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FLIRT Page 7

by Penny Wylder

  “I think I do too,” I say, breathless and aroused.

  He doesn’t feast on me. Instead, his tongue dances over my clit, light and teasing. It makes me raise my hips to him, wordlessly seeking more. He doesn’t give it to me, taking his time. Slow licks and gentle sucks driving me to the brink of madness. Suddenly I’m there, my orgasm rising like a bright star ready to explode. “I need to come.”

  “That’s not a question,” he says.

  “Please?” I ask. “Can I please come?”

  I feel him smile against my skin. “No.” I go still with shock. When he said he wanted me to ask permission, for some reason it didn’t actually occur to me that he might say no. I thought the asking and the granting would be enough. “I like the way you taste,” he says, licking my clit. “I want to enjoy it a little bit more.”

  And so I hold on, squirming and biting my lip as he uses his mouth on me until I can’t take it anymore. “Thomas, please,” I beg.

  “You can come,” he says, sealing his mouth over my clit. Light rockets through my body, heat and pleasure heating up my limbs. For a few glorious seconds, I’m on fire with pleasure and then it’s gone and I’m left gasping.

  “Holy shit,” I say.

  Thomas is over me again, and he kisses me. I can taste myself on his lips and tongue, and that’s erotic as hell. I love it. I didn’t notice him sheathing himself in a condom, but he has, and he thrusts into me in one brutal stroke. I’m so warmed up that I can take him, and I cry out at the feeling. My body is ready to go, and that sweet friction already has me approaching another orgasm, but I’m not close enough to ask. Not yet. He’s fucking me harder than he has before, our foreheads pressed together as I hold on to his shoulders. Every stroke goes deep, striking that spot deep inside that sends off bursts of light behind my eyelids.

  I force my eyes open, and he’s looking at me. He’s right with me in the pleasure, and I’m panting, moaning, struggling to breathe through it all. “Please can I come?” I plea.


  This one doesn’t explode. It’s a deep, shuddering orgasm that moves through me silently and powerfully. My mouth is open in a silent scream, and Thomas kisses me through it. I flood onto his cock, and he moves faster, harder, and another orgasm is coming. It’s insane, and this is the one that’s going to make me scream. I can feel it, the way it’s building. “Thomas,” I say… “Oh god. I need to—please.”

  “No.” He’s just as breathless as I am. “We’re going to go together.”

  Grinding down onto my clit he sends me even higher, and I dig my fingers into his shoulders. “Please,” I’m begging now, because I don’t think I can hold on. It’s too much.

  Thomas closes his eyes. “Now.”

  He thrusts in again, and I am a supernova. I am made of light and heat and pleasure and I feel him come with me, both of our voices combining. I’m blind, all senses rendered obsolete in the face of this complete pleasure. The universe shrinks to just this—one eternal moment.

  When I become aware again I’m gasping, heaving in breaths, and Thomas is doing the same. He’s on top of me still, resting close, elbow propped beside me so I’m not entirely crushed by his weight. But I like the heaviness of him. It makes me feel grounded. Safe. With everything that’s going on, that’s a hard feeling to find.

  My exhaustion from the day is catching up with me. “I’m going to fall asleep,” I say. “I’m sorry.”

  Thomas’s weight lifts off me for a second, and then he’s back beside me, lifting me up and pulling us both under the covers of the bed. “I don’t mind.”

  The last thing I feel are his lips on my forehead.


  “Do you think I’m using you?” I ask sleepily.

  I slept for a while and then I woke up again to Thomas’s arms around me. We’re lounging in his bed. I’m still utterly spent, but I’m enjoying relaxing with him.

  “What?” his voice seems surprised, and I feel his body go tense beside me.

  “I took my car to the shop today, and I ran into your brother. I kind of forgot about it, so I forgot to tell you. But he told me that I shouldn’t manipulate you to get what I want. I wanted to know if that’s what you thought I’ve been doing. With you.”

  He turns a little more toward me. “That first night, it crossed my mind. But after that, no. I mean, there’s no doubt that being with you has changed my thinking about the bakery. But unlike Sam, I’m not sure that’s a bad thing.”

  “Okay,” I say. I feel exposed. Open. “I wouldn’t want you to think that. The past few days…they’ve meant more to me than I think you know.”

  He leans down and presses a kiss to my lips. It’s soft and deep, and makes things flutter in my stomach and chest. “I know,” he whispers.

  “What am I going to do if I can’t show improvement in the bakery?” I ask. “I hate to bring it up, but it’s all I can think about.”

  “Really?” he smiles. “Clearly I have to work harder while fucking you.”

  I laugh. “You know what I mean.”

  “I do. It’s going to be okay,” he says. “I’ve been thinking, and the bakery isn’t going to be repossessed. I promise.”

  “You promise?”

  A kiss on my cheek. “I swear.” A kiss on my forehead. “I vow.” A kiss on my mouth. “I pledge. It won’t be repossessed. I’m not going to ruin your father’s future.”

  I sink into him, hiding my face so he doesn’t see the way my eyes are tearing up in relief. “Thank you.”

  He pulls a condom from the drawer and slides it on. We don’t move, we stay as we are, on our sides, facing each other. This time it’s incredibly slow. It’s hard to tell where we separate, and we build together to the end. I don’t ask permission and he doesn’t give it. It just happens, together. Perfectly in sync. We fall asleep still tangled together.

  Thomas was right, having my car back is so much easier. Even though I about killed him when I arrived to pick it up and found that he had already paid for the repairs. He claimed since they were his fault it was only fair, and then he kissed me until I didn’t have the energy to argue.

  It’s been a few days since we spent the night together, but our texting hasn’t stopped. Sometimes sexy, sometimes sweet. I love it. I like knowing that whatever is happening, he’ll be there sooner or later in my back pocket, and he’ll always manage to make me smile. But this morning he hasn’t texted me yet. I shoot him a quick good morning text before I hop into my car. Today is a big day. It’s the day before the loan payment is due, and today is the day that we’re supposed to have news about the loan terms. I’m hoping that’s the reason why he hasn’t texted me. That he’s in meetings trying to get this fixed.

  I turn on a cheery pop station on the way there and bop to the music. Today is the happiest I’ve been in a long time, because hopefully this will be over. I don’t really want to think about how going back to New York will affect Thomas and me. I’m going to cross that bridge when I come to it.

  Turning the corner, my entire world is upside down. Giant machines surround the bakery, and I pull into the parking lot just in time to see a wrecking ball smash through the wall that was the office. No. No. This can’t be happening. I slam the car into park and jump out. The machines are so loud I can’t hear myself think, but I’m screaming. “Hey! Stop!” I sprint toward the building, hoping that I can get there in time to stop them from knocking the whole building down. “Stop!”

  Arms catch me from behind and I struggle. “No, let me go!”

  “Rose, stop.” It’s Thomas.

  I shove him away from me. “Stop this,” I shout at him.

  “I can’t.”

  The ground plummets from beneath me and I sway. I might fall down. This was all a ploy. Just another one of the Logans’ games. Get me into bed and break my heart just like Samuel. “You lied.”

  He shakes his head. “I didn’t. I told you the bakery wouldn’t be repossessed.”

  “You’re a mo
nster!” I scream at him. “You used me. Tricked me into hoping that this could work out so that you could collect your money and ruin my family for good.” There are furious, heartbroken tears streaming down my face now. “I was stupid to think that you had a good heart. I should have known. You’re just as awful as the rest of your family.”

  I can see that I’ve hurt him. That he feels it. But then it’s gone, a cool mask in its place. There’s one last crash as the last of the bakery comes tumbling down, and then it’s eerily quiet. There’s a small, cruel smile on his face. “I did say I liked how real you are. Honest to a fault. I guess I should have been honest and not surprised you like this. But since you think so little of me, I’ll go.”

  Thomas looks down at his phone and types something. My phone almost immediately buzzes with a text, and then he leaves. He doesn’t look back as he gets in his car and drives away. I try to wipe the tears off my face, but they keep coming. I tried so hard to keep this from happening, and when I couldn’t do it, I trusted him. I should have known. You never trust a Logan. Ever.

  I look down on my phone and see the text from him. It’s an address across town. What does that even mean? He said he was going to surprise me. Might as well see what horrifying thing he has in store before the day can get any worse. Get it over with in one swoop.

  The closer I get to the address, the more suspicious I become. This is the nice part of town. The part of town that my family could never afford in a million years and that the Logans own most of. The address is a shopping center, and there, on the corner in a prime spot, is another machine. This one lifting a sign onto a marquis that says Lola’s Bakery. I almost crash my car again. I see my dad and my sister standing by the store and park in the first space I can find. I go sprinting across the parking lot and nearly get hit by a couple of cars before I stop panting in front of the building. They both turn to me.

  “Isn’t this amazing?” Fiona asks.

  “What did you have to do to make this happen?” Dad asks, and I can only stare at them.

  I shake my head. “I didn’t do this. I have no idea what’s going on.”

  “How is that possible?” Fiona is staring at the store in disbelief. “You were all over this.”

  “Thomas came to the bakery yesterday with new paperwork,” my dad says. “He asked if I’d move to this new location so I’d have a better chance at paying off the loan under the new extension they gave me. I wanted to tell you, but they wanted to keep it secret till they could get it set up. But Rose,” my dad looks at me, “I assumed you already knew. Aren’t you and Thomas together? I thought he would have told you.”

  Everything clicks into place, and a wave of shame washes over me. Thomas really did keep his word, he made everything perfect. Better than perfect, and he wanted to surprise me. But I jumped the gun. “We were,” I say, “but when I saw the old bakery being demolished, I thought he’d gone back on his word.” I look down at the ground because I can’t meet their eyes. “It doesn’t matter. I said some really terrible things to him, and I don’t think there’s any coming back from that. You don’t have anything to worry about.” I look at Fiona. I lean over and hug my father. “This is really great, Dad. I’m so happy for you. I just need some time.”

  “I’ll see you at home,” he says softly. His voice is all compassion, but he can’t hide his happiness, and I don’t want to spoil his day.

  I head back to my car, and I have absolutely no idea how to feel. How can everything be so perfect and so ruined at the same time? I hear footsteps behind me and turn. It’s Fiona, running after me. “Rose, wait.”

  I stop, but I look away from her. If she’s going to congratulate me on not being with Thomas anymore I’m really not in the mood to hear it. I’m really not.

  She stops for a second, catching her breath. “So I was a bitch.”

  “Not going to deny that one.”

  “I was already regretting what I said by the time I got home, and Dad set me straight even further. My issues with Sam have nothing to do with you and Thomas. I don’t know Thomas. He did this, and I know he did it for you, so he can’t be that bad. It was wrong for me to try to keep you guys apart because of my crap. I’m not going to do that anymore.”

  Tears well up in my eyes and I pull her in for a hug. “Thank you, but I think it’s already too late. I fucked up this morning, and I know that I hurt him.”

  She hugs me back, shaking me a little. “It’s not too late. It’s not. All you have to do is talk to him. It will be enough.”

  An idea pops into my head. “Talking alone might not be enough, but I do have an idea.”

  Fiona smiles. “Go get him, sister.”


  After making a brief stop at my house, I drive to Thomas’s apartment. I know he’s there because I see his fancy sports car in the garage. In the building, I buzz his floor. There’s no answer, but I’m not giving up. I buzz again. And again. I’m relentless, until finally the elevator door opens, the button for the penthouse already selected.

  Thomas greets me at the elevator door. His shirt is undone and hanging open, and he has a glass of what might be whiskey in one hand. “Here to add insult to injury?” he asks, taking a sip from the drink.

  “Thomas,” I say. “Can I come in?”

  He shrugs, and walks away. I follow him.

  “I’m so sorry,” I say. “I know that doesn’t really help. It won’t for a while, probably. I can make excuse after excuse for why I reacted the way I did, but it won’t make the apology any better.”

  He sits down on the sofa. “Try me.”

  I put down my bag and come to stand in front of him. “I’m the rescuer. I’ve done it my whole life with my dad and my sister. I’m used to being in charge and knowing everything. Surprises usually mean that the worst has happened. And after that, I’m used to being let down. And so after all this time I was expecting it. I was ready for you to let me down, because I was scared of the alternative.”

  Thomas had been looking out the window, but his eyes snap to me now. “What’s the alternative?”

  I take a deep breath, because I’m not used to saying things like this out loud. “I was terrified that I’d fall in love with you. Because of what happened to my sister. Falling in love with a Logan was the last thing I wanted to do. But I already have, and the idea of losing you is worse than any of the feelings I was afraid of.”

  He looks stunned, but not angry. Time for my master plan. I unbutton my jeans and start to take them off.

  “What are you doing?” Thomas asks.

  “I want to show you something.” I stopped at home to put on the sexiest underwear that I brought with me—crimson and silver that make me feel sexy even when I know that no one is going to see them. I strip my shirt over my head and I see Thomas’s eyes go dark as he takes me in. I see his pants tighten. “I know you like how real I am, and I promise that I’ll always be that girl. But the real me loves sexy underwear. Those boy shorts you saw are my lazy underwear, and I was actually embarrassed to show them to you.”

  “This is the kind of underwear you wear every day?”

  “Every goddamn day,” I say. “I hope you can live with that.”

  Thomas starts laughing. Soft at first, and then a huge roar of laughter that fills up the apartment. He stands up and pulls me against him. “I think I can learn to deal with that.” And then he kisses me. I’m blown away. Stunned. This kiss isn’t like any of our others, and just like his pool skills, I think he’s been holding back.

  “So you love me, huh?”

  “Shut up,” I say against his chest.

  His smile fades and I don’t think I’ve ever seen this look from him before. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him so serious. His eyebrows merge and the skin between his eyes gather. He holds the sides of my head and tilts it so that our eyes meet. “I’m going to let you in on a little secret,” he says.

  “Yeah? What’s that?”

  “I’ve always loved you.”

/>   Wait, what? Did I just hear him right? “What?”

  “It started as a crush when we were kids, but that night, when we kissed, I knew you were it for me. When I didn’t hear from you again, I was wrecked. I haven’t been in a solid relationship since because no one else measured up. Then when I heard you were back in town … It was my second chance and now that I have you, I’m never going to let you going. I’m going to spend the rest of my life making you happy. I love you Rose Monroe.”

  I can barely breathe past the lump in my throat. My eyes ache with unshed tears.

  “Prove it,” I tell him, my words as shaky as my entire body.

  He kisses me hard, his fingers tangled in my hair, lips devouring mine. This kiss feels different. It feels like a pledge, a promise. It feels like the proof of his feelings for me.

  His hand slips down between my legs. Fingers snake beneath the waistband of my panties, teasing my clit. He enters me with two fingers at first, and then squeezes in a third. It’s a tight fit, but it feels incredible.

  He properly finger-fucks me until I’m whimpering, moaning into his mouth. God I missed this. The idea of losing sex with Thomas was almost terrible as the idea of losing him.

  “I want you inside of me,” I say against his lips.

  He leaves, disappearing into the hall. When he comes back, he’s holding a condom.

  Once we are both completely naked, he lays me on the couch and takes a

  ent to admire my body. “This is a view I could never get sick of,” he says, and rolls the condom onto his rigid cock.


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