The Ambassador's Accidental Marriage (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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The Ambassador's Accidental Marriage (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 3

by Rachel Clark

  She saw the startled looks and held her breath, hoping that they would clear up the confusion.

  “Chattel and slave do not mean the same thing. I’m not sure if it is a cultural difference or a problem with the translator, but you are not a slave. You have choices. You may even go home if you so desire,” Eric said even though he seemed very unhappy about it. “You were brought here to be our…” He seemed to be searching for a different word other than the one that was translating to chattel.

  “Partner,” Loukie offered. “Or perhaps ‘mate’ would translate better.”

  “Do you mean I’m your wife?”

  Both Desconians wore wide smiles as if they’d finally found a word that the translator interpreted correctly.

  “Cindy,” Eric said as he touched her face gently. “Can you switch off the translator for a moment, please? I would like for you to hear the actual word we use in our culture.”

  She nodded and reached up to touch the small disc embedded under the skin of her outer ear. When it was switched off she nodded. She noticed Eric and Loukie do the same.

  “Mubellabina,” Eric said with a reverent tone.

  Cindy repeated the word, breaking it into the three distinct pieces that Eric had used. “Mu-bella-bina.” She nodded, and Cindy provided what she hoped was the Earth version of the word. “Wife.”

  Loukie smiled, leaned over, and pressed a kiss to Cindy’s lips. “Mubellabina,” she said as she lifted away. She touched her chest with her fingers and said, “Mubella.” She reached over and touched Eric’s chest in the same way. “Tredella,” she said with a smile. “Tredella, Mubella, Mubellabina.” She held up three fingers and said, “Wife.”

  Eric stepped over to the bed, whispered the same words, and kissed her lips just as sweetly as Loukie had. As he moved away, Loukie gave her what in human terms would be considered a mischievous grin before settling her lips over Cindy’s again, but this time kissing her passionately. After a few intense moments that left her panting, Loukie pulled away and laughed at something Eric said before indicating that Cindy should turn on her translator once more.

  “Please stay,” Eric said in a deep voice, “at least until you’ve had a chance to get to know us better.”

  “We realize,” Loukie said in a sweet voice, “that this is not what you were expecting when you came to our planet, but we would be honored if you chose to stay.”

  Cindy nodded. As overwhelmed as she felt right now, she still wanted a chance to get to know these two people—their culture, their lifestyle, and their mating practices. She squirmed once more, her arousal kicking into overdrive when it finally hit her that from their point of view she was married to both of them. A whimper escaped her lips as arousal burned in her belly and her clit began to throb in time with her heartbeat.

  * * * *

  Eric watched the woman writhe against the mattress before it finally dawned on him what was happening. “The lotion,” he said to Loukie. “She’s reacting to the lotion.”

  “Hell,” Loukie cursed as she sat on the edge of the bed and ran a hand down the side of Cindy’s face. “I’m sorry, Cindy. What you are feeling is a side effect of the lotion that counteracts the hair removal liquid. For most mubellabinas it is a pleasurable experience, but with our unusual circumstances…” Loukie let the words trail off. The only real way to counteract the lotion’s effect was the one thing that seemed to frighten Cindy the most.

  “Are you a virgin?” Eric asked, hoping like hell that the word translated correctly.

  “No,” the woman said in a disbelieving voice. “If that was a prerequisite, then somebody fucked up big-time.”

  “Did you just swear?” Loukie asked with a happy smile on her face.

  Cindy rolled her eyes, and Eric found himself falling a little bit harder for the woman chosen to be their mate. “Of course I fucking swore. According to the translator that may or may not be faulty,” she said, tapping the side of her head just in front of her ear, “I’m horny because of some chemical reaction and the only cure is to fuck all night long.”

  “It wouldn’t have to be all night,” Loukie said with a wink.

  “There is another solution,” Eric offered, hoping that Cindy wasn’t offended by their mubella’s enthusiasm. “It begins by washing as much of the lotion off that we can.”

  Cindy nodded frantically—and wasn’t that a kick in the nut sac?—so Eric turned to the bathing area to get things set up. Within minutes they had her neck-deep in a pool of slowly cooling water.

  “Is it helping?” Loukie asked, apparently hoping that they would need to return to the original cure.

  “Yes,” Cindy said on a deep exhalation of breath. “I’m feeling more in control. Thank you.”

  Loukie shook her head in mock disappointment, but judging by Cindy’s reaction it was clear even to her that Loukie was happy for her. It would seem that their mubellabina, no, their wife, was a woman who liked to be in control.

  “Tell me about what would normally happen in a wife-claiming ceremony,” Cindy asked quietly. “I realize that we have—well, I—have messed up what should have been a happy day for you, but I am very curious about your culture. Is it normal for a man to have two wives?”

  “Not all unions are two females and a male, but yes, most of the marriages in our generation involve three people,” Eric replied, “but it wasn’t always so. Many years ago the males outnumbered the females, but with an unexplained and rapid decline in fertility amongst our people it has become necessary to seek other options.”

  “So,” she said slowly as if she were working out the real reasons for their union in her head, “you have found it necessary to seek non-Desconian partners to ensure offspring?” She closed her eyes and dropped her head backward. Her words were directed to the ceiling, as if she could address a deity just by looking up. “I’m a fucking broodmare.”

  Eric raised an eyebrow, wondering if the translators were acting up again. “Did you just say you are a large, warm-blooded animal from the desert plains?”

  “Yes, I said I’m a horse. A breeding horse. Brought here specifically to breed with you.”

  “I admit that is likely our fathers’ ultimate goal. It would seem that they want us to lead our people by example by taking a human wife and producing offspring. I understand that there are many unattached females on your planet.”

  Eric really didn’t like the way this conversation was going. Sure, he hoped one day to be a father of healthy offspring—many daughters and sons would be wonderful—but he hadn’t planned anything beyond the union with his mubella and mubellabina. The three of them should have had many years to get to know one another before the kings and their people expected offspring.

  “There are many women on my planet who would find the idea of a triad relationship intriguing, but why was I the one chosen?”

  Eric felt a little bit of pleasure when he realized she hadn’t specifically excluded herself from that group. “We don’t know why you were chosen. As far as we are aware my father sent a request to the government of Earth and we were sent your details soon after.”

  “My mission protocols said I was here to ‘assist’ in your wedding, to be an attendant, a witness,” she said, looking a little less frantic, but still very confused. “It is quite likely that my diplomatic mission was a misunderstanding of ridiculous proportions. I’m certain that once I explain the mix-up that a suitable wife will be sent to you immediately.”

  Eric turned to see the expression on his mubella’s face and suspected that it was a match for his own. Neither he nor Loukie had been happy with the speed of their fathers’ decisions for them to take a mubellabina, but now that they’d met Cindy it was pretty clear that they wanted no other.

  Chapter Three

  Cindy woke wrapped in Loukie’s arms and sighed in contentment.

  She’d been here long enough to count as three weeks on Earth, but according to the Desconian calendar it had been a mere thirteen days. Of course it
wasn’t helping her body clock that she was sleeping twice a day. And it sure as hell wasn’t helping her libido that at least one of her partners joined her in bed each time. She’d tried to decline their company—more worried of reacting to her own selfish needs, rather than anything Eric or Loukie might do—but they’d merely insisted that their marriage was already official and until it could become “officially unofficial” they would support their mubellabina.

  It was such a lovely word—mubellabina. Cindy had already added it to her translator’s database so that it was actually said as mubellabina and not translated to the word “wife.” In many ways the words weren’t similar at all.

  But in their effort to support their mubellabina they were slowly driving Cindy insane. All Eric and Loukie had done was cuddle her and occasionally press a kiss to her lips, but, oh wow, it seemed their evil plan to have her jump them was going to work. Cindy felt like she’d been on a permanent sexual simmer for weeks. The worst part was that Eric and Loukie were denying their own needs, willing to wait for her to decide whether to stay or not. They wanted a true three-way union and were more than willing to take the time to convince her that she should be a part of it.


  “Yes, beautiful,” Loukie said, pulling Cindy just a little bit closer.

  “What do the symbols mean?”

  “The ones painted onto your flesh on our wedding day?”

  Cindy nodded. She’d been strangely relieved when the symbols hadn’t washed off. Eric had told her that eventually they would fade, but had been sure to add that traditionally that was when triads renewed their commitment to each other. With each new commitment the symbols would last longer until eventually they were pretty much permanent.

  It sounded like a lovely way to celebrate a type of wedding anniversary, but it also brought back the realization that they’d been expecting a human woman who would willingly entwine her life with theirs.

  Loukie shifted a little and gently pulled Cindy over so that she was lying on her back. Cindy squirmed as some of the dreams that had invaded her sleep ran through her mind. Despite knowing that her marriage to these two people was the result of intergalactic bungling, she hadn’t been able to stop herself from wondering what it would be like. Of course, it certainly didn’t help that either Loukie or Eric had been with her every moment since their wedding.

  “This symbol here,” Loukie said, tracing the pattern on Cindy’s arm lightly with her finger, “is my family’s ancient crest. The small star-like symbol here was added when I was born.” She reached over and grabbed Cindy’s other hand. The symbols were similar in some ways, but also very different. “This is Eric’s family crest.” She softly dragged her nail along a swirl inside the symbol. “This was added when Eric was born.”

  Cindy was trying not to moan, as the gentle touch inflamed her already overwrought arousal. Despite the appalling translation error that had landed her in the middle of these two wonderful people, Cindy found herself more and more tempted to give up her career as a diplomat and stay with them—a very surprising and most unexpected attitude considering how hard she’d worked to be able to join IGAC in the first place.

  But it was her attraction to Loukie that had been the most surprising. Even while awake she’d found herself fantasizing about sucking on the woman’s beautiful breasts, taking a nipple into her mouth, and flicking it with her tongue until Loukie cried out in ecstasy and begged her for more.

  Loukie smiled as if she could read everything going on in Cindy’s head. She ran a finger down Cindy’s neck, slowly dipping toward the buttons of her prim and proper human-style pajamas. Moving slowly, obviously making certain that Cindy had plenty of time to object, Loukie brushed her fingers lower and unbuttoned the shirt for her, gradually revealing Cindy’s breasts.

  Cindy moaned softly as her nipples swelled and drew tight, eager for the touch of Loukie’s hands. Keeping her eyes on Cindy’s face, Loukie lowered her head to one breast, laving it with her tongue and breathing on the wetness. Cindy dropped her gaze to watch the nipple pucker even tighter, as Loukie laved it again and sucked it back into her mouth, flicking the hard bud with her tongue just as Cindy had fantasized.

  “These symbols here,” Loukie said many wondrous moments later as she touched the pretty cobalt-blue lines that swirled around both of Cindy’s breasts and then wound down her torso to the flesh surrounding her clit, “are to celebrate our union…yours, mine and Eric’s.” She licked the sensitive flesh between Cindy’s breasts before lifting up to press a soft kiss to Cindy’s mouth. “I have the same,” she whispered. “So does Eric.” She gazed into Cindy’s eyes, perhaps searching for any discomfort or fear, but then smiled that mischievous smile that Cindy had grown to love. “Would you like to see?”

  Unable to form words with a mouth suddenly gone dry, Cindy simply nodded her head. Loukie smiled, rolled off the bed, and stood beside her. It had become clear over the past week that Desconians preferred nudity over clothing when in their own homes, but both Loukie and Eric had covered up in deference to her human behavior.

  But now Loukie slowly untied the lace that had been holding her dress in place. With a soft smile she let the material fall to the ground and pool at her feet. Completely naked, she leaned over and helped Cindy out of bed. She reached for Cindy’s hand, kissed her palm, and then guided her fingers to trace over the beautiful patterns that weaved around Loukie’s breasts and dipped lower.

  “I have wanted your hands on me since the moment I saw you. Please tell me this is okay.”

  Cindy glanced up at the worried expression Loukie wore on her face. Since meeting her, Loukie had always seemed so self-assured. It was a little humbling to realize that she was just as “human” as Cindy in some ways.

  “This is okay,” Cindy said and then reached up to press a kiss to Loukie’s lips. “Would it be all right if I did this?” Loukie gasped when Cindy lowered her head to capture one of Loukie’s nipples in her mouth and caress the other breast with her fingers. She plumped the flesh, squeezing the soft mounds, switching sides over and over until both nipples were plump and hard. Cindy pressed sucking kisses to her mubella’s soft flesh, amazed at the arousal coursing through her own body in response to Loukie’s passion. Cindy bit down gently, smiling around the nipple when Loukie gasped and threaded her hands through Cindy’s hair, encouraging her to keep going.

  Lost in the emotion of the moment Cindy’s knees wobbled, threatening to dump her to the ground, but large arms wrapped around her waist, holding her against a solid, still fully clothed chest. She smiled over her shoulder at Eric as Loukie lowered her hands, and undid the drawstring of Cindy’s pajama pants. Loukie worked them and her panties down her legs, leaving Cindy naked between her tredella and her mubella—her husband and her wife.

  “It seems I might have missed something,” Eric said, punctuating his words with a soft kiss to Cindy’s cheek. He held tighter when she moaned, and then he began kissing her throat, her ear, and even nibbled little kisses across her shoulders. He smoothed his hands up Cindy’s legs and around her thighs to caress her denuded pussy as Loukie knelt down to kiss the softly rounded swell of Cindy’s belly. Loukie trailed a line of small sucking kisses up Cindy’s stomach and over her breasts as Eric smoothed his hands up her rib cage, cupping her plump mounds, lifting them to Loukie’s mouth. Cindy cried out, overwhelming arousal flooding her body, her pussy creaming, filling the air with her excitement.

  Loukie released the nipple just long enough to kiss Eric over Cindy’s shoulder, pushing her tongue deep into his welcoming mouth. Cindy groaned at the sheer eroticism of their tangled positions. This was what should have happened on their wedding day. If she’d just had a chance to have known them before being thrown into a situation she didn’t understand, things might have been far different that day. The memory of what they’d started in front of so many witnesses somehow managed to make her even hotter. She moaned as her pussy creamed and her clit throbbed.

* * * *

  “Bed,” Loukie ordered, her patience pushed beyond endurance.

  Eric lifted Cindy in his arms and cradled her against his chest a moment before laying her down in the middle of the bed. He pushed her thighs open wide, gently blew on her exposed lips, and watched her essence drip from her swollen pussy.

  “Do you want to taste her?” he asked Loukie, smiling at her, inviting her to do what she’d been fantasizing for many days.

  She nodded, her throat suddenly tight, her own pussy beginning to pulse, cream sliding down her thighs. Moving onto the bed, Eric helped her to part the swollen folds of Cindy’s pussy, pressing his finger into her slippery heat. Cindy groaned out loud at the little teasing movements, undulating against the mattress with her need. Her hips lifted off the bed, trying to push her body more fully onto Eric’s fingers, as Loukie lowered her mouth to Cindy’s clit, Loukie’s tongue darted out to taste her mubellabina for the first time, the delicious taste inflaming her own arousal. She licked again, tasting more, gliding around the swollen nerves. Cindy pressed upward, begging with her body for them to ease the ache. Eric dropped his arm over her hips, pinning her to the bed as Loukie pressed her face, her tongue, her teeth hard against Cindy’s pussy as the beautiful human sobbed quietly and begged for orgasm. Loukie fucked her with her mouth, pushing harder, groaning her own need, biting, sucking, licking as Cindy’s body shook almost violently. She whimpered loudly, obviously on the verge of climax.

  Loukie held her there, at the edge, enjoying the power, enjoying Cindy’s frantic need, and then, she let her fall, licking her with long, strong strokes as she felt Cindy’s pussy grabbing at her tongue, sliding against her, trying to suck her closer. She lifted to watch Cindy’s expression, pleased to see the look of complete ecstasy on her lover’s face. She kissed Cindy’s smooth mound, caressing her hands over the woman’s shaking thighs, soothing her, gently easing her through her release.


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