and the Aborigines never recovered. The authorities came and took the kids away, crying and screaming from their mothers, all for ‘God’s work’ and ‘their own good.’ Here, try and read between the lines of this one,” Michelle said, turning the laptop to Alex.

  The extent of the removal of children, and the reasoning behind their removal, are contested. Documentary evidence, such as newspaper articles and reports to parliamentary committees, suggest a range of rationales. Motivations evident include child protection, beliefs that given their catastrophic population decline after white contact that black people would “die out” and a fear of miscegenation by full-blooded Aboriginal people.

  In 1924, in the Adelaide Sun an article stated “The word ‘stole’ may sound a bit far-fetched but by the time we have told the story of the heart-broken Aboriginal mother we are sure the word will not be considered out of place.”

  The exact number of children removed is unknown, and disputed within a large range. The Bringing Them Home Report is often quoted as saying that “at least 100,000” children were removed from their parents, but this figure is arrived at by multiplying the Aboriginal population in 1994 (303,000), by the report's maximum estimate of “one in three”.

  “Didn’t anyone know what was going on?”

  “Probably. Would you have said anything, though? Who the hell would back Aborigines in loin cloths over killers that drank blood?” Michelle offered. “If anyone spoke up they would’ve been killed. Remember how many years went by that no prime minister would ever apologise for it? They just brushed it off. The politicians in the know chose the winning side. It was the smart choice, not the right one.”

  “But hang on, Kevin Rudd said sorry.”

  “And look what happened to him,” Michelle answered.

  Alex thought about that. Of course. Now she remembered. Only a few short months after the formal apology to the members of the Stolen Generation, Kevin Rudd was unseated as Australia’s Labour Prime Minister by Julia Gillard, one of his own ministers. An uncontested victory in less than twenty-four hours. His supporter numbers were so few, the defeat so swift, he stepped aside to avoid humiliation. That act, bringing the first female prime minister to power, never sat right with the Australian people, seen as backstabbing of the worst kind.

  Alex slowly put the pieces together. “They really have their claws into everything don’t they?”

  “More than you know. They virtually run our country. They have ever since the decision was made that with the population growth, the bodies mounting up and the suspicions beginning to increase, there needed to be a head of every state. Parallel to the government.”

  “Who made the decision?” Alex asked.

  “Ah!” Michelle said. “The big boys. They are a group of vampires that have unlimited funds and resources, they are connected to everything. They have made deals with almost every corner of technology and enterprise worldwide. They oversee every aspect of vampire rulings and daily lives. As far as I know, there are only a handful of people that have seen or spoken to any of them.”

  “Who are they?”

  “They have no name, for all their legend they exist in total secrecy. There is a name they are known by amongst vamps, and that’s the Messengers of Osiris.”

  “Isn’t that a bit dramatic?

  “Only kings hear from them, and if they do, they are in big trouble. They have a signature they use; a black letter and a sealed with blood wax shaped like the head of a falcon. The letter accompanies an actual falcon, which will stay for as long as the letter says you have to answer it. If you still don’t answer you drop dead in a puddle of your own juices and the falcon disappears”

  “Are you serious?”

  “As a heart attack.”

  Alex took the dishes to the sink. When she had returned, Michelle had put her laptop away.

  “I gotta know something,” Alex said, sitting back down. “What’s it like to be bitten?” Alex felt stupid for wanting to know, but how could she not ask?

  Michelle took her time to answer. “I have only ever had the two, but you do meet others in your travels and from what I have heard, it can get even more dangerous than you already imagine. Every vamp is different, I suppose. I thought Julian was rough, but some of them are downright animals.”


  Michelle sighed. “Julian liked hurting me—physically.”

  Oh god, what have I started? “I’m so sorry!”

  “It’s ok. What I mean is he got off on causing me pain. Usually, normal guys love it when we scream and carry on in bed. Well, vamps are no different. Most vamps are enticed by adrenaline. Julian loved it when I cried or screamed. He would cut me and lick my skin, or he would hold my arm over a candle and wait till it got excruciating and my heart beat faster before he fed on me, that sort of thing.”

  “That sort of thing? What the hell do you mean he’s just rough? You pass it off as a quirk of his, when it’s actually pretty fucking sick. Why did you put up with it for so long?”

  “Who could I go to?” Michelle answered patiently. “I wasn’t his donor, I was a slave. Vampires don’t care about mistreatment of us. Most of them, anyway. Yes, Julian is a psychopath, but he isn’t the worst one out there.”

  “What could possibly be worse?”

  “Like I said, I have only heard stories, but there are vamps that will drain a human while they are strung up in chains. Or they organise mass feedings, like a blood orgy. They will force you to eat certain things just so your blood will taste different, make you watch as they torture people you know, or they will out-and-out rape, torture and kill you.”

  “After all that, and all you know, you would let Dante near you?”

  “I was really messed up about it for a long time, but not anymore.”

  “Can I ask what Dante is like?”

  Michelle suddenly giggled. “The fact you asked if it’s ok to know tells me the question has been killing you for ages. I’ll tell you, but it may get to you.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  Michelle leaned forward. “It’s the biggest turn on of my life.”

  “Why is it so different? What does he do?”

  “Dante is just…beautiful. He actually respects the ritual of naked Blood Offering.”

  “There’s a naked ritual?”

  “It’s more like a tradition. The Blood Offering, from what Dante has told me, was designed to not hurt humans. It’s by our sacrifice that they live, don’t forget. I kinda compare it to God letting women experience orgasms so they would let men make love to them and populat
e the world. Otherwise, why would they do it? Apparently it was common practice in the old old days, like that story you just read. But as time went on, the newer generation grew tired of following it. Dante doesn’t follow it exactly either. It says to use special knives and collect the blood in crystal chalices, give thanks and praise and whatnot.”

  “Wait a second, give thanks and praise?”

  “Yeah…?” Michelle asked, before she appeared to understand. “You teach at a catholic school don’t you?”

  Alex nodded, thinking of only last week at a mass she attended, Father O’Loughlin standing at the top of the church, raising the cup to the students, speaking highly and clearly. “He gave you thanks and praise…take this all of you and drink from it…this is the cup of my blood…which will be given up for you…”

  “Do you think it was taken from the Blood Offering?” Alex asked.

  “Whether you’re religious or not, you have to know the Church stole almost everything we know today. Who really knows? Does it matter?”

  “I guess not, I’ll just never look at mass the same way again.”

  “Anyway, the point of the ritual was that it was a sensual and passionate experience for both. But see Julian also used knives and other instruments on me. He didn’t drink from me; he heaved the blood into his mouth. My body was bruised from where his mouth had been and he kept me that way. That’s the main difference between Julian and Dante. Even though Julian is older and stronger, Dante is a better man, and a better vampire.”

  “I can tell that already. So what does Dante use?”

  “Just his mouth.”

  “Does it hurt?”

  “Yes and no. The initial bites do. But with him, it’s pain that feels really good.”

  “Is that because of the Offering or is it him?”

  “Both. But a lot has to do with the fact we trust and respect each other. At first we tried different things, so that I was comfortable and he got what he needed. It was weird and wonderful at the same time. The only other vampire I had ever been with couldn’t have cared less about me and if I was ok, and the other cares about nothing else but.”

  “Please tell me more. This is…amazing.” Alex said, half shaking her head in bewilderment. She couldn’t believe she was having this conversation.

  “We used to do it every night; he would just basically sip at me until I could tell he was holding back. He didn’t want to put too much on me too soon. He would put me at ease by kissing me. A lot. Tenderly. Everywhere. That boy loves kissing. It always makes the first bite from Dante easier when I was turned on. I can’t begin to describe to you what it’s like to be fed on by something so powerful, to be needed for life. I could never have imagined a guy looking as sexy as does when he smiled at me with my blood on his lips.” Michelle beamed. “I have been his for five years now, and nothing much has changed. It’s to a point where now we get together a few times a month, and I’ve got to tell you I find myself wanting it.”

  “So you have sex with him too?”

  “Sometimes, when either of us wants it, but it’s not like a usual sexual relationship. It’s kinda hard to explain.”

  “Try.” Alex said, with an unconsciously impatient air. Her curiosity was growing, and the details she asked about were creeping into her head before Michelle opened her mouth.

  “Think of it like this: does eating food turn you on? It can, but not necessarily, right? Vampires are always described as a sexually charged species, and they are. But the boys have a disadvantage.”

  “What disadvantage?”

  “Think about it. Blood doesn’t course through their veins, their bodies feed off the nutrients and plasma to keep them going and get stronger. But they’re still dead bodies walking around. What do boys need for happy times?”

  Michelle formed a fist and slowly raised her arm up from the elbow.

  “Erections,” Alex answered.

  “Bingo,” Michelle replied. “Can’t get them without a rush of blood. So the only time a male vampire can have sex is when they feed. That’s the only time they ever get hard. Drinking blood is the only time their bodies function as a human one.”

  “Wow…you know I’ve seen lots of stuff on TV but I never thought of it that way.”

  “It gets lost in the fantasy I suppose. On the nights he gets hungry, I lay out a soft and fluffy red rug. He puts music on and pours me some wine. Then he lays me down on the rug…”

  Alex became aware of a vein in her temple pulsing as her brain conjured images. Her mind was totally focussed on Michelle.

  Nothing else existed in the world except for the two of them, and the details she was putting forward about what it’s like to offer yourself completely, to let go in every way to a vampire. To Dante.

  “He will massage me and kiss me. His teeth will come out, and he will run them along my neck and chest, scraping my boobs gently, licking, while his fingers work their magic. He drinks and pleasures me at the same time, really. When I’m finally feeling really aroused, he bites me. Usually on my neck. Don’t forget biting and drinking are two different things. There’s a fine line between pleasure and pain, and I tell you what, that first bite, it’s like that line passes directly through my clit and my whole body can shake. If it’s a night we are going to have sex, he will usually bring me to the point of coming, and then bite me. That feels so incredible. Other times I will be so worked up when he is drinking on top of me I’ll just reach between his legs and work him over. If it’s not a night we feel like sex, he will usually be in a spooning position with me, and he holds my hand while he drinks.

  Another thing that’s a bit of a trip is having him be so cold and then he warms up against me while he drinks, knowing I am having that effect on him. Part of the reason we don’t meet as often is because it’s good for the both of us to not grow used to it and get bored, not that I ever could. But he takes so much that I need those days in between to replenish my blood levels.”

  “But why does he take so much now and not before?” Alex asked.

  “By taking so much at once, he doesn’t need any more until I am actually strong again after a few days.”

  “That night you took Matt and I home, did he feed on you when you went back?”

  “No.” Michelle laughed. “Funny you should mention that. When I got home, he was sitting in his chair looking out the window. I sat in his lap and asked him what was wrong and he said he was thinking of you.”

  “Me? What about me?”

  “He has a soft spot for you. But he is the one you should ask about that.”

  “Wait a minute,” Alex paused, trying to get the picture straight in her mind. “You were in each other’s arms, talking about me. And you’re ok with that? I don’t get it.”

  “Why shouldn’t I be ok with it? Dante and I aren’t together.”

  “Well, from what you’ve been telling me, it sounds like…”

  “It doesn’t matter what it sounds like,” Michelle replied, patting Alex’s hand. “Only what it is. There are no lies between us, we tell each other everything. Our bond is stronger than love. I’ve grown aware of my job as his human; he is my responsibility. We don’t own each other as a boyfriend/girlfriend thing, but I am his girl, and he is my boy. The one thing I would never do is let another vamp feed on me. And he has never fed on another human as long as I have been with him. That’s what I mean when I say we belong to each other.”

  “He really means a lot to you, doesn’t he?” Alex said.

  “After Julian, I was suicidal. Dante’s kindness saved my life. He paid for me to finish school and with his help I got great grades. He encouraged me to go to uni, study in anything I wanted. He paid for it all. I went from having nothing to everything, all thanks to the heart of one guy, and that heart doesn’t even beat.” Michelle sighed.

  “So what would you do if you found a special human?”

  “Dante comes first,” Michelle offered simply with a shrug. “I wouldn’t cheat on the guy, but I wil
l always be Dante’s girl.”

  “So that means…”

  “Feeding. No screwing,” she said with two shakes of her finger.

  “So Dante would be ok with that?” Alex asked, although she thought she pretty much knew the answer.

  “When the possibility was brought up, he even said that’s where our ties should end but I flatly refused. He didn’t mean to, but it’s the only time he ever upset me. That was a major argument.”

  “Was that your only fight?”

  “Yes. Wait, no, it wasn’t,” Michelle said, eyes wide, suddenly remembering. “There was once where Dante lost his temper at me, which was something to see.”

  “He didn’t hit you, did he?”

  “Never, but he did almost destroy the house.”

  “Jesus… What happened?”

  Michelle sighed and smiled at Alex. “I have never talked this much in my life. Ok, sit back and listen.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Dante’s Peak

  “I had only recently woken up. The night before was Dante’s feeding night, so I was still really lightheaded. Talk about iron deficiency!” Michelle rolled her eyes and laughed. “I was flicking through some random book I’d picked up in his library when suddenly the main doors snapped back and three people barged in. Then I realised it was actually two men carrying a third. It was Dante. I remember screaming and it felt like my heart just froze. Dante wasn’t moving. The two other vamps placed him on the main lounge and I saw his face was all cut up, and his nails and fangs were extended.”

  “What happened?” asked Alex.

  “Fight with an elder. To the death. Still don’t know how he did it” Michelle’s eyes looked off into the distance, but Alex could see them glisten with a light sheen of unshed tears.

  “I shouted at them to get out of the house, and at first they refused to listen, claiming Dante would never give a human power of domain. But when I insisted that he’d done exactly that, and ordered them out, they were forced to leave, under vampiric law. The house basically ejected them out through the front doors, slamming behind them. Weird thing, that. But very effective.” She wiggled an eyebrow at Alex.


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