Faith (The Fast Love Collection Book 1)

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Faith (The Fast Love Collection Book 1) Page 14

by Watkins, TM

  We waited for five minutes to pass, hearts thumping hard.

  “Time Rox.”

  I nodded and lifted my hand, feeling my heart sink into my stomach. Negative.

  To say that I felt a little gutted would be accurate. Archer however, he was more than a little gutted but he tried his best to hide it.

  “Maybe it's for the best.” He offered as consolation. “Now we can get to know each other and do things the right way. Then your parents might actually like me again.”

  They had liked him, one dinner with them and Archer had them wrapped around his little finger. Social media and my globetrotting sister put a knife into that one, now they feared for their daughter and the big bad biker who had his dirty mitts on her. He was yet to win them back, though to be fair, he hasn't had much of a chance yet. Sunday night dinner was fast approaching and he'd have his second chance soon enough.

  “I like you Archer, that's all you need to worry about.”

  He looked at me a little peculiarly then offered a pained smile.

  “Sure. Go and sit on the lounge, I'll bring dinner out in a second.”

  Feeling rather downtrodden I stumbled my way to the lounge room, sinking onto the lounge. Not pregnant. I didn't know what to think about it. Sadness was increasing in me at a rapid rate, by the time Archer brought out the bowls of soup I was in tears.

  “You know that's not the reaction I was expecting from you.”

  “It's not?” I said with a sob.

  “Nah, I kind of got the feeling that you didn't want it.”

  He set the bowls onto the coffee table in front of us and sat down beside me, wrapping his arms around me. We stayed like that for a while, just riding out the pain of the discovery. I cried and Archer remained stoic as always.

  “It's okay Rox, we'll spend time together and you never know, you could end up pregnant next month.”

  I laughed which came out with a sob that I choked back. Archer tilted my head back, wiping the tears from under my eyes.

  “Look at you Rox, you're a mess.”

  A long drawn out sigh escaped him as he let go of me, passing a bowl to me with a frown that wordlessly said eat. As he grabbed his own and sat back, he grimaced and then finally relented on the information that could have kept me from this horrid head cold.

  “Wolf's a family man, you know?”

  I nodded, trying not to slurp the soup.

  “So he said that my old man's vying for blood. He knows who it was that did it and was ready to find them and show them some respect for the dead. Wolf was worried that he'd try and take them on his own which he could do but the club's about being brothers and all, so he said just come back this one time and make sure your old man's okay. So I did.”

  His spoon circled the bowl, stirring up the liquid. Unlike me, he wasn't so foolish as to down the steaming hot soup straight away. I was starving and it smelled good which I took as a good sign, I could smell and my hunger had returned with force.

  “I get why they attacked Kellen's grave, you know one final dig at a rival member but my mother, that was uncalled for. She was never a part of the club, she never even got on the back of my old man's motorcycle. It was just disrespectful, plain and simple. So we showed them a little respect and that's it.”

  Except that it wasn't just it. I said nothing because I couldn't convince him any differently, it was pointless to waste my breath. He was talking to me, telling me of secret club business and I knew that it was a step forward with him.

  If that's what it took then it was okay with me. Day by day we'd get to somewhere that was a little better and maybe one day we'd be right to talk about having a child. It was for the best, I know it was. Except that a little piece of me has died, fallen away into the dark recesses of my psyche, to forever haunt me.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Waking in pain was a horrid feeling, I rolled over to find Archer was missing from the bed. My head was a little woozy as I sat up but I had to find my cold pills anyway so I had to struggle onwards. Finding them on the kitchen bench, I sank them back and looked out to the darkness of the early morning.

  I thought that maybe Archer had gone home, though I couldn't figure out why he'd do that. It wasn't until I heard my office chair creak that I knew where he was. Padding across the floor I made my way to the study, seeing the soft glow of the desk lamp shining. On the desk was the third book in the series that he'd been reading, I was still shocked that he was reading my work. My work, I was yet to find that fabled flood of inspiration.

  Archer leaned back, the moon shining over his bare chest, showing off the tattoos and rigid lines of his torso. His arms reached back over the back rest as the chair tilted, a soft sigh escaped him. Even though I felt like complete crap, I wanted to tease that glorious body, tempt it and explore it. I was about to step away from the wall where I'd been standing and make my presence known when he sat forward, resting his arms on his thighs as he looked at the floor.

  “It's only been a short time you know.”

  I guess he did know I was here. Before I could say something he shook his head with a soft yet pained laugh.

  “You are just a voice in my head, a distant and fading memory. You don't tell me anything new, just my own thoughts in your soft voice.”

  Damn, he's talking to his dead mother.

  “She's so opposite to everything I'm used to. The last one was picking out fabric swatches within a few days but Rox, she's not like that. She doesn't need to pick things out for a house for us, she doesn't even act like she wants it. Yeah I know, too soon but you always said I was like that. Ready to dive in long before anyone else is even dipping their toe into the water.”

  Another long winded huff escaped him as he rubbed the back of his neck.

  “I think you'd like her. She's like you, independent and fiery, doesn't take shit from me or the club life. I could see the disappointment on her face last night, think you'd given me that look a few times over the years.”

  A soft laugh and a gentle nod of his head, the whispers continued.

  “Dad did freak her out but she held her game, I think he was quietly impressed. Yeah I know, not many can face the family and the president of a motorcycle club in one sitting. She's gold ma but I can't help it, I keep coming so close to losing her. I tried damn it.” he hissed low, his voice so raw. “I tried to leave but they keep dragging me back in. Did you see what they did? What kind of animal does that? Voodoo said your old man needs you boy, get back in there and be a man. You're not going to run away with your tail between your legs are you?”

  Archer leaned back onto the seat and I closed into the wall, hoping that he wouldn't find out I was listening. I shouldn't be here like this but he was offering so much insight to himself, I couldn't just walk away.

  “No, I never liked Voodoo either. Maybe after this incident the old man might see the light. Yeah, I doubt it too but we can hope, right?”

  I was about to leave, to get back into bed and pretend that I hadn't been up and walking around. No, that was stupid. If he came in with the pain pills then I'd be caught. Go to the kitchen and call out to him, give him warning of your imminent approach.

  “Yeah ma, I think I do love her.”

  Holy shit.

  “You were right, as always. I'd know when I found the right one, she'd be the gleaming light in my life and make me want to be a better man. Problem is that she likes me. Just likes, not loves.”

  Archer scoffed.

  “Well yeah I get that it's only new, I'm not an idiot. I just thought with the possibility of having a kid that it might have pushed it a little faster. No.” he groaned softly.

  I almost imagined him rolling his eyes.

  “I'm not planning on screwing it up, not something that anyone plans you know. I just wish that she was on the same page as me. You'd think that writing all these romance novels she'd be pushing me down the aisle. Yeah, I'm surprised she hasn't written about me as well.”

  Well now tha
t's an interesting thought. The bad boy across the road, the good girl that lusts for him from a distance. Oh Archer, you are a doll.

  Backing away I made it to the bedroom end of the apartment, ready for the charade.

  “Archer?” I softly called out, walking to the kitchen.

  I crinkled the packaging a little louder than last time and made the water gush out of the tap. Pretending to take tablets was a horrible way to continue the lie but I didn't know what to say about his conversation with his mother. It wasn't my intention to pry when I walked over but hearing him offer so much about himself, I couldn't pass it up.

  “Hey, you're up.”

  I turned around and saw him standing at the edge of the kitchen, darkness hid his features.

  “Yeah, I was in pain.”

  “Sorry, the alarm was due to go off in ten minutes.”

  “It's okay.”

  Because it really was. He'd set alarms on his phone so that he'd wake before me, getting the pills for me, caring for me. I'd had boyfriends who had really spaced out on the caring thing, more interested in being as far away from me as possible but Archer, he has been all over me. He's laid in bed with me, kissed me, fed me and as fun as it sounded, he'd dragged me into the shower as well. It wasn't fun or at least there was no fun to be had. I was sick and he'd stepped aside from the physical aspect of us. It was sweet even if it was torturous.

  I wrapped my arms around his waist, smiling when his arms engulfed me. It occurred to me that I should be curious of his nocturnal activities.

  “How come you're up?”

  “Couldn't sleep, got a lot on my mind.”

  “You need to relax otherwise you're going to stress out too much.”

  “Well my best relaxant got sick so I'm kind of like a big ball of pent up stress.”

  I chuckled mercilessly, ignoring his indignation. As he lifted me over his shoulder, I shrieked far too loudly.

  Breaking glass made Archer stop.

  “What was that?” I said with a gasp.

  As he set me to my feet, I heard what sounded like cracking wood. Following Archer to the lounge room I saw a dull light flicking over the far wall at the corner.

  “Something is going on out there.” I muttered.

  I stopped rather shocked at the view of his house in flames, the neighbors rushing out of their house and fetching their hose. Looking up at Archer I saw a brooding gaze that stared across the road. The flames of the fire cast a bright light over his face, showing an unimpressed man.

  “So it begins.”

  He turned and walked to the bedroom, I followed after him and began to fret for what rash things he would do. I was shocked when I saw him getting into bed.

  “This is what you're doing?”


  “Uh, why?”

  “Because they will expect me to be in there, I can't go running out onto the street and reveal where I really was. That would put you in danger, for now this is how it is.”

  A thumping on the door made him get out of bed, I could hear Eddie yelling out to me from his own apartment.

  “That will be Ken, if you are planning on hiding you might want to tell him to keep his mouth shut.”

  Archer nodded and walked to the door, I made my way to the kitchen window.

  “Hey.” I said.

  Pain free, what a wonder paracetamol was.

  “Hey.” Eddie said cautiously. “Seen across the road?”

  “Yeah, we're pretending he's not here in case they're watching.”

  “Oh, good call.”

  He turned to the road, stretching to try and see what was going on.

  “Fire engine just turned up. Looks a mess Faith, think you might have a permanent house guest for a while.”

  Eddie winked with a cheeky grin, sliding off his kitchen bench.

  I turned around to see Ken and Elise walking in, looking incredibly tired.

  “Are we going to be in danger Faith?” Elise hissed at me.

  “Why are you asking me that? It's not my war, ask Archer.”

  “He's on the phone to his old man, is he in the club as well?” Ken asked.


  I could hear Archer talking to Mathias, it was fast becoming heated. Archer was adamant that he was being dragged back into the club life and he didn't want that. I'd heard Voodoo's name thrown in a few times.

  “Told you we should have bought that house.” Elise hissed as she turned on her heels. “Then we wouldn't have been dragged into a damned war.”

  Stomping her way out of the apartment, Elise left her bemused husband behind to offer his shrug.

  “Later Faith.” Ken said with a yawn.

  “Yeah, later.”

  I locked the door after he left and wandered to the glass doors. The fire was out and they were now beginning their careful search. Careful because the charred remains of the house looked like it was rather unstable.

  “Like a fucking tinder box.” Archer grumbled. “Well it was the best house in my price rang. I wanted to get away from the club, do I have to move countries to be free?”

  Archer looked at me with concern, covering the mouthpiece he whispered he wasn't moving. Considering his house was a pile of sodden ashes, I'd say he was moving. Whether he liked it or not.

  I watched a lone man cross the road.

  “Company is coming.”

  Archer nodded and began to end the heated conversation with his father, from what I gathered we were going to be graced with a visit from the club. It was suggested rather loudly that whilst it would be very brotherly that they visited at two am in the morning, it wasn't ideal. Also, he didn't want to deal with Voodoo's shit when he was tired and had a sick girlfriend to tend to.

  I crumpled a sweet and appreciative smile at him, ignoring the fact that I was a just an excuse to avoid the neighbors being angry at him for the thunder of motorcycles that would roar down the road at any given moment.

  The intercom buzzed loudly.


  “Sorry to bother you, ma'am. I'm Captain Andy Randall with the fire service, were you aware that your neighbor’s residence has burned down?”

  “Yeah I saw it was looking a little black.”

  Archer grimaced as he leaned on the wall beside me, slipping his phone into his pocket.

  “We're looking for the owner, we've been told by his neighbor that he's been coming over here the past few days.”

  “I bloody told you we're going to be in the middle of a gangland war!” Elise yelled from her balcony.

  “Miss Harlow?” The man called out.

  “Not bloody likely. Don't drag me into your feud.” She yelled.

  “She's got a mouth on her.” Archer grumbled as he walked back to the balcony door.

  He slid it open and peered over the edge, turning back he gave me a nod to let the man in.

  “Hey Elise, shut the hell up.” Archer said with a mighty grin.

  “Oh piss off, freak.”

  With an amused chuckle he walked back into the apartment and joined me to wait as the man walked up the stairs.

  “Morning folks. Just a few questions and I'll let you get back to bed. Archer Morrison?”


  He looked at Archer and shook his head.

  “You are a lucky fellow, you know that? We thought you were in that house.”

  Archer offered a barely there smile on his plain face.

  “I think that luck is hardly on my side. I've only just moved into that place, it cost me a fortune and considering it was arson I know I'm going to have issues with the insurance company.”

  The man raised an eyebrow at him, tilting his head back.

  “How do you know it's arson?”

  “I've got lots of enemies. The list is a mile long.”

  He followed Archer into the dining room, sitting at the table and taking a lot of notes.

  “You'd best leave it be captain, this is something the department would want to stay out

  “The police will want to press charges Mister Morrison.”

  For the first time in what had to be at least an hour, Archer had one hell of a smile on his face and he laughed too. The man Andy, was a little shocked at Archer's sudden outburst of amusement.

  “Sure, let them try. I could do with a good laugh.”

  Right on cue, the early morning tranquility was broken with the sound of a solitary motorcycle engine.

  “That's my old man, let him in.”

  “Please Faith, could you let my father in? Sure Archer, I'd be more than happy to considering you asked so pleasantly.”

  “Rox.” He grumbled, his gaze never leaving the fire captain.

  “Faith.” I returned, getting off my seat.

  I walked to the balcony door and watched as Mathias pulled alongside the footpath and looked across the road. As he walked up the footpath to the apartment buildings front door, I scampered back to front door. The buzzer went off before I could get to it and Elise began to yell again.

  Letting Mathias into the building, I opened the door to hear the lovely sounds of a pissed off woman.

  “There are people who have lives you know, we need sleep.” She snapped.

  Mathias looked at her rather perplexed.

  “Yes, many of us need sleep, quite a surprising concept. I had been blissfully asleep when someone rang me and said my son's house had burned to the ground and there was a very real chance he was in the house at the time and very much dead. So sweetheart, count your blessings that it wasn't you that got that call and piss off back to bed.”

  Her eyes darted to me, looking quite shocked. If she expected me to say something I don't know but I wasn't about to. He was right, that kind of phone call would be upsetting and as much as he would be sorry for waking her, he didn't need her screaming at him like that.

  Elise narrowed her eyes and stomped her way back up the stairs, keeping Mathias amused with her grumbling.

  “Morning Roxy.”

  The man wrapped his arm around me and planted a big kiss on my cheek.

  “I am ever so grateful he met you.”

  Yeah, because he'd be dead by now if he hadn't. That was a scary thought.


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