Faith (The Fast Love Collection Book 1)

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Faith (The Fast Love Collection Book 1) Page 4

by Watkins, TM

  He paused and looked at me, my arms folded and disbelief shining brightly. Archer huffed as he thumped his hands against his sides.

  “I left after a disagreement with my father. We're still cool but I just couldn't be near him all the time.”

  “So are you really a mechanic?”

  “I tinker with the bikes for the club and I get paid for it, so yeah I am one.”

  I looked back at his place, the quaint wood house that just seemed rather mismatched to the owner.

  “How come you bought this place?”

  “I liked it. Saw it in the window at the real estate agent, checked it out and made an offer.”

  He paused for a moment, his features clouding over with what looked like slight disgust.

  “I know what you're thinking and no, I didn't buy it with anything earned from illegal activities. Inheritance and a small loan. My grandma died.”

  It was like Myrtle's presence at the party made sense in a way. Maybe she looked like Archer's grandmother and reminded him of a better time.

  “Sorry to hear that.”

  And sorry for prejudging you. And sorry for assuming you've got a drug lab in the house.

  He shrugged one shoulder and turned to the end of the driveway, the sound of music filling the summery night air.

  “You're welcome to come back, you don't have to leave.”

  “It's okay. I think I made Gus uncomfortable. They like being called by their other names, don't they?”

  Archer nodded and turned back to the street.

  “I'll walk you home.”

  “It's just across the street.”

  He looked at me in a way that wordlessly said to accept it because he wasn't going to let me walk home by myself. Even if it is just a few steps.

  “So do you miss being a member?”

  Archer nodded, his head lowering as he kicked a stone across the road. Then he shook his head, frowning. I guess it was one of those questions.

  I pushed through the main door and stood there, expecting Archer to turn around and go home. Except he walked in and looked at me with expectation. Okay so I guess it was to my door then.

  “You know, if you have things that you don't want to talk about then you should say something. I'm not a mind reader and I've never known anyone in a club before. Or not in a club, whatever, you know what I mean.”

  He grinned slightly as we reached the top of the stairs. I pulled my keys out of my pocket and leaned on the door.

  “Maybe you could ask me questions that you'd feel okay with answering as well. Like uh, how many siblings do you have? My answer, one sister who is older.”

  “None.” he said simply.

  There was something dark hidden within him, the one word answer that should have been simple looked like it was painful.

  “I get what you're saying Faith, it's a good idea. I'll think of questions and bug you sometime.”

  “Great, you can hound and harass me with them... sometime.”

  Archer rolled back and forth on his feet, his hands in his pockets again. Waiting. Awkward.

  I did not want to get involved with a neighbor. Even if I kind of had last night. Thankfully I could not remember it and technically, it was the neighbor’s boyfriend. Not my finest moment, drunkenness was not an excuse.

  “Did you still want to read one of my books?”


  The tone in his voice picked up slightly, a little odd but I didn't over think it. I opened the door, flicked on the lights and showed him the grand collection.

  “Which one was your first?”

  I pulled the first book on the shelf off and handed it to him.

  “Black Flame by RF Harlow.”

  Archer looked up at me rather perplexed.

  “What's the R stand for?”

  I rolled my eyes as I leaned on the bookcase.


  He chuckled. “Cute. Thanks for the loaner, Roxy.”

  “Shut up.”

  There was silence again as the laughter died away. It was on the verge of becoming uncomfortable when the sound of broken glass interrupted it. Archer sighed and looked over my shoulder to the window.

  “I guess that's my cue to go and break up whatever fight they're getting into.”

  Archer walked to the front door and opened it, looking back at me as I followed a few steps behind.

  “I'll return this in a couple of days, Roxy.”

  Even though I didn't want to, I grinned, leaning on the door and watching as he took the first few steps down the stairs.

  “You keep calling me that and there is going to be trouble mister.”

  “Promises, promises, Roxy. What are you going to do? Beat me with your books?”

  “Maybe. Some of them are rather thick.”

  He chuckled as he continued down the stairs, disappearing from sight.

  “Later Roxy.”

  I shut the door and flicked the locks, finding that my misbehaving feet were wandering back to the study. Then my dastardly fingers turned off the light, in cahoots with my feet who slipped along the bookcase.

  There was no way that I was watching him in the darkness, it was an absolute lie. Somehow he knew. Even though the lights were off, when he was half way across the street he turned back slightly and looked up at the window. Then he waved. I wanted to die from embarrassment. Caught watching him. How sad.

  Chapter Six

  Lacking in sleep meant that I wasn't functioning properly. Archer and his mates had gone all night with their little drinking fest which included music, laughing, more glass breaking and at three am, the sound of several motorcycles leaving.

  Bleary eyed I thumped my way down the stairs and crossed the road, needing to vent my tired anger at my new neighbor.

  By the time he finally answered the door my hand was sore from knocking on it.

  Archer looked just as tired as I did, worse yet he was in a pair of jeans and nothing else. I might have been tired but I wasn't blind. Or crazy. So I might have liked the view, I could be honest and say that he could be any month of the year in one of those hot guy calendars. Maybe he could be mister December and offer himself with a neatly wrapped bow that was just covering the essentials.

  A small bow. Maybe it could be too small and accidentally show something. Screw the bow, it's December. Christmas gift and all, right?

  What was I thinking? I was crazy. Not with the neighbor, end of subject.

  Archer was defined, taut and not as tattooed as I expected. I thought he'd be covered in them but there was only a few. The tattoos that looked like they only went to sleeve length was actually intentional. It was just where the image ended.

  His chest was covered in an image of angels wings, sitting in front was a massive skull. Beneath the massive image was a silhouette side view of several motorcycles as if they were riding along with words written in script below. Too fast to live, too young to die.

  As he leaned on the door, Archer crossed his arms over his chest, his hands slipping under them which marred the view of his tattoo. It might have been before I saw too much, because I did happen to notice there was a name on one of the feathers over his heart. A name that was now hidden by his thumb.

  Those weary eyes wandered down me and it was at that point that I looked down to what I was wearing. Another fine moment in the history of my life. Tiny bed shorts and a singlet top. Oh and no bra. An excellent combination when I did in fact have a lot to offer.

  Suddenly it became a whole lot colder and I crossed my arms over my chest in a vain attempt at hiding my chest.

  “Hey Roxy, how's it going?”

  His tired and amused grin was a little annoying. I was not in the mood for the horrid name calling either.

  “It's Faith, I told you that.”

  “Sure thing Roxy.”

  Archer scratched along the waistband of his jeans, catching my gaze which I knew was intentional.

  “You kept me awake last night and I'm sure th
e neighborhood is not really impressed at your friends leaving at three am. Don't those things have noise suppression or something?”

  He baulked at me, eyes wide as he scoffed a laugh.

  “Good luck convincing them to do that one.”

  “Whatever.” I said as I flicked my hand with derision. “Not sure if you were aware of it but this is actually an area where people live normal lives, they work and obviously need sleep. You know, keeping normal hours. So I get that it was a Saturday night but just in case you're planning on another little shindig tonight you need to remember those of us who keep sane hours.”

  “Shindig?” He said with a chuckle. “How old are you Roxy?”

  “Faith and I'm twenty-three.”

  Archer nodded like he didn't really care and wandered into his house. I stood at the door rather stunned, unsure of what to do. Warily I peered in through the door, seeing a long and empty corridor.

  Light shone through from the back door that was open, a shine sliding over the floorboards. A second later his darkened shadow appeared, walking back down the corridor.

  “Here, I washed it.” Archer said as he offered my platter. “Thanks for making the salad, never had to do that before.” He muttered.

  “No problem.”

  His gaze lowered with a smug grin. I inwardly sighed and turned to the path, using the platter to cover my chest.

  “When you're planning your next party can you keep your neighbors in mind please?”

  “I did, I invited them but they left before the fun started. Maybe next time they might stay longer.”

  Yeah right.

  “There's another one tonight if you want to come over Roxy.” He called out as I reached the front gate of his property.

  “You don't need to change or anything, just come in what you're wearing, Roxy.”

  I gave him the one finger salute as I crossed the road, earning a laugh from him.

  Eddie and James were having breakfast on the front deck, watching everything that had just happened. Abruptly Eddie stood and walked into his apartment which I knew meant he was going to the kitchen window.

  He didn't like being obvious and coming over would be just that. So instead we had to talk through the window and hope that the gossip upstairs wasn't listening.

  When I got to the kitchen window he was leaning on the window sill, dreamily looking up at the sky as he waited for me.

  “Hey, hey girlfriend.”

  “Hey there love bird one.” I said as I climbed up onto the bench.

  “So, give me the details.” He looked up with a grin. “They're out so you can go to town on dishing the info.”

  I rolled my eyes, there was nothing to tell.

  “Well I went over there in my pajamas because I was so damned tired and asked that he think of his neighbors before planning another party. He got a free perv because I was uh, rather free and easy and that's it.”

  Eddie narrowed his eyes at me. “That's it?”

  “Uh, yes.”

  “You are slack Faith. Get to know him.”

  “No thanks.”

  I slid off the counter and turned back to him.

  “It's Sunday bi-atch, are we still good or are you ditching me for love bird two?”

  “We are good and love bird two is coming, you cool with that?”

  “Of course but no booze, okay?”

  He laughed and waved me off, wandering out of the kitchen.

  I know it was a stupid request but after Friday night I couldn't take another night of having them two in my apartment and consuming alcohol. Sunday night dinner was going to be as dry as the desert.

  Sunday was always housework day unless I had some kind of mind blowing flood of thoughts and ideas for writing. When that happened everything else stopped. But still being stuck in the dry spell I was able to do every single thing on my list.

  I might be a bit of a clean freak. Waiting until Sunday to do housework was difficult, sometimes I didn't make it.

  Trying to ignore Archer, I dusted the bookshelves in my study. But the problem was I still didn't have any window coverings and there was one hot body walking back and forth across his lawn. Half naked and sweaty as he mowed the lawn. Bastard. The grass did not need to be cut, it was cut the day before he moved in and had hardly grown since.

  This was on purpose, I was certain of it. I leaned on the bookshelf and watched as he stopped and shut off the mower. He stood by the front steps, taking a long drink of his bottled water. Halfway through it he poured it over him, drenching his glistening body in refreshing water.

  I might have actually whimpered. My fingers found my lips as I tried to restrain the noise that emanated. It felt like I was becoming more gelatinous with each passing second, my insides turning to liquid. Well, something was turning to liquid.

  He went inside, leaving me just as soaked as what he was, just in different areas.

  “Bastard.” I hissed under my breath. “I know you did that on purpose and screw you, it worked.”

  I hated being horny and not having someone to vent my frustration on. There wasn't even a chance of convincing the terrible twosome back for another round of drunken misbehavior, Eddie and James had agreed on no more friends in their bed.

  Sitting on the chair I looked at the second draw on the left hand side of my desk. Inside it was my relief when I got a little too involved in one of my more intense scenes that I was writing. Work myself up by hammering out a chapter of pure written smut and then relieving the tension with my rubbery friend.

  Wriggling my way out of my bed pants, I opened the draw and pulled out the bag of essentials. I had lube in here but it was never necessary, I was always so wet that I never had any issues. There were several types in here, I'd been sent a pack by a firm who was eager for a little product placement in one of my books. I didn't think it was possible but apparently they'd named these things and I had to be very specific and ensure that I had it right.

  I pulled out the cactus, a long cylinder that almost mimicked a penis except for the bumps all over it. They had soft points to them, making it incredibly pleasurable to rub in the right spots. Pushing the chair back, I spread my legs over the arms of the chair and as always, was completely grateful for the reasonably high wall below the window. High enough to hide my wandering hand and cactus, low enough to view the world that slowly passed by.

  That first slide over my sensitive clit was always amazing, I breathed heavily as I settled against the back rest, closing my eyes.

  “Hell yeah.” I said softly.

  Over and over again I rubbed it between the folds, becoming more aroused. So aroused that I removed my shirt to fondle my breasts. Gently pulling on the nipples heightened my rising orgasm.

  All I could think about was that rigid body, the jeans that were slung low on his hips, revealing that defined v over his pelvis. Those firm and strong hands on my body, holding me as he invaded me, fucking me hard. I didn't need love, I needed to be fucked, hard. The kind of kink that had him pulling my hair back as he thrust into me from behind. Feeling the crash of his skin against mine, begging him to be rough. Just a little. Just enough so that I would come hard.

  I wanted to surrender to him, to be at his mercy as I offered myself freely. So long as I got my kicks I didn't care how misogynistic he was or wasn't. My own gratification was necessary, once I was satisfied then all else was inconsequential.

  At least, when it came to my own self-love it was. In real life I was a little more subdued. Okay so a whole lot more subdued. For me, my private time, my masturbation was as kinky as I got. I fantasized about a lot of things that made me blush afterward. Dirty talk, having multiple partners, toys and my favorite, outdoor sex. The thrill of getting caught was something that drove me crazy.

  I found that voicing the dirty talk just a fraction helped me, rather than listening to my own heated breath or stressing over the sounds of the outside world.

  With a gasp I pushed it in, cupping my breast and moldin
g it in my fingers.

  “Fuck yeah.” I gasped.

  As it began to overwhelm me, I arched my back and enjoyed the spiking pleasure.

  “Holy shit.” A deep male voice crooned in the morning air.

  My eyes bolted open, pending orgasm gone, obliterated into a thousand pieces as I sat up. With a wince from the pain of the stupid thing pushing against me, I pulled the bulking dildo out of me and looked out across the road.

  Archer was on the roof of his house, a ladder propped against the guttering. Leaves were scattering into the air as he dropped them to the ground. He could see me. But how much? Shit, he's waving at me.

  I waved back and sank my body low, sliding off the chair, groaning as I tried to figure out how much he could see.

  On the roof, almost in line with my floor. I thought it wasn't possible until I thought about his words, holy shit. Not, hey Roxy. No, he saw me and was clearly astounded by what he'd seen.

  Yay, the new neighbor has seen me jerking off with a frigging giant dildo. Just what I needed.

  Chapter Seven

  It was late afternoon before I actually stopped and did nothing. Distracting myself was ideal, it was best to not think about the mornings efforts. It was okay, I just wouldn't ever talk to him again. I'd get some curtains or something and then I could jerk until my heart was content, never having to face my neighbor and his inane grin as he watched me like a complete pervert.

  I was leaning on the bench in the kitchen, taking a moment to regroup. There was no way in hell that I was telling Eddie about this nightmare, I could be wrong and maybe Archer didn't see a single thing. I could only hope.

  With the roast into the oven, dinner was slowly cooking and filling the house with a wonderful smell. The apartment was clean, I'd done a mental check list as I went from room to room to ensure it was perfect. I required perfection, anything less was an annoyance.

  Everything was wiped down, washed and put away. I looked around and assessed the kitchen, nothing to be done. Going through the place again, I tried to find a distraction. I needed something. Room by room I continued to check everything and found nothing more that could be done.


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