Daughter Of Ethos: Deadly Betrayal Book 5

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Daughter Of Ethos: Deadly Betrayal Book 5 Page 7

by L M Lacee

  Sedeen placed a basket with the twin kits at the end of the couch and softly said to his brother. ‘This is not good is it?’

  Harm shook his head as he looked around the room wishing Esther and Netta were there. ‘No not good.’

  Darby and Reeve entered with Draykin, who Heather quickly took from her and placed in a crib beside the others. Soft voiced Darby asked Melody. ‘Why are we here?’

  Melody shrugged as she watched the transfer circle. She could feel Rage’s anger and something else. She thought maybe it was fear, but as that was not an emotion she had ever felt from the Pride Leader, she was unsure she was correct.

  ‘No idea, Jax just said we should get our asses here.’

  Darby arched her eyebrows. ‘Really, that is what he said?’ Then she looked around, suddenly realizing who was missing. ‘What the hayda, where is Peyton?’

  ‘Yeah, that’s the question, isn’t it?’

  Concerned, Darby asked, and there was no mistaking the concern in her voice. ‘Melody… what does it mean that she is not here, but the children and kits are?’

  Melody did not respond as her attention was taken by the three Prowlers. Rage, Fanharr and Rave as they stalked into the room. There was no mistaking the predators had arrived.

  While Rage and Rave went to the head of the table, Fanharr sat before the couch where the kits were. No one missed the silent entry of several other Prowlers who sat around the room.

  Suddenly the lift arrived. Kerol, Penny and Telfor hurried in with an apology for being late. With a leap Rage landed on the dining table, not one person there doubted the power of the Pride Leader. Whether by design or agitation, he dug large gouges into the table as he spoke.

  I have just returned from visiting Pantarr. Some of you look surprised, and yet you were all informed I and my mate and second were to be away. Regardless, we returned home not more than three mins ago, but before we even entered our space we were confronted by The Star Child.

  Hawk asked. ‘Why were you contacted?’

  I summoned them, once I discovered the state of our Beloved, and now the Star Child has threatened to remove her from us.

  The noise was overwhelming as shock reverberated throughout the room. Fear for what he said scored deep lines in their faces and their eyes became haunted at the implication of his statement. Hawk released Karen’s hand and moved toward Rage. Darby moved to Reeve’s side, who remained impassive as his arm held her to him, although his eyes assessed everything. She asked. ‘Rage why?’

  He snarled loudly, and the room became quiet once more. Can you not tell me? We returned and find our Beloved exhausted, incoherent, and abandoned. Tell us, Sister Heather, what did you find when you placed her in bed?

  Heather cleared her throat. ‘We... Harm and I found her unkempt and, as Rage said, exhausted. She looks as though she has not eaten well, if at all. Her place is a mess and I am not sure when she showered last?’

  ‘The little ones?’ Hawk asked worriedly.

  ‘All healthy, she has looked after them and neglected herself.’

  They looked toward Rage, who eyed them angrily and startled them when he roared.


  Darby cried. ‘Rage, I do not…’

  No, Sister Darby, this is not a time for you to turn your logic upon the problem. You, who stood on KarSar and demanded we not let her be alone ever, left her. He stared around at the other people in the room and condemned them all. You, her family and friends vowed she would never be alone and yet this is what you have done. We have failed our Beloved, our sister, our friend. He shook his enormous head and said softly. I too am at fault, we the Pride have failed in our duty. Tell me I am wrong?

  Darby paled at his words and fell onto a chair, Reeve stood behind her with his arms crossed, an angry expression on his face. Rage lifted his eyes to his. You have something to say, Commander?

  Reeve snarled. ‘Who are you to roar and demand of us?’

  I am the Maikonian Pride Leader. I will demand, as is my right. This is my world and my Beloved. I was chosen, you were not Elite.

  Reeve uncrossed his arms. ‘You may want to revisit that statement, Prowler.’

  Hawk stepped between them as Rage growled and sleeked out, ready to morph into combat mode.

  ‘No brother, he will not, Rage enough, do not escalate this into something we cannot repair. Until our Star Daughter says differently, I remain the First Commander. You will both stand down immediately.’

  Both Rage and Reeve hesitated but still squared off against each other as Rave demanded of Hawk.

  Have you not resigned your commission?

  There were several gasps and as many grunts of disbelief as everyone looked at Hawk, who shook his head in denial. ‘It was a momentary lapse of judgement, which I have rectified. I am still First Commander of Maikonia.’

  Rave stated. Yet our Beloved suffers because she thinks you have deserted her.

  Reeve growled. ‘Enough! My brother like my mate is not to blame.’

  Are they not? Responded Rage with a rumble of discontent in his voice.

  Netta listened to the unhappiness and fear circulating the room, as she and Knife stepped unnoticed off the transfer circle. For the last three wekens, she had been training in seclusion. Jax had called her earlier to explain what was happening. It seemed she had arrived just in time to divert a showdown. With her newfound agility, she ran and jumped onto the table and stood an avenging Elite with a blade pointed at each male.

  ‘I will gut the first one to move. You will stand down as the First Commander has ordered.’

  The intent behind the words made both males back up a step. Everyone looked at her and was surprised at her new appearance. It appeared the wekens away had not been for nothing. She was physically sleeker and carried herself with even more confidence than she had before.

  If the situation had not been so tense, Melody would have smiled. Her sister finally looked like an Elite, as though all her poho’s and desouls from the past were gone. In their place was a female who held power, as her calmly stated threat proved. There was no one there who did not believe she would not follow through on her promise.

  Hawk reached up a hand as Netta sheathed her knives and allowed him to help her from the table. When her feet hit the floor, he hugged her.

  ‘We have missed you, Netta.’

  ‘As I have missed you. What has happened, Jax was short on information?’

  ‘We have neglected our Peyton. The Star Child will remove her if we do not remedy this situation.’

  ‘Well that is not okay, so family meeting then.’ And just like that, the tension dropped within the room.

  Brenda trembling a little said. ‘We need food and drinks to do this properly.’

  Helen stood as well. ‘We do.’

  ‘First.’ Marlo said as he and Larson stepped to their mates and enclosed them in their embraces. Larson, who never became angered, looked at the two males responsible for his mate’s trembling and stated so he was not misunderstood. ‘If either of you ever do that in front of my mate or any mate again. I will see you on the mat.’

  Jarrod stood with his hand on Trina’s trembling shoulder. ‘This will not be allowed to happen again. We have enough of a problem without turning on each other. Do I make myself clear or do I need to demonstrate why we are called Mystics.’

  Both males inclined their heads but did not speak. Melody moved so everyone could see her as she stated. ‘No Jarrod, you do not need to go that far. We will make an agreement now that we will never turn on each other again, and we are united against any who think to take Peyton from us.’

  Everyone agreed wholeheartedly with her statement. Hawk looked around at his family and friends and said. ‘Now allow me to share some light on what has transpired. I like Rage have fortunately, or unfortunately been the recipient of the touch of the Star Child.’ He drew in a shaky breath as he remembered the pain and fear he had felt at the time. �
�As Rage will tell you, it leaves you changed, unbalanced.’

  Rage said. And very, very grateful that it is something we never have to do on a regular basis. How our Beloved does so, astounds me.

  Hawk nodded in agreement. ‘Trust us, when we say we know how much she loves us and how profoundly we have let her down. So in saying that, I am the First Commander, nothing has changed that. As you all heard, in a moment of rashness, I thought to leave my position. I have since come to realize this is not the time to do so. When and if in the future I decide it is time for me to retire from my position. You, my family, will be the second to know after my mate. Rage is our Pride Leader, nothing, and no one has changed that fact, and as such, he has every right to demand answers. It is up to us, her family, to find those answers.’

  He saw everyone nodding their heads in agreement, even Rage and Reeve. Marlo kissed his Brenda, whispered a few words in her ear, and as she nodded, he released her. Larson did the same for Helen.

  Hawk spread his hands wide as he said. ‘Let us sit and try to work out where we have gone off track and how to reestablish our responsibilities to each other and especially to Peyton.’

  Marlo took a seat next to Hawk, saying. ‘Now we have that out of the way. Everyone we have plans to make and decisions to come to.’

  Netta asked Marlo. ‘Where is Esther?’

  Melody answered for him, and no one was left in any doubt she was concerned. ‘On Halcyon. She has been there for the last three and half wekens recruiting and training with Lott.’

  Penny leaned closer to Netta. ‘We just got back ourselves from Spartarium.’

  ‘Were you successful, you were gone longer than expected?’

  ‘We were, it was a pleasant planet.’ She whispered. ‘I will tell you later.’

  Netta nodded, then told her. ‘I knew without Jax telling me you had just arrived home.’ At Penny’s quizzical look, she whispered. ‘We would not be here if you were already home.’

  Penny beamed at the compliment. ‘Thank you, Netta.’

  Before Netta could say anything else, Hawk asked Rage. ‘Tell us Pride Leader how you found Peyton.’

  With a nod, Rage asked Jax as he stepped down to his chair. Jax, please play the conversation.

  Of course Pride Leader.

  The screen appeared, showing the state Peyton was in. It was easy to hear the exhaustion in her voice as she conversed with Rage. When the recording ended, they all looked at each other and Darby sobbed in a breath.

  ‘Well that sucks,’ Helen said, ‘we really dropped the ball on this.’

  Rose stated. ‘I am ashamed of us all. We have done exactly what we should not have. We’ve become so involved in our own lives, we forgot about her.’

  ‘How did this happen?’ Brenda demanded of no one in particular.

  Melody held Coraan’s hand tightly as her concern turned to sadness while she watched her young sister in distress. Not once in the last three wekens had she thought about how Peyton was coping. She had been so busy with her new life, shame made her voice a little huskier than normal when she said. ‘We can blame each other and ourselves all night, but we all know it won’t help the situation.’

  Peneria looked around at the people there. Emotions were ranging from grief to shame. Even her Willian wore an expression of fear mixed with despair. She had no idea how to help these people. If anyone ever needed proof of how much Peyton not the Star Daughter meant to her family, then this moment in time would be it. But they had to move beyond their emotions or they would start making decisions that would not benefit Peyton or the worlds. She looked at faces, trying to find that one person who was looking further than right now. Her gaze landed on Reeve who seemed to be the one most removed from the tension in the room, she wondered why.

  Netta followed where Peneria was looking. She smiled and leaned nearer to her and whispered. ‘It’s okay Peneria, I have this.’

  Relief flooded her as she replied. ‘I wasn’t sure what to do. He seems so remote, I am worried he will do or say something to make things worse.’

  ‘I know, let me show you how we deal with this as a family.’

  Trepidation filled Peneria’s heart as she asked. ‘I am almost too scared to ask.’

  ‘Probably wise. I am about to grab the bull by the horns.’

  ‘What… what horns?’

  Ignoring her, Netta casually asked Reeve. ‘Brother, you do not see a problem?’

  He turned eyes filled with suppressed anger toward her, Netta steeled herself for his harsh words but whatever he was to say would remain unsaid. As an icy wind swept into the room and a hard voice said. Take care, Elite Roeah.

  Reeve froze as the voice sounded throughout the room, halting even the movement of the air. People and Prowlers barely breathed as they held themselves very still in the face of the danger that had entered their domain.


  The Star Child blazed into the room, a column of Starlight moving across the floor. Everyone except Trina dropped to their knees.

  She smiled into the Starlight and said. ‘I am sorry Star Child, I mean no disrespect but getting down then up is not impossible just uncomfortable.’

  Some people cringed at her words, some smiled, and others stopped breathing for a moment in time as they waited for the Star Child’s reply.

  None taken pretty Trina. You delight our senses, as do your babes. Rise family.

  ‘Oh, thank you.’ Trina trilled as everyone stood, she then asked. ‘Do you have any names you like?’

  ‘Trina, my one.’ Jarrod said as he stood next to her.

  Trina looked up at him. ‘What… I want special names for our half and half babies.’

  They will be children of Maikonia. The Star Child admonished gently. When they are birthed, you will know their names and they will be blessed, as all the young, birthed or raised on Maikonia will be.

  Trina smiled softly. ‘Thank you, Star Child. You will make a great grandpa or gramma.’

  Everyone was sure they heard them laugh as the column of Starlight shivered, then turned to Reeve and asked. Why are you angry Elite Reeve, you have the gentle heart of Sister Darby to care for? To hold and keep safe and yet we find you ready to attack our Daughter’s Chosen.

  Reeve growled.

  Ahh! I see she has not told you?

  Melody said before she could censor herself. ‘She probably forgot.’

  The sound of laughter came again. This is true, Sister Melody. Perhaps it could be for a lack of chocolate.

  ‘Burned.’ Penny murmured as Melody grinned.

  Elite Reeve, as Pride Leader Rage stated. The Prowlers are our Daughters Chosen, what is also true is we chose the Warriors and Elites for our Daughter. A sigh of soft starlight sounded through the room as the Star Child saw the amazed expressions come over their faces.

  We see, our Daughter has not shared this with you, always she worries about her people, and about how you will perceive ourselves. We can only surmise she has not told you Warriors of your beginnings in fear you would feel anger toward us and perhaps beholden to her. We will share with you what she has not. Many yentas ago we created the perfect Warriors and assumed wrongly we had safeguarded our embryos to await our Daughter or Son. We then withdrew from the Universe until our Daughter was found. We did not anticipate, and it was a grievous mistake on our part. To not foresee the scientists of Jenersar finding the hidden embryos and subjecting them to their manner of science. Nor did we see them falsifying the truth, when they said they had created you. We created you to protect and care for our Daughter, which you have until now done exceptionally well. So Pride Leader Rage is correct, he and his people were chosen by our Daughter, as you Elites and Warriors were chosen by us.

  Darby asked. ‘So that elusive element, that is in the DNA of the Warriors. That is from you?’

  Indirectly, it is part of our first planet.

  ‘Oh my stars, that is amazing. So it cannot be duplicated.’

  You are correct, Sist
er Darby. No one can ever replicate our chosen.

  ‘Because they don’t have the Star Crystal.’

  That is so.

  ‘On my.’ Darby looked at Heather, who looked just as stunned. It had never crossed either of their minds that the Star Child had created the Warriors, or that the element was Star Crystal.

  Commander Marlo, we feel your distress.

  He stated in his rusty voice and there was a collective in-drawing of breaths as he said. ‘I am, as we all are, you said you would take her from us. I will not be the one to explain that to Esther.’

  This time they were sure laughter was heard before the Star Child said. On reflection, we realized we too have not always cared well for our Daughter. So for now we will not remove her from her family. If however in the future we find she is in harm’s way, we will not hesitate to do so. You were all chosen, from whatever world you were birthed on, to protect our Daughter’s needar and heart. It is no simple task we burden you with, but we have never asked you to do it alone. We have provided mates for all your people and provided you with an Omperea who will ensure many births for your worlds. For this we ask only that our Daughter is cared for. They turned to Brenda and Helen and mind-sent directly to them. You pine for children of your own, and we provided such for you.

  They looked at each other with bewildered expressions until whispered words crossed their minds. The Draygon eggs hold the life of the young, waiting for your loving embrace. It is only a matter of willingness to accept the gift provided.

  Shocked, they sat back heavily in their chairs as Larson and Marlo, with concerned glances, silently asked what happened. They signaled they would talk later. Right now they were overtaken with joy at the realization they could become mothers.


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