Magic and Mayhem: Witch With An Attitude (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Magic and Mayhem: Witch With An Attitude (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 3

by Jodi Vaughn


  Roger’s eyes grew wide, and the blood drained from his face. He glanced away, averting his gaze from mine.

  I’d seen the look in his eyes, how I’d violated his privacy and burrowed into his head like an unwelcome visitor. In that moment I felt sick to my stomach and knew I didn’t want to look inside his head anymore. Whatever his secrets were, they were his secrets to keep. Far be it from me to judge.

  “So where are you from?” He cleared his throat and kept his tone neutral. It matched his face.

  “The South.”

  “Want to be more specific?” He arched his brow giving me a suspicious look.

  “Ugh, are you this annoying with all your patients?” I shot him a glare and plucked my wet shirt away from my chest. The blood had started to cool and congeal against my flesh leaving me with an icky feeling.

  “Actually yes.” He perked up.

  “I need your shirt.” I quipped and walked over to his closet.

  “If you want to borrow a shirt just ask.”

  “I could just glamour you instead.” I turned and smiled.

  “I don’t think it works on shifters, or any paranormal entity for that matter.” A grin played at his lips and he gave his nose a little twitch which I found oddly endearing.

  “Let’s find out then, shall we?” I strode over to where he stood. I expected him to step back, to put some space between us, since I had invaded his space. He didn’t. He shoved his glasses up on his head and gave me his full attention.

  “Give me your shirt,” I leaned in close inches from his face. If I had wanted to I could have pressed my lips to his and kissed the living shit out of him.

  “You could at least say please.” He swallowed hard.

  I jerked back and eyed him with suspicion. “Are you saying I’m not having any kind of effect on you?” It irked me more than I cared to admit.

  “Well, I wouldn’t say that.” He glanced down at his crotch and then back up at me.

  My gaze dropped to the tent in his pants and I cocked my head. “You didn’t give me your shirt.”

  “I told you I couldn’t be glamoured because I’m a shifter. Albeit a rabbit shifter, but a shifter none the less.”

  “What about that?” I pointed to his erection

  “I can’t help that I’m attracted to you. You are a very beautiful woman.”

  “Do you get hard with every beautiful woman you see?” I crossed my arms over my chest.

  “No. But for some reason my body seems to have a mind of its own when I look at you.” He shrugged.

  “What about this other witch you keep talking about? The good witch with red hair?” I waited for him to speak.

  “Oh no. We’re just friends. Besides she has a mate already. And I’m sure he wouldn’t hesitate to castrate me if I even looked in her direction.”

  “Every man has a price when it comes to women. Even those who are already in a relationship, married or mated.” I shook my head and turned back to the closet. I opened the door and found three white shirts.

  “You don’t believe in commitment?” The tone of his voice went high on the last word, evidence of his disbelief.

  I snatched a shirt off the hanger and turned back to him. I watched him as I unbuttoned the shirt and slid it off the hanger. I tossed the shirt on the bed and dropped the hanger.

  “What I don’t believe in is men being faithful.”

  “I have to disagree with you. And it saddens me that someone has betrayed you so horribly that you have no faith left.” His look of pity infuriated me. So I decided to do something about it.

  I held his gaze as my fingertips reached for the hem of my bloodied T-shirt. He cleared his throat and tried to study the floor but his gaze drifted back up to me, almost like he was hypnotized.

  I took my time, slowing dragging my wet shirt up past my stomach.

  Roger suck in a breath through his teeth. My body tingled.

  Emboldened I slowly pulled my shirt up past my naked breasts and over my head. Standing there in just my jeans, I dropped the bloodied shirt on the floor.

  The cool air licked my nipples and they hardened. I met his stare. It had me thinking I’d just proven my point.

  I took one slow step towards him, and then another. My gaze never left his, as I assessed his reaction. His pupils dilated and his breathing increased. Despite the blood covering my breasts, he was still turned on by me.

  I stopped inches from him, the heat of our bodies merging. I leaned closer, inhaling his clean masculine scent and wondered why he smelled so good to me. My stomach tingled and suddenly, it hit me that he wasn’t the only one turned on.

  “Ella,” The way he said my name struck me in the chest, like a stone skipping across the soft places of my heart.

  “Tell me that you don’t want me. Tell me that you wouldn’t throw me down on the bed if I asked you to.” The words came out hot and deep and for some reason I couldn’t step away from him.

  I ran my hand down his pristine white shirt, leaving a trail of blood.

  I blinked and then stepped back. The reality of what I was doing shocked me to my core and turned my stomach.

  I was that trail of blood, staining yet another male in my wake.

  I was worse than death.


  My chest tightened and my heart sped up. I needed space so I ran to the bathroom.

  “Ella.” Roger called after me.

  “Leave me alone. I need to shower.” I slammed the bathroom door and turned the lock on the knob just in case he decided to check on me.

  I turned on the water and quickly shimmied out of my jeans and stepped into the spray of cold water.

  I gasped at the contact but it didn’t take long before the water began to warm up.

  I hung my head, letting the water wash over my body. Bloody water pooled at my feet before sliding down the drain.

  Despite my healing, I was tired. Tired to the depths of my soul.

  He was nice, too nice. I didn’t like nice guys. I liked the bad guys.

  I stayed in the shower letting the water heat my body until I felt like a limp carrot in vegetable soup. I got out and wrapped myself in the towel and stood in front of the mirror.

  My red hair hung down past my shoulders in wet tendrils. My green eyes seemed brighter, sharper, almost like a child’s sparkler on a Fourth of July night. I untucked the towel from underneath my arm and pulled it open to reveal my naked body to the mirror. I’m not sure why I did it. It wasn’t for vanity or to see if aging had finally caught up to me. It hadn’t. I was immortal. Age would never touch me. It never would.

  My perfect body stared back at me. Flat stomach, long legs, full breasts all looked normal. I had no body fat, and always felt like my slim body didn’t fit my larger boobs. I’d hated my boobs when I was younger. As a teenage girl, I found myself resenting the curves on my body and trying to dress to hide my body.

  It was no use. No matter how big I wore my shirts, men always knew what lay beneath the billowing material. It was like they had X-ray vision.

  I learned a long time ago that my body could be my weapon, if I used it just right.

  I cringed and flopped the towel back across my body to cover my nakedness. Taking a deep breath, I opened the bathroom door and walked out.

  Roger’s head jerked up from some paperwork he was studying on the desk. He stood.

  “I ran down to the lobby and grabbed something for you to eat.” He glanced over at the dresser as he spoke. “The choices were limited and I wasn’t sure what you liked so I got you a little of everything.”

  I contemplated the assortment of chips and cookies and candy. He even brought me three varieties of soda and two bottles of water.

  “Thanks.” I glanced at the window, studying the storm outside. “I really need to be going. I can wear my jeans but I’m going to need to borrow one of your shirts.”

  “Yes, of course.” His expression grew serious. “But you re
ally shouldn’t go out in weather like this.” He turned toward the window. Concern creased the corners of his eyes.

  “It’s just a little rain.” I studied the view out the window. Rain pelted the glass and pooled in large puddles in the parking lot.

  “But there’s a huge wreck on the interstate.” He chided and grabbed the remote and turned the TV on.

  It squawked to life and he flipped through the channels until he came to the local news. “That’s a mile from here. They’ve blocked traffic on both sides of the interstate. No one is getting through that.”

  “What happened?” I stepped closer to survey the active scene on TV. Lots of emergency vehicles; police, firetrucks and ambulances, lined the interstate. Flashing lights illuminated the deadly scene of overturned cars and semi-trucks in both lanes.

  “They said a truck driver fell asleep at the wheel. He hit the car in the lane next to him and then veered across the median into oncoming traffic. Because of the rain the cars couldn’t stop. They piled up like dominos. Several are dead, a lot more are hurt.” He looked back at me.

  “Shit.” I immediately thought of Dudley and hoped it wasn’t him. But it couldn’t be. He’d left hours ago. Or so I hoped.

  “When I was in the lobby a highway patrol officer dropped in. He said that traffic is going to be backed up for hours. Maybe until daylight.”

  “So I’m stuck here.” My heart rate jumped in my chest.

  “Seems like it.” He smiled.

  “Perfect.” I scowled and ignored the shirt on the bed and kept my towel in place. I walked over to the dresser and sifted through my options for a late dinner or very early breakfast. Hell I didn’t even know what time it was.

  I turned to the bedside table and noticed the clock with the flashing green lights. One fifteen.

  “I didn’t realize it was that late.”

  “I guess being near death is kind of a distraction from minor things like time.” He eased onto the edge of the opposite bed.

  I picked up some cheese flavored chips, and a root beer soda and crawled into the middle of the bed.

  “Are you not going to put one of my shirts on?” He looked over his shoulder.

  “No need. It will just get all wrinkled.” I opened the bag and stuck a chip in my mouth. My stomach growled and I nearly sighed with pleasure.

  “But won’t you need something to sleep in?” He frowned and stood. He walked over to his suitcase and flipped open the top. “I have a T-shirt that you are welcome ….”

  “Don’t need it. I sleep in the nude.” I popped another chip in mouth and watched his reaction to that little bit of news.

  He blinked and then a slow smile crossed his lips. He leaned against the dresser and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” It certainly wasn’t the reaction I was expecting or hoping for.

  “I think I’m beginning to understand you, Ella.” A self-satisfied grin tipped the corners of his lips upward.

  “Oh, really.” I popped the top of my soda and took a drink. I loved the way the bubbles burned going down my throat. “Alright bunny man, let’s hear what you have to say.”

  “Okay.” He pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose and wriggled his nose. He pulled up a chair to the side of the bed and sat facing me. Excitement was written all over his face, from the twinkle in his eye to the upward tilt of his soft lips. He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees as he met my gaze. His eyes drifted down to my bare legs for just a second and a slight blush crossed his face before he met my gaze once more.

  He might be a therapist with a fancy degree but he was still one hundred percent male.

  I knew how to handle males

  “You were born and raised in the South.”

  “I already told you that.” I popped another chip in my mouth and sighed. “Not impressed with your skills of deduction so far, Doc.”

  “Please don’t interrupt.”

  “Fine.” I waved my hand. “Continue.”

  “Like I was saying. You were born and raised in the South and while it’s part of your power and who you are, it’s also part of why you carry a lot of pain.”

  My throat tightened. I grabbed my soda and took a drink.

  “You are an only child which is why you tend to be selfish. But there’s something more. You have an overwhelming fear, something that tugs at you constantly. You are in a constant state of survival. Or, you feel the need to be. You don’t trust anyone, so someone very close once betrayed you, maybe a friend or a lover. You have a lot of negative thoughts about yourself and who you really are. You believe you are a bad person, but at the same time you don’t want to face the consequences of bad acts.”

  You use your beauty and sexuality as both a defense and a weapon. You tend to get what you want, but afterwards you feel bad about your methods, which reinforces, at least in your head, that you really are a bad person.”

  He reached out and took my hand. I jumped.

  I snatched my arm away from him and glared. “I can’t believe you said that.”

  “But Ella, you aren’t a bad person.” He insisted.

  “Not that. Good god, of course I’m a bad person.” I shook my head. If he knew half the things I’d done he would run for the hills. “I can’t believe you called me selfish.”


  He blinked and frowned, looking confused. “You’re upset because I said you were a selfish person?”

  “Yes,” I threw the bag of chips of the floor and bound off the bed. My towel slipped and I flashed a boob in his direction. I quickly secured and tightened the towel.

  “Being a selfish person is way worse than being a bad person.” I raised my voice. “And you are dumber than you look if you think people will give you something for nothing.”

  “Everyone is not like that, Ella. There are good….”

  “Don’t you dare say there are good people in the world! You, bunny man, have not been out in the real world if you think good exists.” My eyes burned with unshed tears and it made me angry that I wanted to suddenly cry. Not because I was sad or hurt but because I was pissed off and angry and full of rage.

  “Ella,” He stood and took a step towards me.

  “Don’t.” I held up my hand. My body hummed. “Don’t come near me.”

  “Why? I know you won’t hurt me.”

  “You don’t know anything.” An angry tear betrayed me, sliding down my face.

  “Ella.” He stepped closer and I panicked, nearly crawled out of my skin. I slapped him across the face hard, leaving a red handprint on his handsome face.

  He swallowed and looked back at me. No condemnation in his gaze at all. Just understanding.

  “I’m going to hold you. And you can hit me, slap me, or even smite me, but I’m still going to hold you.” His voice was calm and deep and it tore through my heart like a razor.

  Wide eyed I looked at him as he came closer until he was standing in my personal space. What the hell was he doing? Why was he even coming closer after I slapped him? Was he crazy?

  His arms wrapped around me and he pulled me into his chest. I fought him and tried to break free from his embrace, but suddenly my resolve broke, and I stilled.

  I sank into his warm chest, soaking in his scent and resting in his quiet strength. Tears fell from my eyes yet I made not a sound. I never did when I cried.

  His hands traveled slowly up and down my back soothing me as I cried, comforting me as my tears soaked his crisp white shirt.

  I’m not sure how long I stood there, him holding me as I was messing up his perfectly pressed appearance. But after all my tears had dried up I nodded and limply pulled myself away from him.

  He didn’t let go but rested his hands on my arms.

  “Feel better?” He gave me a slight smile.

  “Not really. I hate crying. Crying is for pussies.” I scowled and dabbed my eyes with my towel.

  “Everyone cries, Ella. It’s n
ot a sign of weakness.” He cocked his head and rubbed his hands gently up and down my arm.

  I looked up at him under my wet lashes. His touch was doing funny things to my stomach and making me ache. I hadn’t ached for a male in ages.

  Oh sure I had sex with them. Sex was part of my personality. But this was different. And it scared the hell out of me.

  I reached up and slowly removed his glasses.

  “I don’t suppose you did that so you can knock the daylights out of me, did you?” He gave me a wry little grin, but his eyes showed he wasn’t completely joking.

  “You think I don’t hit men wearing glasses?” I couldn’t help but laugh. “That rule doesn’t apply to me. I’m not exactly a rule follower.”

  “I’m beginning to see.” He kept his hands on my arms and didn’t make an effort to move.

  “Are you not scared of me?”

  “You haven’t given me a reason to be scared of you.” He mused.

  “I did cut you pretty bad to take your blood. What if I had drained you? Would you have let me?” His trusting nature irritated me. I wanted to shake some sense into him. Why the hell did he trust so easily?

  “You wouldn’t have done that.”

  “Really? You don’t know me.” I smirked.

  “I can see it in your eyes.” He said softly.

  “I can glamour men to do things they normally wouldn’t do. That doesn’t sound like a good person to me.” My eyes narrowed, and I waited for him to shove me away. I needed him to shove me away, reinforce who I really was.

  He didn’t move a muscle. I realized I was going to have to push more boundaries with him.

  “What if I told you to take your clothes off?” I ran the tip of my finger across my bottom lip and smiled.

  He swallowed and looked away.

  “Remember bunny man, I’ve seen inside your head. All those naked images aren’t exactly clients are they?” I leaned closer and my heart beat like a drum in my chest. The aching between my legs got stronger and all I wanted to do was to tear his clothes off and ride him.

  “Tell me, do you just like to watch other people have sex? Or do you ever give in and get in on the action?”


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