Heavy Metal Thunder

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Heavy Metal Thunder Page 12

by Kyle B. Stiff

  You must now compute a number that will determine the outcome of the battle. This number is your Zero G Combat added to your Strength stat. If you are skilled in Weapon Proficiency: Hand-to-Hand with the weapon you are using, add 3 to this number. If you are using a Spear, add 3 to your number. If you are using a Blade, add 1 to your number.

  If your number is 9 or less, turn to section 476.

  If your number is 10 or higher, turn to section 295.


  The manual uses an insane set of technical jargon maddening in its complexity. Tortuous minutes pass but, eventually, you are able to find a status log of all the stations and the ships they have in port. As for the stations, their status is either black, which means that they are completely without power, or they have a jumble of flashing red-flag systems alerts: massive hull breaches, oxygen leaking out of control, water conduits emptied out. More alerts pop up all the time as the deconstructors continue their work.

  You check the logs for the ships and your heart sinks, for there are no ships listed as functional. Every last ship has been destroyed. Even this station lists its ship bay as nonexistent, a ruin. Furthermore, none of the long-range communication arrays have been left standing. Things look grim.

  Then you notice a recorded visual log. Your pulse races as you realize you can now see the event that led to your abandonment here on the ghost station.

  Turn to section 152.


  You note the smiling revolutionary. His rigid posture, his dilated eyes, his unwavering smile, his supreme confidence - all of it convinces you that he has taken a large dose of Agrocine. This illegal confidence-boosting drug is often used to help people through job interviews, or to ask someone out on a date, or even before a fight. It is difficult to talk someone on Agrocine out of doing anything they want to do. The drug is notorious for its long-term effects, namely heart disease and various degenerative effects on the brain. But this man seems so sure of himself that you suspect he has taken a lethal dose. If you, the lawman, or the Invader don’t kill him any sooner, he will not survive beyond the hour.

  You gain 1 XP for using your skill. Now return to section 425 to make your decision about what to do. (Of course, you cannot return to this section to collect another sweet XP.)


  You leap about and manhandle the limp corpses. You find the following items which may be of use. You may take or leave what you like, but be sure to adjust your inventory accordingly.

  Butane Lighter (bulk 1)

  “Guide to Marcella Mercerism” (bulk 1) (This appears to be a theological treatise. The cover bears a tagline that reads, “Hear of the gentleness that overcomes!”)

  Bagged Cake (Food, bulk 1) (It seems one worker planned to eat his cake later. You wonder why he didn’t go ahead and eat it before he blew his brains out.)

  Workers’ Keys (bulk 1)

  Marbilly Black Cigarettes (bulk 1)

  Locket and Holophoto (bulk 1) (The locket appears to be made of platinum and silver. The holophoto is of a woman who is not unattractive. She smiles for a while, then winks just before the image loops from the beginning.)

  Your body cries out for oxygen.

  If you have a Dexterity score of 2 or more, turn to section 360.

  If not, turn to section 274.


  You blast your jets to life and rise in a cloud of sparkling ash toward your hated foe. Superheated blood pounds in your flesh as you arc toward him. You see him turn toward you slowly, face cast in shadow, great horns protruding on either side. He raises his thick gladius toward you, then his own jets burn to life.

  You race toward one another in a joust to the death. Just before you collide, you both raise your weapons, then -

  You must compute a number that will determine the outcome of your attack. This number is your Strength stat added to your Zero G Combat stat. If you are trained in the Jetpack Skill, add 2 to this number. If you are trained in Weapon Proficiency: Hand-to-Hand, and it is with the weapon you are using, add 3 to this number. If you are using a Spear, add 2 to this number. If you are using a Mace, add 1. If you have no hand-to-hand weapon, you can use the butt of a gun: If you are using a Rifle or Shotgun, subtract 1, or if you are using a Handgun, subtract 2. If you have no weapons at all, subtract 5.

  You swing, make contact, the impact jars you and you fly wildly. You look in horror and see that your weapon has been sheared in half by the charged sword of the enemy - erase the weapon from your inventory. Furthermore, you lose 13 Blood in the battle, though you may subtract the number you calculated from this amount. (You may also subtract your Defense rating, if you are wearing any armor.)

  However, if you have lost more than 3 Blood then you also lose 1 SD.

  (If you have died, then you may Regenerate by turning to section 312, or, if you want to go further back, section 179.)

  If you survive, then you turn about just in time to see your enemy crash full-speed into the asteroid. In a cloud of dust you see him struggling in vain to cover his neckpiece, which you have bashed open. He struggles in a cloud of spewing oxygen, then falls still. You gain 2 XP for killing your enemy.

  As you prepare to settle down onto the rock, a cloud of dust tears up before you. You swing sideways and see the sniper take cover behind a high stone wall.

  If you want to fly upwards and quickly swing around into his position, turn to section 276.

  If you want to creep towards his position low to the ground, turn to section 21.


  You jam your weapon forward, slamming it into the guard’s sternum. He chokes violently as you spiral away from one another. You both kick off from other walls and collide again. This time the guard attacks so wildly that it is hard to keep up, but you at least have the advantage of reach with your weapon.

  You must now compute a number to see if you are being beaten to death, or just close to it. Add your Zero G Combat to your Strength. If you are trained in Weapon Proficiency: Spear, add 3 to the number.

  During your pounding you lose 5 Blood, but you can subtract the number calculated above from this amount. If your Blood has dropped to zero or less, then the guard has pounded your body into a gooey mess sloshing around inside your suit. If you have survived his onslaught, then continue on.

  With several thrusts you manage to beat the guard’s face and throat to a pulp; with each thrust you are both pushed backward and must kick off again, and in this way you are able to keep some distance from him. So relentlessly do you slam the guard’s face that, eventually, he does not kick off from the wall again, but rather, rests against it. When you kick off and slam him in the throat once more, you make sure his rest is permanent.

  You gain 2 XP for killing the guard. Turn to section 562.


  Part of your training comes back to you, a lesson from Faustulus. It seems that ranged weapons are not the best choice for jetpack infantrymen fighting in space, for it is very difficult to aim and shoot dark-suited warriors flying at high speeds. The best way to kill enemy infantry is to match their speed, slam into them, and kill them up close with a hand-to-hand weapon. If you are inside an enemy ship where gravity slows you down, then ranged weapons can effectively be brought into play. But not until then.

  Looks like this is hand-to-hand work, you think.

  You see the lights of jet pack flares in the distance, like fireflies swarming in the darkness to overrun your ship. On either side of you, even above and below, you see your comrades flying as well. “Don’t let them reach the ship!” Uther screams.

  Warriors collide and clash, horned monsters interlocking with human defenders, weapons hacking and flashing. You see sprays of ruined oxygen tubes, the gush of freezing blood. The battle moves almost too fast for you to see; it is nearly impossible to know where to go at what time, so fast do the fighters move. You curse the chaos of battle, your weapon burning in your hand.

  The music dims once more and Uther cries, “There’s a line of infantry w
ith flank-men on either side making straight for the ship! Spearmen, form on my side and charge them, everyone else hit those flanks!”

  “Uther, this is the Commander of the Nagasaki Rams. We’ll form up with you!”

  Your helm computer identifies your own teammates flying near the Rams. In the distance, you see the long line of Invader infantry with two teams on either side. You prepare to move.

  If you are armed with a Spear, and are trained in Weapon Proficiency: Spear, and want to join the head-on charge, turn to section 462.

  If you do not have this weapon and training, or you do but you still want to attack one of the flanking teams, turn to section 497.


  You dive forward and slam your fist into the deconstructor’s face. It whirls about wildly and a tentacle slaps you in the side of your head, knocking you over. The monster shudders and shrieks, and you realize as it lumbers about that you have knocked out its visual apparatus. Shaking your bruised hand, you crouch, then dive on the thing, slamming your foot into its back over and over. The deconstructor crashes into the floor and you kick it full in the face, tearing into it, and its innards spark as it dies under your blows.

  You lose 2 Blood in the fight. If your Blood has dropped to zero or below, then a vessel pops in the side of your head even as you raise your fists in victory. You stand dead, a victim of the ghost station.

  If you have survived, turn to section 298.


  Unfortunately, while you are several days from reaching the station, the stockpile of food in your net runs out. Unless you have some food in your personal inventory, you must settle in for the endurance of pain.

  Over the next few days, you must eat 3 Foods. For each Food that you cannot eat, you must lose 1 Blood. However, if your Will is 1 or more, you may skip eating 1 required Food.

  Regeneration: If you die, you may return to section 179 to try again.

  If you survive the ordeal, turn to section 469.


  “Too risky,” says the priest. “If we get close, he’ll kill the girl. She’s no good if she’s dead. I went on a date before I became a priest, so I know these things.”

  “But we have to do something!” you say. “He’ll kill the girl if we just sit here.”

  The priest thinks it over. “Alright,” he says, kissing the blade of his knife lightly. “If we move fast enough, there’s only a one in three chance that any of us will get shot.”

  “I can hear what you’re saying!” the laborer screams.

  “Shut up!” you shout. Turning back to the priest, you say, “But if we drag ass, it’ll increase the chances that more people will get shot. So no slack-assing, okay?”

  “Fine,” says the priest, preparing to run.

  “Just do something!” shouts the girl, struggling even harder. “You bunch of pussies!”

  “Ready...” you whisper, then, “GO!”

  Unfortunately as you dash forward the priest stops as soon as he starts. He is either caught in the grips of cowardice, or never intended to help you in the first place. However, it’s too late to turn back now - you continue running toward the laborer and his beloved hostage.

  Turn to section 419.


  If you have any SD damage, and have no Sticky Fix to repair your suit, then the void bleeds you for that much Blood. For instance, if you have lost 1 SD, then you must now lose 1 Blood; if you have lost 2 SD, then you must now lose 2 Blood; if you have lost 3 SD, then your tattered suit comes apart and your body is immediately frozen and you die in the cold of space.

  You crawl hand over hand across the brittle, icy landscape. It is impossible to tell whether you are climbing upwards effortlessly or sliding downwards. You spend nearly an hour crawling through dark ice and ash, drawing nearer and nearer the sniper’s position.

  Finally, you reach a cliff overlooking the position you noted earlier. You watch. Finally, you see a flickering light and movement. Your prey is unwary, careless. You note a stirring shape that is vaguely humanoid, with a space suit as dark as your own. It sits hunched over a long rifle; your helm computer tries to identify it, then marks its caliber as unknown. Then, strangest of all, you clearly see two long, slender, curving horns on either side of the Invader’s head. Whether they are a part of the suit or the enemy itself, you do not know.

  Then you catch the flare of a jetpack. You see another Invader off to the side, hopping to and fro. You get the impression that the second Invader is looking for you. The fighter seems thicker than the sniper, and carries a hand-to-hand weapon. Your helm identifies his weapon as an electronic field-generating weapon, a short, wide blade like a gladiator would use, called a gladius.

  You gain 1 XP for the use of your skill.

  If you have a gun and want to fire at the sniper, turn to section 171.

  If you have a gun and want to fire at the fighter, turn to section 582.

  If you want to sneak up and attack the sniper up close, turn to section 227.

  If you want to quickly attack the fighter up close, turn to section 159.


  The priest immediately hops over the dead bodies and dives into the medical supplies. You look at the body of the blood-spattered girl, full of regret, then turn to inspect the gear you can take with you.

  (2) First Aid Kits (each Kit has 3 bulk, each kit heals 3 Blood)

  Clopadropin (bulk 1) (Each dose of this prescription painkiller heals 1 Blood when taken. There is enough for 2 doses.)

  Flexadrone (bulk 1) (Whenever you temporarily lose Strength points due to injury, this drug will heal 1 Strength point. There is enough for 1 dose.)

  Slippery D’s Hip Urban Snacks (Food, bulk 1) (The bag has a picture of a man who looks very cool and in control, and an equally cool-looking young lady hangs on his arm. Their posture implies that they will soon perform the reproductive act with one another and, if you eat their snack, they may let you watch.)

  While you adjust your gear, you look over at the priest. He ties off his arm and fills a syringe with an amazing assortment of drugs. He winks at you.

  You gain 3 XP for surviving this ridiculous, dangerous situation.

  “Well,” you say, finishing up, “looks like it’s time for me to hop on a space ship and get the hell out of here.”

  “Yeah,” says the priest. “Same here!” With that, he plunges the needle into his arm. Within moments his eyes roll into the back of his head. If you want, you may take the priest’s Bowie Knife (Blade, bulk 1), since he won’t need it where he’s going.

  You can continue down the hall to the docking bay by turning to section 254.


  You kick off gently and glide away from your stockpile. You slide against the wall, guiding yourself with your hand as quietly as you can, until you reach a side hallway. You catch yourself and swing around, then push yourself downwards, crouching. The flashlight suddenly shines on your supplies and you hear a grunt. The guard hovers into view. He is covered in blood; how much of it is his, you are not sure. He floats above your stockpile, surveying it.

  “The man is a murderer!” you hear over the radio. It is the voice of the manager. “He said he would kill you! You have to, man, you have to!”

  The man is beefy, but does not seem fully sure of himself in zero-G. He is armed with a thick lead pipe.

  He has not seen you, and so you gain 1 XP for successful use of your skill.

  If you wish to call out to him, turn to section 299.

  If you have a gun and at least 1 bullet, you can shoot him from behind by turning to section 505.

  If you want to sneak up on him and attack him, turn to section 141.


  You shake your head shyly. “Fine,” says Buford, “if you can’t run with the big dogs, stay outta the kitchen.”

  “Boah,” says Cletus, “whyn’t you put your Food where your mouth is?”

  The two mercenaries sit across from one another with a buffet laid out before them, an arena of tas
ty treats. “Re-e-eady?” says Buford. “Set? All set? Three... two... ready?... two...”

  “Go!” says Cletus. Immediately the two slam their faces down into the food, glaring at one another. Buford grabs up hotdog after hotdog, sucking the things out of his wet, glistening fist (a slight turn-on) while Cletus puts his face down into a cake like a hog at the trough, then inhales in such a way that the cake seems to implode, then the entire thing slithers into his face. The contest is intense, as they are both big men with big stomachs and, not having any real interests or hobbies of their own, they know that only their reputation can define who they are. Neither wants to give up, no matter how much it hurts.

  Eventually, however, Cletus falls into a stack of bananas he has already peeled, crushing them all into mush. “Gawd,” he bellows, “the pain!”

  “Hah!” cries Buford, chunks spilling from his mouth.

  “M’stomerk! Gonna explode!”

  “Hah ha-a-ah!”

  With that, Buford proves himself the better eater and, by extension, the better man. You nod to him submissively, an acknowledgment of his superiority over you. While Buford struts around, proud and in agony, you roll Cletus into a corner and take stock of what’s left of the food.

  Erase 5 Foods from the Narrenschiff’s inventory.

  “We kin have a rematch tomorrow,” says Buford, hovering over his beaten foe.

  Turn to section 143.


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