Always Been Mine: A Single Mom Office Romance

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Always Been Mine: A Single Mom Office Romance Page 19

by Weston Parker

  “I’ve got a surprise for you, Daddy.” His eyes flashed as I called him by his favorite title. “I quit taking the pill four days ago.”

  “That’s fucking hot, baby. Tell me you want me to put a baby inside of you.” He kissed my neck as I repeated the words.

  “I want you to put a baby inside of me, David.” He pumped his hips harder in response, and I felt my walls clench on his cock as I came hard.

  “That’s my girl. You’re my best girl, aren’t you baby.” He kissed my mouth and then pulled away.

  “You know I am.” I moved off the table and turned my back to him, the hem of my skirt slipping back down to cover me.

  He raised it up and slapped my ass, and I leaned forward over the table and turned back to look at him as he stepped forward and pressed his cock against my tender, pulsing slit.

  We’d had to be quiet for months with a little one in the house, and though my parents had offered to keep Sierra overnight a few times, she hadn’t wanted to stay with them but preferred her new room instead.

  “I need it hard. Make me scream?” I wiggled my ass against him, pushing myself back on his cock. He gripped my ass and thrust hard and deep, slapping my ass as he pounded me, my breasts banging against the table, right at the head of the table where no other man would ever sit.

  He kept at it, relentlessly pounding me through two more orgasms. He reached around and rubbed my clit, holding me tight against him as he whispered in my ear. “I’m going to fill you up so deep. Tell me you want it, baby.”

  “I want it,” I cried out, the emotion and passion of the moment stealing my breath.

  He thrust a few more times, crying out my name. Once he’d spilled inside of me, he kissed my shoulder and spun me around. “That was so hot I’m so glad we had time alone.”

  I righted my clothes and felt like such a naughty girl when I saw my lipstick on the table where my mouth had been pressed to it. I’d leave it there hopefully for him to find the next time he held a meeting, along with the clear indication of my handprints.

  “I’ve needed it. I love our daughter, but I need to be loud at times.”

  “Maybe we’ll go away together soon, just the two of us.” He kissed me and took my arm, leading me out of the room and to the elevator.

  “I’d like that, but for now I guess we should get to dinner. If you’re done here?” I smiled and straightened my lipstick in my reflection of the metal doors.

  “I’m never done with you.” He winked.

  We made it to Missy’s house on time, and I was surprised to see my parents had beaten us there with Sierra. “Mama! Daddy!” Sierra ran from the front steps and dove into her father’s arms. She was a daddy’s girl all the way, and I loved to watch the two of them together.

  We went inside, and I was happy to see Greyson had accepted his invitation and Katrina was there as well, which was a little suspicious. “I thought you’d like to have your friends and family here for the special occasion.

  “Of course. It was so sweet of Missy to host.” His sister had gone above and beyond, and with the renovations going on at our place, she’d agreed to have our friends and family at her house to make for one huge DeVant celebration.

  Dinner was served an hour after our arrival, and though I tried to help Missy set the table, no one would let me lift a finger. “I feel like I should be doing something.”

  “You are. You’re keeping me company.” David gave me a little smirk, and I had the sneaking suspicion that he was up to something.

  After we were served, Sierra asked us all to say what we were thankful for.

  Greyson, who’d recently gotten back from his paid vacation was thankful he’d had a little time off from holding David’s hand. Katrina, who’d finally left the diner to open up her own cafe, was thankful for the friendly investors. Blaine, who’d gone through a miraculous recovery from drugs and alcohol, was thankful to have a full year of sobriety under his belt and his sister and her family back in his life.

  We went around the room, enjoying our dinner as we shared. I was thankful for my wonderful family, and being able to spend more time at home with Sierra since my boss was the most wonderful man in the world, and that’s when it was his turn, and he stood to his feet and cleared his throat.

  “A year ago, I really ticked this beautiful lady off. I figured that this year, I better do something really nice and make it up to her.” The others laughed, and my mother patted my hand across Sierra who sat between us.

  “So, I’d like to take this time, in front of our family and friends to ask her a very important question.” He paused and reached into his jacket pocket where he pulled out a small, Tiffany blue box. The ladies around the table all made a sound, and the men chuckled. “I let this one get away from me years ago. It was the biggest regret of my life. I knew that if I ever found her, I’d never let that happen again. Now, I’d planned on asking her several times, but it just never was the right time, and I don’t know if this is the right time or not either, but I just don’t think I could wait for a more special time than here today in front of all the people we care about.”

  He turned to me and dropped to one knee. “Allison, you’re the only woman for me. I’ve loved you since you were a gangly girl with a Kool-Aid mustache and more elbows and knees than anyone should have. You’ve given me more in the last year than I ever thought I’d have. A daughter, a home, a family of my own. Would you do me the honor of being my wife and making me the happiest man alive?”

  The room fell quiet as I wiped my tears and tried to catch my breath.

  “Say yes, Mama,” Sierra whispered next to me.

  The other’s laughed as I pressed myself against him, giving him my answer. “Yes!”

  The room erupted with cheers and laughter and after another moment of congratulations and polishing off another glass of wine, we slipped out onto the heated patio, and he pulled me into his arms. “Are you happy?”

  “Of course, I am. It took you long enough.” I kissed his mouth, letting my lips linger on his slow and languidly.

  “Yeah, I know. It’s been a hell of a year, hasn’t it?”

  “Yes. I hope things settle down next year. With work and everything.”

  “They will.” He nodded across the room at Greyson who walked past the door with Katrina who seemed to have him locked into a deep conversation. “Careful what you wish for. I’ll be around a lot more.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’m giving the CEO position to Greyson after the new year. I’ll stay on the board of course, and I’ll still have ownership, but it’s time to give him what my father never would. He’s earned it.”

  “Does he know?” Looking across the room at Greyson, he seemed oblivious.

  “Not a clue. I didn’t want anything to eclipse our proposal.” He kissed the tip of my nose and smiled. “You okay with calling me Mister Bigstuff even if I’m not in charge anymore?”

  I laughed. “You’re always in charge with me.” I pressed my hips forward. “And you’re big enough that I’ll call you anything you want if you let me pet him.”

  His turned to laugh. “Are you asking me that, woman? I’m yours forever, Allie. Touch, tug, take anything you want, baby. Anything.”

  “I just want you.” I molded myself against his strong chest as my heart swelled with a love I knew wouldn’t quit.

  “You got me. Forever.” He pulled me close, and we shared a tender kiss. The day was perfect with family and friends, and memories that we’d never forget.



  I managed to be well enough to go to Sierra’s play on the last night. I’d hated missing all of the other performances, but David had told me about each one, and he beamed when talking about Sierra’s part.

  I couldn’t wait to see it for myself, and as she took the stage, lifting her little voice through the entire solo, David held my hand, squeezing it tight. When she was done, we both stood and clapped like idiots, and then he h
anded me a tissue for my tears.

  “We made an amazing child, didn’t we?” I’d been so super emotional, and though I was still a tad dizzy from being sick, I managed to not get sick through the entire play. But once it was over, and we’d shuffled through the crowd, the motion hit me, and I had to excuse myself.

  I finished up in the stall and stepped out to fix my makeup in the mirror and splash cool water on my face. I’d have to grab some medicine. Something that would stop the sinus pressure from making me so sick.

  I walked out, and David took my arm. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, but I need to stop by the pharmacy. My head’s stuffy.”

  Just then, Sierra came from changing out of her costume and held her teacher’s hand who led her through the crowd.

  “Hello, Mr. DeVant. Mrs. DeVant.” I made no move to correct her, and David gave me a knowing smile.

  “Ms. Caine. It’s good to see you again. It looks like things were a success.” David gave her a warm smile and handed Sierra a huge bouquet of roses for her performance.

  “Yes, thanks to you. That donation you made was more than enough to help with the event.” I had no idea he’d given a donation.

  “Glad I could help.”

  “Your husband is a very special man.” She gave him a pat on the back, and his smile widened then she excused herself and headed off into the crowd.


  “Yeah, they needed a few things for the production.”

  “You’re amazing. Thank you for taking care of us.” There wasn’t anything he wouldn’t do for his girls or anyone in need, and it made me special to belong to such a great guy.

  We got in the car, and he took my hand. “She called you Mrs. DeVant.” He gave me a wink. “I can’t wait to hear it all the time.”

  “Don’t forget to stop at the pharmacy.”

  “Are you still sick, Mama?” Sierra’s little voice was full of concern from the backseat where she was nearly invisible behind her roses. I glanced back and found her peeking around them at me.

  “Just feeling queasy, baby. Nothing to worry about.” We pulled up at the pharmacy, and I ran inside alone. I’d planned on just taking a moment, but when I read the back of the box, and it mentioned pregnancy, I wondered what I’d been putting in my body and panic washed over me. What if I’d taken something that could hurt a baby? Should I be concerned? Surely, I’d know. I suddenly felt sick again, but not in the same way. I looked all over the store and finally found the right aisle. I grabbed a test just to be sure and then went back to find a safer medication.

  “That took a bit long. Did you get sick again?”

  “No, just wanted to get the right stuff for my symptoms.” I didn’t want to let Sierra know about my suspicions, and I didn’t want his hopes up either, so I kept the purchase of the test to myself.

  When we got home, I tucked Sierra in, and while David went into full story-time mode, I slipped into the bathroom to read the instructions for the test. I opted for the cup option knowing I’d probably piss all over my hand. David came in as I paced the small room and waited the two minutes it needed.

  “Are you still sick?” His eyes widened as he glanced over and saw the test. “Holy shit. Is that what I think it is?” He looked into the cup. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “I didn’t want Sierra to overhear, and if I’m not, I didn’t want to disappoint you.”

  “We’ve only been trying for a few weeks.” Despite the fact that we’d never used protection, I’d only recently stopped taking the pill.

  The timer on my phone sounded. “It’s time.”

  He had the stick out and looked at it before I could finish my words. “What’s the pink line mean?”

  “It’s pink?” I grabbed the stick from him and looked at the indicator.

  “Yes, for the love of God, what does it mean?” He grabbed the instructions, and I fell against him.

  “It means it’s positive. We’re going to have a baby!” He lifted me off my feet and spun me around so fast, my arm hit the cup and spilled it into the sink.

  “That was a close one.” I turned on the faucet as he kissed my breasts.

  “I’m so fucking turned on, right now.” He met my eyes with a smoldering look.

  I felt it too. The level of our excitement and the fact that he hadn’t touched me in days for my being sick, had me craving him. He turned off the faucet and picked me up, carrying me to the bed as he made love to my mouth.

  “We did it, baby.” He ran his hands up my thighs and then finally rested it flat against my flat tummy.

  “Better enjoy this figure while you can.”

  “It’s already given me a daughter, and you couldn’t get any hotter, baby.” He dipped down between my legs and pressed his mouth against my panties.

  A moment later, his thumbs slipped in my elastic, and he pulled my panties down, so he could lick my slit. He nibbled and sucked on my clit and then rose up and met my eyes. “You know I’m going to be extra gentle with you, right? No more rough stuff.” He gave me an apologetic look.

  “I won’t break. And besides, I might not be so gentle with you.” He stood and pulled off his pants, freeing his thick erection which jutted proudly from his hips. He had a cocky grin too, and I knew he was feeling larger than life.

  “It’s not an argument, Allison.” He gave me a scolding look.

  “Then don’t argue.” I gripped his cock and pulled it hard toward me, and his breath hitched as I took it into my mouth.

  “Okay, maybe I’ll allow rough, gaggy head.”

  I pulled away and gave him a wicked grin. “I’m going to ride you rough too; I’m sure you won’t complain.”

  “As long as you’re in control and know your limits.” His head fell back as I took him deeper, swirling my tongue and licking his veiny shaft.

  “You want me in control?” I slapped his ass and then gripped it tightly as I took him back into my mouth.

  “Mm. It’s certainly tempting.”

  I stood, turning his back to the bed and resting my hand against his chest. My eyes bore into his, and I didn’t break a smile, not even when he did. Instead, I pushed him back, his ass hitting the bed as I climbed up on the bed and straddled his cock.

  I centered his tip at my entrance and lowered myself, hard and fast, and I cried out as his thick base stretched my pussy to its limits.

  “Fuck, baby.”

  “Mhm. You might think I will break, but I know what this body is capable of, and you’re going to give me just what I want and how I want it.” His eyes widened. He was a strong man and had never experienced me being assertive in the bedroom.

  “Yes, ma’am.” His eyes lit with a smile. “Tell me what you want, baby.”

  “Hard and fast. Don’t be gentle. At least not until I’m a little further along.”

  “Fine. But I’m asking the doctor about it.”

  “Go ahead; I know just what she’ll say.” It was going to be different with me experiencing things for the second time compared to his first.

  He gripped my ass and held me still as he pumped his hips up hard and fast, his thick cock hitting my sensitive spots and making me pulse around him.

  “You’re going to make me come,” I cried.

  “That’s the point, baby.” He rose up and captured my nipple in his teeth, and then he bit hard as I came, clasping his hand over my mouth to muffle the scream of ecstasy.

  He lifted me up and carried me over to the dresser, and thrust his hips steady, working me in a sensual rhythm that rocked everything on its surface. After my candleholder fell to the carpet, he brought me against the wall, my back hitting the surface harder than I think he’d intended. But I didn’t complain. He was giving me just what I wanted. He finally hitched me up against him and carried me back to the bathroom where he balanced me on the counter as he reached over and turned on the shower.

  “Don’t drop me.” I held on tight, and he put me on my feet.

  “I w
ant your hands on the tile.” He slapped my ass as I stepped into the shower. “We’re going to see just how much you can take.” He stepped up behind me as I placed my hands on the tile and glanced over my shoulder.

  “Like this?” I tilted my ass upward, and he got on his knees to worship it, slipping a finger into my throbbing pussy while he rim-jobbed my tight star.

  “Just like that, baby.” He stood and pulled his fingers free, replacing them with his cock.

  “Now that we’ve made a baby, I can take that load anywhere you want to put it.”

  “You dirty girl. Where do you want it?” He pushed his cock deeper and continued to thrust.

  “I do love to taste you, Mr. DeVant.”

  “Then I’m going to feed you this hot, heavy load.” His voice was so sensual in my ear, and I came again on his cock, and he moaned. “That’s right, come all over it first.”

  He pumped his hips and rutted deep, then he pulled free and spun me around. I hit my knees hard, but it was worth the facial he gave me before I took the rest of his load in my throat.

  “Fuck.” He was breathless and collapsed to his knees with me, kissing my mouth and moaning. “You wear me out.”

  “If you think I’m going to wear you out, just wait until you’re busy taking care of an infant. Late nights, dirty diapers, endless crying.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  “Me too. You know what I was thinking?”

  “That you want round two?”

  “Well, that, and that I really liked it when the teacher called us Mr. and Mrs. DeVant.”

  “That was pretty hot, wasn’t it?”

  “Yeah, and I don’t think I want to wait until Valentine’s Day. Let’s get married next week; New Year’s Eve. We’re not having a huge wedding anyway, and honestly, I don’t feel like going through a whole production. We can still do pink and red for Sierra, but let’s just have something simple with our closest friends and family.”

  “Anything you want.” He kissed my cheek.

  I smiled and waggled my brows. “Let’s get dried off and go wake up Sierra. I can’t wait to tell her.”


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