Always Been Mine: A Single Mom Office Romance

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Always Been Mine: A Single Mom Office Romance Page 5

by Weston Parker

  I drove the Cobra to the office as usual, and when I came in late, Greyson was waiting behind my desk, on my phone. For a split second, I thought it was Allison who’d called, but then he looked up at me. “Gotta go, sweetheart. I’ll see you tonight.”

  “Sweetheart?” I’d never heard him use such a tender term of endearment before.

  “Hey, it’s called charm. Get some. And while you’re at it, buy a fucking alarm clock.” He had his usual “cat that ate the canary” look and was impeccably dressed.

  “I have one, and before you forget, I’m David DeVant. You know, the one whose name is on the sign out front?” I hated to bust his chops about it too much, seeing as he was the only thing holding my company together since my father died, but luckily, he was paid well enough for the titles to not make a fucking difference.

  “Oh, right. But your father used to tell me I was the son he never had.” He flashed me a wink. It was probably true.

  “Ouch. Speaking of my father, I grabbed a box of his ties from his house. I figured you, me, and Blaine might like one for luck.”

  “That would be cool, man. Thanks. He had great taste in ties.”

  “Yeah, the old man was a smart dresser, amongst other things. We were at his place yesterday, going through his things. You should stop by sometime. You might like a painting or something. We’re not sure what to do with most of it. Dad wasn’t much into the finer things, despite his wealth, but clothes and art, he was a connoisseur.”

  “The man liked what he liked. How’d that go, anyway? I can’t imagine going through my parents’ things.”

  “It’s nostalgic. But the best part was when I ran into my old neighbor, Allison. She’s supposed to call in, actually. I’m going to give her an interview to be my assistant.”

  “Oh, yeah. Allison from across the street, right? Funny, I didn’t know you were interviewing for an assistant.” He gave a little chuckle and then rose from my chair to give it up to me. “She must be looking good these days.”

  I sat in my chair and kicked back. “A knockout as always. Man, I was so in love with her. You know, we were each other’s firsts when we were in high school. I thought right then that I was going to marry her someday. That’s how much it fucked me up.”

  “Damn. What happened?”

  “Things changed. I think we were both just insecure. Then I went into the Air Force, and she still had to finish school.”

  He shook his head and gave me a pitiful look. “Damn, sounds like she was your great white buffalo, my friend.”

  “My what?”

  His look of pity turned into an eye roll. “You know, the one that got away? But it sounds like you’re hoping to make things happen; creating a job and everything for her. What rich men won’t do, right?”

  “No, she’s a nice girl and a good friend. She told me she’s working down at Marjorie’s. You know, the old diner across town from the old neighborhood?” Everyone in our suburb knew about Marjorie’s.

  “Yeah, I remember. They had the best milkshakes and fries.” He closed his eyes like he could taste them.

  “Yeah, but you should have seen her face when she told me, and she just graduated. She’s got a degree in business she should be putting to use. She’d be perfect for a little PR work. She’s smart, beautiful, has a great sense of humor, and she’s like family.”

  “You’re in love with this girl.” He belted out a laugh. “I love it.”

  “I don’t know. She’s got this kid, and she’s great, but I’m sure there’s a man in the picture. A husband or boyfriend. There’s no way she’s single.”

  “Did you come onto her?” He put his hands up like it was the most obvious solution.

  “Her kid was there, so I had to keep it turned down a notch, but I did a little eye-fucking. God, she’s fucking hot.” I adjusted in my chair, and Greyson gave me the side eye.

  “Call her. Set something up.” He got to his feet and headed for the door. “I’ll just give you a little privacy.” He gave me a sly grin as he pulled the door closed.

  I hit call next to her number and waited as the phone rang, but there was no answer. I decided to leave a message and told her to call, but all that did was put me in a waiting game I had no patience for.

  I spent some time working, but every so often, I’d check my phone. It hit me that she might call the office line, so I went out to the front to the receptionist’s desk.

  “Has anyone called for me about an interview?”

  “I’m sorry, Mr. DeVant, but no. I wasn’t aware that there was a position available. I have a friend named Sarah who’s looking for a job. Is it okay if I tell her to apply?”

  “This is kind of a personal position, so I’m not really considering just anybody, but tell your friend to keep trying.” I turned and hurried the hell out of there, hoping that no one would flip out on me for showing favoritism in my own company. I didn’t need the drama.

  I could already tell that I was going to drive myself nuts over her, and I needed to know if I even still had a chance. If she were married or seeing someone, I could still offer her the position, but at least I could cool my jets a bit.

  I dialed Missy’s number, and she answered with a smile in her voice. “Hey, little brother, how’s it going?”

  “I’m a mess. Do you know what a big goof I am?”

  “Yes, I do, actually, but I’m surprised you’re admitting it.”

  “What do you know about Allison? Like is she married?”

  “She’s divorced, actually. You remember that guy she dated a little, kind of an off and on thing when you were too busy daydreaming about jets and soaring the skies?”

  “Fuck. You don’t mean Doug Simon? That asshole?”

  “Yeah, well if you’d wanted her, she’d have waited for you.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Please, I told you how much she talked to me about you. Did you think I was kidding? She was in love with you. She wanted to have your babies and the picket fence dream house. Trust me, she would have waited.”

  “So, the girl? She belongs to that guy?” I couldn’t wrap my head around how such a jackwagon could create such a gorgeous child. Then it occurred to me. The blond guy who was screaming at Allison. The man had been Doug. If I had known the situation, I’d have gone over and punched his fucking teeth in. And if he talked to her that way, then how did he treat his daughter? My blood started to boil as if I had some right to be protective over Allison and Sierra.

  “Yeah, that’s her father. If you ask me, I think you should ask her out.”

  “Thanks, Miss. I’ll call you later.”

  “Keep me updated.” With that, her end of the phone went dead, and I sank in my office chair.

  After lunch, which I’d spent talking to my sister and waiting by the phone, I figured she must be working at the diner. I could imagine that old lady Marjorie wasn’t going to let her waitresses use their cell phones on the job. Since I hadn’t eaten, I decided to drive out and see if those fries and shakes were still as good as they used to be.

  On the way, I couldn’t help but think about our last time together. I’d been away at basic training and hadn’t been home for what felt like ages, so I missed her terribly. She’d written me a few letters, but nothing serious. When I came back and found out that she wanted to go to her senior prom, but she didn’t have a date, I decided to ask her.

  I’d worn my uniform, and her dress had been beautiful on her, but most of my memory had been of her naked after, the two of us lying together as one, my cock buried deep and thrusting. We’d only been going to the dance as friends. I’d thought I’d come back for her, but I hated to ask her to wait. It wasn’t fair, but maybe I should have said something, at least. I’d tried to call her a few times after that, but not soon enough. She’d already moved on. After so many years, I focused on other dreams, but all of those were gone now, too.

  But she was back, and I couldn’t let her get away again.

  Chapter 8 />

  Katrina and I walked circles around each other when our shifts lined up, and it was like we were engaged in some kind of ritual dance as we worked our tables, refilling glasses, taking orders, and delivering them.

  “You two are doing great,” Marjorie said. She’d just popped in to make sure things were running smoothly. “I’ve never seen anyone work in such an efficient way before. Now if you two could just do it without all of the personal chatter, that would be even better.” She elbowed the old man next to her at the bar, and both shared a chuckle at our expense.

  “No way,” said Katrina. “The idle chatter is our fuel, Ms. Marj. Besides, we get better tips when we put on a show.” She wiped beneath Marjorie’s coffee cup and passed her a coaster. Then she crossed the room to refill a glass at the table next to where I’d just finished taking a man’s order.

  As soon as the pad hit my apron, she continued our conversation. “So, how’d your weekend go?” She’d spent the entire morning telling me about hers and the near close encounter she’d had with her landlord.

  “Same old. Doug got Sierra, showed his ass, then dropped her off early at my parents’ house.”

  “You went there again? Another movie night?” She gave me a pathetic look. “You should have called.”

  “I did, but apparently, you were earning your rent.” I gave her a wink, and she blushed.

  “I said it was a near encounter, and it’s gross, right? He’s like twenty years older than me. But he’s hot; don’t get me wrong.”

  “Oh, I hear you loud and clear, discount city.”

  The man at the table nearest to us chuckled, and she stuck her tongue out at him. “Look, mama’s girl, we’re talking about your weekend now, not mine.”

  I figured it was a good time to tell her about David as she followed me to the back, the both of us putting in orders. “David and his sister were at their family estate. They’re going through the stuff in the house, probably getting ready to sell it. I didn’t ask.”

  “David, the Airman, David?”

  “Yes, the one I went to prom with.”

  She leaned against the counter and gave me a sidelong look. “Yeah, I remember him. He’s the rich kid, the one you banged prom night. I was around, remember.” The cooks cleared their throats to let us know they could hear every word, and I gave her a pointed look. “Oh please, you have a kid. They know you’re not a virgin, Allison.”

  “Right.” I rolled my eyes and continued out of the kitchen with the order. She followed, but I turned to give her a warning glare.

  “These people don’t want to hear about my sex life, so could you please tone it down?” I turned and placed the man’s order down, and he met my eyes with a smile.

  “I’m not opposed to hearing it.” He looked at Katrina and shrugged.

  “You eat your waffles. Here’s some syrup.” I slammed the syrup down a little too hard and turned and looked around. The place was settling down, and I could, too.

  I went to wipe off tables and refill napkin holders, always making sure to keep busy, especially with Marjorie around. Luckily, the old woman was entertaining her gentleman friend and hadn’t looked up to see us both looming around the same area, so we could chat.

  “What’s bugging you today?” Katrina asked. “Did something happen with David?”

  “Well, for one, I’m just hoping to make it through my shift without Sierra’s teacher calling to tell me she’s bitten someone else.”

  “She’s usually so good.”

  “She’s a charmer. You should have seen her with David yesterday. She was flirty and giggly. It was really cute. She held his hand and really opened up to him. It was the kind of moment I’ve been wishing she’d have with her father since the day she was born.”

  “That asshole doesn’t appreciate her. Maybe you should keep David around if he does.”

  “Yeah, well, that rich boy, as you call him, is like a multi-millionaire or something. His father’s company was worth over a billion when he died, and now, he runs the company.

  “Damn, boy’s doing good for himself. All the more reason to give him a call.”

  “Well, that’s the thing. He is supposed to call me. I’m setting up an interview with him, and I didn’t know how to tell you. I know you like me being here, and we’re a great team, but I have to think about my little girl.”

  “Yeah, and you have a degree you need to put to work. Look, I’m not naïve, Allie. I know you’re not going to do this forever, and with any luck, neither will I. So, don’t sweat it.” She looked over my shoulder and narrowed her eyes.

  “So, does David look the same?”

  “Yeah, but he’s matured, so he’s hotter, more rugged.”

  She leaned in over my shoulder. “Tattoos? Short-trimmed beard. Fuck me eyes? Panty-dropping body?”

  “Yes, how’d you know?” A split-second later, she had me by the shoulders and spun me around.

  “Lucky guess.” She walked away as David sat in a booth across the room.

  “David?” I walked across the room and took out my pad and pen. “What are you doing here?”

  “It’s late, I know, but I was in the area and thought I’d have a bite of lunch.”

  “Did DeVant build another office around here?” Or had he gone out of his way to see me?

  “Okay, so maybe I’m a little out of my way, but I am hungry, and since you’re not answering your phone, I thought I’d stop in and kill two birds.”

  “What can I get you to eat?” He looked like he was used to eating healthy foods, but then he’d always had a hot body.

  “Bacon burger, extra bacon, and how about some of those famous fries and a chocolate milkshake?”

  My eyes widened as I wrote it on the pad. It wasn’t at all what I had expected, but it was a diner and not a health food store.

  “I’ll get that.” The ticket was snatched from my hands, and Katrina gave me a shrug. “It’s your break time, honey. Take a load off.”

  David looked at Katrina as she walked away, and he smiled. “She hasn’t changed a bit.”

  “No, she’ll never change.” I sat down, and when Katrina came back with his milkshake, she had two.

  I gave her a pointed look. “This one’s on me.” She winked and scampered away.

  I turned to see David’s eyes on me, trailing down my body and lingering on my breasts. I warmed inside and wished that his eyes were his lips and we were alone. I took out my phone and turned up the volume a little.

  “I didn’t know if your boss allowed those or not, but you didn’t answer.”

  “She’s okay with it as long as we don’t stay on them. I must have forgotten to turn it back up. But at least the school didn’t call. Just you. What did you want?”

  “I want you,” He cleared his throat, and I shifted in my seat as a lick of heat coursed through my body and tightened my nipples beneath my blouse. “I want you to come and work for me.”

  “But I thought I’d have to interview.” I had thought it would be a whole process of me showing my resume and hoping I’d beat out other applicants.

  “Well, that’s the beauty of being the man in charge; I can do whatever I want, and I want to do you.” His cheeks reddened beneath the beard. “That came out all wrong. I mean, I want you to come work for me.”

  I wanted to tell him I was fine either way, but it was nice to see that he was still the same guy he used to be, with a great sense of humor and never taking himself too seriously.

  “I’d love that. I’m off tomorrow, so I can come in, and we’ll talk. I’m not sure what I’ll do about this.” I turned my head and looked over my shoulder. “I hate to leave them in a bind, but I’ll talk to Marjorie after we talk.” They’d done me a huge favor in hiring me and had never given me hell about taking off for my daughter.

  “Sounds great. Can I ask something personal? I’m just curious, is all, and you can tell me to butt out if you want.”

  I took a deep breath and nodd
ed. “Sure, ask away.” The man was giving me a job and about to change my life for the better.

  “Why were you thinking the school might call? It sounds like there’s been some trouble?” His eyebrows were pulled up with concern.

  “Oh, that.” I thought he was going to ask something about me. “I guess my daughter made an impression on you.”

  “She’s something special, for sure.” He chuckled. “But if it’s odd—”

  “No! Not at all. Like you said, we’re old friends” I took a deep breath and thought of how to explain without making her sound like a delinquent. “Let’s just say, she made her impression on a little boy at school last week.”

  His eyes lit. “A boy? At her age? No way, I’d have none of that. You’re going to have to lock her in a room when she’s fifteen.”

  “Yeah, and by impression, I mean, she bit him. On the shoulder. During free reading time.”

  He laughed and sipped his milkshake, then licked his lips. “Remember when me and Tony from down the street would ride our bikes in front of your house as fast as we could, and you’d throw dirt at us?”

  I couldn’t have been more than six or seven. “I remember that, and I did it for the same reason. I wanted your attention. You didn’t even slow down to notice me.” I smiled at the thought. I’d been a little shit at times.

  “She’s like her mother in more ways than looks, huh?” We shared a laugh.

  “You could say that.” I thought of how Sierra said the little boy had black hair and blue eyes and remembered David and how he’d looked. The memory brought a smile to my face, and I looked down to my milkshake and took a sip as he did the same.

  Katrina brought his burger, and he cut it in half and offered me a piece. Instead, I opted to steal a fry and dipped it in my shake.

  “That’s what I’m going to do,” he said, doing the same. My body stirred deep inside my core as he put the fry in his mouth and nibbled.


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