Kaneohe, Hawaii, 34–38, 69, 89, 109, 120–21, 125, 137, 141–42, 225, 233
Kauai Island, Hawaii, 5, 11, 25, 31, 44, 96, 103, 110, 167–68, 233, 265
Kauai Monk Seal Team, 8–9, 265
Kaumalapau Harbor, 44
Kaunakakai town/wharf (Molokai, HI), 44–51, 57–58, 68, 107, 126, 143, 154, 167–68, 177, 226, 244–46
Ka‘upu, Kahu David, 67–68
Kendall, Cynthia, 227–31
Kendall, Traci, 65, 112, 177, 264
and KP2’s pool/enclosure, 102–3, 190–91
and KP2’s return to Hawaii, 209, 258, 260
and metabolic experiments, 152–57, 160
moves KP2 to lab, 72, 76, 78–81, 83–84
position at Long Marine Lab, 15–16, 26–27, 108, 124
skills of, 15, 27, 78–79, 90–91
studies KP2, 254–55
trains KP2, 94–96, 107–9, 115–17, 125–26, 128, 136–37, 139–40, 173, 180–86, 227–28
trains sea otters, 123, 136–37
and Weddell seals, 15–18
Kewalo Basin (Hawaii), 45
Kewalo Research Facility (Hawaii), 28, 34, 94, 126, 156, 193
abandonment of, 10–11, 38, 96, 167, 200, 206–7, 230
attacked by male seal, 6–8, 10–11, 207
becomes an adult, 59, 135–36
behavior of, 34, 105, 113–15, 141–44, 156, 160, 184–85, 191–92
birth/first days of, 5–11, 37, 60, 96, 103, 110, 198, 200, 207, 229
blood samples taken from, 112–17
celebrity of, 25–26, 48–49, 51, 58–59, 88–92, 96, 175, 178–79
communicates with scientist, 203–5
costs relating to, 189, 193–95, 197–98
curiosity of, 242, 250
description of, 30, 37, 47, 76, 96, 98–99, 104, 106–7, 135, 181, 259
early life with humans, 27–31, 40–43, 50, 59–61, 67, 193, 211, 228
eating habits of, 38–39, 47, 96–98, 115–17, 135, 139–40, 142, 154, 171
fat layer of, 37, 105, 172–73, 180
final return to Hawaii, 250–53, 257–60, 264–66
and Hawaiian blessings, 67–69, 178, 259–60
Hawaiian name of, 61, 85, 178, 187, 205, 239, 251
hunts for fish, 38–42, 44, 96, 109, 125, 141, 225–26, 254
importance of, 40, 88, 95, 131, 187, 254, 264
independence of, 41
intelligence of, 39, 115, 140, 142–44, 253–54
and metabolic experiments, 136, 144, 151–63, 165, 171, 180, 190, 254
movements tracked, 43–44, 76
names of, 25, 72, 85, 120, 178
navigation skills of, 47, 49, 141–42
need for human company, 107–9, 136–37, 140, 152, 159, 184, 190, 193, 258
as ocean ambassador, 178, 205, 239, 241–42, 247–51, 253, 260–61, 264–66
and other seals, 44, 183
poor eyesight of, 34, 37, 41–42, 60, 68–69, 106–7, 113, 130–31, 140–43, 173, 203, 225–31
quarantined, 93–95, 101, 106, 112, 115, 120
refuses to eat, 96–99, 106, 108–9, 180–81, 183–84, 259
rehabilitation of, 26, 28–31, 34, 37, 42, 46, 50, 156
release into wild, 30–31, 34, 41–44, 46, 49–50, 60, 225–26, 229–30, 253
rescue of, 25, 44, 95, 167, 174–75, 177
sensory cues of, 106–7, 109, 113, 140–42, 226, 231
study of, 56–57, 60, 88, 104–6, 126, 131–32, 135, 172–73, 178, 249, 254–55
swimming of, 31, 37–39, 41, 126
teenage behavior of, 181–86
and toys/games, 104–6, 125–26, 131–32, 135, 141, 143, 242, 244, 258
trainers of, 103–4, 108–9
training of, 136–37, 139–44, 152–53, 156–58, 180, 185, 204, 253
uniqueness of, 38–40, 261
vocalizations of, 55–56, 81–82, 181, 183, 204
Web site of, 241 (See also Facebook)
weighing of, 47, 96–99, 253
See also RK22 (KP2’s mother)
kuleana, 260–61
Lagoon MINEX 2009, 70
Lanai Island, Hawaii, 44, 167, 257
LeBoeuf, Burney, 182
Levine, Gregg, 28, 115
Littnan, Charles, 168–69, 172
Long Marine Lab, University of California (Santa Cruz)
animals in, 77, 93–94, 121–24, 128, 140, 144, 180, 182, 194, 258
and budget cuts, 193–95
and expense of housing KP2, 189, 193–95, 197
and fundraising, 194, 197–98, 205–6, 243, 264
and Hawaiians, 250
KP2 moved to, 51–54, 56–57, 60–61, 69, 71–73, 75–85, 89, 92, 210
KP2’s pool/enclosure in, 84–85, 102–4, 106–9, 120, 124–26, 130–32, 190–93, 195, 230–31
and KP2’s poor eyesight, 225–28
purpose/studies of, 88, 93
trainers of, 15–16, 21, 26–27, 95
See also trainers’ names
Lono (Molokai musician), 187, 248
Los Angeles, 75, 77, 80, 82
“Mac and KP2” video, 48–49
Madani, Laurie, 245
Maka‘iwi (monk seal), 186–87
Maka‘onaona (seal), 264
Marine Mammal Commission, 51, 69, 194
Marine Mammal Program, 70
marine mammals
abandonment of, 22
ancestors of, 213–14
eating habits of, 98, 137, 172
and fat layer, 163, 172–73, 175
independence of, 29
instincts of, 140, 150
intelligence of, 35, 145–46, 154
intestines of, 162–63
as manifestations of nature, 179
man’s relationship with, 217
migration of, 21, 161
and nutrient transfer, 221–22
rehabilitation of, 77, 122
released into the wild, 122–23
saving of, 88–89
stranding of, 9–10, 26, 78, 161, 170, 179, 211
streamlined bodies of, 37
study of, 22–24, 51–53, 87–88, 91, 93, 123–24, 157
transport of, 69–72, 77, 82–83, 95
vocalizations of, 155, 181–83, 204
weighing of, 97–98
See also trainers
marine reserves, 168–69, 219–20, 254. See also Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument
Maui Island, Hawaii, 167, 171, 238–39, 257
McCaughan, Sri, 243–44
McChord 446th Airlift Wing division, 70–72
McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, 14, 20
McMurdo Station, Antarctica, 13–16, 20–21, 25, 33, 53–54
media, the, 25–26, 48–49, 58–59, 88–89, 91–92, 94, 96, 126, 175, 177–79, 186–87, 249. See also specific newspapers, TV stations
Mediterranean monk seal, 212–19, 222, 254
Mediterranean Sea, 214–16, 218
Mehana (Hawaiian chanter), 205–6
metabolic experiments, 136, 144, 151–60, 165, 171, 180, 190, 254
Midazolam, 115–17
Middle East Technical University, 218
Molokai Community Service Council, 251
Molokai Dispatch, 173–74, 177–78
Molokai Island, Hawaii, 46, 92–93, 96, 171, 257
and beach cleanup, 244–47
children of, 45, 47–49, 58, 61, 68–69, 126, 178, 246, 252–53
home to KP2, 42–51, 53, 76, 98
/> home to monk seals, 43–44, 167
KP2 removed from, 57–61, 63, 67–69, 107
and KP2’s Facebook page, 177–78, 211
KP2’s return to, 177, 186–87, 189–90, 239, 244–45, 259–60
and protests over KP2, 25, 50–51, 58–59
monk seals
ancient lineage of, 212–18, 223
and body heat, 105–6
monk seals (cont.)
caloric needs of, 136, 144, 152, 158, 161, 165, 167, 171, 173
and competition for food, 169–70, 213
curiosity of, 125, 238, 242
eating habits of, 161, 199, 254
eyes of, 228–29
fat layer of, 105–6, 180, 199
and fatherhood, 28–29
as “fish farmers,” 222–23, 225
fragile population of, 48, 53, 78, 127–28, 130–31, 206–7, 216, 238, 263
growth/development of, 135–36, 144, 167, 171, 180, 254
and humans in Hawaii, 249
hunting/exploitation of, 78, 215–17, 220
independence of, 29, 42, 140
instincts of, 144
killing of, 51, 175–76, 212
and male aggression, 6–7, 56, 207, 265
as manifestations of nature, 179
and marine pollution, 238–39, 242–44
milestones of, 30
naming of, 29, 215
opposition to, 165, 167–68, 170–72, 174, 212, 251–52
rehabilitation of, 42
saving of, 23, 95, 126, 128, 131–32, 139, 203–5, 211
sex ratio of, 206–7
shallow-water hunting of, 229
stranding of, 170
study of, 22–24, 52, 56–57, 104, 126, 131, 135–37, 158–61, 264
survival of, 11, 23, 48, 78, 151–52, 159–61, 163, 166, 208, 216, 250, 256
territory of, 21–22
translocation of, 251–52, 264
transport of, 95
unique attributes of, 144, 152, 161–63, 199–200, 217–19, 223, 229
vocalization of, 181
and warm waters, 152, 158, 160–61, 163, 173, 213–14, 226, 254
See also Mediterranean monk seal
Monterey Bay, 125, 136, 176, 243, 246–47
Monterey Bay Aquarium, 77, 122–23
Moore, Nate, 124, 190–92
Morgan (sea otter), 77, 122–23, 136–37, 153, 194, 264
motherhood, of monk seals, 5–11, 28–29, 31, 43, 98, 160, 167–68, 198–200, 206–8, 229–30, 265–66
Mount Madonna School (Watsonville, CA), 243–46, 248
Multimix milk supplement, 29–30
Naki, Leimana, 168
National Geographic Crittercam, 169
National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), 5, 155
Caribbean monk seal and, 126–27
KP2 and, 22, 27, 46–50, 67, 88, 91, 130–31, 179, 184
and KP2’s return to Hawaii, 190, 206, 210–11, 244–45, 259
and monk seals, 52, 171, 221, 249, 252, 264
offices of, 9–10, 22, 179
relocates KP2 to mainland, 50–52, 71–72
and studies of KP2, 43–44, 76
National Marine Fisheries Service Pacific Islands Regional Office (NMFS-PIRO), 9–10, 44
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), 8–9, 46–51, 58–59, 67–68, 71, 126–27, 131, 168, 179, 186, 251–52
National Science Foundation, 14
Nature, 149
Naval Air Station North Island (Coronado, CA), 72
New Caledonia, 69–71
Niihau Island, Hawaii, 220–21, 264
Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, 167–70, 206, 225, 231–32, 251–52, 263–64
Nuka‘au (monk seal), 56, 60, 253
Oahu Island, Hawaii, 138, 190, 206
and beach cleanup, 245
and blessing of KP2, 67–68
and dolphins, 21, 35–36, 119
home to monk seals, 167, 171, 186, 211
and KP2, 11, 28, 34, 47, 57–58, 70, 253, 259
and marine mammal stranding, 9
and protests over KP2, 25
See also Sea Life Park; Waikiki Aquarium
exploitation, 215
noise, 93, 124, 155, 178
politics, 9, 23, 52
preservation, 261
resources, 165, 219
temperatures, 160–61, 213
Office of Protected Resources (OPR), 22–23, 50, 52, 91
Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC), 10, 28, 168
Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, 168–69
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), 62
phytoplankton, 221–22
pinnipeds, 6–7, 23, 52, 76, 89, 102, 106, 126, 152, 159, 216
plastics, 238–39, 241–43, 246–48, 252
and big mammals, 87–88
and KP2’s Facebook page, 178, 241
and marine mammals, 231–33, 237–39, 248, 263–64
and monk seals, 78, 127, 242–44, 248
and sea otters, 243–44
and Worldwide Waste Reduction Day, 244–48
See also beach cleanup
Polynesians, 214–15
predators, 38, 169–70, 174, 213–15, 229
Primo and Puka (dolphins), 35–36, 77, 114, 121–22, 146–50, 153, 173, 183, 185, 194, 204, 233, 258
Proceedings of the Royal Society, 222
Richter, Beau, 57–58, 65, 95, 107–8, 264
forges bond with KP2, 137, 159, 253
on KP2’s early life, 25, 33–34
and KP2’s pool/enclosure, 102, 124–25, 190–92
and KP2’s return to Hawaii, 258, 260
and metabolic experiments, 153–60
moves KP2 to lab, 67, 72, 75–76, 79–80, 83–84
and owl monkeys, 97–98
position at Long Marine Lab, 15, 21, 26, 124
skills of, 26–27, 97–98, 156
studies KP2, 249, 254–55
trains dolphins, 119, 145
trains KP2, 94, 96–98, 113–16, 119–20, 136–37, 139–44, 156, 173, 180–81, 227
and Weddell seals, 15–21
Ritte, Loretta, 249–52
Ritte, Walter, 51, 58–59, 68–69, 85, 173–74, 189–90, 248–52
RK06 (female monk seal), 168
RK22 (KP2’s mother), 5–11, 28, 109–10, 167, 198, 206–8, 230, 265–66
Robinson, Keith, 220–21, 264
Ross Island, Antarctica, 21
San Diego, California, 69, 75, 128
Santa Cruz, California, 24, 72, 77–79, 84–85, 88, 101–2, 105, 115, 117, 120, 126, 178, 190, 239, 243–47, 264. See also Long Marine Lab, University of California; University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC)
Save Our Shores (Monterey Bay, CA), 246
Schofield, David, 9–11, 44, 49, 59–60, 67–68, 179, 244–45, 259
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 193
science, 56, 60, 69, 177
and animal antics, 137
“big mammal,” 87–88
and KP2, 139–40, 143–44, 150, 152–53
scientists, 43–44, 89, 131, 168–71, 177–78
Sea Life Park (Oahu, HI), 50–51, 189–90, 211
sea lions, 6, 22, 82, 157, 230
body heat of, 106
killing of, 175–76
at Long Marine Lab, 93–94
and marine pollution, 232, 238–39
of, 42
stranding of, 26, 175
study of, 52, 113
training of, 76, 204
sea otters, 7, 63, 82
and Exxon Valdez oil spill, 53, 232–33, 242
intelligence of, 39, 145
at Long Marine Lab, 77, 87–88, 93–94, 112, 122–24, 140, 258
and marine pollution, 243–44
study of, 87–88, 124, 243
training of, 26, 76, 79, 123, 136–37, 153
seals, 9, 230
Antarctic, 5, 102
Arctic hooded, 198
Baikal, 198
elephant, 26, 93, 113, 182–83
fur, 129–30, 239
harbor, 26, 29, 48, 93, 105, 113, 123, 163, 247
harp, 129–30
hunting of/exploitation of, 129–30, 215–17
intelligence of, 145
mating calls of, 182–83
and nutrient transfer, 221
phocid, 6, 38, 107, 113, 152, 183, 198–99, 204
stranding of, 26, 179
study of, 39, 52, 87, 93–94, 104, 126
tropical, 152, 158, 173
See also monk seals; Weddell seals
SeaWorld, 51, 125, 128–29, 230
Shackleton, Ernest, 15
Shaquille O’Seal, 13–19
sharks, 127, 169–70, 174, 207, 213–14, 220–22, 239
Shouka (killer whale), 154–55
Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (Vallejo, CA), 154
Skidmore, Jennifer, 22, 25, 33, 50, 52–53, 69, 92, 210–11, 225
Skrovan, Randolph, 102–3
Sloan, Amy, 52–53, 69, 91–92, 206, 210–11, 225
squid, 229, 234, 237–38
Survival Physiology, 56
Tethys Sea, 212–14
Todd, Frank, 128–29
Toth, Ingrid, 50–51, 143
trainers, 15, 21, 26–27, 76, 78–79, 89–91, 96, 103–5, 114, 136–37, 155–57, 173. See also specific names
trust (hilina‘i), 137, 253, 258, 264
Turkey, 212, 217–19
ultrasound technology, 172–73
ulua fish (jacks), 169–70
Underwater Research Society’s Mediterranean Seal Research Group, 218
University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC), 15, 21, 27, 84–85, 111–12, 175, 178–79, 182, 193–95, 264. See also Long Marine Lab, University of California
University of Hawaii, 97, 190
U.S. Coast Guard, 11, 39, 42–43, 57, 102, 120, 257, 259
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), 72
U.S. government, 43, 57. See also specific agencies
U.S. Marine Corps Base Hawaii (MCBH), 34–39
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