Faith (The Fast Love Collection Book 1)

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Faith (The Fast Love Collection Book 1) Page 8

by Watkins, TM

  Archer thumped on the door making me jump, calling out to me with a panicked tone to his voice. I guess I could be grateful that Ken and Elise would be at work and Myrtle was almost deaf.

  “Roxy, open the door.... please?” He begged as he thumped again. “At least allow me to explain.”

  No and no again. Time to go away and stay away like you were supposed to.


  Oh, nice try.

  “Come on, please open the door.”

  There was silence for a moment and then a heavy thud against the door, this time it sounded like it was both hands thumping.

  I continued to drink the last of the wine, looking at the label in between sips. The words were starting to blur, swimming around on the pretty pink label. It was a low percentage wine but it still packed a punch.

  The only sounds now were of the washing machine as it whirred and sloshed, Archer had given up. Maybe he might move away, I could only hope. I didn't want to have to face him every day and as the one who had been here the longest and had a friend living next door, I had more rights than he did.

  He could just piss off back to wherever it was that he came from. Even in my blurred mind I knew how bad it was that I did not know a thing about him.

  What did I know?

  I knew his surname but that was only because James had seen it when he was in his house yesterday. Somewhere I had not been yet.

  I also knew one of his friends by sight, a few more by name. Thumper, what kind of name was that? I wouldn't know her if I fell over her in the street. A bit of Facebook stalking could solve that but I was sick of it.

  I knew Archer had a father at least, mother unknown. Siblings, none. Names of parents, unknown. Location of parents, unknown.

  Where he was born, where he used to live, how many girlfriends he's had, where he went to school, how many friends he has and not just the Facebook variety. Everything was unknown and it was so wrong it was unbelievable.

  I'd slept with him and knew nothing about him. Wiping the tears away, I then drank the last of the wine and let the bottle roll across the floor.

  I watched it as it rolled back and forth under my fingertips, the dregs of wine sliding over the dull green glass.

  Even though the washing machine was loud, I heard an odd noise. I wasn't concerned, with the three locks on the door there was no way he could break in.

  Then again, I knew nothing of him. He could be really good at breaking into houses.

  The thought caused a snap in my mind, wondering if I should be worried. Maybe the cops were going to land on my doorstep any day now, asking a multitude of questions and wanting to know if I was looking after anything for him.

  I sniffed and wiped more tears, the bottle rolling away from me. It kept going until it hit the edge of a heavy leather boot. I looked up and saw a slightly exhausted Archer standing at the doorway.

  His body was heaving with exertion and he looked a little sweaty. But how did he get in? I could see the door from where I was sitting and it was still very much intact.

  Then it dawned on me, the balcony door was open. He'd climbed the bloody brickwork and entered through there.

  I was an idiot and now I was faced with a man that I barely knew. He looked like he was pissed off, upset and anxious. In the depths of my mind I was beginning to wonder if I was in trouble. Serious trouble.

  Chapter Twelve

  In his hands were the printouts, crinkled in his tight grip. Archer said nothing as he moved into the room and sat on the floor opposite me.

  I didn't know what to say or do, too much alcohol in me, too unsure of how he would react. He sighed and opened the crushed pieces of paper.

  “When you were talking about siblings and I said none it wasn't exactly the truth. I used to have a brother, died when a rival club unloaded several rounds into the clubhouse.”

  Even though I was swimming in a sea of red wine, I wanted to hug him and tell him how sorry I was that he had to suffer the death of a loved one. But I refrained from doing it, knowing that he wanted to speak and probably didn't want me interrupting him.

  “That's Kira. She was his wife, they had a kid and another one on the way. They didn't have much and it's always been a struggle but she's gotten there. One rare night out, kids with her parents. Pure luck that we ran into each other, we don't see each other much even though she's raising my brother's kids. That's it.” He said with a shrug.

  Except that it wasn't.

  “Your hand was on her ass Archer.” I said with a slight slur.

  He looked at me as if he didn't see the problem.

  “I'm sorry that your brother died and I'm sorry that his wife has had to raise kids by herself but you.” I said as I pointed at him in the air. “Had just walked out of here after fucking me and then stuck your hand on another woman's ass. You said you had to fill in for Wolf, that doesn't look like the duties of a sergeant-at-arms to me.”

  “It's barely there Roxy.”

  “Faith.” I growled angrily. “And barely there is enough, too much. That kind of placement gives ideas.”

  Archer huffed as he rolled his eyes. “She has a husband, he was there. He didn't have a problem with it.” He muttered.

  His arms leaned on his knees that were bent up against his chest, almost like a shield.

  “Well yay for him. Give the man a medal for it. I don't take this kind of shit. Learn where the boundaries are or piss off.”

  An eyebrow raised at me and I wondered if in my drunken state I'd gone a fraction too far. Too bad.

  “I gave you space because you were supposed to be doing something for the club, I believed you when you said the things that you did. Then I'm faced with this.” I gestured to the pieces of paper that were still crushed in his hands. “How did you think I would react? You say one thing and I see another and all I can think is that you lied to me so you can go and party with the people that you really want to be with. Not a word from you, not even a sorry to say that you couldn't make breakfast like you said you would.”

  His eyes widened, clearly remembering that he had indeed said he would return.

  “So maybe I did over think things, maybe I did believe that I was a one night stand and you'd gone back to your preferred choice. When I've got a couple of pictures, missed breakfast arrangements and not a single word from you, I can't be expected to believe much else.”

  I tried to move but the world swayed. A bottle of wine was not a good choice.

  “Did you eat breakfast?”

  “I was waiting for you to return like you said you would.”

  Archer rolled his eyes, shaking his head. The pictures were stuffed back into his pocket as he dropped his legs. Then he pulled me to his lap, ignoring my protests.

  With a heavy sigh he held tight, refusing to let go. Weary of the day already, I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

  I woke to the sounds of an argument, several voices that seemed rather pissed off. Wearily I lifted myself up, finding that I was on my bed. My mind was a fog and I could barely see as I surveyed the room. Curtains drawn, lights off. I must have slept for several hours.

  Even though I felt like utter shit and couldn't think straight, I got up from the bed and walked to the door. I might have been a little wobbly but I got there.

  The door was left open a crack, a soft golden glow shone through from the hall light. Wincing at the light I quickly and shakily made my way to the lounge room where the sounds were coming from.

  Everyone was here and I mean everyone. My parents, Eddie and James, Archer and even Alexis. They all turned and looked at me when I spoke.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Archer was about to say something, interrupted by my mother rushing to me.

  “Darling we were so worried. Why did you drink so much?”

  “Because I wanted to.”

  She scoffed and pulled me into her arms, resting my head against her chest.

  “Now we both know
that's not entirely the truth, is it?”

  Well now I suppose not. The rest of the reason was standing in the room looking more awkward than anyone I'd ever seen. It didn't help that my father was ready to kill him or that there was a queue of people behind him, waiting for their turn.

  “You are right mother and now that I'm sober I'd like to deal with it on my own thanks.”

  She pulled away quite affronted, but dialed it down and smiled.

  “Of course darling. Come now everyone, as she asked.”

  Alexis stopped at the doorway, glancing around the room and stopping at me.

  “Still good for tomorrow?”

  Crap, I'd completely forgotten the meeting.

  “Sure. Ten am.”

  She nodded and quietly left my apartment. Eddie and James followed after her, Eddie shaping his fingers like a phone and mouthing to call him.

  My father stopped beside me, his gruff features set a hard line.

  “I don't think this is wise Roxy.”

  “It's fine dad, you don't need to be concerned.”

  He sighed and his features softened, kissing me on my forehead.

  “Alright then.”

  With one final scowl at Archer he left the room, my mother wrapped an arm around me and whispered to be safe.

  I really don't understand why their opinions had changed so suddenly. He was still the same Archer as last night. Sure he'd crossed a line but that was nothing to do with my safety. All they could see was that he was once a biker and used to associate with a motorcycle club. Or that he might just still associate with a motorcycle club.

  Once they were down the stairs I shut the door and turned to Archer who was still standing in the room looking incredibly uncomfortable.

  “Your parents don't like me any more.” He said as he dumped himself onto the lounge.

  I wandered over and sat on the same lounge, sitting side on to face him.

  “And why is that?”

  “Because Eddie can't keep his trap shut?”

  “No Archer, he was being a good friend and alerting me to your misbehavior. He did not tell anyone other than me. My sister saw the changes I'd made and searched through your profile. You are the one with images of your past indiscretions plastered all over your time line and albums. You are the one with pictures of what you get up to when you're supposed to be working. She sees that I'm involved with this guy and then sees all of these half naked women from your past and thinks that you're a player. What would you have her believe when she sees that and my status changes in the blink of an eye yet again?”

  He huffed and turned away.

  “You know, I do try to be pretty easy going. We all have pasts, we all have former lovers. Mine aren't splashed all over the social media with their bits hanging out but yours are. I'm not going to tell you to get rid of them, I don't even care that you've got them but you can't get angry at people for assuming the worst. As for what you got up to last night, I really don't know what to say. We've barely begun and already we've hit a snag, it doesn't say much for the future, does it?”

  Archer looked back at me and for the first time since knowing him, I saw fear.

  “I wasn't sure what we were, if we were anything at all. But then you went and changed your settings and suggested I do the same. All without discussing the necessary requirements to keep each other happy. So that's where I'd suggest you start, that is if you want this to continue.”

  “Of course I do. Man, you are so buttoned down.”

  “Am not. I require fidelity and hands to be kept in appropriate places. Those pictures of you and Kira are not appropriate.”

  He opened his mouth with a frown and I waved him off.

  “I know we have different opinions on appropriate but this is what I believe. Don't like it then it's tough. What would you do if a guy did that to me and I put it out there for the world to see, including your loved ones?”

  Archer frowned hard, like a light bulb turned on in his mind he realized and the frown disappeared.

  “I'd put him in hospital.”

  “Charming.” I scoffed. “So we're on the same page here?”

  “Yeah. You're parents still hate me. I'm the big bad biker who can't change his ways.”

  With a warm smile I turned him to me.

  “Then make it your job to convince them otherwise. They are only being caring and worried for their daughter. It's not their fault that motorcycle clubs have been given a bad rap.”

  I leaned on the back of the lounge, Archer sighed and joined me.


  “Not after the long sleep I just had.”

  He grinned with a slight chuckle.

  “You weren't supposed to fall asleep. You were supposed to stay awake so I could earn forgiveness.”

  You are a long way off that buddy.

  “I think it would be wise to start again Archer. We can't let lust rule us, we need to dial it down a little.”

  Archer's face was blank as he stared at me.

  “Okay.” He finally offered. “How far down?”

  Well, could I say no to sex after just one time and it being the best I've ever had? Unlikely my mind snorted with mocking laughter.

  “Not completely, I don't think I could go without now anyway.”

  A grin curled into the corner of his lips, smug with his own sexual prowess that had me ensnared.

  “We need to start by getting to know each other. I don't know anything about you yet you've...”

  I looked up at him, those dark blue eyes watched me with humor filling his face fast.

  “What? Kissed you here?”

  He leaned into my neck, the soft warm breath caressing my skin as his lips pressed gently to me. I closed my eyes for a moment, enjoying the touch of his skin against mine, the scent of aftershave that filled me with desperation.

  I nearly shrieked when his hand grasped my thigh but it came out as a high pitched moan. As his hand slid into the soft and sensitive skin of my inner thigh, I could feel him smirk against my neck. Slowly his hand made its way higher, under the hem of my skirt and into the deep heat between my legs.

  Another kiss, this time under my ear, his tongue sliding over my lobe as his lips caressed the flesh. I groaned heavily as his fingers pressed against the lace, with a flick they were moved aside and the pads of his fingers found skin. Delving deep between the folds, his fingers slid through the slick wetness and pushing gently into me.

  With each thrust of his fingers I found myself desperate for him to do more, yet he seemed to be happy with his fingers pleasuring me. I needed more, I wanted to taste him, I ached to feel the push of his cock into my mouth. Silky soft yet hard like steel, pushing against the curve of his zip, I could feel how ready he was.

  He groaned as I rubbed the swell in his jeans, his lips sliding over my jaw as his fingers slid out of me. Now he toyed with my clit, massaging and making me more needy for him.

  As I pulled at the waistband of his jeans, his lips crashed against mine for a heavy and desperate kiss. There was no dialing things down, we were taking everything up to a whole new level.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Archer's fingers laced through my hair as he gently pushed down, groaning at how good it felt. I was nestled in between his legs, kneeling at the lounge while sliding my mouth over his thickness. With each deep plunge my hands added to the pleasure, kneading the skin of his thighs and pelvis, rubbing around the base and sliding over him as I pulled away.

  My tongue lashed at the head as I gripped him firmly, stroking him as he strained against me. Archer had a wild glint in his eyes as he watched on appreciatively. Raw, gravelly murmurs crossed his lips as I ran my lips and tongue over the head, sucking on it as I pretended he was my own lollipop. One that I hungered for, craving the moans of pleasure that resulted from each movement.

  His hips flexed as a soft breath escaped him, plunging him into me. Each movement was deep, feral hisses through gritted teeth and expletive words
were grunted as his heavy cock pulsed with pleasure. Archer was close, his breathing became more erratic, labored and disjointed.

  “Gonna come Rox, you gotta stop.”

  I kept going, moving my hands over the rigid lines of his torso. As my fingers scratched back down him, Archer let out a heavy groan. Flexing his hips into me, his cock pulsed hard and unloaded a salty hot slick that oozed down my throat. Looking up I saw a thoroughly sated man, the smile on his face was worthy of taking a photo of. He had that sleepy eyed gaze with a smirk that melted my insides.

  Leaning forward, his hands slid my skirt over my hips as he kissed me. Rough and heavy, his tongue pushed into my mouth and slid over my tongue. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me onto his body, his hands gripping my backside and squeezing them.

  Feeling his cock against my body was glorious, still hard it teased me and had me aching to feel him in me again. Archer pulled away my shirt and bra, his mouth finding my breast in an instant. Clamping down on one nipple as his hand massaged the other, toying it into his rough fingers. His breathing was heavy again, a fervent spark in his eyes as he looked up at me.

  Gripping both breasts he pushed them up and together, lashing his tongue over them. Straddling him I felt his hardness against the apex of my thighs through the lace of my panties. Archer moved both hands back to my backside, pushing my groin against his as he continued to lavish his insistent kisses on my breasts.

  I dug my fingers into the back of the lounge as Archer continued to move me against him, gyrating me over his growing need. His hands moved away from my backside, sliding the lace away as he adjusted himself to me. The feeling of his head at the entrance was too much for me to handle, pressing against it and waiting to enter.

  I couldn't wait. I needed him. Slowly I slid down onto him, sighing with the pleasure of him filling me. We were deep, groin to groin as we took one small moment to enjoy this pleasure. Archer's hands slid over my body, over my stomach and torso, washing over my breasts and to my neck, pulling me in for a kiss.


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