Night Walker (Undeadly Secrets Book 1)

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Night Walker (Undeadly Secrets Book 1) Page 20

by Aaron L Speer

  Lauren lowered her head as the familiar pounding in her temples pumped instinct into her dead brain. Feed.

  She slowly moved closer, not really caring if Matt heard her or not. He was nothing more than food to her now. Nothing about their history meant anything except what she needed from him.

  Matt leaned back, reaching for his pocket, his phone was buzzing a call.

  “Yeah?” Matt whispered.

  “Are you on the roof, Matthew. Do you see the gathering?”

  Lauren stopped. Her hearing picked up the other end of the call. I know I’ve heard that voice somewhere before. That guy outside Matt’s house…Julian. Her hunger, though not stopping, did subside. There was no harm in finding out what he was doing on the roof before killing him.

  “Yeah. I don’t know what I’m looking at, though. Except a bunch of freaks.”

  “Oh, they are much more than that,” the voice said. “As is Delavega. Don’t forget the reason you are here.”

  Lauren leaned in closer.

  “Christ! What is the reason? Why did you bring me here?”

  “The bar your father’s friend owns has closed hasn’t it? He has disappeared, correct? I have been right about the death of Ryan was I not? Right after Delavega’s bizarre reaction to him. You see what happens to people who associate with him. I wonder how long your pretty blonde will last?”

  “Ok, goddammit. What do I have to do?”

  “Simple. Just keep watching.”

  What is this guy up to?


  “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Lasander and I will be your host this evening. Welcome to the first presentation of the new year.”

  An enthusiastic but respectful applause followed this. But Alex was confused, as it was October, but decided to not worry. Maybe it’s like Chinese New Year, she thought. Vampire New Year. She smiled to herself as she imagined the people around her discussing whether they were born the year of the monkey or the year of the rat. Or maybe bat.

  Her three companions’ attention was fixed on the man on the stage, so she decided to let it go.

  The speaker continued. “As you all know, our way of life is still not very popular, let’s be honest. ‘Why have only one when you can have them all?’ But it is this kind of thinking that will lead to the death of us in the near future. The disappearances and murders of late are increasing. While we are fortunate enough that the authorities have so far had little luck in connecting any of them to us, with the recent surge in technology, it will only be a matter of time. CCTV cameras, video mobile telephones, the internet and social media—these things make our world such a small place, and people can film and share and see everything. Where before, individuals who caught wind of our existence were loners and their tales were not believed, now these individuals find each other, they form groups and share their stories of shadows in the dark that hunt, nightmares that stalk. We have never been at greater risk. I personally have asked King Vincent to intervene in some way, to stem the flow of bodies and blood.”

  “And what did his majesty say?” called a female voice from the crowd.

  “Nothing of help to us. Unfortunately, Vincent has never cared for the fate of humans and has never respected them. I tried to impress upon him that their fate is directly tied to our own. Australia and, thankfully, Sydney have been relatively neutral ground for us, a free land where we can enjoy life. We would like to think we have learned from the disastrous mistakes of America and Europe and are better for it. Vincent does not share that view. ‘We are what we are,’ he says. While he does not agree with the senseless killing, he does nothing to stop it. He also makes the claim that while he does not always agree with our ways, he does not interfere with us either. Some say this is the makings of a good king; I say this is a short-sighted one.”

  “Be warned, Lasander, your words are bordering on treasonous,” another called.

  “I am well aware. Yet I feel they are truthful and necessary. But I do not wish to distract from our celebrations. My words were meant to inspire us to continue this tradition, as I believe it is the key to our long-term survival. Let me conclude by thanking everyone for their attendance and support.”

  Lasander left the stage to generous applause. Another gentleman dressed all in white leather with long white hair and flawless pale skin stepped up to the microphone after him.

  “Now for something a little different,” he intoned. “Tonight we will introduce our oldest member first instead of last. In what will be a record sixth year together, a true testament to what we do, I give you Dante Delavega.”

  Alex didn’t look at Dante, she looked at Michelle. A bright if not big smile adorned her face as they walked forward together. Michelle took Dante by the hand and clasped it in hers before she quickly brought it to her lips. Alex and Margaret clapped and whistled along with the rest of the crowd until Dante moved in front of Michelle and politely waited for the noise to lower before speaking.

  “Thank you, everyone, for the kind welcome. It is an honour to stand here before you all, with this incredible woman once again. I will not waste any time in going over the same points Lasander has just made, but you need to know that I agree with him. I encourage all of you to ignore the hate crimes against us. We fight for a noble cause. Trust in that and continue to spread the message. Only together can we make a difference.”

  Dante reached behind him and gently led Michelle directly in front of him. She placed the back of her head on his chest as he continued. “I present Michelle Davidson for the upcoming year. She is mine.”

  Michelle held her head high and intoned, “ I hereby declare my allegiance and loyalty to Dante Delavega. I swear to honour the secrecy of the vampires of Sydney.”

  Michelle deftly moved the hair covering her neck to the other side of her face. Dante brought her in and whispered something to Michelle that made her smirk. He opened his mouth and a set of fangs dropped from his upper jaw.

  Alex knew what was about to happen, but couldn’t look away. She was transfixed. Dante eased the bite down, just at the point where her shoulder met the neck. Michelle opened her mouth in a silent gasp as blood streaked down from Dante’s mouth.

  The crowd cheered.


  Lauren heard the commotion, and rolled her eyes at the sickening speeches. She could only guess, though, what Matt had seen based on his reaction. He had slipped from his position on the edge of the skylight, struggling to catch his breath, looking ready to vomit. He picked up the dropped phone and heaved his words, still in a harsh whisper.

  “This is some kind of joke, right?”

  “What do you think?” Came the voice over the phone.

  “I don’t know what I think. I don’t even know what I saw.”

  “Yes you do. Ignore your fear and your answer will present itself. Now you know the truth. Now you know what he is. The question is, what are you prepared to do?”

  “What are you talking about? Wha— What the fuck can I do?”

  “Look to the air conditioning unit to your right. I have left something for you.”

  Matt lifted the case off with ease and reached in. He stared baffled at the object in his hand. “What the hell am I supposed to do with this?”

  “Kill Delavega.”

  “What? I can’t kill someone!”

  “He is already dead. Besides, didn’t you want to get your blonde back? To prove to her how wrong and misguided she is?”

  “I…well, yeah. But—”

  “Remember what happened to Ryan.”

  Lauren remembered. She’d enjoyed every second of ripping him to shreds, but she wasn’t going to tell that to Matt. She’d let him experience it for himself. But now she knew the caller’s plan and who it was. Everything finally had fallen into place. Julian wanted Matt to kill Dante. Not a bad idea, she thought. With Dante out of the way, Lauren could kill Matt. Then Alex was all hers.

  “Shit. I’m screwed either way!”

  “There i
s only one way to end this. Tonight will be your best and only chance. He will be surrounded by humans when he leaves. Wait till then and approach him from behind. With all the human donors here, your heartbeat won’t register to him as strange. He won’t be on guard. It’s his life or Alex’s.”

  The caller hung up and Matt stared blankly at his mobile. Lauren decided it was her moment.

  “What’re you doing up here, Matty?” She made her voice sound innocent and sweet.

  He nearly jumped out of his skin. “Fuck, Loz! I could ask you the same damn thing. You look like shit.”

  She giggled, but Matt looked ready to bolt. She couldn’t let him chicken out now. “Look, mate, I couldn’t help but overhear your phone call. You sound like you’re a man on a mission.”

  “I— It’s just something I’ve gotta do.” His voice shook.

  “You know what Dante is don’t you?” she said calmly.

  Matt’s head whipped around at this and his eyes grew wide. “What the— How did you know?”

  “Everybody knows. I heard about Dante from my ex. You remember Greg, right? He was always going on about vampires.”

  Matt slumped again. “Oh, right.”

  “So what’ve you got there, Matty? A gun? Gonna do the dirty deed? Kill Dante-the-black and win your girl back?” she prodded, hoping to get his nerve up.

  “I don’t know.” His hands trembled, but Lauren still couldn’t make out what he was holding. “I just think maybe I should be more careful.”

  Fuck! She needed him to get his nerve back. “Grow a pair, Matt! Dante has mocked you since the first second you met him. If you get him now, you’ll prove to Alex once and for all what a scumbag he really is—an undead scumbag. Doesn’t get much worse than that. She’ll be so grateful you saved her from vamps that she’ll be on her knees for your cock in a second.” Lauren played to Matt’s ego. She’d known him for enough years that she had no doubt he wanted Alex back. It wasn’t all about revenge for him. He was stupid, but not so stupid as to not realise Alex was the best thing he’d ever had. Matt would do as Lauren demanded just to get Alex back.

  Matt nodded slowly, resolve showing in his eyes. He lifted the object into the light. Lauren suppressed a grin when she saw what it was. A wooden chair leg. Sharpened to a very fine point. Just then, Lauren heard a door open and within seconds smelt the burning embers of a cigarette being lit. The smoker was alone and on the ground floor beside the building. A security guard perhaps. It didn’t matter. All Lauren could think about was her empty stomach.

  “Well...that should do nicely,” Lauren said, letting Matt walk past her. A devilish double meaning to her words.

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Goodbye, My Lover

  Alex helped herself to a glass of champagne and watched as the bidding began. Dante had already introduced her and Margaret as well, though she noted he didn’t mention their last names or their relationship. It seemed he wanted to remain cautious a little longer when it came to them.

  “How you feeling?” Michelle asked, taking a glass from a passing tray.

  “I dunno” Alex replied, sipping. “Nervous I guess.”

  “I understand. But you have nothing to worry about.” Michelle smiled and clinked her glass against Alex’s.

  Michelle was dressed in a rich sky-blue gown that matched in length and shape to Alex’s canary yellow. Both girls had helped Margaret with a simple black pantsuit. A deliberate colour and apparel choice that indicated she was a former donor, and as such was under no responsibility of any vampire.

  Glancing down at her own dress and comparing others, Alex wasn’t sure if she was over or under dressed. Some were breathtaking, yet there were some, like one she had just spotted staring back at her rather hungrily, who wore what looked like a one piece vinyl bikini with the love handles cut out. She had a shaved head and several facial piercings, and was being led around on a chain by another woman. Her “handler” however, wore an elegant, flowing gown that reminded Alex of merry old England.

  The ballroom itself looked spectacular. Elegant trays of all types of fruit, cheese and wine lined a long white table. Human food. Alex stayed very close to Michelle and Margaret, taking notice of the people that had attended the party.

  She spotted several women and one or two men with numbers hung around their necks, like a marathon. There was a lot of commotion going on, so she decided to pick one and focus on what happened. Her eyes came to rest on number 12, a very attractive blonde woman. She wore a sparkling charcoal-coloured gown and beamed at everyone as if she were a pageant winner, though the smile didn’t fully hide the underlying look of uneasiness. The woman didn’t seem to have a particular vampire owner so clearly she was up for auction.

  Alex caught herself staring at the mysterious, buxom beauty. A rather plain-looking elderly woman marched up to her, took her wrist, and bit it. Number twelve looked shocked, but didn’t protest.

  “I get what you meant by a wine tasting,” Alex whispered to Michelle.

  Michelle saw the woman and nudged Dante and pointed subtly. Suddenly he clicked his fingers and pointed to the old woman. When Alex turned around again, the older woman had been grabbed by a burly bouncer and led out of the room.

  “What was that all about?” Alex asked.

  “Homeless vampire,” Dante replied. “They are not welcome here.”

  “But she’s old. Isn’t that kind of harsh? Even for a vampire?”

  “A homeless human and homeless vampire are two very different things. Homeless vampires prey on the kind-hearted when no one is around. It is not as if society has let them down, as is often the case with homeless humans, vampires always have the opportunity to work for blood. Vincent even keeps slave donors in his mansion for his workers to feed on. Everyone could get fed but they are afraid to be in the King’s service. I feel no sympathy for those who refuse to help themselves.”

  “Now that’s the Dante I know,” said a pleasant voice from behind them.

  Dante smiled even before he faced the speaker. Alex saw it was an aboriginal man. He had lots of bushy brown hair, lightened from the sun, and a kind round face beneath a tidy beard. In one hand he held a wine glass half full with blood.

  “Hello there, young fella,” he said with a grin.

  Dante embraced this man like a brother. “It’s good to see you, old man. Alexandra, I’m sorry, let me introduce you. This is the man who taught me how to feed and not kill humans.”

  “Hi.” Alex held out her hand. “Sorry, your name was?”

  “I don’t have one,” the stranger said with a wave of his hand.

  “Uh…” Alex was taken aback.

  “In Aboriginal culture,” Dante explained, “once a person dies, their relatives and tribe are no longer permitted to speak their name. So for all intents and purposes, he truly has no name.”

  The stranger was about to speak when Michelle wrapped her arms around him from behind and squeezed tight. “Dougie!” she squealed.

  Alex raised her eyebrows at Dante. “I of course told Michelle this exact same thing. She dismissed it as completely ridiculous and so came up with her own name for him.”

  Alex laughed. “So, Dougie? Dougie the vampire?”

  “If I have to be called somethin’, that’s not bad,” Dougie smiled, his arm around a beaming Michelle’s shoulders.

  Alex couldn’t help but feel warm and happy just by being next to Dougie. She thought that she hadn’t felt more comfortable and safe in her life than with these people. Maybe it was one of those freaky vampire powers, but although he hadn’t said three sentences to her, she instantly felt she could trust Dougie.

  Alex extended her hand again. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Dougie took her hand in both of his and shook it earnestly. “And you.”

  “So nice to see you again!” Margaret gave Dougie a kiss on each cheek.

  “You’re looking well, love,” Dougie said. “Very happy you got your girl back, aye. How does it fe
el to be back in the mix of things?”

  “Absolutely wonderful.” Margaret answered. “And you? Where is Leslie?”

  “She got the bubs inside,” Dougie replied. “No good. No good for the bub. She’s gone with her husband back to New Zealand.”

  “Oh, how delightful. I’m very glad for her. So I suppose you’re here to bid on a new donor?”

  “Excuse me one moment. I’ll be right back.” Dante moved off towards the gruff-looking security guard who had taken the homeless woman away.

  “Nah, just here to see my boy and his girl,” Dougie replied with a smile. “You know me, love. I never pay for it.”

  Margaret laughed. “It’s surreal. The more things change, the more they stay the same. I’ve seen so many people I had almost forgotten about. And met some wonderful new friends. Michelle is a delight, and Alex has become good friends with Dante, so everything is as right as rain.”

  “Dante and his girls,” Dougie said, sipping from his glass. “Nothing changes.”

  “So you knew Dante from when he was made?” Alex asked.

  “Nah,” replied Dougie with a wave of his hand. “Years after. I watched him for a while before I finally spoke, though. It was tough going there for a while.”

  Bids were being shouted out around them. It sounded like the going price for number 12 was reaching $150,000. The other bids had begun and ended.

  “Tough? How?” Alex pressed.

  “Most of our kind don’t survive the first year.”

  “But what about the extra strength for the first month?”

  “Oh it’s true, we are extra tough then. Sometimes that strength can be your own worst enemy, though. You get so desperate you lose all odda’ reason just to get blood. I have seen newlies die by bitin’ themselves and drinkin’ their own blood because they so thirsty. Without good makers who teach survival, a new vamp is pretty much a fifty-fifty.”

  “Dante didn’t have good makers, did he?”

  “Nup. He was left to die. The red head lady wasn’t so bad, she wanted to help him, but the odda’ one…” Dougie trailed off, shaking his head and looking away.


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