Be My Reason

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Be My Reason Page 5

by Brooklyn Taylor

  “I grew up riding with my mother. I love it.”

  “Have you ever wanted to enter rodeos?”

  “I’ve never had an interest myself. I pleasure ride… But it’s entertaining to watch. I don’t get why anybody would get on a bronco or bull to risk their lives. For a couple hundred bucks? A buckle? The competition? It all seems so pointless.”

  I nodded, listening and noticing the things that made him unique. And I barely knew him. I wondered if people thought the same about him risking his life as a deputy. Now that was admirable.

  “I’m sure you get asked about you risking your life being a deputy? That could be just as crazy…”

  He laughed. “I know I’m going to say something that is cliché, and probably said by most people in the public service field, but I want to help people. I want to be there for people who don’t have anyone. Most people who call the sheriff’s department aren't exactly experiencing a good situation, so if I can help with that…”

  Our eyes locked on each other and I fought the urge to kiss him. He was genuine and it made me want to wrap my arms around him.

  We seemed to move closer and closer to each other, without noticing it, and before I knew it I was practically sitting in his lap. The stadium was getting more packed by the minute with fans. Whooping and hollering was filling my ears, becoming louder and louder until I couldn’t take anymore. That’s what I told myself anyway.

  Truthfully, it was the heat of his leg next to mine. My blue jeans were already sticking to me but then put me next to a good-looking man, who wasn't hitting on me, and I was attracted to him.

  And yes, I knew how pathetic that was.

  “Well, I’m going to get going. It is getting too full for my taste.” I waved my hand like I was cooling my face from the heat and the number of people who had arrived.

  He looked down at his iwatch and stood up as I did. Almost perfect timing. “I need to leave too.” He turned back to tell his friends he was leaving and followed me down the stadium stairs. I waited until he got all the way down, although I wasn’t really sure why I did, but I did.

  As we walked out along the railing, I began fanning my tank top away from my chest due to the heat. I felt like I could melt into a puddle.

  He stood behind me as we walked, making sure I was safe. I had never had a guy do that for me and I found it extremely charming.

  We reached the exit and I felt the cooler air on the skin of my face. Thank Heavens.

  “Hell, I thought I was sitting in a sauna.” He took off his hat and moved his hand through his hair a couple times.

  I laughed. “Yeah, it doesn't help when we are packed in like cattle, more than half of them drinking so they are sweating even more.” I made a disgusted face and he laughed.

  “Do you have a few minutes?” I asked.


  “Follow me over here. I wanna show you a horse that I’ve known since he was a colt.”

  We walked side by side and made small talk until we made it to where the horse stalls were.

  “This one.” I stopped and moved closer to the stall door and put my hand in to show some love to my favorite horse.

  “Remington, meet Wyatt, Wyatt, Remington.” He walked up and I petted him lightly on the nose.

  “Hello, Remington.”

  I watched as he lightly touched him on his nose and watched as Remington let him. Remington was not a fan of anyone, especially males. He was rescued as a young colt and hated men for reasons of his own.

  “This guy I have known for years. He was rescued when he was young from a ranch who had gone under. We’ve been longtime friends.” I smiled. The man who had rescued him was friends with my grandmother.

  “He seems pretty attached to you. My aunt does a lot with rescue shelters. She retired as a farrier a couple years ago. She would love this guy too.”

  I turned to Wyatt. “I just wanted you to meet him. He goes to a lot of rodeos now locally and loves to show off.”

  “Thank you for sharing him with me.”

  We stood with our arms on the railing in silence, taking in the moment. The quiet was nice, and I couldn't remember the last time I felt comfortable, just being still with no words in the air.

  We started to walk toward the parking lot and I had a smile on my face bigger than Texas. I liked being with Wyatt.

  His scent was pretty intoxicating too. Clean with a touch of cologne, just enough it made me want to sniff him. Sandalwood?

  And then sniff him again.

  Hold yourself back, Breigh, for Pete’s sake. He’ll think you are a creep.

  “Where are you parked?” he asked.

  “I’m in the back lot, on the right.”


  We walked slowly to the truck my grandfather had left for me when I turned seventeen. It was old but had an AC so it was hard to part with. In the Texas heat that was all I required. Oh, and a good radio, of course.

  I stopped when we arrived by my truck. “This is mine.” I pivoted back on the heels of my boots, not sure on what to do at this moment. I was hot and tired, but I really didn't want to leave his presence.

  He moved a little closer to me and then stuck out his hand. “I’m Wyatt.”

  “Breigh.” I shook his hand and didn't want to pull away. We stopped the movement but held our hands in the same position. Our eyes didn’t leave each other, as if we were looking for something, neither of us sure exactly what.

  His hand was rough and I immediately craved it on my body. And no, not how most people would think. I love hard hands. Emma always got irritated with me when I said that, but I loved to think that real men still existed in the world, that they were not all paper-pushers. Maybe just some still knew the value of a day’s hard work. It spoke volumes to me.

  I pulled my hand away and then moved into him for a hug. He was a little shocked but complied.

  “So why the reintroduction?” I asked curiously.

  “I have always believed that nothing good comes out of people who meet at a bar, or dance hall. So this way we officially could say we met here, at the rodeo.”

  I nodded my head in agreement. We stayed close enough that I worried he could feel my heart beating rapidly. I wanted to feel his lips on mine.

  Get a grip, woman!

  Wyatt leaned in as I held my breath with anticipation. He kissed my cheek and then stepped back with a smile on his face, judging my expression.

  “Thank you for walking me to my truck. I appreciate it.”

  “Not a problem. See you around some time.”

  “Emma and I will be at Kellye Joe’s next Saturday, if you’re around. Roxe is playing and we never miss them.”


  “Yeah, Emma’s cousin is in the band. She is obligated and then drags me.”

  “Okay, then.”

  I walked to my door and then stopped to see where he was heading.

  I screamed out, “Why are you walking that way?” He was heading toward the front of the parking lot.

  “My truck is over there.”

  “You walked me past your truck?”

  “Yep,” he said, and kept walking. “I parked in the front lot.”

  I smiled and got into my truck. That was probably the first guy who had ever gone out of his way to do something for me. And he barely knew me.

  Maybe there was a reason why he kept showing up where I was.



  I paced around Kellye Joe’s hoping Wyatt would show up. Unfortunately, my skill at reading signs had been far beneath perfection, and I hoped I wasn't reeking of desperation. I had a talent of failing when reading signs, hence the reason I ended up alone. The person I was looking for wasn't going to come around, at least that was how it felt. I had all but given up. Although it was completely ridiculous, Wyatt had sparked a little flicker of hope.

  “He’s still going to show up; something must have held him up.” Emma commented trying to relieve my nervousnes

  “Emma, I really do love your positive attitude, but I’m a realist. He isn’t going to show up. Why would he?”

  “Because you are YOU! You don’t give yourself enough credit, my friend.”

  “No, because I have zero luck when it comes to g…”

  “There he is. I TOLD YOU!” Emma stood, pointing with a grin that spanned her entire face.

  My heart rate rose to an irregular beat and felt like it was going to pound out of my chest. I tried to play it cool and not turn immediately to see him. He showed.

  I waited a few seconds and straightened the blouse I had worn tonight. It sat on my shoulders and was the color of my eyes. My Ariat jeans fit perfectly and gave me the extra confidence I needed. I even wore my brown leather belt with the buckle that hadn't been donned for far too long.

  “Hi, Breigh.” I felt his hand on my elbow and I turned to meet his eyes. His gorgeous green eyes. Emma waved and then walked off to give us time. She winked and then wiggled her eyebrows.

  Could be a little more subtle, my friend. Geezzz…

  “Wow, your eyes tonight with that shirt.”

  “Thank you. It’s one of my favorites. I thought you weren't going to show up.”

  “Yeah, sorry about that. I got held up at work. You know how it goes when you want off early then you get busy.”

  “You’re here now.” I smiled. His smile was unique to me, it wasn't perfect and I think that’s what I loved about it. Not to mention his slight stubble, which made him even more attractive.

  “You up for a dance?” He held out his hand and I took it without a second thought. I feared after taking it I wouldn't want to let it go.

  He pulled me close as we began to dance and I took in his masculine scent. My hand lay on his pressed, long-sleeved shirt and the other didn't let go of his. His shirt was maroon with white contrast and his jeans couldn’t have fit him more perfectly. If only a woman could get away with a grab and feel without being noticed.

  He began leading me around the dance floor, pulling me close and then spinning me out before bringing me back to him. The music had a steady beat and although I should’ve recognized the song, my focus was strictly on this man who was holding me. My heart was still pitter-pattering and I was hoping he wouldn't feel it.

  I took a deep breath to try to steady it.

  “You okay?” he asked, concerned. I could feel his breath on me; smell the scent of peppermint.

  “I’m fantastic, actually.” I wondered if he could feel the electricity that was sparking between us. It was intense and I felt as if I had no say in the matter.

  He smiled that smile, and took me around the dance floor a couple more times. I wondered how many women he had charmed with that smile. I bet he could get away with murder using it.

  When we get farther from the live band, he made small talk asking how the rest of my week had panned out? Then as we got closer to the band, he would then just hold me close. I was tempted several times to hold my head against his chest. The positivity of the magnet moved me toward him but I resisted, fearing to show my weakness.

  I could not be weak. Not this soon. I had learned; weakness was not good. It showed I relented and I had to maintain a strong hold on how I was viewed. My father was weak. One of his worst qualities.

  I wanted to resist him fiercely but his smell, the way he was holding me, and the warmth of his body made me want to latch on to him. I had always thought of myself as a strong woman, especially through my upbringing and the relationships I’d been through, but I was Jello in his arms. I had forgotten how good it felt to be a man’s arms. His arms.

  “You want to dance another song? Or do you want to get a drink?” he asked, still not releasing my hand.

  “I want to do what you want to do. I’m just so happy you showed.” Yes, I was fully aware how cheesy I sounded as soon as I spoke, but sometimes a girl just had to live in the moment, and for tonight, this minute, that was what I was intending to do.

  “I wouldn't have missed it for the world.” He brought my hand up that was in his and placed a small sweet kiss on it.



  How in the world could I possibly have these feelings for Breigh already? It felt like my body was betraying me and letting my wall lean rather than standing like concrete. She was reeling me in, and I’ll be damned if I didn’t want it, and I meant wanting her more than anything.

  I was not and would not just let a woman into my life again. I had been determined and had become a skilled master of putting women at arm’s length.

  I could fight this… I’m positive I can. But then, can I?

  I was thrilled I was able to make it tonight. I don't remember the last time I had looked forward to something, especially seeing a girl.

  “You’re a really good dancer,” she said and I laughed.

  “I actually love it… funny, I know, to come from a guy.”

  “Who taught you?”

  “My mom, actually. She taught me in our kitchen. I put my feet on top of hers and she showed me. It kind of became a thing when we were alone in the house. She loved it too.”

  “That’s sweet. Are you close to your mother?”

  “I wouldn't say close. I love her and we talk, but we don't see eye to eye on things.” I paused. “I asked my mom one time how she learned, and she said her father taught her. So I always thought it was special. Maybe one day, I can teach my daughter…” The words escaped my lips before I realized what I was saying out loud.

  She looked up to me and gave me a weak smile. It was hard to judge her emotion on my comment.

  “You’re a pretty good dancer yourself. Who taught you?”

  “I’m not really a good dancer, just have a good leader.”

  I winked at her and then a slow song came on. She pulled herself to me and laid her head on my chest. Her smell was intoxicating, the coconut and floral in a mix of perfect femininity.

  The feeling of her next to me was going to be addictive.

  How was I going to let her go by the end of the night, when I didn't even want to let go of her hand right now?

  I had gotten used to not having a woman’s warm body next to mine, that hand to hold, or that voice to hear, but after spending time with Breigh, the little moments have stuck with me. I wasn't sure I was going to escape the ache for her presence. I had craved it, and feared it would get to the point of not being able to live without her.

  “I’m so sorry, I have to go…” I whispered, after taking a call from the station.

  “It’s okay, Wyatt. I totally understand. It is your job!” She smiled, trying to reassure me.

  “I feel so bad. I hate to leave you. I was having such a….”

  “I know me too. There will be plenty of other times. I promise. Besides, I will probably just sit a while and watch Emma make a fool of herself. I’m actually getting tired anyway.”

  I leaned in and kissed her on her cheek then paused.

  Breigh kept our exact distance and then kissed me on the lips. Soft and sweet, confident yet with a slight tremble.

  “Good night,” I said and walked off. Definitely the hardest person I had ever had to walk away from but I had to believe it wasn't going to be the last time. Not if I had anything to say about it, anyway.


  Walking to my truck I had the biggest smile on my face. Wyatt. I had ended my last relationship over a year ago, but had put up a wall committed to not letting anyone else in.

  “Would you hurry the hell up, Emma? Geeezzz…”

  I heard her grunt and take a deep breath like a kid who wasn’t ready to leave the candy store. In a way with Emma, this was a candy store.

  I pick up my pace, ready to get home. Wyatt had left over an hour ago and I sat bored that entire time.

  I hear footsteps behind me and looked out the corner of my eye making sure Emma was catching up.

  I began walking a little faster until I felt pulled back by my arm. “Breigh…”<
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  His voice rang through my ears like a shrieking siren I didn't want to hear ever again, not ever.


  I pulled my arm back, not letting him think he had control of the situation. That was where we always got into trouble; I had let him think he was more powerful than me.

  “You are a creep, Alan. Y’all are through!” Emma chimed in.

  “Emma, I have it under control. Just get in the truck,” I told her, as if I was scolding a child.

  She agreed with an eye roll.

  “Are you following me?” I ask, stopping in front of my truck.

  “I already had plans to be here when Roxe was playing. I just happened to see you and the guy you were dancing with.”

  “So? Is there a point to this conversation? We aren't together, and haven't been in a while, so what does it matter to you what I’m doing?”

  I stood still taking him in. This was the man I was in love with previously, and had so much hope that later turned into hate. But now when I looked at him, I didn’t see anything; I didn’t feel anything. The feelings that I was feeling for Wyatt already seemed so much stronger than what I had with Alan even toward the end. That was sad…

  God has a plan. I had prayed for us to work out, but in the end it concluded for a reason.

  Alan began to move toward my face with his lips.

  I immediately pushed him away, enraged that he had the nerve to make a move on me. “What in the hell are you doing? You are not kissing me. We’re over. I already told you that.”

  “You looked so good tonight, it made me miss you. I want you back. I think I made a big mistake.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You think you made a big mistake?” I laughed with an evil snarl. “You only want me because we’re over. You saw me with someone else and that makes my stock go up. Otherwise, it’s not worth a crap.”


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