Daughter Of Ethos: Deadly Betrayal Book 5

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Daughter Of Ethos: Deadly Betrayal Book 5 Page 33

by L M Lacee

  ‘For sleeping in your bed.’ She sighed as she snuggled in closer to her mother. ‘I will try harder to sleep in my own bed.’

  Peyton kissed the sleep-tousled head, telling her. ‘Draygon girl, I know you try, and I know you want to be able to sleep in your own bed. Until then I love waking up to your sweet face in the morn, but can you try to not snore? You are very loud, the Prowlers cry, because it hurts their ears. Uncle Reeve thought the roof of our home was falling and the twins hid under Rayvan’s bed all night.’

  They who had been sleeping on the bed raised their heads and told Hope. This is not true. It was only for a short period of time until the giant one told us the ceiling was not falling.

  Hope giggled, even more so when Peyton tickled her. It was a sound they were getting used to since she had come home.

  ‘Oh Mama, you are silly, just like Briark and Leiark, all silly.’

  ‘It is because we are a silly family.’ Peyton told her as she hugged her.

  They lay for a while after Rayvan joined them, talking and playing with the kits. Eventually they decided it was time to get up and shower, then dress for the day.

  Avana was up early as well. Together they fed and dressed Koana and Keylan. Draykin burst into the apartment, hugged everyone, and helped Hope and Rayvan set the table for first-meal.

  Avana asked him. ‘Are you here for first-meal often?’

  Draykin smiled. ‘Me hungry in the morn.’

  Hope and Rayvan sat next to him as Hope told her. ‘We always have first-meal together because sometimes Auntie Darby forgets food.’

  ‘Because her head is full of stuff.’ Rayvan told her.

  Peyton grinned as she served the meal and told Avana. ‘That was nicer than what I said.’

  Avana laughed, imagining it was. Peyton carried on as she sat at the table. ‘We try to have second and eve- meal with the grandparents and whoever else is around. We let the grandma’s and grandpa’s sleep in, and have the morn to themselves, don’t we, my precious ones?’

  ‘Yep.’ They all chorused around mouths filled with food.

  When everyone had eaten and they had cleaned up. They went down to Peyton’s office, where Avana set the young ones up with toys and coloring books. The babies lay on the floor catching lavender sunlight in their hands.

  When Penny came in, it was to find laughing children and the kits in Peyton’s office. She had assumed incorrectly, they would have the day off. She almost smiled when she saw the kits were draped over either side of Peyton’s desk like book ends. But remembered just in time that today was not a day for frivolity.

  Out the corner of her eye Peyton saw the kits did not bother to lift their heads at Penny’s entrance. With a great deal of sympathy for what Peyton had endured over the last few days Penny greeted her with a gentle motherly tone.

  ‘Greetings Peyton, you are early.’

  Peyton lifted her head and sighed softly at the tone. ‘Greetings Penny, and yes I am. We will have people to see today, there are several appointments to make. Please contact our Capital away team. I need to talk to them.’

  ‘Yes Madam, of course.’ Said a subdued Penny. Peyton did not sound like her normal self, which she supposed was understandable. She decided to tread carefully, not wanting to upset her any more than she obviously was.

  Peyton bent her head over her work again, saying. ‘Please arrange a time for Lady Suna and Lord Henri to come in for an interview. Also have Warriors Kent, Sarn, Iaan and Hue here within the next hour please. I would like Commander Netta with them, let me know when that is done.’

  ‘Yes Madam.’

  ‘Thank you, that will be all for the moment.’

  Penny nodded and looked at Avana, who smiled gently at her.

  She returned to her office, and went over all that had happened in the last few days. Frowning she could not find a reason for why Peyton would be brusque with her. Had she done or said something wrong or was this how she was to be from now on, this brisk, no-nonsense female.

  Penny did not realize it was her quiet sympathetic attitude which had placed Peyton on edge. She wanted and needed to have her people treat her as they always did. To have Penny all sympathetic and sad when she spoke to her, unbalanced her. So she became brisk in the hopes it would snap her back to the normal snarky Penny. It seemed she had miscalculated and instead had made things worse.

  She looked at Avana. ‘Well?’

  ‘What can I say? She is confused.’

  ‘And I did not help with being brisk and efficient.’

  ‘It is not your normal way of working, is it?’

  Peyton grinned. ‘Nah, not really, okay I will fix it.’

  Avana looked doubtful as she asked. ‘Can you?’

  ‘Sure, I’ll just be obnoxious that always riles her temper.’

  ‘Well, it is good that you have a plan.’

  Peyton grinned and went back to her work, allowing a corner of her mind to worry about the perception people had of her now.

  The first people to arrive were the Warriors Iaan and Hue along with Netta. Peyton looked up from her work when Penny quietly showed them in.

  ‘Excuse me, Madam, your first appointment is here.’

  Peyton narrowed her eyes at Penny’s hesitant tone as Netta walked in. Her eyes took in Peyton’s stare and Penny’s quietly spoken words. She looked at Avana with raised eyebrows.

  ‘Thank you Penny.’ Peyton said with a snap in her voice.

  When she had gone Netta asked. ‘What the furin hayda was that?’

  ‘That was someone wanting a career change if she doesn’t get over thinking I am fragile.’

  She looked at Netta, who snorted. ‘Don’t look at me, Star Girl. I was there you don’t need coddling.’

  ‘I know, well I will fix it.’

  ‘I am sure you will. Why are we here?’

  The kits had once again lifted their heads when Netta and the Warriors entered, but made no further attempt to get up from their lounging positions.

  Peyton grinned at both males standing before her and hoped they would join her guard. Several more Warriors had been found who were also classed as tanks, and she hoped more would eventually be discovered, they were amazingly gentle and intelligent Warriors. Peyton knew these were the two Warriors that had disposed of the bodies for Hawk.

  Jarrod had spent the better part of the day and night with them discussing how they were or were not affected. His report this morn said they had dealt well with their actions. The Warriors were stable, well liked and sociable, considering who and what they were.

  When they weren’t scowling, they were both handsome and younger than they appeared. Both wore their shoulder length brunette hair in Warrior braids with blue ties which matched the rings in their eyes. Peyton finally remembered to greet her visitors. ‘Greetings Netta.’

  ‘Greetings Madam.’

  ‘Greetings Warrior Hue and Iaan.’

  Together, they said. ‘Greetings Madam.’

  ‘So we meet again Warriors.’

  Hue replied for them both. ‘So it would seem Madam. Why did you ask to see us, have we not performed correctly?’

  ‘Of course you have, you are both excellent Warriors. As to why you are here, we are waiting... Ahh, here they are.’

  Kent and Sarn walked in fully armed. Once again the kit’s heads lifted from their positions and once more returned, uninterested to sleep.

  Kent asked. ‘Greetings Madam, you wished to see us?’

  ‘Greetings, and yes I did. First though, I wanted to offer Warriors Hue and Iaan a place in my guard. I know you are both qualified for the positions and please understand you are quite within your rights to refuse. There will be no hard feelings, also, if you have a position you would rather do, let me know and I will see what I can do.’

  ‘Madam, you wish for Iaan and myself to be in your guard permanently?’ Hue asked to clarify.

  She frowned. ‘Yeah, Netta, did I not say it clearly again?’

Madam you did, I think you just surprised the Warriors. Warriors, what say you?’

  They both smiled and looked at each other, then at Peyton. The smile took them from deadly Warriors to the young males they were. It was a transformation that startled even Netta.

  ‘Umm,’ Peyton asked, ‘Is that a yes?’

  ‘Madam, we accept.’

  Relieved, she grinned. ‘Alright. So all four of you as of today are promoted to Captains, and welcome to my guard. Now go with Commander Netta and she will take you to see Commander Jorge and then Tivna Melody. She will see if you have a bond or a future bond. Then Commander Netta will fill you in on your duties and show you to the office here at the Hex. She will also get you new uniforms.’

  ‘Thank you Madam.’ Hue hurriedly said interrupting her, otherwise they knew, they could be there for a while, as she explained everything.

  Kent asked. ‘Madam, if we do not have a bond, is that a problem?’

  ‘No, it just might mean your bond may not be here yet, that is all. Ask Tivna Melody, she will explain it.’

  Netta said. ‘Let us go Captains before Madam finds something else to explain.’

  ‘Rude.’ Peyton grumbled as Netta shepherded her Captains from the office.

  Avana told her after they had left. ‘They have mates, two will find them soon, the other two within the next three yentas.’

  ‘Good, I like them.’

  Avana said as she helped Hope draw. ‘They are devoted and as time goes on, the four of them will lead your personal guard units.’

  Peyton smiled. ‘I like the thought of that, it is comforting.’

  They all went back to what they were doing and sometime later Hope said as she put her pencils away. ‘Mama.’

  ‘Yes, Hope.’

  ‘May I go and visit Enara and Enuru?’

  Carrick arrived just as she finished asking. ‘Madam, I have come to ask Hope to go to class with Enara and Enuru.’

  The kits yawned, but other than that, they paid no attention to the people in the room. Hope looked expectantly at her mother.

  ‘Hope are you okay with that?’

  ‘I am Mama.’

  ‘Then go and have fun.’

  ‘Mama, we are to learn.’

  ‘Sweetheart learning is fun, especially when you do it with people you like.’

  Hope looked at her and said. ‘I will try.’

  ‘That is all I can ask.’

  A few mins later, Carrick arrived back after taking the girls to Karen. Peyton watched the kits when he returned and was positive they snored in unison.

  Carrick told her. ‘The young females are settled with Lady Karen, they are studying botany and are going on a nature walk. Can I explain that to you, Madam?’

  ‘No, thank you, Carrick. I am aware of what that is.’

  ‘I was not, which is why I thought to explain it!’

  ‘Thank you Carrick for your consideration.’

  ‘I will take the young males for their snack and the babies for their morn bottles, then morn sleep. I have arranged lessons for the young males.’


  ‘Yes Madam, in reading and writing, we are enjoying them.’

  ‘Are they not too young?’

  ‘Maybe for other young. Our children are exceptional.’ Carrick said matter of factually with pride as he picked up both baby girls. The boys went to him after helping to put the toys away with Avana.

  Peyton shrugged. ‘Alright, have fun, all of you. See you at second-meal.’

  ‘I will endeavor to make sure we are all there.’

  ‘Thank you Carrick, you are a treasure.’

  He bowed. ‘So my Kate tells me.’

  He swept the babies and boys from the office as Peyton looked at Avana with raised eyebrows as they both grinned at the innocent male’s words.

  Avana returned the look, then said. ‘No idea, whatever it is, it has not happened yet.’

  ‘Well, I am enjoying the company.’

  A few mins later, Rave entered. The twins jumped up so fast they both fell from the desk. Peyton looked at them as they sat shaking their heads. Avana laughed while Rave snickered.

  Peyton said to the kits. ‘So that is what it takes to make you move, good to know. Although next time stick the landing.’

  Rave greeted both Peyton and Avana. Greetings Beloved. Greetings Sevna.

  Together they greeted the Prowler.

  I have come to take the twins for instruction.

  Briark asked. We go?

  ‘Of course, so what is it today?’ Peyton asked Rave. He looked at both kits and told her.

  Bacon is supervising scenting. I am supervising Bacon.

  The twins bounced with excitement. We go Star Mama?

  ‘Of course have fun.’

  We do.

  What is landing? Briark asked as they followed an amused Rave from the office.

  An hour later, Suna and Henri arrived at Penny’s office with a smile he was seldom without, Henri told her. ‘Greetings Penny, we have come to see Madam Peyton.’

  ‘Greetings Lady Suna, Lord Henri. I will tell her you have arrived.’ She placed her finger on her comp’. ‘Madam, Lady Suna and Lord Henri are here to see you.’

  ‘Okay, I am coming.’ Within seconds, she and Avana walked out of her inner office. ‘Suna, Henri, nice to see you. Are you both well?’

  Suna did something she had never done before. She walked up to Peyton and hugged her first.

  ‘I am very well and I wish to apologize. I have judged you on people in my past, not on who you are. It was dishonorable of me.’

  Peyton hugged her back. ‘Suna, that is understandable. Esther says our past often shapes our perceptions of the present. It is okay, we learn, we love and we live better lives for it.’

  ‘Thank you for your patience.’

  ‘So worth it.’

  She let her go and hugged Henri, who grinned in surprise. When she released him she asked. ‘So anyway, what I would like to know is how are things going with the three Commanders and the girls, are you all settled into a Hex?’

  Henri smiled. ‘Yes, and it is going well. Suna is a wonderful influence. Grathum, Rion and Tunera are starting work next first day, and we are all getting to know each other. The girls are delightful.’

  Suna said. ‘It is as my Henri says, we are becoming a family and they are going to be good, strong, wonderful males. We have put in place strategies that will help them with their ongoing issues, it is still early days yet. The girls are helping, more so than Henri and I, with making their father and uncles feel more at home. Esther and the ladies are helping by visiting, they no longer freeze every time a female arrives at our door. Although they are not comfortable enough to participate in conversation unless it is about the girls.’

  Peyton grinned. ‘That is amazing, I would never have thought of that. Is it okay if we all drop in whenever?’

  Suna smiled as she looked at the most powerful person she knew, who asked if it was acceptable to visit. Again she realized how much she had misjudged this young female and how ashamed she was of the conclusions she had come to.

  When they had first arrived on Maikonia, she had mistakenly thought Peyton was too strange and too alien, with too much influence over her people. Sadly, she had painted this delightful female from her experiences and never gave her a chance. She prayed no one, especially Peyton, would ever find out how she had planned to take her life. A foolish idea, she now knew. Thankfully her Henri did not know, this was one secret she would take with her to the afterlife. And she would spend the rest of this life proving she was no longer that hard-hearted, suspicious female.

  She said now. ‘Of course, the more who visit, the sooner they learn to trust and find acceptance and I would enjoy your company. We can call it Peyton’s get away place.’

  Peyton grinned, her eyes lighting up with laughter. ‘Ohh, I like the idea of that.’

  Avana said. ‘We will see you soon then.’

Henri told her. ‘You are more than welcome, also baby Dilly would enjoy the play time with Koana and Keylan.’

  Avana beamed. ‘Oh thank you, they both would love that. I will talk to Carrick as well about the boys.’

  Peyton said. ‘Also, the older girls may like taking little Opal under their wings, so to speak.’

  Avana said. ‘I will see to it Peyton.’

  She smiled, knowing it would happen and one more thing she would not have to worry about. ‘Thanks, Avana.’ Peyton sighed and rubbed her forehead. ‘Well, I am pleased it is working. I also told you on Terra, I had something to discuss with you.’

  Suna said. ‘That is so, an offer of some kind.’

  Peyton smiled. ‘Yep, so if you could come with me. Oops, I mean us, Avana will be coming as well. She is my shadow today.’

  ‘Why?’ Henri asked as he stared at both females, thinking they looked relaxed and happy. Considering the last few days, he marveled at their ability to let what happen go so quickly.

  They both shrugged as Peyton said. ‘Who knows?’

  She then turned her attention to Penny, who was trying to look busy and was not listening. Peyton eyed this Penny and decided she did not like the sympathetic, hesitant person who was so not like her snarky Penny. ‘I am going out.’

  ‘Yes Madam.’

  ‘No comment?’

  Penny said gently. ‘No, not today Madam.’

  Peyton eyed her. ‘You better get over yourself female or you are fired. I won’t take this attitude from you much longer. Enough is enough, I say!’ She finished this off with a sniff of self-righteousness as she walked from the room.

  ‘What attitude? I was being considerate, you impossible female.’ Yelled an outraged Penny before she thought about what and who she was yelling at.

  ‘Nice.’ Avana told Peyton as they walked to the transfer circle.

  ‘I know right, her being all nice and sweet, so unnatural, it was becoming annoying.’

  ‘How long has she been like that?’ Henri asked, highly amused.

  Peyton sighed dramatically. ‘All morn.’

  ‘I see how that would wear on your nerves.’ Remarked Suna.

  ‘It really did. So we are here.’ As they had talked she had led them into the transfer circle where they had exited inside the small foyer of the storage Hex or egg vault.


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