Daybreak; A Romance of an Old World

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Daybreak; A Romance of an Old World Page 34

by James Cowan



  After an exhilarating ride, in which the doctor and I, certainly, werenot troubled by any over-sensitiveness in regard to such robust horses,we returned to the house and soon found ourselves seated in the musicroom listening to one of their famous dramatists reciting his own wordsthrough the phonograph. Next we had some music, and then a poem, fromthe same prolific instrument.

  When this entertainment was over, and after lunch, Zenith, at our urgentrequest, seconded by Thorwald's solicitation, resumed her narrative.

  "We read," she began, "that during the time when men were grudginglybestowing the right of suffrage on our sex, woman was making rapidstrides toward a position in society fitted to her talents andaspirations. One occupation after another became available, and it wasno longer a disgrace or hardly a peculiarity for women to be earningtheir living instead of depending for support on their fathers orbrothers. This tended to create in them a feeling of independence,and in many employments they had every right to be proud of theirattainments, for, with so little training, they often surpassed themen at their own trades. Even then, however, some of the oldprejudice against the sex seemed to remain in force, since women werediscriminated against in the matter of wages. When they did the samework and did it better, still their pay was less than that of men. Butthis was a temporary injustice, which disappeared, as it was bound todo, when woman had acquired her full freedom and had been in the fieldlong enough to prove her right and ability to stay.

  "The work at which women excelled was that requiring a quickintelligence, nimble fingers, and the faculty of easy adaptability. Inthe realm of physical strength woman was not a competitor, but there wasanother field in which she more than made up for that loss, and in whichshe early began to show great native ability. That was in all pursuitsdemanding the education of the mind. Here is where she was to look forthe greatest of her victories. Nature had endowed man with a superiorstrength of body and muscle, but woman with a higher order of mind."

  "I must interrupt you here, Zenith," said the doctor. "This is assuredlyan instance where your race differs materially from that of the earth,for with us man has by nature the stronger mind."

  "How do you know?" asked Zenith.

  "It has been proved so in all ages."

  "Yes, but does not the expression 'all ages' include with you only theages in which man has been the ruling spirit, and woman has been keptdown and allowed but little opportunity to show the strength of hermental faculties? You know our history takes in not only a periodsimilar to that covered by your whole career, but also other ages whichwe believe correspond with the years yet to come for the inhabitants ofthe earth. It has been during the latter era, a time which you have notyet seen, that woman has proved the truth of my assertion."

  "I wish to make myself understood," said the doctor again. "I am willingto grant the equality of the sexes, as far as natural rights go; thatis, that every man and every woman ought to have the opportunity todevelop all their talents, untrammeled by any edict or convention ofsociety. Perhaps I would agree with you also in believing it wouldbe better to treat men and women alike, with open-hearted, sincerecourtesy, and use equal ceremony in showing respect to individuals ofeither sex. But it seems to me that there is a vast difference betweenall that and your latest position. There are many people of ourgeneration on the earth, and their number is rapidly increasing, whobelieve in the essential equality of the sexes, but I never heard oneput forward anything approaching the claim you make, that woman wascreated with a higher order of mind than man--I believe that was yourexpression; and this is why I say that in this particular your racediffers greatly from ours."

  To which Zenith replied:

  "I am not so sure of that, my dear doctor. It would seem hardly fairthat man should be given both physical and mental superiority. Butplease tell me again why you think man has the stronger mind."

  "Because he has done the thinking of the world. The intellectualachievements of woman, though occasionally brilliant, are not to becompared with those of man. This is true in every department throughoutour history--in science and art, in religion, in literature, ingovernment, and in everything that I could name. It is hardly tothe point for you to say that woman would have done more if she hadpossessed a fuller freedom; perhaps it is true, but it seems to me amatter of conjecture. Neither is it a complete answer for you tosay that in the years to come woman, being wholly enfranchised, willrevolutionize the world by her unexpected powers. We can judge only bywhat she has done. Excuse me, Zenith, for trying to uphold my point.It is rather discouraging, when I can see by your face that you candemolish my argument in a moment, whenever you choose to attempt it."

  We all laughed at the doctor's want of courage, and Zenith answered:

  "I beg your pardon; I am greatly at fault if I have any such expressionin my face. My confidence, if I have any, is not in any supposed abilityI may have in conversation, but in our experience here on Mars. Yourhistory matches ours so well up to your generation that I cannot butthink the likeness will continue; and if it does, then woman, in yournear future, will prove the truth of my statement. But before I proceedto tell you what she has done in this world, let me ask you if yourwomen have shown any mental peculiarity which distinguishes them frommen."

  "Yes," answered the doctor, "their intuitive perceptions appear to bemore developed than those of men, probably because they use them more.A man may reach a certain conclusion by a course of reasoning, whilea woman will often arrive at the same point much quicker by intuition.That is, a man will tell you why he knows a thing, when a woman simplyknows it because she knows it."

  "Is that faculty akin to anything else with which you are acquainted?"

  "Yes, we call it instinct in animals."

  "Is not the possession by woman of that quality a silent but powerfulsuggestion to you of the fact that she was treated like an animal in thedark days of her inthrallment?"

  "I had not thought of it," returned the doctor, "but it certainly may belooked upon as a sad commentary on that rude age."

  "Do you consider this instinct an advantage to woman?" asked Zenith.

  "Certainly; it is a great help to her, often serving with much successin place of other faculties."

  "Would it be a valuable quality to add to man's mental equipment?"

  "Yes, indeed, if he could retain all his other powers of mind."

  "Well, now let me ask you what would come to pass if the women of theearth, possessed already of that quickness of thought, that ability todiscern the truth by direct apprehension, should, by thorough educationand many years of patient training, acquire the power of reasoning, thejudgment, the strength of mind, and all the intellectual powers now heldby your men?"

  "That is a very large 'if,' and I cannot tell you what would happen,"answered the doctor.

  "I have only described," continued Zenith, "what actually took place onour planet. When the movement for giving woman a higher education began,men looked at the subject just as you do now. Women were supposed to beof inferior mental capacity, and it was thought to be a foolish thing toattempt to educate them. 'Better educate the boys,' men said, 'and letthe girls learn to cook and sew and to play the piano; that is all thatwill ever be required of them.' But, in spite of every discouragement,the girls improved their opportunities so well that they were soontaking the prizes away from the boys. Broadminded philanthropists ofboth sexes endowed schools for them, and the highest institutions oflearning opened their doors to them. When the young women, almost fromthe start, began to be successful in competitive contests in differentdepartments of scholarship, it was generally thought that such caseswere exceptional and would not be apt to be repeated very often. Butthis was a great mistake. These instances proved to be no exception. Itwas found that woman's facility of thought and native acuteness gave heran immense advantage over the masculine mind in mastering any ordinarycourse of study. But this was surface education. The reasoning
powerand the solidity of mind for which men were distinguished in mature lifecame later, but they came.

  "At first, only here and there a girl was fortunate enough to be offereda liberal education; but when it was found that in almost every instancethey brought great credit on themselves, the number increased withrapidity, until a college course was the customary and expected close ofalmost every girl's school-days. For it was not the rich only that hadthis advantage, since by this time education was free, being providedeither by the public or by universities richly endowed.

  "All this time the boys seemed to find a great attraction in businessand the trades, and appeared to be willing that the girls should have amonopoly of the higher education. One circumstance that greatly helpedthis state of things was the extraordinary furor that prevailed justthen in the matter of manual training. This system had received more orless attention from educators for many years, and it had been introducedinto schools as an addition to the regular course of study. That wasa material age. Men desired first of all to be practical, and thenew method of teaching, being eminently practical, became exceedinglypopular with the boys. The parents, not dreaming where it would end,and seeing the eager interest with which their sons now crowded into theschools, encouraged them in it.

  "Schools of technique, in which the literary branches were entirelysubordinate, sprang up on every hand, and two or three years spentin these institutions took the place of a college course. The olduniversities tried to meet the changing sentiment by paying moreattention to science, by giving the students a free choice of studies,and by shortening the course when desired. But the mechanical idea inthe new education seemed to be the attraction. The boys were seizedwith a passion for doing something with their hands, and their inventivefaculties were quickened, increasing in a remarkable degree theirinterest in their work and studies.

  "For a long time this movement was thought to be a great advance ineducation. It was such an improvement on the old way, to find the youngmen learning something useful, rather than wasting their time over thedead languages and other things they would never need after finishingschool. And it must be acknowledged that all this industrial impulsewas of advantage to the world in its way. It multiplied labor-savingmachinery, added to the people's comforts in many ways, and increasedthe general prosperity and well-being of society as far as materialimprovements could do it.

  "But there was another side to the picture. So much time could not begiven to training the hand and hardening the muscle without detractingfrom the attention due to the cultivation of the brain. To be sure, thebrain was active enough, but it was receiving a one-sided development,which boded it no permanent good.

  "I have spoken at such length of this almost universal rage fortechnical education, because it was a chief factor in turning the worldover."

  We all smiled at this expression, and the doctor asked:

  "How did it overturn the world?"

  "By aiding in taking the real brain work away from the men and giving itto the women."

  "Did this actually happen?"

  "Certainly it did. Not in a day, but in the process of time. How couldit be otherwise, when the women alone had been for many years goingthrough that long, patient mind-drilling which is the only preparationfor a thorough education? When the young men observed that a civilengineer, a superintendent of a factory, or even a skilled mechaniccould earn a larger salary than a college graduate, it took away much ofthe incentive for the old-fashioned education, and they were perfectlywilling to see their sisters take what they had not time for.

  "And so it came about that the women began to crowd into the learnedprofessions; and, as there was not one which they could not adorn, theprejudice against them soon wore off, and before many years they werecompeting with men in all the grandest fields of human action. Even inthe matter of government woman's power was felt. Men were so engrossedin the endeavor to develop to their fullest extent the materialresources of the planet that they became careless of the higher dutiesof citizenship, especially after the women began to take control ofthings. They saw affairs were well managed, and seemed to be relieved tohave them taken out of their hands, not dreaming that they were forgingchains for themselves which it would take long years to break. Althoughthe world was constantly growing better, it was far from a perfect age.Human nature was still a synonym for selfishness, and with men andwomen measuring swords on every intellectual battlefield a contest forsupremacy was inevitable.

  "Man was absorbed in his chosen work, he was indifferent to publicaffairs, and he was, in his way, proud of the position woman was takingin the world, but he could not let her assume his place as acknowledgedleader without a struggle. He said he had given her her rights, and nowshe wanted to deprive him of his rights.

  "There was too much truth in this, for society had not reached a statewhere the sexes could live in perfect equality. It was admitted by allthat there must be a head, both in the household and in the state, andit long remained a question which should rule. But was there ever astruggle of long continuance on the earth in which mind did not triumphat last?"

  "I must answer in the negative," replied the doctor, "although Iperceive it will help your argument."

  "Why, this is not an argument," continued Zenith. "It is simply a storyof what has taken place on this planet. If you have any doubt of it,ask Thorwald. You have known him longer than you have me, and, perhaps,would have more confidence in what he would say. He ought to have toldthis part of the story himself. I know you think I am exaggerating,because you see I am making my sex come out ahead."

  Zenith said this in a playful manner, which showed she was as far aspossible from being offended, but the doctor pretended to take herseriously, and replied with feeling:

  "Do forgive me, Zenith, for my thoughtless expression, and pray do notstop in your narrative at this interesting point. I will tell you how Icame to use the word to which you object. While you were talking I wasthinking how one would be received on the earth, who should attempt anargument to show the probability that anything like what you are tellingus should ever come to pass there."

  "Well, how would such an argument be received?" asked Zenith.

  "It would probably be passed by without any notice whatever, if you willexcuse me for telling the truth," answered the doctor. "It certainlywould not be looked upon as serious, and I fear it would not evenreceive the dignity of being called funny. Even the women would laughfeebly at the extravagant notion, and think no more of it. But we weretalking of Mars, not of the earth, and I am exceedingly anxious to knowhow affairs progressed here, though there is no likelihood that theywill ever be paralleled among us."

  "I would not be too sure, Doctor," spoke up Thorwald. "Better wait tillZenith is through."

  "I shall wait longer than that before I believe the earth will ever gothrough such an experience. But now I am ready to listen."

  "When I speak of woman assuming leadership," resumed Zenith, "do notmisunderstand me. Although society was not perfect, still it was not agross age, and there was no return to the manners of those rude timeswhen women were cruelly treated and men took all the good in the worldto themselves. Oh, no, there was no absence of good manners. Womentreated men with the greatest courtesy, showing them every mark ofoutward respect, and being much more polite to them than to each other.And it was not all show, either; for, in spite of the fact that the menwere patronized unmercifully, the women really thought a great deal ofthem, and often remarked to each other that the world would be a dulland uninviting place without them. They admired their robust strengthof body, their brawny arms and well-trained hands, as well as their manyexcellent qualities of mind; and they never tired of telling them inhoneyed words how necessary they were to their happiness.

  "The women were very considerate also in the matter of laws. The rightsof the men were well looked after. To be sure, they were not allowedto vote and hold office, but in their fortunate, happy condition it wasincredible that they should care about a little
thing like that. Werethey not perfectly protected by the law, and did they not have as muchto do already as was good for them? The women argued that if the menwere given the right of suffrage it would only be the cranks who wouldavail themselves of it, for the great mass of the men were perfectlysatisfied with their condition.

  "A man was allowed the right of dower in his deceased wife's estate, andhe could hold property in his own right, even after marriage. His wifecould not even deed away her real estate without his consent. By thisyou see how carefully the men were shielded from the liability of comingto want.

  "In matters of the heart it was not considered modest for a man to makea direct proposal, but in reality the affair was in his hands, for nowoman could make any advance unless she received encouragement from theobject of her affections."

  "How about the home?" asked the doctor. "Did man take the place of womanthere?"

  "He did whatever he was asked to do in the home. You must know that atthis time domestic duties were quite different from what they formerlywere. Men had not given up all their thought and time to handicraft fornothing. The drudgery had pretty well disappeared under the full play ofthe inventive faculties, so that the home duties were not exacting.What work there was, was shared by the sexes, each doing that which wasappropriate. The management of the home was, of course, in the hands ofthe women."

  "Was there no department in which the men were masters?" inquired thedoctor.

  "Not one. They thought they were in full charge in their peculiar fieldof labor, but here, as everywhere, the women dictated their terms whenthey chose."

  The doctor was bound to learn all he could about this curious state ofthings, and asked again:

  "What effect did all this strain upon the mind have on woman's physicalnature? You have admitted that she was weaker in body than man, and itseems to me she must have been ill prepared for the struggle you havenarrated. From the experience we have had in educating women, we believeit is a positive injury to them to attempt to reach that high degree ofculture which is easily and safely compassed by men. Our idea is thatnature never intended that they should study much, for their mindsare really not any stronger than their bodies. Too much brain work hasalready ruined the health of a good many girls, and when we left theearth the reaction against the higher education of woman had fairlybegun. For we believe that her mental faculties can be developed only atthe expense of her physical powers, and that if she were to persist insuch an abnormal cultivation of her intellect it would be sure to resultin the deterioration of her offspring and disaster to the race. So, forthe sake of the generations unborn, we--that is, the male men of theearth--who still retain our grip on affairs, have about decided to put astop to this foolish mania among our young women. We will probably passlaws, setting a limit in the several branches of study beyond whichgirls shall not be allowed to go, either at school or privately."

  We all laughed heartily at this idea, including the doctor himself, whocontinued:

  "Well, what else can we do to stop them? Stop them we must, or we shallsoon become a race of weaklings and mental imbeciles."

  Thorwald had been getting more and more interested, as I could see byhis face, and now broke out with:

  "Doctor, you surprise me. I have acquired such a respect for yourintelligence that I can hardly believe you serious. If Zenith willexcuse me, I should like to answer your question. Hard study did nothurt our young women, and it never hurts anyone. It is careless livingand a disregard of the laws of health that do the harm. Physicaltraining was an important part of the education of our women. They couldnever have accomplished what they did without sound bodies, and it mustbe unnecessary for me to say that the more highly cultured they becamethe more our race improved. Learning never made poor mothers. Ignorancedoes that. Do not keep education out of the home. Keep out folly, lowdesires, sordid ambitions, uncultivated tastes, narrow-mindedness, envy,strife, wastefulness, inordinate pleasures, and every evil thing thatcomes from an empty, ignorant mind. Keep out the darkness; let in thelight. It is not God's way to give capacity and desire for noble things,and then shut the door to their attainment."

  "Many thanks, Thorwald," exclaimed Zenith, "for your good help. And now,Doctor, will you ask anything further?"

  "I must admit," answered the doctor, "that your experience gives youmore knowledge of the subject than we possess, and perhaps we are wrong.Of course, we want that to come to pass which will be best for our race.But let me ask if the gentler sex, as we call them, did not lose, bysuch superior culture, their gentleness and their charm. The masculinetype of woman is not at all popular with us."

  "This question, Doctor," answered Zenith, "shows that you have a poorconception of our condition at that time. This great change in societyhad been gradual, and I must remind you that by the time it wasaccomplished the world was much improved in every way, although, as wehave seen, it was by no means perfect. In her treatment of man there wasnone of that domineering spirit which you might expect; and the victoryshe had achieved was never used harshly. Her reign, if firm, was mild.And woman herself, in the general betterment of things, had improved,even in the direction you mention. Instead of becoming less womanly, inher changed condition, every admirable quality in her had ripened towardperfection, while she had thrown off much that was disagreeable andunlovely in her disposition. In personal appearance the advance had beenremarkable. Being relieved of the severe labor and sordid cares whichwere once her lot, and with her mind set free by high culture and herartistic tastes developed, nature asserted itself by making her trulya delight to the eye and a comfort to the heart of mankind. Whatevercharms she possessed in her old life were now doubled, making her indeeda blessing to the world and preparing her for the next great change,which came with the advent of the present age."

  "In spite of the sweetness and beauty surrounding them, did not men fretat the firm hand that held them down?"

  "At first, yes. But as time went on it came to be looked upon sonaturally that it was hardly thought of as a thing which should not be."

  "How long did such a state of things continue?"

  "It continued until our race had outgrown all such trivial things asselfish ambition and personal strife, until our characters had ripenedfor a higher service than the old world had ever dreamed of, and untillove reigned in our hearts, supreme and unquestionable."

  "What makes the situation seem so strange to you is because it is socontrary to your experience. Let me see if I cannot make it look morereasonable to you by epitomizing our history on the subject in this way:

  "Our career is made up of three eras. The first was one of brute force,when man ruled by strength of body and subdued the world to our use.Everything weaker than himself, even woman, his natural helper, was madeto feel the power of his arm. This age lasted long, but its rigor slowlypassed away, and it merged gradually into the second era, which wasone of mind. Here, too, man thought to rule, claiming the leadershipby right of possession and natural endowment. But woman's sharpnessof intellect was more than a match for him when it was given fullopportunity, and she won, as we have seen, after a long struggle. Thethird and present era is a spiritual one. In the realm of the spirit menand women are equally endowed, and hence it is that in this age you findthe two sexes living in perfect equality.

  "Comparing the words you have spoken with what I have read of ourhistory, I conclude that the earth is now passing from the first to thesecond era. The struggle is on. Soon your sex will be considering thequestion of the emancipation of man. You have the sincere sympathy ofboth Thorwald and myself, and that you may emerge from your trials ashappily as we have from ours is our heartfelt wish."

  Zenith closed, and the doctor was silent.


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